Are turban hats considered cultural appropriation if a white baby is wearing one?

Dress your child how you want to dress your child. Nobody complains when other cultures dress like white Americans


I feel like if you have to ask then you are second guessing and should follow your gut

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I wouldn’t that’s just me , if you want to then do it don’t pay attention to the Karen making a big deal about it . You can also ask someone who’s in that religion


Many cultures wear head/hair wraps for many reasons.

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Ask someone who wears turbans for cultural purposes if they feel it is. I being white cannot answer that.


Every single thing every one of us does/uses/says on a daily basis has origin in one culture or another.
The head wraps are cute, and if you want to put one on your baby, then do it.


You can’t pin point one culture wearing them. It’s not just culture it’s religion and also the functionality are some of the reasons people wear them. Different people wear them for different things.


I think the only person you should ask is a person if that culture. No one outside that culture should or can tell you it’s okay. Specially if they have zero knowledge and zero cares of that culture . I think it’s awesome that you’ve asked and aren’t like some ppl who just do it bc it’s cute


I’m white so I cannot answer your question. It’s definitely interesting how so many white people believe that their opinions matter here. The only thing they’re accomplishing is speaking over and invalidating minorities and their culture.


Not at all. Wear them!

All these “white people” talking about other white people. She asked a question and shared her like for them. People need to stop speaking up for other cultures white or not and appreciate the art in the material being spoken about.


Stop asking white people these questions. Go directly to the source… they are the same ones that will wear an indigenous head dress pretending to dance around a fire…


If you’re not from the cultures that wear it, I feel like your opinion on it is irrelevant. You can’t speak for them and say whether it is or not, or how it makes them feel.


The short answer is yes.

For the history of head wraps look up “Tignon laws”

Black women from all over the diaspora have been ridiculed for wearing head wraps when we are protecting are hair, whether it be coily, kinky, or curly.

Ask yourself if your wh te child needs their hair to be protected. Chances are they don’t.


I wouldn’t have thought this looked like a turban at all if this is what you’re talking about? No one from that culture have I ever seen wearing a hat with bow on it. My sweet girl gets cold and this is a cute way to keep her warm and fashionable, no hidden meaning behind it


This is such an “American” problem. Most other countries love to share their culture and love when people respectfully wear items from their culture. America has made this an issue


If it’s in question, don’t do out.

You’re not harming anyone by what your baby wears…
No matter what they claim lol


Why do you care what other people think. Your child not theirs and for some of you saying it is offensive, get over it.


It’s only an issue if someone makes it an issue. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Do whatever makes you happy. People are gonna get pissed either way… something is always gonna be culture appropriation… or someone is going to consider it that way… fuckem do what’s best for you


My daughter wore them and I never gave it a second thought :sweat_smile: it’s a hat with a bow. No one ever said anything because I never thought that it could have been a turban :rofl::rofl:


why do you think you would offend anyone?? They are head coverings, they are adorable , & if your baby (if that is what or whom you are writing about) wears why, why not !!


The amount of literal bashing from a certain few are ridiculous on here. :roll_eyes:Lord help you. The mom asked if it was alright. She is obviously not wanting to make it disrespectful to the culture. She is acknowledging she thinks it is indeed beautiful even if it is just their clothing she is speaking of. Today’s world is built upon MANY cultures in everywhere. If some of you feel so pressed by possible culture appropriation, please don’t go eat at that Chinese restaurant in your town, don’t you dare dress your kids up as a China doll, pocahontas, or Aladdin. Many people want to share their culture as long as it isn’t being disrespected. Idk fully what I am but I do know I am cherokee so does it make it wrong I want to learn about that part of my family and dress like them or build like them? No. I have also had Mennonite/Amish friends whos families welcomed me openly growing up being friends with their children. Want to know what they did? They showed me and taught me some life skills I know today as an average American that I may have not learned in my own home. They showed me how to make bread, cook, sew, garden, etc at the ripe age of 9-10. I do know it is normal for many kids in their society to know and do all this but I was grateful to have had people show me these bc I didn’t learn it anywhere else at that age. These families would even make me clothing to wear such as their dresses, night gowns. You can wear things of a culture without it being mockery or disrespectful. Also being in America you don’t need permission for anything you or your child wears. Also many people need to realize that small companies like them make hats and other clothing like this and they have ZERO part or relation in the cultures they use to inspire their clothing lines.


Depends on why you are putting the turban on. If you’re making fun of the culture, you’re just gross in general. If it’s a replica of a religious garment, then it’s disrespectful and appropriation. If it’s a protective garment, go for your life. Or better yet, check with the culture in question.


You’re kidding right?


Being from one of the cultures where some people wear turbans on certain occasions or all the times, i don’t care if your baby is wearing a turban hat.
Also this whole CA thing is weird and confusing. Who gets to decide what’s CA and what’s not??
For example, i just said that I’m okay with people wearing these turban hat but some other person might not be okay with this. So, whose opinions matters?


