Are you sending your kids to in person school this year?

Are you letting your kids go to in-person school this year? I am on the fence about it because I fear there will be another shut down and kids have been through enough back and forth


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are you sending your kids to in person school this year?

Yup. My oldest did pre-k last year and both my boys will be attending this year too.

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Yep. My daughter will be in preschool again and my son starts kindergarten

Yes. My girls are starting kindergarten. I tried the whole distance learning thing for my 1 daughter last year and ended up having the school hold her back because she didn’t learn what she needed to move ahead.

Mine are already homeschooled

Yes, My daughter’s school is going back full time.


Absolutely :slightly_smiling_face: cannot wait lmao

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Our schools aren’t giving the option for remote they either go in or get homeschooled mine are going in idk how to be a teacher lol


Yes, 4th & Kindergarten

No. We homeschooled last year and are doing it again this year. Our school’s remote learning program really had no direction and no one could tell me what it would entail so I pulled her out.

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Yes! My children were in person last year too.

Yes mostly because I have to work and there is no one to stay home and homeschool him. Otherwise I’d try to stay home and do it myself. Not because of shutdown though but because my little dude has issues in a public school

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Yap they r going in person

Yes I sent my kids back to face to face learning the min their school opened back up at the beginning of last school year

Yes, they went all last year as well.

Yes, we don’t have an option as of now.

They keep saying that they will not shut down again due to the availability of the vaccine. But my daughter will be going to school as long as it’s available.


They went 5 days a week every week last year and they will do the same this year. This is my children’s Senior, Junior and 2nd grade year.

Yes for the love of God they are going. Jokes aside my son has ADHD and he struggled with homeschooling last year. Once he went back all of his grades went up. The only way he will be at home is if we don’t have any other choice.

Yep! They need social interaction with someone other than me and their siblings. 2 of my kids really struggled with online schooling.

Nope. But my kids have been homeschooled since before COVID. They are understaffed and don’t care about our kids anymore. My kids will never step another foot in a brick and mortar school ever again.

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Yes! 5th grader and kindergarten. My kindergartner has been excited to go to school with her sister for the last 3 years and it’s finally her time to shine! :partying_face:

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Our schools aren’t offering anything but in person. So yes he going back because I learned last year with remote learning I’m not as good as the teacher at teaching it.

Yes mine are going but hopefully there is no shutdown

My daughter has been back in school since the beginning of last school year. We did had a brief period before Christmas where they were back to virtual school and then went back to in school after Christmas break… so that was a bit of a headache.
As of now, my kids go back to school like normal next Wednesday but I too fear that there will be another shut down

Absolutely, get these kids tf out of my house.


Yes. Kids need to be around other people. I communicate with my girls and I have told them the possibility of another shutdown is there. But I want them to not be afraid of people. This covid has built alot of social anxiety in my kids and I want normal for them again.

Can’t live in fear! Need to do what’s best for you !

Yep. My daughter already is.

We do not have a choice.

I was wired to do many things… being a working mom and teacher is not one of them.

Yes! Virtual was a shitshow for us last year, they need to go and I need the sanity of them being at school. There shouldn’t be anymore shut downs


No. Just… if you don’t have to please don’t right now. In all honesty we need a couple of years to get this thing to die down.

Both my kids are online .

Yes. Mine went back in October of last year, and it’s been fine.

No, I homeschool my kids and have the last few years. I chose to homeschool because let’s face it, schools haven’t been safe in quite a while, even before covid.


My kid’s school district has been in person since last July! Shut down for the last 2 months of Spring semester 2020 and right back to in person for summer school in July. We’ve had no major out breaks. My daughter did not get sick at all. They handled positive student cases by quarantining that particular class. Anyone who had someone at home positive they just notified the student’s families that sit closest to them. Obviously everyone had to wear masks. But in fact they dropped our mask mandate in the beginning of April this spring- again no problems w that. We obviously told our daughter to wash her hands a lot and when she got home from school I made her change her clothes and wash up real good.

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My son went all last year with no problems!! They need that interaction with other children!!

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He’s going to school

My daughter has been going in person. Couple of times she had to do virtual, but it was okay. Because of my work schedule, she has to go in person

My kids were in person last year and will be in person again this year as well.

My son will start kindergarten this year in person. He needs to be socialized and not kept isolated. I’m more afraid of what that will continue to do to him instead. Covid isn’t going anywhere we all need to adapt


Yes. As long as it’s only having to wear mask, I am not ok with having to Vaxx my kids.

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Yes. My daughter is vaccinated and will be wearing her mask. I’ll be praying she is safe

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Mine are going. Went last yr one precaution quarantine but still allowed to go to school.

Oh I have a high schooler, middle schooler, elementary student and preschooler and they are all going all day in person.

No. I pulled my kids out years ago and I’m more thankful than ever these past few years that we did! They’ll never go back.

Online again all my kids the schools are gonna shut down again and more lock downs are bound to happen

I kept my first grader home for distance learning last year and she is going back to school as a 2nd grader.

If masks will be required, they will go face to face. If masks are optional, they will be going virtual like they did last year.

My daughter does better in the clasroom setting abd i honestly dont know if my district is even offereng remote. But yes im sending her to school. Although i do suspect another lockdown coming but we will deal with that when it comes.

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Yeah I’m sending mine

I wish we could do online. Our district is making masks optional. But it’s only gonna lead to more kids being sick.

