It’s your baby. Dress her how you want to.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are turban hats considered cultural appropriation if a white baby is wearing one?
You know what, it’s YOUR child so dress her as you see fit and don’t worry about anyone else.
I don’t think so… is a trend that I’ve seen in babies now… and I’ve seen it in white babies wearing matching turbans with their dress so adorable!!!
“Cultural appropriation” is the dumbest concept ever. If you like something, wear it/have your baby wear it. If people get offended, who cares? People are always gonna be offended over something. I guess non Hispanic people shouldn’t eat mexican food either then? I mean where does it end?!
I’ve definitely seen a lot of different ethnicities of babies wearing them with bows so I think would be fine but it’s your baby so do what you want.
You’re gonna offend someone…its inevitable… Baby, live your life and dress your baby however YOU deem fit! The only one you need to worry about making happy is YOURSELF!!!
I get the cultural appropriation thing. I too would not want to offend, but I also think folks need to relax. If Janelle Monet can have blond hair, your baby can wear a turban.
No. Turbans date back to ancient Mesopotamia (2350 BC) and have been worn all across the old world the way modern americans wear a knit cap. It doesn’t belong to any one culture.
As a fellow white person worried about this I always go by “If you have to question it, don’t do it”
Do you boo. People who are looking for a reason to get their panties twisted will find one regardless of what you’re doing.
That’s your child, put whatever you want on your child! If you’re offended, that has nothing to do with me!
What’s a turban hat? Tbh it probably is. I mean if you’re white and that’s your religion then go for it, but yeah
Tbh this is best asked for someone who is apart of that culture.
There’s a difference between a head wrap (which is what I’ve been seeing many babies have) and a turban. Turbans are specific to someone’s culture and yes i honestly do believe if you’re wearing it because you think it looks “cute” without taking the time to learn and appreciate said culture and why they wear a turban it’s cultural appropriation.
It is best to ask someone of this culture though.
Tbh I’ve seen it time and time again where people (mainly white people) take from minority cultures but don’t take the time to learn anything about the culture, the style, the history, or the importance of said thing to that culture.
There is a fine line between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation and if you don’t know whether you’re crossing that line or not don’t do it or ask someone of that culture
women used to wear turbans in the 1920’s so why the hell not, as someone said, you’re gonna offend someone just live your life!
just coz they’re offended doesn’t mean it’s wrong! it’s one persons opinion and it’s a, flippin, baby!
if i looked good in one, i’d wear one!
No, its fine, don’t stress.
I don’t think so! They are super adorable I appreciate you thinking like that, I’m the same way. I don’t want to offend anybody neither.
I don’t think so. MANY cultures have head coverings for a number of reasons whether it be religious, or to protect their hair or just to be aesthetically pretty.
You buy it and not steal it, it’s appropriate… Don’t make your brain swell about something that has no ill-intentions. Breathe… If I had a daughter… Oooooh bless her heart. Folks wouldn’t know what culture she is apart of. But they will know that she’s CUUUUUUUTE!!!
Dnt nobody care bout others opinions nobody ask If braids are offensive
Just wear what you want … or dress your baby how you want. Who cares if it offends somebody?
Can we all just live our lives??? No one owns a style. Pay homage to where they originate and keep it moving. If you’re not a culture culture, who cares?
I’m offended that you’re worried about offending people .
Who cares, there will always be someone who doesn’t like what you do. As long as your happy that’s all that matters!
Do what you want, you’re baby and if you think (I do too) that she would look cute in one then get one honestly you can’t do or say fuck all in this day and age anymore!
Dress your baby however you want to, anyone that is offended by what a baby is wearing is the real problem.
Babies wear hats. Especially with bows. It’s your baby.
You put what you want on your baby
The amount of ppl that don’t care IF it offends someone. She asked because she actually respects different cultures! As we ALL should!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are turban hats considered cultural appropriation if a white baby is wearing one?
Would you put a non native in a native headdress ? The answer is yes it’s offensive af .