Dress how you want .


I would just stay away from cultural patterns. As a Latinix I were solid colored head coverings, generic layers like stripes or poka
Dots and serape type patterns. I wear them most of the time because iam not supposed to wash my curls often but there are times that mg hair looks crazy on non wash days

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Just stop being so soft


You dress your baby how you see fit. Too many people worry about whether or not they might offend someone. Life’s too short. :blush:


If you choose to put one on your baby that is your business. If someone is offend by it that is their problem. If I like something and want to wear it or put it on my child I am going to do just that.This Business of everyone being offend is nonsense and is getting very old.You can not live your life worrying about people being offended by what you do or say. To thine own self be true.


Put it on. There’s a bow for god sake

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My second granddaughter wore handkerchief bubshkas, never ever wondered if it was inappropriate.


Where what you want. Who cares .::


I believe what you are referring to is more of a headdress than a turban. But if you mean an actual turban than I would not. The symbolize pride and respect, and while they do believe it is open for anyone to wear, it is not to be worn as a fashion piece.


They can be considered cultural appropriation.


Really really sad how some of these comments turned out just AWFUL! THERES ENOUGH GOING ON IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW!!! Doesn’t matter race color or creed. Do better!


You’re gonna have to ask someone from that culture because when you ask a bunch of white people they’re gonna tell you it’s fine even when it’s not. The fact that you’re uncomfortable to begin with means DON’T.


Christ just put one on her she’s a baby.

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As a person who is mixed (black and white) be like Nike and do it…number 1 its cute…number two some babies hardly have hair they need protection from the sun, three I don’t see how anyone would take offense to…i dont get CA


Just let somebody come for a tiny baby who undoubtedly looks ADORABLE in it. :unamused:


I put one on my baby cause it kept her extra warm, and super cute! She is a very pale ginger :wink:

From what you wrote, to me, it seems like you’re talking about these. I dont think those are considered turbans? I may be wrong & if I am I apologize. I’ve seen all different races wear them. I even got one for my daughter, shes white & Puerto Rican. Nobody ever said anything other than it looking cute :woman_shrugging:


Do you mean a bonnet that has a bow on it? Yes these are cute!!


Dear Lord! I had to google it because I had zero idea what it was. I personally don’t like them and would never put it on my daughter but why would this be culture anything?!?!!! Tbh if I like I wear it, if it offends you well that’s too bad… :woman_shrugging:t2:


Lol not the same thing


It’s called a hajad, and I believe that culture might not appreciate it.

You’re talking about a cap with a bow? That’s fine. Even the decorative ones for women are cool, but an actual turban (like a mile of fabric wrapped around the head) no.

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Who cares. If you like it…wear it and dress your baby in it too. I had cancer and lost my hair. Was I not supposed to wear a turban? Please. People are ridiculous. Why cater to that nonsense?


Don’t call it a turban if it is not one.


Wear whatever you want, do your hair however you want……people need to get over themselves. If it makes you feel beautiful or if you think it’s adorable on your baby then you go momma :cherry_blossom::heartpulse::cherry_blossom::heartpulse:


Turbans are worn by many different cultures for many different reasons … if anyone would consider calling it cultural misappropriation tell them to go jump…. On the internet and do some better research


I think the hats you are talking about are mis-advertised. They are more like bonnets rather than turbans. That might help to ease your mind about it maybe if you look at it that way? The fact that you respect the cultural part of the head coverings enough to ask about it is commendable I think. Is it appropriation? Maybe a little, will you get heckled about it? Nah. Theyre cute little hats made to protect a baby’s head, get one in every color :wink: shooot
Ps. Every culture and race has some sort of history if using head coverings, religious our culturally or style, research some, it’ll make you feel better.


These are what my cousin bought. Its just a hat with a bow

Don’t listen to what people say now days. If you like it then do it. No one has the right to tell you otherwise.

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It’s a Free country at the moment and anyone can wear anything they like.


Girl, babies can wear whatever they want! Exhibit a) my beautiful (Caucasian) Baby in a turban

Ita not racist, its cute!


I’m sure nobody would mind if you put a turban on your baby

My 4 year old daughter actually would only wear these types of hats while going through chemo. She was losing her hair and we tried to protect what little she did have left. She wouldn’t wear anything other type of hat as it bothered her scalp.