Sending my 3 in person for as long as they are able to and then if for whatever reason the school decides to go virtual then that’s what we will do . I think it’s good for them to get to know their teachers and peers in person to build a bond my kids found it less awkward being in an online class with people they had already met


Yep. My kids didn’t do good with learning at home.

My son is in person this year, school started back yesterday.

Yes my kids couldn’t handle the distance learning so they went back right away. Was fine no issues only complaint was they had to eat in their classrooms. I’m hoping they go back to normal this year school starts in 2 weeks so we shall see.

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I am. My 6 year old stayed in school during the pandemic. Our school never closed. Both my kids have rare diseases. So we always have the risk.

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Oh my goodness! I was just thinking the same thing!

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My kids have been going this whole time. There was a change in the schedule for a bit but we’re back to fairly normal. I think it’s important for kids to socialize with other kids.

I have a high schooler and a rising 1st grader. They both will be in person. My 1st grader needs the structure.

As of right now we were not given an option. In person masks mandatory. So we shall see how long it lasts. Praying for the health and safety of all.

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My oldest 2 graduated so my youngest (16) will continue online… for now

Yes and they all 4 went face to face last year also.

My son is Adhd and needs to physically be there to stay on track…but he will comply and keep his mask on. He will be going in person. Online isn’t even being offered yet here in South Texas.

Our school is doing in person w/out masks. I don’t want my child going, but he will definitely be wearing a mask.


Mine is going on the 9th. :grin:

We are homeschooling again because of possible shutdowns and masks as well as vaccinating children in school with out parental consent.


My son is 4 and refuses to wear a mask, so we will be doing preschool from home this year and signing up for abcmouse

Mine went all last year and will go again

Yes. We did virtual last year but my daughter needs to socialize.


No, we did remote learning last year and homeschooling this year. Iowa has signed a law that masks can’t be required and teachers cant even suggest to wear them. Also, if kids get sick in the classroom, they can’t quarantine the entire class so between no mitigation efforts and no isolation in case of illness, it isn’t worth the risk. I did try to open enroll so we could do online homeschooling through K12 or Connections Academy and my district wouldn’t sign off on it because “asthma is not a medical condition.” This was stated from the Director of Teaching ant Superintendent. So, I pulled her out of the school system and we will be doing actual homeschooling.


I put my son in a Christian school last year and we are deciding between that and his public school class. He doesn’t want to wear a mask and has always had some sensory issues, so I’m not sure anyone is even able to force him to do so. Right now our school board has voted no masks but it is risky for us to return because he has stated numerous times that he won’t wear a mask. I feel like I’m no closer to making a decision and school starts in 2 weeks.

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Yessss! Remote learning is NOT for us!


My son was remote last year but this year we are not being given the option. Masks are recommended but not required. We are homeschooling this year instead now.

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My daughter starts preschool the 24th we are sending her only because masks are optional if they were mandatory we wouldnt be sending her since we know she absolutely will not keep one on

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Mine went all year last year, and they will be in person again. It is a smaller school in the country with K-12 in same building. The teachers and staff did a amazing job last year and I have no doubt they will do the same this coming year.

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On the fence. We did online all last year. But my 5yo autistic son needs to go he cannot miss another year… . I’m so torn. This delta variant is scaring me as it’s killing kids. :weary:

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Mine are 14, 12 and 9.
They are going back, and will be wearing masks( even if our system doesn’t require it).
They want to go and get as much face to face time as they can, in case another shut down happens.

Yes! Online was okay… not the same as in school.

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Homeschool for us…its such a blessing and we LOVE it!!!


Never would I turn my kids over to that indoctrination


Absolutely. I’m not taking away their school experience to sit at home in front of a computer. My son went last year and both of my sons will go this year.


My kids did face to face in school last yr and our school district isnt even offering online this yr. I am 100% ok with sendn my kids

Only option … and we are ok with that, children need those social skills growing up

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My 1st grader did virtual all year last year due to my medical problems , me and my fiancé got vaccinated so he’s going back mask or no mask but my son needs the socializing … so if it happens to only be a few months so be it , my daughter is also starting preschool this year my kids need somewhat normal back


Ny sons in person with masks he needs the social interaction not to mention I can’t do common core

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Yes my kids are going to in person school this year. But we were lucky last year and had the opportunity to send them back full person with safety protocols in place. So not much back and forth for our district, thankfully!


Yes, She was full-time in school last year no problems.

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My kids will be going

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Sending my kids. My youngest starts kindergarten and I’m glad that she can have a normal first year.


We dont have a virtual option, it is in person only.

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Mine is going in person. He’s 17, knows the risks, & safety measures. He is also getting the vaccine before returning to school.

He already works a part time job in a restaurant & is exposed to greater risk bc of that. He’s smart, responsible, & I support him completely.


Homeschooling again. Can’t trust what the government will do. Need to stay Consistent


Yes my daughter went to in person all day kindergarten and we had no issues

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Yes im sending mine. They are depressed without social interaction with their friends and tired of each other and I struggle to help them with homework already so I wouldn’t be the best person to teach them everything plus we dont have computers for it and my youngest has behavioral problems when he gets frustrated or has to sit longer then he can tolerate and has had zero interest in participating in school so I dont trust him not to break the computer if I got one and they have tactics to help him get through the day that I dont know how to do


Yes. They went 4 days a week last year and near the end they went 5 days a week.

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My 3 will be going back to IN person. They did horribly with remote learning. They went back to in person the second half of last school year and there was such a difference!!


I am! My kids did so much worse with remote learning last year. I feel like they need in person learning for sure!