Stop forcing children to show affection when they don’t want to.
Pretty simple . They need to spend more time with him. I don’t think I’ve had one meal alone since my granddaughter started eating solid foods. I spend alot of time with her.
Children should be allowed to not accept any form of touching, no matter what
Leave him alone if he does not want touchy kissy like a lot of toddlers so be it. He will grow into it, in his own good time. If not it’s his choice.
Its a stage many go through at different ages. Let it be. They should be allowed to move in their comfort and space with others, including grandparents. Grandparents should be friendly and attentive but not push physical affection.
blessed with many hugs and I love you’s…
Great advice. I concur.
Mine are all different
Our grandbaby is
Why can’t kids be just like the adults, if I don’t want to give anyone effection I’m not going to
Leave him be and tell them not to take it personally. He’s just not comfortable and they should respect that. Not all people, kids included, like to show affection or have their own ways of showing it. It’s not a one-size fits all type of thing. Maybe he’ll prefer to draw them pictures or something or whatever. Not all shows of affection has to be physical. He’ll find his way.
No matter how well you know your parents or in laws you need to heed your babies warning. There’s a reason for it and forcing it will create an unsafe space for your little. They will go to them when they are ready and if not, a child will show with actions what they are unable to communicate.
Don’t ever force them to be affectionate. Let them decide their boundaries.
Don’t force it. I love my grandbabies. 2 of them have absolutely loved me since birth. 1 of them just recently really started loving me back. She’s 17 months. I let her come to me when she wants to, if she doesn’t it’s alright. She will in her own time
Don’t force him. If he wants to be affectionate he will in his own time. But never force your kids to be affectionate towards people regardless who they are when they don’t want to.
My older kids love their grandparents, but due to Covid my 1 1/2 year old only likes me, her dad and my dad.
He doesn’t want them in his space and that should be respected. Mine is a cuddle bug but my nephew isn’t. Just one of those things
Respect the boundaries that he sets. Do not force him to be what you of they want him to be. If you do he will think that it is ok when adults force things on him - and wont understand body boundaries.
He is only 2 - he will come around once he is comfortable with it.
I don’t force my kids to hug or kiss anybody.
Does he feel like they’re babysitters! 2-year-olds don’t understand relationships. But they sure understand Mommy and babysitters!
I don’t believe kids should be forced to give hugs and kisses. We need to allow them to make the decision if they don’t feel comfortable doing it especially in today’s world
My daughter will b 2 in july an she hates people. She is not affectionate with anyone but me, daddy, and siblings.
There might be a concern he can’t express with words right now don’t force him
They need to spend more time with them but don’t force affection.
My 3 year old is affectionate when he wants to be to his grandparents, I guess it depends, some days he’s all for hugs and riding on their wheelchairs and some days he screams and says no when they ask for a hug😅 nothing personal I wouldn’t think, their still young, I would respect their boundaries or until they want to show affection.
He will get comfortable on his own terms you can’t force it, my daughter is 3 1/2 and still isn’t comfortable with people she’s only comfortable with people that are always around
I don’t have that problem live next door to grand daughter and kids I spoil them the live it
Makes me sad me as a grandma I love the hugs and kisses of my grandkids as they get older they are not in a mood to be hugged to all grandmothers ya are awesome
Instead of hugs & kisses, teach them to greet people with a hello & a proper handshake. Of course that would be post-COVID.
My granddaughter always lovey girl but they moved away had my grandson he was always stand offish so I didn’t worry about it always offered interaction but left it up to him and really it was a couple years but now oh boy he loves coming to grandmas kids are different. Definitely don’t force it for many good reasons
You should never, ever (let me repeat that) NEVER, EVER force anyone to give or receive unwanted affection. Not all people are “huggers”, not even children. If you raise your children to accept unwanted affection, you are basically preconditioning them to accept unwanted advances, and teaching them that it is ok to force affection on others as well. Instead maybe you should not only teach your child, but the “self entitled” grandparents as well about personal space and that IT IS OK TO SAY NO.
Same! My two year old throws a fit when we pull in their driveway and throws a fit when we go in! I feel so bad, my mom tried to come near him and he screams! But after about 10 mins he all fine and running around playing with his toys! We are over at my mom’s almost daily, so I have no idea what triggers him to do this! I just let it be until he’s ready to come around. Just makes me feel so bad for my mom who loves him so much! Hopefully it’ll pass.
Probably because he’s 2!!
Hell, if your KID us uncomfortable around them, you absolutely do Not force them to hug or have physical contact. That’s not ok to do.
At some point he will open up to them on his own.
I have a nephew who does NOT like me. I’ve never done anything to him, it’s just how he is. His sister was like that too, up til about 2years ago. One day she all of a sudden just started to LOVE me, hugs and all.
U cannot force kids to like people, grandparents or otherwise. It’ll happen eventually, but in their own time.
What ever you do don’t force it. It teaches children they can’t say no. You child will be affectionate in their own time. If not it’s ok.
