Are turban hats considered cultural appropriation if a white baby is wearing one?

I feel like the turban might actually provide more protection to little heads :pleading_face:
And they are super cute.


I say do what you like. I have seen those and they are so cute. I don’t think you would offend anyone, if anything should be opposite.

Why are you even asking?it’s no ones business but yours what you wear on your child!!stop the bs ppl do as you want in your own lives!gosh we gotta ask to do or wear something now so as not to offend or if it’s appropriate!!lmao


I really hate the stuff parents are putting on their heads that’s including my own grandchildren it’s perfectic they are beautiful as they are

Why would a cute hat for a baby be offensive to anyone

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If it’s cultural appropriation of something you’re taking because it looks good, yes it’s wrong.

Baby’s dont offend anyone ! We all like to dress them funny !
Put as many bows hats , turbans as you want

Kid of lost point of post put a head band on kid

Does it really matter if the baby is white???

Someone will always be offended
I can understand Mom’s s concern. Bless you and your baby !!


Am I the only one annoyed with the cultural appropriation controversy? If I like something, I am wearing it. Periotttt!!


It’s called a turban, but it’s actually more like just a nylon material cap. It’s nice for keeping little ears warm.
I think It’s very mature that you are concerned about that, but I think you are okay in this situation :two_hearts:

Isn’t imitation the sincerest form of flattery?

Put whatever you want on your child. If people get offended oh well

Quit letting others tell you what to wear.

My daughter when she was just born. I made this and everyone thought it was the sweetest thing. I don’t think anyone would be bothered by turban style (as they aren’t truly turbans, obviously) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is this what you’re referring to?..this isn’t cultural
get it for your baby if you want
why should anyone be offended?


How could anyone think they are anything but adorable

This is cultural? I’m sure she’s talking about these
 And these are just cute
 If they are religious or cultural fill me in!

Cultural appropriation is when people take some type of culture style fashion or music and try to play it off as their own
 it’s all about respect and that’s where people are getting it confused every little thing a person does is not culture appropriation dress your baby how you want to dress your baby


I don’t give two craps what others think . Dress your child how you want


No it’s not disrespectful at all . Dress you lil one up and protect her lil head :heart:

Soooooo maaaannny neeeeww made up words and phrases to learn. You do you please and I’ll do me.


you shouldn’t have kids


Cultural appropriation :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Being PC is ruining society man​:woman_facepalming:t4:

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Oh for Heaven’s Sake.

Stop it!!! Yes put a cute thing on your baby


Put the hat on your baby. Life goes on.

If your baby looks cute then they should wear it!

IMHO, only if you understand the cultural significance of a piece.
A super white American :slightly_smiling_face:

:flushed: You are contributing to the invasion from the Muslim countries
. They HATE US. Please Remember that!!

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This question is stupid.

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Put a baseball cap on the baby if you so desire. Enough of this PC and not to offend BS. This is America and if some camel jocky is offended, so be it.

I can’t even anymore!! Have you seen a woman with cancer ware them?? And what culture are you offending may I ask?? The shik the museum the Arab the handing the native the gypsy the Mongols what culture has the monopoly on head wraps

The turban has religious meaning without being apart of the religion itself you should be fine! not to mention a child does not get a turban until they do a certain ceremony so no worries about anything of that nature

Dress the baby for comfort.

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Cultural appropriation is another PC thing made up by liberal idiots. Dress your child how you want. I’m sure she is beautiful :heart_eyes:


Put what u want on ur baby
its YOUR child

I’ve been wearing a turban my whole life after I wash my hair


Nothing wrong with them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: they are beautiful accessories made for everyone to enjoy - here’s mine I got from Bowey Made and my daughter when she was a baby


It’s ridiculous you even have to ask this question.


Nothing yet dress the way you want

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You dress your child however you see fit. They’re beautiful garments.


If you live it for your baby do it. Sounds wonderful to me


That’s a very good question, the turbans w bows don’t associate w religion so it’s okay :smiling_face:


Stop worrying if you’re going to offend someone. That’s their problem not yours do what you want to do

It’s a hat with a bow

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All I hear is cultural appropriation. What happened to cultural appreciation?


It’s only offensive to weak people.

I’m glad that we can ask questions and what a beautiful spirit to not want to hurt or offend other’s!


Ive never seen one with a bow
so think that would be more for fashion than religious or spiritual purposes
you should be good


My daughter wears them i ordered them on Amazon:) they are the cutest things ever!

Story time! It’s a Draped turban. The draped turban has a history dating back to at least the late 18th century, and had revivals in most decades of the 20th century. Notably, it rose to popularity in the 1910s as a symbol of eastern glamour, while in the 1940s it was worn by everyone from Hollywood stars to land girls. In the 1960s and 1970s, it was revived by designers including Biba in the UK and Halston in the US – and worn by royalty and hippies alike. More recently, new designs began appearing on the fashion catwalks and in the second Sex and the City movie. The origins of turbans (used in religious practice) are uncertain. 
 The Islamic prophet, Muhammad, who lived 570–632, wore a turban in white, the most holy colour. The style of turban he introduced was a cap with a cloth tied around it; this headwear is known as Imamah and was emulated by Muslim kings and scholars throughout history. Communities with prominent turban-wearing traditions can be found in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, and amongst some Turkic peoples in Russia as well as Ashkenazi Jews. Culture appropriation shouldn’t exist. Culture and traditions are meant to be shared because it’s how we keep it alive as elders pass on. If you don’t share it, you lose it. This is just a draped turban. The baby and you will be fine and no one will pay a second glance accept to tell you how adorable the baby is.

Somebody somewhere is going to be offended 
it’s the world we live in! So fuck em and just love your life and do the things that make you happy.

Yea, no. Let your baby wear whatever you want.


My daughter wore them.Of it bothers someone, they don’t have to look.

She can wear it. They’re adorable on babies

I say wear what your soul is happy with. You are not mocking anyone. Different cultures are meant to be shared and embraced. I love your spirit, so sweet!

Are u serious???!!! Ur asking permission from random strangers on fb ??!!

You offend people for asking and you offend people for doing it 
 I say just do what you want. No one is ever happy. She’s a baby. It looks cute on babies.

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Turbans don’t have bows. I wouldnt worry about it.

It’s a hat, this cultural appropriation crap is out of control.


Dress your baby how you want. There is always going to be someone offended by something.

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Oh please. Wear what you like! No one can tell anyone else not to wear any style. Such BS. Enjoy!

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Stop worrying about everyone else. That’s the problem now. Do you and don’t worry about others.

My grandaughter rocked the head wraps, she loved wearing them

Good grief! You can’t please everyone—dress the baby like you want to dress it.