Are your kids affectionate with their grandparents?

My kids were like that with my mom. My oldest is kinda like a sub clinical autism. My youngest has autism. They wanted nothing to do with her then one day all the sudden they want to call her several times a time and spend weekends there

My parents aren’t family oriented at all so they barely see our kids abs my hubby’s parents are divorced(his dad remarried and moved away) and his mom pretty much disowned us so no issues here lol

Nope mine will hug but don’t sit on laps or anything. They’ve never been forced, they love their grandparents a lot. The only person they cuddle with is me🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s their choice

Forced affection is not real. There’s a,reason the child feels this way. Can simply be he/she doesn’t like to be touched and its nothing personal. . Dont push and give it time.

Sometimes they just don’t feel like it, it’s okay, our granddaughter is like that sometimes, but then, there are times she stops at the door and sez “arentcha gonna ask me to kiss you goodbye?”
Then We do, and she smiles and runs up to us
Love that
She’s 8

It depends on the day if my toddlers love or “hate” their grandparents. :woman_shrugging:t4: Toddlers are irrational turds. Lol

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4 of my 5 grandkids :heart::heart::heart: being with me. The 5th one (11 months) kinda looks at me like I’m a stranger (but will smile after a few minutes) all thanks to Covid. I don’t see her as often as I did the other ones at that age. Mine range 17yr- 10 months. But she is getting better. And thanks to my daughter n law she keeps me updates with loads of videos showing me how she is growing up and progressing. We only live 10 min away. But Covid has made this difficult.

When grandparents distance themselves from the kids after that kind of interaction, no relationship will develop quickly. The grandparent should continue to entice the child through play with mom and dads nearby

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My grandkids are very affectionate with me…always have been, and they’re 18, 20, 22, and 24 years old.

Let it be what it will be. My grandson is not affectionate, but he sure is sweet. And we just let him be him. He has grown very close to us both.

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Many children just need time to get to know the grandparents. Just stay back and allow them the chance to get comfortable on their own time.

I Have 8 grandkids and my youngest ones were very close to their mom and didn’t want anyone else touching them . They out grow it .

He needs his space, they should do things like cook with grandma or play catch with grandpa. He will come around

How does he see you as his parents interact with them. Maybe he’s watching you. ?


Besides of all the terrible outcomes in some situations mentioned, I was wondering if the adult children of these grandparents show love and affection toward their own parents? If the grandparents visit and no one is excited to see them and negative comments are made about them, then how do you expect your children to react? Or opposite, if the 2 yr old is being pushed aside while the grandparents are visiting, then that would be a normal response for a 2yr old not getting enough attention. Just a thought.

Have they been grabby. My younger son would actually walk as far away as possible from his grandmother because she scared him. Believe me she was not a pleasant person. I ignored it. I never grab at children I sit and wait for them to feel comfortable and they come to me.

My grandkids are all affectionate with me, but I’m full time sitter too. Most see me daily. The oldest 2 lived out of state until they were 7 months and 2.5 yrs old. The were not affectionate at first, I was essentially a stranger to them… even though they saw me on video chat.
I’d suggest give them time, or see them more often for them to build a trust with you.

Maybe the grandparents need to be around him more. He’ll get to know them and they’ll get to know him. Don’t force it but always tell him you love him

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Don’t force him. Maybe if he sees you hugging them and enjoying it he will want to. Can’t make a child be affectionate.

They need to step it up. My grandson cried just seeing me and now he loves me.

Be watchful when a child is not comfortable with another person…family or not.

He’ll get over it. My grandson would not let me hold him when he was a baby. He got over it and went on to be my favorite. He is almost 18 now.

It’s okay trust your child there is a reason. Maybe the child feels that they don’t like th

My 2 year old grandson comes running when he sees me

I had grandparents that lived 2 hours away growing up. I never felt close to them because I only saw them a few times a year. I was much closer to the ones who lived in the same town. When my grandsons were born I lived 2 and 1/2 hours away. I made the effort to go see them once a week so they would know me. After retiring I moved close to them. I’ve always been close to them. They are teenagers now and we are still close.

I held my daughter so grandpa could hug her to. He was watching her during a football game and scared her badly. She took over a year not to be afraid of him. He died shortly after that. Be patient, also video visit if you can. Might help

I would say you need ask him why he feels this way and do it at a time that is quiet and they are not around. It could just be toddler but maybe it’s not

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Let him decide. Never force touching on a child. He’ll warm up when he’s ready.

Dont force him to be affectionate with them. Grandparents should understand that it’s not personal it’s just the child ( most of the time) at this stage in his life. He will come around in his own time

He must have a reason. {t could be something really silly, but to him it is very important. As he gets older maybe he’ll talk

My mama would always say to the well the parents first “No don’t make them” then she would look at the grandkids and very teasing say "I don’t want your hugs and kisses anyway " and that was it. It would be just a couple of minutes and they would be all over her. Kids should never be forced to hug and kiss adults if they don’t want to, encourage it but don’t force it. When you force it it let’s the kid know it’s OK for adults to force touches on them.

If Grandparents know they are coming, they could put some things they would like to play with or read or a game, example peek a boo, soon they are making eye contact or have a one or a couple of little presents for them to open and it could be something like mentioned above ($1. store); soon they will be looking forward to going to Grandparents house. And as mentioned in many comment’s don’t push, just give it a little space.

My son’s grandparents are in Heaven, both sides.

My grandsons run to me with open arms. But when it’s time to say good bye the youngest one absolutely refuses to do so in any way. He just doesn’t like good byes.