My grandkids were because we lived next to them and seen them all the time… but I don’t make my great grandkids hug us until they have been around us for a while… and then they love us to death…
His body his choice. Don’t force it or you will be teaching he can force people to touch him who doesn’t want to.
Perhaps have him make art work or draw a picture to give to them, when he isn’t with them. Sometimes children struggle with “unconditional” love. If he gives them a gift, or flowers, then he might expect a response, like a hug. Keep telling him how much they will love and appreciate what he gives them. After some time, he might be more open to the affection.
My son was terrified of my dad at that age because he talked very loudly due to hearing loss. He also only saw them once or twice a year. I never forced him to hug him or kiss him. He would do high 5. Since we were there for several days, when he got use to him he was a little better towards him, but not till he got older, 4,or5 did he get more comfortable with him…
When my grandson was that age, going to daycare, he was in Alaska and, I was in Texas. They put photos of me on his little locker, and would talk to him about Grandma. He was eager to see me when I came to visit. Also, I did not force myself on him, but let him come to me.
My 11 yr old grandson is still not affectionate. You need to create a different connection, go to the park, play cars and trucks, bake cookies, etc! Last week, after spending the day together and talking about loss and why dogs don’t live longer (yes, his dog passed) I received a long, hard, heart felt, hug. The longest, I’ve ever gotten. Some people are not comfortable with physical contact.
My kids spent little time with my parents my wife’s mom and her husband passed when kids were young as did my dad snd my wife’s dad has never met my kids.
Children are not all born affectionate. And not all adults are affectionate either. I am not a hugger and come from a family of huggers. It makes me uncomfortable and they all know it and still force hugs hello and goodbye. ONE of my 9 grandchildren is not affectionate in traditional ways, never has been, her other nana pushed her for hugs and cuddles and she hated it. I did not, I just talked to her and played if she wanted to play. She is 11 now and we get along great, but she is still not a big hugger, her mom forces her to hug me when she sees me, but I always tell her she does not have to hug me if she does not want to. My grandkids and to a degree my kids are the only ones I really like hugging. My kids only when I have not seen them for months, mostly because they know I am not a hugger so they lift me up off my feet and try to break me when they hug me!! (They are all taller than me).
My parents were not huggers. When I met my husband his family were huggers. I had a little problem adjusting.
Never push a child to be affectionate. Many children have their reasons. But a child is and should be completely allowed bodily autonomy. If a child doesn’t want a hug or a kiss you should never make them.
If they are taught they have to hug a person they lose that right to choose. If a child pushes a person away it should be a trigger warning there may be a bigger picture he hasn’t spoken about. But I believe bodily signals speak louder than words. So listen to those.
I would say don’t force him to be with and hug on, etc. With anyone he doesnt want to. You can teach him to be polite and respectful but other than that let him know that if he’s not comfortable around them then that’s okay. When parents force kids to be around people they don’t want to lots of times something’s going on that you can’t see, not saying that that’s what’s happening but you definitely don’t want your kid thinking that you don’t support and love them and just want to throw them to the wolves (in their eyes) .
I never forced my grandkids to hug me, I let them decide if they wanted mamaw hugs , I have 4 grandsons and 1 granddaughter and they all give me hugs oldest is 20 and youngest is 9.
For some children this could be an early sign of being in the lower range of the autism spectrum, don’t push them!
Don’t force him , there are some kids that I’v seen that it takes time for them to warmup to the grand parents. Set down with him n see why , have a long conversation with him
It takes you awhile to build a relationship with someone, to feel comfortable with them, children are the same as adults. Just because you’ve known someone for years/your entire life, your child has only known them a short time. Let your child take their time to build their relationship with their grandparents, the love & familiarity will follow. Kids just see a person, they don’t understand how relatives and those relationships work. My relationship with relatives is different with each one, some I hug, some a kiss on the cheek & some I just say I love you. Children should have the same freedom, to do what they’re comfortable with. They should be respectful but they shouldn’t be forced to hug or kiss anyone they’re not comfortable with.
Have photos of the grandparents displayed in the home so the child knows that they are not strangers. When you pass by the photo with the child, comment on the grandparents.
Sometimes people have social/ tactile issues and may not want to be physically close with people. Autism children often isolate snd don’t want physical contact some out grow it some donot
Look at the interaction? Do they grab him? Squeeze him to tight or kiss him against his wishes? Ask the grandparents to back off and let him come to them. Ask them to bring a book or a toy and play with him try it, it can’t hurt.
He’s 2 that’s what they do sometimes
Let them make that decision on there own. I think that when we make them do something like that. It’s going to take a longer time to mobe forward. They need to feel they are in control.
. My grandfather was too Touchy, Feely, and creepy. Reminds me of Biden. There’s a reason he may try to distant himself from his grandfather.
Don’t force it let him make the move he will
guess ur not seeing them very often
You have to let them come to you.
Look into he’s truth.
He’s 2 let him do his own thing they are grown and will survive