I don’t think so. Just another accessory for a baby. They aren’t actual turbans and even people of the religions that wear turbans for cultural reasons don’t put them on babies. If you want it you get it. X
Cultural appropriation is such an odd thing to me if nobody is being made fun of. I had to tell my kid he couldn’t dress up like someone he adores and respects, or can’t adopt a fashion or hairstyle, because apparently him doing that is the absolute most disgusting and worst thing to do to that culture or peoples. And please don’t come at me saying that my little kid in a wheelchair is trying to be racist or is wanting to help continue the oppression of that culture when we are talking about dressing up as or adopting something from someone he adores and respects.
I know the exact ones you’re referring to and in my opinion, not cultural appropriation at all. It’s a fashion headdress with no religions background or resemblance
Everything is culture and it’s all appropriated. Wear whatever you want and stop buying into cultural appropriation because it’s flawed. It assumes cultures are 100 percent original. But as history has shown, cultures evolve over time and influence one another. Stated another way, there is no such thing as cultural appropriation because there is no such thing as an original culture. Wear the dread locks, the hats, the feathers WHATEVER you want.
Dress your kids however you feel! Who cares what others think? Until your child is old enough to tell you what they like to wear it is COMPLETLY up to you!
I’m Vietnamese. Dress your kid in a ao dai! Who gives a hell.
Every thing is offensive to someone these days. Dress your kid how you want and keep moving.
Do what you want!!!
It’s offensive for so many reasons. I believe you KNOW WHY. But…this is AMERICA. Do what you want.
Dress your kids how you want. Dress how you want to we live in what is supposed to be a free country with many different cultures. Yes we are going to blend sometimes which is kinda what I think we should be doing. I may be wrong but I would just think of it as just embracing other cultures. And I had a friend who lost all of her hair due to chemotherapy treatments when she had cancer, she couldn’t afford a nice wig so she just bought some head wraps she had a few people talk horrible to her but she was beautiful. And no matter what you do and no matter how good of a person you are somebody will always get offended.
We live in America do as you please.
I love them on baby’s and some are beautiful and added bonus for ladies
undergoing Chemo.
during the war years most of the Wemon wore them
I would worry less about offending people life is to short and just do what makes you happy. If you think it’s beautiful and love the look go for it.
I’m Scottish. So many people of all cultures love to wear the kilt. Im not in the least offended and honestly think its a compliment they want to wear my traditional dress
You dress your baby any way you want . Reasonable people will not be offended by a cute baby…and the rest don’t matter
People are offended too often these days. Dress your baby how you see fit, no matter what you do someone is going to have an issue.
Have a piss and you’ll offend someone these days. Do as you please, regardless!
I didn’t realize turban hats had ever been assigned to any one culture.I’ve seen pictures of beautiful females of all ages,colors, cultures & ethnicities rocking them so why would it be offensive for your daughter to wear one ?
Turban were used way before black or brown people in america decide it was their thing. Ancient ancient human thing it was and human thing it is.
Yes it is about the religion not the colour of your skin.
Ummmm Yess?! They are absolutely appropriation as turbans are worn for religious purposes. You should definitely refrain from making your white baby wear those.
Although, kudos to you for reaching out to make sure you’re not being ignorant!
If you worry about this youre in for it. Parentings hard enough. Worry about more important things.
Who cares if someone is offended.
Who cares if anyone’s offended, your baby . Plus they are super adorable
I don’t think actual turbans ever have bows… You are talking about head wraps. Just put it on your baby it’s fine lol
Put that baby on her little turban she’s going to be adorable
Lordy, you can’t go through your life trying to not offend anyone. Just be a generally good person. You know the motives of your own heart…if you love them and you think your baby will look cute in one, put it on her.
Depends on the person you encounter and the way in which you are using said attire. If you are using it to mock or diminish another’s culture then absolutely yes it’s offensive. However I don’t think the ones with big bows on them are specific to a particular culture, race, or religion.
Ok, I’m old……trying to get a mental picture of what you’re talking about! Anyone care to help an old lady out?
Just throw a baseball cap on her
Dress your child how you like . If anyone is offended, suggest they seek help .
