Are trampolines safe for 3-year-olds?

My son wants a little trampoline for Christmas - he’s 3. I’m afraid it will hurt his knees jumping all the time, reading on Google it seems fine… any of your littles have one and had complaints about their knees?


My little when she was little, had a trampoline with a standing bar for stretching and strengthening her calves. They bounce as much as their body will tolerate. If really concerned, talk to your kiddos pediatrician. I never had a problem and neight did my kids. Falling off was a bigger issue…

Get the kid a trampoline, it won’t hurt his knees.


My daughter started on our big one when she was able to walk. Great exercise especially during winter if you have it inside. In the summer we put a sprinkler on it and the kids love it.

It’s actually said that a toddler shouldn’t because their brains aren’t full grown and it rattles around in there. That being said, my now 4 year old has been jumping for two years and it hasn’t slowed him down. I don’t let my 13 jump high when the 4 yr old is on there. They mostly wrestle.

Get him one it will not hurt him… It will be good for him

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He’ll be perfectly fine. It won’t hurt him

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My granddaughter has one she loves it

Trampolines are.hilariuos hell love it

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A trampoline is better for their knees than being out running on pavement. It gives pavement doesnt. And they have a great time. My kids had one and never had problems with their knees.

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Jumping is not harmful at all & he’ll sleep like a bomb at night!


My little boy goes for physio and they use a trampoline he’s only 3 it builds there muscles up

Just make sure you get one with the screen


My grand kids had a little I got them for xmas.and, they loved it

Why on earth would it hurt his knees? Is the trampoline made of concrete? No wonder kids these days act like they do wrapped up in bubble wrap by their parents! Let them live a little


My 4 year old and almost 2 year old jumps on a kid trampoline. They love it, no issues.

It won’t hurt his knees… but he will get stitches when he launches off the side and lands on the cement :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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It won’t hurt his knees, it will make his legs very strong. I got one for my little kid from Walmart and it has a bar on it they hold onto while they jump. So cute to watch!

you could always get him a small one until he’s a little bit older


I wouldn’t say it’ll hurt his KNEES so much as break his neck if he falls off and has a bad accident. If you take care of him while he is on it outside then he will be just fine. And yes you should get him one he would love it.

Just google trampoline realated injuries, then you decide.


They have smaller toddler sized ones…

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I agree trampolines are lot of fun but a three-year-old should really be checked on all the time or stay out there with him until he gets used to it another thing make sure you get a screen around the trampoline it usually comes with it there are Springs that hold the trampoline, that’s what you really have to be aware of. Furthermore the spring should be covered over to protect the child from breaking an ankle if he gets wedged in between the Springs other than that it’s a really fun thing and it’s great exercise


My daughter asked for one. He says too many accidents happen especially with multiple kids. So we didnt get one.

That’s when I got mine

Most trampolines actually come with a recommended start age limit of 6yrs however if you’re there supervising then 3 is perfectly safe :slightly_smiling_face:

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Omg get a grip !!! Just buy the bloody trampoline!! Baby’s can have those door frame jumping things so why can’t a 3 year old have a trampoline


Kids are resilient. They aren’t like adults. I’m less worried about his knees as I am of other injuries you can get on a trampoline.

Get a small indoor one to start with.

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Not safe for any age! ER visits prove that!

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Hurt his knees? :rofl: Let that poor kid have some fun

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Talk to your pediatrician about risk for a 3 year old. I have read several articles on children under 5 having broken bones are dislocations in their lower extremities from jumping on trampoline. I did some research because my dad was wanting to get my 4 year old granddaughter one. She won’t be getting one until she is older.

My kids and my grandkids loved.

My son has hurt himself twice and he is 1, nothing serious but I see it as he learnt from it and is more careful also doesn’t want to go on when big kids are over. Just keep your eyes on the little one and everything should be fine. Just remember it’s not a play pen and kid can be stupid. My son still loves the trampoline.

No but kids get bad growing pains at that age and older mine were fine with the trampolines

Start with a toddler trampoline if you unsure then move your way up as the child gets older my four year old has a 10ft trampoline :woman_shrugging:

Is going be ok go buy the trampoline and have some fun with your son :woman_facepalming:

My kid was 1.5 when she got her trampoline, I dont think knees is something u have to worry about! If anything makes them stronger lol :joy:

Jumping is fine. It is that landings that can hurt if they have gotten out of control.

As stated above. in ground trampoline snakes - Google Search

Yes. My daughter stated using one at 1

My kids love theirs :slight_smile:

Go for it. My youngest was jumping at 2 on a big trampoline. Of course with a net around it.

I bought a trampoline for my daughter at 2 but I bought her a small one like 5 foot it made sure that it had a mesh netting around it but yes it’s very safe they will have a freaking blast

My son just turned 4 and been jumping on trampoline since he could walk. He should be fine just make sure he don’t fall off!

My little got one at 2 for Christmas she’s fine and happy

Yup my son got one for his 2nd birthday they’re great :+1:t2:

Pure Fun makes great trampolines for that age group. :blush: Stay away from the Little Tikes one, ours fell apart quickly.

He’ll be absolutely fine. We got a little trampoline with a net around it for my daughter and nephew when they were 2. We upgraded to a big one when they were 3ish and no one has ever complained about their knee’s hurting and during the summer they jump for hours. My nephew prefers it and it’s usually a fight to get them out​:joy::joy:

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My 3 year has one. Has for a year now

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Get the net around it and you should be ok

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I know someone who’s child broke their femur on a trampoline when they were 3 or 4.

Trampolines are the number one item that ER doctors will not have at there house


We have a little one, that is like the size of an exercise ones but it has a handle/bar on it to hold too… a small trampoline is just fine, it’s a great way to release that energy sometimes

My daughter loved hers at 3…now she’s 6and too big for it.

