Are these red flags?

Girlfriends come and girlfriends go but your daughter is yours always. Her welfare is also your responsibility. Your girlfriend is not a good parent or partner. Leave.

This post is so blatantly about abuse it strikes me as not real. Report her if this is a real post….

Giant RED Flags. I was stressed reading this. Relationship over.

Run. Too many red flags. Find someone who works as a partner and finding mutual ground without the guilt.

Sounds like you’ve made a habit of collecting red flags … do you want your daughter growing up just like that? Because kids are sponges and esentially what your teaching her I left my toxic ex because I didn’t want my son thinking that’s how you treat a women unfortunately I stayed too long (6.5 years) and he did pick up some of it and has fa respect for me he’s 11 and almost as tall as me going to take a while to undo the damage my relationship had on him and it’s already been a year

Move , your child should always come first

Let her take the highway, she is not good for your daughter

If you feel you have tried to speak to your girlfriend on many different occasions then it seems as though she isn’t willing to have good communication with you. And communication is key in a relationship. Add to that she refuses to see things your way, or attempt to understand your opinions on how you wish to raise your daughter. Then ask yourself, is this really what you want for the rest of your life? Because what it ultimately comes down to, is not what everyone else in these comments are saying. It’s how you feel personally. Do you want to stay with this woman in what clearly is a toxic relationship for another month…another year… 5 more years… the rest of your life? You stated you don’t know if leaving her is the right decision, well ask yourself is staying with this woman the right one? Are you honestly saying that you will be okay if you stay in this relationship/situation any longer? If not then you have your answer. Yes is walking away difficult? It very well could be one of the hardest things you feel you ever have to do… or it could be the balm on your broken heart. You stated " I’m asking all this to try and make myself feel not so crazy and feeling the way I feel" tell me, if you take one giant step back from your relationship and take everything you just said, but switch your name out with your daughters name. Tell me then what would you do or say for your daughter if she was in your position? Someone who feels everything as strongly about things as you do should never have to feel like their emotions are too much, or need to be quelled. If that were the case. You would cease to be yourself.

Put your child first. Pack your bags and leave her. She is not a good mother for your daughter.

First rule… ONLY RULE… follow your mom instinct. YOUR DAUGHTER COMES FIRST! PERIOD.

Pack your bags and leave, your child should always come first

Dump her, bad energy for you and your child.

Leave now , she is obviously jealous of your daughter and not much of a parent to want you to leave your child in a locked car

She’s controlling. Get out before she hurts someone.

I thought you said, that you would “always” put your daughter first? If that is so, then what is the point of your question? Your g/f is abusive…huge red flags! She does not have your daughter’s best interests in mind, nor yours. You don’t say “oops” with a child. If your g/f has that mindset, and has shared it with you…imagine what could happen if she is alone with her?
What if YOU had not been with her at the store that evening? She would probably have left your daughter in the car…
You cannot fix her! You can however, protect your daughter. I have been there…I was the 31 y/o, with your heart, and all the red flags…my daughter’s mama was the 21 y/o waving the red flags that I didn’t pay attention to, until my daughter was 2 1/2.

This person isn’t even a friend to you. You are correct you have nothing in common especially when it comes to your daughter. Your daughter is the love of your life

run Run RUN!!! Don’t waste another minute.
Your daughter should always be your first priority.

You shouldn’t even need advice here. It’s so obvious. Take your baby and leave. Now.

Your the Mom protect your child. Get rid of this bully!!

RED FLAG No child should be spanked

Leave, will only get worse, maybe not but won’t get better, thinknof you and your child

Run, don’t walk to get out now. Children need a lot of supervision at 2,

She’s controlling and manipulative, RUN… :pray:t2::purple_heart:

This is so obviously slanted and geared to showcase the yes of the writer vs the wrong of the other. Geez.

Close that door! No one should have to tell you!

I’m not reading no more leave NOW!!!

Leave her,the 31 yr old,if U can’t do better than that then Ur in bad shape.Make the rt decision now!!!

You owe it to your daughter to leave NOW!

Dump your gf…always choose in your daughter’s best interest…before the damage is done

Please - don’t hit your children

Do you even have to ask? In your heart you know what the right answer is. Do it ASAP

Leave the relationship get advice from a lawyer firstly

She’s a narcissist. Get out while you can.

Het a true father…(male)

Leave now. You owe it to YOUR daughter.

Get away from her. Definately not a good role model or mother material. Dis u ever wonder if she has left your daughter in the care while she went into a store since she suggested it? 2 years together, im betting she has.

Run as fast as you can. This is toxic abuse

Complete Red Flags for a multitude of reasons. You already know the answer if you need to ask. Run.

She’s not the person 4 you at all, she’s very selfish & u need 2 do things 4 your daughter that’s the most important thing right now she’s still little & needs 2 learn so much more. Go find another place & b free of your misery, when u put your mind to it u can achieve it. Believe in yourself!!

Sorry but it’s time to go your own way with your daughter. Your daughter ALWAYS comes first and if she don’t know that then she never will and you will always have problems. And if you always feel unhappy that is not good for you or your daughter there are a lot of others out there that will treat you better like you should be treated.

Children always come first especially when they’re sick kick the bitch to the curb

Send her down the highway​:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Horrible acts of parenting. Poor baby​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::wink::purple_heart:

I only read your first paragraph. After her suggestion of leaving your daughter in the locked car. THATS IT. I’d dump her NOW. YOUR DAUGHTER MUST ALWAYS COME FIRST.

Dump her and pick your kid

She is a narcissist. Run

I think you already know what you need to do…

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Grab your daughter and run

Leave while you still can

And you are still with her?

Your daughter is forever lovers come and go

You need to take your daughter and leave…

If I were you I’d pack my bags and get out off there.

Leave now before it’s to late