If its for religious reasons, no. If they happen to be mixed and passing and it is done for cultural purposes no. If its being used just for fashion in a situation that otherwise wouldn’tb necessary and no connection outside of that then its more likely the case. If you are not part of the culture or religion a particular garb belongs to, it is best to ask members of that culture.
They are sold in shops now as a cute accessory for babies, I agree they look adorable as they are just like hats but I didn’t put my white babies in them because I didn’t feel it was right to do so for the reasons that you stated.
It don’t matter who wears them if ya like it n it’s comfortable n decent covers body parts then wear n enjoy ;”)
If it’s a girl, no. People do it all the time
As humans have we come this far be be worried about such as this? A baby too!!
The baby will wear it well and I am sure it’s not some ethnic gear you are talking about. Let the precious baby wear it!
Cultural appropriation issue is a problem of the over privileged people who have nothing to complain about other than to get offended on behalf of others.
If the child is comfortable and likes it , then go for it.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are turban hats considered cultural appropriation if a white baby is wearing one?
Wear what makes you feel good!
It’s fine. Just a hat
People will be mad either way just do what you want
Yes. It is. Don’t do it. Please. You’ll just look like a jack @$$.
Looks like the whites are at it again
It’s a baby. In a hat.
Fuck what other people think. Goodness.
It’s a baby in a hat.
Everything is cultural approbation: Cinco De Mayo, St Patrick’s Day, Christmas, even the English language is full of stuff from other languages and culture. So CA is nonsense.
First of all it’s not a hat! Secondly, none of the people who have responded here have the knowledge or right to say it’s not culturally appropriation. Get educated.
She’s half Bajan half English
While we may think of it as just a hat, and harmless, I’ve come to learn that we are normally wrong on that. Ask someone from the culture, but honestly I’ve wondered the same on a few things. And the fact that I have to ask is enough for me to know the answer. Good luck though, I know no harm is meant.
Do whatever makes you happy
It’s a hat. There’s bigger problems
Dress however you want.
I think it’s a baby and a hat. Some people going have opinion s no matter what. I agree they are really cute.
You can never be too careful now a days
Regardless of all these PEOPLE of PALLOR hyping you up that it’s “just a hat” it’s NOT. You have 0 business using one if you don’t share a cultural or religious heritage. PERIOD.
Come at me, PoPs, I’ve got time today.
I wish someone would say something to me about something my kid is wearing. If you’re not buying it, keep your opinion to yourself I’ll dress my kids in whatever I want. Kimono one day, dreads the next. Get over it
Actually the ad says it’s a HAT. And it’s adorable on any baby. It also helps protect the baby’s head and keeps them warm.
Nothing wrong with any baby girl wearing that turban!!!
folk have NO business answering this question. If it’s not your culture, heritage, or religion you aren’t qualified. Stay in your LANE.
If anyone asks tell them to mind their own f*cking business.
Why don’t you talk to actually people who this culture applies too?
So many people love to speak over minorities
Headdress is a more appropriate way to describe it as long as you educate yourself on the culture and don’t use it in a disrespectful manner, you’re good. Cultural appropriation is disrespectful. Wearing it in honor of its beautiful in a respectful manner shows that you appreciate the culture. There is a difference. You’re going to get a lot of different opinions, though. It’s going to be hard to say, “Well. This is right.” Or “this is wrong.”
Girl you better put your baby in that hat if that’s what you want to do… If I had a baby girl I would put her in them bc they cute and I can tell you I wouldn’t care who had an issue with it… If somebody is mad about a baby in a hat they gonna always have a reason to be mad…
I feel like white peoples don’t get to say “it’s just a hat”
Mikaela played outside most of the day. Only drank her juice from her lunch but munched on cereal and blueberries.
They are fine my granddaughter has a couple
If you care about cultural appropriation then ya don’t do it. Unless your baby has ties to that culture. Doesn’t sound like they do though. It’s kind of you to ask and gain knowledge. That was a good move.
It’s YOUR baby. Screw everyone else’s opinion
That whole thing is ridiculous, let people wear whatever they want to, anyone can wear anything it’s just fine