It’s fine and it’s amazing exercise too. A little tikes one , that has the safety net around it is fine.

It’s fine. Cant keep them in a bubble forever


We bought a big one for the backyard for my daughters 2nd birthday and she loves it! She’s 4 now.

We got a 20ft for our 2 and 3 year old. They have an absolute blast and sleep well in the evening :blush:

Jumping is actually very good for their spinal development.

I bought my kids a trampoline for Easter. Their 3 and 5 it’s great! They burn off so much energy as well, no complaints about pain in their knees! I got one with a net so they don’t fall off :rofl:

How do you top giving your little a trampoline at 3. I think at 3 trucks blocks or dolls are more age appropriate.

I’ve had trampolines since the early 90s… the only complaint as kids we had was being jumped off face first into the ground.

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My two year old loves hers! Especially when they have to release their energy. No knee problems

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Make sure it has safety nets. It keeps them active and they get super tired, which means easy bed times

In my opinion they are not safe for anyone to use, I do allow my kids to be on them at all. But they say the ones with the bars are ok

No. The bones of a three year old are too fragile. Very easily broken…

My kids were 2, 3, 5, 5, 8 & 11 when I bought a 14ft enclosed. 3 years ago my daughter 5 at the time broke her arm, bone through the skin. We never took it down or kept the kids off it, we don’t even have a net anymore. Kids are kids, accidents happen but more fun is had then not.


Check with your pediatrician

My daughter has had a small one since the closing of toy r us. We got a small one then. And she was around three when we first got it and she is four. She loves it

You can get them with a netting and padding over the springs.

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“Knee problems “ occur in those of us who have worn out all of the protective cushion between the bones in the knees- your child hasn’t even stopped growing theirs. It’s great for them! I like the one with the bar they can hang onto- less falling

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My 2 year old (and 5 year old) love theirs. I have 2 very very active boys and it helps them get energy out!

Nope. I refuse to get a trampoline. I know lots of people who’s small kids have broken their legs/ankles


My daughter is 3 we just bought the little tikes 3 foot one for xmas, I don’t have any concerns.

My son LOVED his! It had a handle bar for him to hold onto.

It’s a great way for him to get his energy out!

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My daughter has had a small one since before she turned 2 and loves it. As soon as she got it we couldn’t keep her off it

You can get the little indoor one with a bar if you’re concerned. My 3 year old has that and uses it regularly with no problems or injuries.

Years ago I got my 2 yr old one for her bday (I had one growing up and wanted her to have as much fun as I had). . Back then no enclosure so I marked off a big square in center with duct tape she had to stay in. Both my girls grew up cheerleading in jr high, high school and then college. As long as you watch them it’s good exercise in a world filled with kids always on some kind of electronic and never getting out of house. When I have a grandkid I will be getting them one too.

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My daughter has had one since she was 2 and has been fine. My year and a half son gets on it to. Get one with the net.

My boyfriend bought our two year old at the time (he’s three now) a trampoline with a net for his birthday. I wasn’t sold on the ideal at first but he loves it and hasn’t gotten hurt yet (fingers crossed)

For Christmas when my son was 2 his Pawpaw bought him a mini trampoline. It’s like 3 1/2 ft

Get the one from sams with the net and its rwally low to the ground so no latter or anything and there like 100 bucks

My son has had this since 2017 he just turned 4 this month he loves it still goes up to 100lbs and has netting/zip up door

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My kids love theirs! I think it’s a great investment. They jump on it nearly every day… even in the winter!

With a netting I would. It’s great for them. We have a large one for our kids. 11,10 and 5. We’ve had it a few years. Getting them out and playing. They love it.

To young. Not developed enough to be truly safe.

We use trampolines that are in door for ot and pt. It helps with hand eye coronation and counting.

I’m sure it’s fine if you have a safety net. Just don’t leave them unattended and make sure they are just jumping, no tricks until they are older. It’s great excersize!

According to a children’s hospital no child under the age of 6 should use them I’ve looked at multiple articles that say not until their bones are formed (closer puberty) I am not judging anyone for their decision because it’s your choice I’m just sharing an article that maybe help you make your mind up weather it’s something you want to do or not


I got my son a swingset with a small trampoline attached when he was 2 years old he is now almost 4 and never had any issues just supervise any time when on trampoline


My mom bought my 5 year old a big one. She loves it. I have a 2 year old that plays in it but shes skeptical lol but it also has the big net around it :slight_smile:

Our daughter had one at 3 or 4. One Thats low to the ground with the bar they can hold onto. She loved it :slightly_smiling_face:

No they’re the most dangerous pieces of equipment. Ask any orthopedic or ER dr. It’s not the falling so a net doesn’t matter. It’s just jumping incorrectly. It’s not just under the age of 6 either. It’s pretty much any child.


Honestly I don’t think trampolines are ‘safe’ for anyone. I would be less worried about the knees and more worried about him falling off, that’s how most kids get hurt on them. But I think it depends a lot on what kind of kid he is. Like how much do you trust him to follow safety rules about its use :woman_shrugging:


My 1yr and 2yr old play on our trampoline :person_shrugging: it has a net on it so they cant fall off and usually either us or their older sibling is with them.

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A lot better than falling on pavement, children need exercise!


My nephew has this one but in green, they got it for him last year and he just turned 2 in July, and he absolutely loves it and never complains about his knees hurting. It’s a safer one for little ones.

I’m terrified of kids using trampolines. They could fall wrong and snap a bone easily. Adults too.
Can I suggest a bouncy castle? The blow up ones. You can get small ones that are perfect for 2-3 children and they don’t bounce as high as a trampoline.


Think more about his neck if he falls wrong. Friend of mine is paralyzed from falling on his neck. Just saying.