Are you sending your kids to in person school this year?

Yes. My kids went in person last year all year. They are also in a small private school and my youngest has about 10 kids in his class and my oldest has 13 in hers. I’m not too worried about it. We’ve also all had Covid and still have very strong antibodies against it. Our public schools were also open all year last year for in person.


We don’t have a choice, but even if we did, i woud be sending mine back. Last year my son was hybrid, and the remot portion of it he hated. When they switched to full in for the last few months, he did phenomenal. He will be in first grade this year, and i am grateful for the full in school this year.

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I definitely don’t want to and I completely feel the same as you do! But I also would like my kindergartner to receive the same experience her older brother got going to school! Social life is great for the children but getting sick is not!!

We’re homeschooling this year only because we will have a newborn in less than a week & want to cut down on the risk of covid germs. Our school-age child catches everything as it is. :roll_eyes:

Absolutely going back! We were in person last year as well. My kids were miserable doing online and remote stuff. Mental health is just as important as physical health!


My daughter went last year I wasn’t gonna let her miss her first year of school. She had to where a mask but she loved being there and she is going to go this fall they require masks still but she will get to experience it. I live in Montana.


Yes but only because she has an intellectual disability so she needs the hands on learning and social environment to learn. She did not do well at all when she was homeschooled.

Go to school board meeting and voice your opinion. I my mind there’s no reason to wear masks or have any virtual learning, especially grade school kids.


Yes, we moved counties just so my son didn’t have to miss another school year. He will start kinder and we are in California :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nope not at all! I hadn’t planned on it either way bc I am not risking their lives when they can be educated at home anyways

I don’t know anymore. I put my guys into summer school and 12 school days later we got the first Covid case in my twins class. 3 days after school started I was sick (still am) with what I thought was Covid.

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Wish we had a choice! We were all virtual last year and not given a choice this year. Our county isn’t offering virtual learning this school year.

In-School session. They know how to distant and mask.


Yes. My daughter has been in-person learning since August 2020. She attends a charter school and they offered full time in-person as well as virtual. She needed that one on one instruction.

We don’t have a choice. If we get repeatedly sent home, I might consider homeschooling the rest of the year. We did home school last year.

My oldest is doin virtual I have little ones at home 2 under 2 years I don’t want to risk it yet

My sons been going to in person since September 2020 and he is fine (: my 6 month old also started in March . They are both fine . You just have to make sure the school is following proper protocol etc

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I teach in their school district so we all have to go back in-person. I definitely don’t want to

They did in person last year too…though a few times they went virtual during.

Definitely. My kids were in person most of last school year. My teen got an extra week off after Christmas break, they did online

We did remote all year last year(which thankfully she did AMAZING with), but at this point, so far, theyre not offering distance learning. The plan is 5 days a week-in school & they have to wear masks.

I want to send mine back. I am raising my grandbabies (ages 5 and 7) then all of a sudden it seems like we are under attack again. I really don’t know…

I did, but then covid cases starting coming up in his school and kids getting it from each other so i decided to move him to online school.

Staying with homeschool FLVS flex is wonderful and did excellent!

Yes. They were in person last year and we never had an issue. Will do it again this year.

Me personally would want my kids to have as much of our normal life as possible even if it didnt last long.

We don’t have the option for virtual school this year

Yes we don’t have a choice in our district right now for remote. It’s either send them or home school

We have been back in person since last year and the samething this year and no mask.

I do not want my kids attending unmasked school.

Our kids have been back for ages x

No staying home till vaccinated


My kids were back in person school last school year

Yes they need to socialize and they learn better in person!

Yes.I will be sending all 3 kids to in person!

Yes I am definitely sending them. Homeschool is NOT for us. :weary:

Yes, my daughter was doing so well before all this and the virtual learning was terrible, her grades tanked and i couldnt be there constantly to make sure she was doing everything because i was also caring for a 3 yo and an infant. She needs the presence of a teacher

They will be going back, but if the cases get bad we’ll go back to Virtual. It’s not worth the risk to their health or my newborns. My kiddo did great during virtual last year so either way I am not too concerned. Socially, my kiddo still gets interaction virtually with their bff (who doesn’t live near us) so not much changed there.

No , we are homeschooling :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes! My kids school never shut down.

Unfortunately they are not offering online courses as of right now at the school my son goes to so he is going to be forced to go back. If they decide to offer online he will probably do virtual learning again but as of right now he has to go back. I think they will end up shutting schools down again too as covid spreads more.

We are continuing to homeschool

My kids went all last year in person and will again this year. Absolutely 0 reason to keep them from school unless you’re homeschooling.

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I’m sending both of mine back.

My kids did so much better with online school. Keeping them home.