Geez…just wear what you want and let your baby wear what you want… Who cares if other people get offended? Anybody that would get offended by that will also be offended simply because your skin is white…which is racism…


Look up any culture at the source, they love sharing it. Stupid ass Americans that wanna make up the rules at recess tell you it’s bad. Do what you think is cute for your baby

My 5 yr old wears one! And we’re white as snow

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Well, I just spent the last hour emersed in learning about SOME history of head wraps of several forms and I ran into a good take away for your question, “appropriation occurs when the appropriator is not aware of the deep significance in the culture they’re partaking in”
Mind you, I was hyperfixating, not looking for ways I can excuse wearing one of these, but after reading so much rich history on it, I think that might just be a good direction to go. But also yes, the wraps with the big bows are super freaking adorable and I can’t find any culture that does specifically that design. Not yet at least?

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It’s considered a wrap & not a turbin. You’re good.


Not everyone cares about political correctness.
I know I don’t!
Do what you like. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Being politically correct and bitching About cultural appropriation is exactly what I’d expect from the Biden supporters. Fuck em. :joy::woman_shrugging:t3:

I wouldn’t call it a turban, as that in itself may be offensive, but wearing a head wrap or scarf is fine.

Do what you want. It’s not up to you to keep others from being offended at every turn. You know where your heart is at and that’s all that matters.


My wife and i have been having lots of problem living together, she never gives me attention or make me happy all because she has fallen in love with another man outside our marriage. I tried my best to make sure that my wife leaves this man but the more i talk to her about it the more she makes me feel sad and unhappy, my marriage started leading to divorce because she no longer gives me attention. but seriously i adore her so much, I lost my integrity, all my project stopped, i was DOWN for 3 months both Health-wise and mentally. I tried to forget about her but i love her beyond measure and didn’t want to lose her to any man outside my home, we’ve been married for 5 good years and she’s all i could call a true best friend and best in all, she’s the only woman that handles my problems perfectly, the woman that sacrifices for my happiness. I wanted her back in my life. I was so confused. Until a Friend from college told me to book an appointment with Prophet Lago, whom she claimed she had been consulting for years for “CLARITY”. I read about him and saw his family has been in the business and he picked it right off from his father, also had lot of great amazing testimonies about this man then I decided to give him a try so i contacted him immediately, explained my predicament to him. Same day Prophet Lago did some Wonderful prayers and counseling for me and assured me that in 3 days my wife will return to me and to my greatest surprise the 2nd day my wife came knocking on my door and start pleading begging me for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to say our vows again, i proposed. And I wouldn’t stop talking about this miraculous hand work of God in my life. so for any assistance Contact him today for urgent help via email address: or WhatsApp him: +2347060550594.


The bay doesn’t care. She will eventually rip it off… :joy:


Culture is meant to be shared not harbored and used as ammunition against cultures you dont like or agree with.


It’s a head band. Not a turbin or hajab


So are bald cancer patients committing cultural appropriation when they wear turbans?


What culture has dibs on the turban?


Jojo will send you a better one for free.

It’s a head band, not a turban

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are turban hats considered cultural appropriation if a white baby is wearing one?

I would be more concerned about the fact that you don’t want to offend ANYONE"…Seems like EVERYONE gets offended these days…dress your baby how you like…I think they are super cute!!!


Omg! Do we have to ask this? Sad sad times…


Unless you live somewhere it wouldn’t be accepted Culturally appropriate shoildnt even be a thing. Freeworld problems


It’s your kid, let him or her wear it!


Stop making everything “cultural” … your life, your way!


Its a religious item of clothing so yes its appropriation. you wouldnt wear a burka or a priests white collar because it looks good.


Enough dummying down for people!!! Put whatever YOU like on your child no apologies


the USA itself is cultural appropriation, so what’s the point? go with it


I always say I do what I want because nobody else pays my bills


Dress your Child How you Want !!! What Someone Else Thinks Is Their Business. NOT Yours !!! Most People Are Nuts Anyway !!!


People, really?
This whole politically correct stuff has gotten out of hand!!


You know what you put whatever you want on your child’s head if it offends anyone its their problem not yours.


Seriously?? Put whatever you want on your child. Stop with the PC crap.


If some one is offended, that is 100% their problem. Dress yourself or your kid however you want. I’m not walking on egg shells for anyone.


It’s america you can be whatever you want to and wear what you want to.


There is no such thing as cultural appropriation. Most people don’t gatekeep their culture they enjoy sharing and your interest.


‘Cultural appropriation’. I don’t know what that means and I am from Jamaica. Surely you dress your baby as you want to.


Kindness and caring concern are most appreciated.

:slightly_smiling_face: We all come from Adam and Eve, so unless you are dressing the baby in fig leaves, I think you are ok.

I don’t think that a turban would be practical for a baby. A head covering to protect his/her baldish head from sun and cold is practical. They still make and sell baby hats for that purpose. Cultural appropriation? The history of the planet involves trade and cross cultural interaction. That is when we’re not fighting each other. And just who decides what cultural appropriation is anyway? If it doesn’t denigrate or insult, most of it is fine to my point of view.


I think if the baby is bald and needs some head covering, go for it.