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Yes, long as I can. They need interaction with others their age

My kids went last year and they will be going this year as well

Why would I not send them? I did the end of last year as well.

Yes both of my kiddos are and they will be wearing masks. They are 5&7.

Mines going I’m nervous but I’m gonna try to let them live as normal lives as possible

Yes. Mine went last year.

I am but there are only 10 kids in her class

My kids are signed up to go back face to face but I think as we get closer to the end of summer, that may not be an issue. We very well may be in another lockdown situation.


Absolutely. We have never had our schools or classrooms shut down other than at the end of the school year when it first came out so I have no concerns.

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I am with all fears present. Mask is a must with hand washing regularly. I will absolutely pull if necessary.

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Yup. My kid needs socializing. We both already had covid too (no symptoms, tested due to admit unrelated)

Absolutely. Not a single reason not to last year or this year tbh

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are you sending your kids to in person school this year?

Nope. My kid is in K12.

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In person mask free!!


Me too, already got him registered!

Mental health ftw


Absolutely! I am not a teacher and they belong in school!


My kids have been in school the whole time. We are in week 3 of term 3.

I was going to but with the games they are playing and virtual with the schools is a joke, just going to homeschool, unless we get into a legit system.

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Our kids had such a random schedule of home today brick and mortar tomorrow last year that I got tired of it and home schooled 3 of them, 10th, 8th and 1st grade. This year our youngest is starting kindergarten, and I dont have enough hands to homeschool kindergarten and 2nd along with 9th and 11th. So ours have to go back to brick n mortar completely this year. I hope they will not shut down. They go back August 23rd

Yes!! Yes!! And yess!!!

Yup! They need school.

My stepson and my daughter will both be going back in person. My stepson struggled a lot with online learning and we sent him back 2nd semester last year. My daughter stayed home but we really struggled and I think it set her back plus she needs the social interaction so she is going to go back this year.

We weren’t given a choice in Sacramento ca

100% in person this year wahoo :raised_hands:

I feel they should not shut us down or our schools down as long as travel is open and borders are open. My kids are going in person. Didn’t struggle at home but they deserve their education. Over Covid

Freshman year of highschool in person here

yes I sure am!!! hubby and I both work I don’t teach the mental health of socialization with friends Is important. teach kids to he safe about hand washing etc. can’t keep living in fear. imo if all don’t wear masks it’s not worth wearing one.

I would allow them to go in person as long as they are allowing it. It helps so much with their social skills. Just be sure to be talking and practicing on hygiene so they can be safe.

My middle is going in person. My youngest is homeschooling due to a staff member I don’t want her around due to inappropriate actions.

We pulled ours out of school this week. I’ve lost 6 family members and dear friends to covid I have medical issues that I can’t take the vaccine and we didn’t trust public school

Homeschooling this year. The school system was a mess last year, I can only imagine this year. My kids were thriving with the one on one at home anyways. To each their own. We’ll see what happens.

Nope stickn with homeschooling. I am high risk for covid and not risking my life or my sons. Were actually in quarantine now from exposure. So definitely still going around. God bless

My son is doing in person. We did in person last year too. I didn’t need him to fall behind and he needed friends

i wish we could continue virtually due to the rise in cases.
but texas isn’t allowing it :disappointed:

My child will be home schooled because my child will NEVER be forced to apologize for her heritage. I’m more concerned about my child being forced to apologize for her part in slavery when she had no part of it. She’s too young to even know about that yet, and if this critical race theory is still being implemented in schools by the time she’s old enough I’m her teacher. No child should ever be forced to apologize for their skin color and if you’re in full support of this then doesn’t that make you the racist?

Yes, since that’s our only option. I don’t want to send my girls, because we just got a severe covid alert today on our phones. But I need to send them, because they struggled so bad with distance learning & my youngest didn’t want to focus on learning anything at home. No matter how much I tried teaching her she wouldn’t focus.

I highly dislike public schools, my oldest is in third grade this year and I’ve been homeschooling him for two years now. kindergarten was great idea public school but as soon as we moved schools and he went to first grade the children were rude the teachers seems to not care. plus I prefer to teach my kids real world things, My children dont need to know what pi eight-year-old can tell you every part in an engine and what it does oh, he can name poisonous plants and edible ones. :woman_shrugging:t3: I feel that’s way better to know the most of things they teach these days

Dont have much of a choice here. Thought we changed schools and put them in a small charter program.

They will be masked, have extra hand sanitizer

Yea I did last year. They were just fine.

Yes in Az here last year after like the first month they went back to in person with mask this year first day back was aug 1st no mask mandates here so they are all back to in person unless the parents feel they need in person learning. The schools are recommending the kids to wear masks but they are not telling us they have to and I love that she gets to go back In person the shut down was hard on the littles