Let him make up to them. I never force my grandchildren and they go through stages

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How well does he know them and how often does he see them? Are they kind of uncomfortable around him? If they don’t see him often and are a bit uncomfortable, he probably senses that. If he just doesn’t know them well, they shouldn’t force affection on him. Let him do it at his own pace.They should try to engage him in conversation. If he chooses to sit next to them, great. But never force physical things on him like hugging, or picking him up, etc… Be extra alert when they’re around just to see if something seems suspicious or seems off. Better safe than sorry.

Are they a constant figure in his life? I was involved with all six grandkids from day one. Babysat each of them from six weeks to school age. There age range now is 9 to 26, they all still greet my husband and I with open arms. The best feeling in the world! Do not force your child, when your child is ready and comfortable it will happen.

Children watch their parents how well adjusted and affection to their grandparents they pick up their vibes. Also how male friends and relatives treat them (the child). Not all adults respect the child’s body. We believe every adult is trustworthy but it’s still is questionable. Found out the wrong way. But the child needs to get adjusted to healthy ppl around them. Parents shouldn’t talk faults of their parents in front of child . That’s not healthy either. Nor about Spouse either. But on the other side of the coin is if mom is the only disciplinarian child thinks mom is the bad person dad spoils child then watch ooutvu

Right now we are tending a one-year-old for a week while her parents took her sister to Disney World. She just crawls around but is happy and cuddly. Her sister, 5, thinks the sun rises and sets in us. So glad to be able to be around them all the time again! We tended their almost-five cousin over the weekend too. I’m glad there are two of us, though, since we are 76 and 77. We don’t often have them overnight but are glad when we can.

I was very affectionate with my grands. When they said “enough”, I eased up

Ask yourself why he is that way. They may not make him comfortable. Don’t ever force him to be affectionate with someone because you think he should.

Don’t ever make a child hug or kiss anybody, let them know it’s ok to say no!!!

Sounds typical. Our grand son was having none of that touching up until about 3, then he slowly warmed up, not to mention his sister was very warm and cuddly and he didn’t want to miss out. He is 7 now and loves it

Don’t push it. And maybe go around them more often. Probably scared or not sure about them yet.

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Just give him time. I do remember my grand daughters being this way with my mother…it was all of her wrinkles they were scared of. Once they began school - they just couldn’t get enough of her.

U can’t force it. My daughter was like that towards my dad but not my mom and it hurt my dad a lot he wanted her to like him so bad fast forward to now she’s 1 and she loves her papaw now she will glare at him until he picks her up to play

It would be a really good idea to find out why he doesn’t like them.

Not all that unusual. Don’t push it. By three he will probably change his mind. Two year olds tend to feel threatened by others and see them as threats

Don’t push it- he will do it naturally maybe if they just play with him and don’t force it

Their relationship is theirs to figure out. Not yours to worry about. They will figure it out. But, how friendly are you with them? The child will take cues from you.

Don’t push your child and normally they change their minds. Just don’t worry about it.

Usually, the bonding needs to take place right from the beginning. If not, slow and steady wins the race w/the child gaining trust as time progresses!

I take care of my 2 1/2yo greargranddaughter.shes a very living baby.ive kept het since she was t weeks old.if they are around them often n you show affection they will to.jmo

It’s a phase, he’ll get over it. Toddlers can be like that with anyone not their parents. I wouldn’t worry.

When we moved up here from florida, my son was 4 and had lived in florida sin e he was 3 months. Me and him were sitting on my porch steps and my mom pulled up in her car. Keith said. Oh no, I hate her. That about blew me away. I said.keith, that’s your grandma, why dont you like her. He said cause she’s always kissing on me. Some kids just dont like to be loved on a lot by people other than mom. I told my mom what he said and she quit loving on him so much. After a few months he grew to love her.

There’s always a reason. Have a chat to your son and try find out why he acts like that

Don’t force it. His choice. My son is the same way

Maybe they are to pushy, not all 2 year olds like to have others want that attention.

Do worry, a lot of two years old pick and choose whom they want affection with. It won’t last long.

Questions should be answered 1st and I’m not a dr so I might miss something but.

Do they spend a lot of time with the child, like are they strangers??
If not strangers then is the child only affectionate with certain people or with everyone except the grandparents…

Look at these things and go from there.

If my kid was affectionate with everyone even strangers… but not with the grandparents I’d argue there might be a reason.

But if the child is only affectionate with people he or she is really close too. Then maybe it’s not a big deal…

I wouldn’t push it on my kids. I would ask the grandparents to try and respect the child’s feelings.

If you feel that it’s a symptom of something that might be a medical thing I’d argue see a doctor and go from there…

Now if the kid is downright dangerous and tries to hit or bite or kick I’d argue that’s a huge warning sign and find out why…

Basically ask if the kid does this or that with other people, how well known are those people to the kid etc. And go from there.

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Thats just his feelings. He may grow out of it or maybe he wont. Dont force it.

Leave him be. He’s learning what he wants and don’t want… Forcing would causing unwanted tantrums.

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If it’s a stage, fine. Or just his nature, ditto. It is still a good idea to see if you or someone else can find out if there’s something else going on with him or them. How to do this? That, I don’t know.

How often do they see them? He might be scared as they may be strangers to him. I live a half a state away but talk to them often, surprize them at dance and hockey and make the effort with the older ones as they live over 1200 miles away
Yes they hug and kiss me and we spend extra time if possible without others interrupting.
To this day my son holds hands with me hugs and is lovingly kisses my cheek. Ps …he didnt like cuddling when he was a baby but got over it.

Leave it alone don’t force it. He’ll come around.

I have no problem with my grandchildren. They seem fine.

Don’t feel bad. A two yr old is a baby. I suggest buying a book on child growth and development. It describes the stages all people go through from birth through college.

That’s his choice. I’d never force it.


Its time to sit down and have a talk with the two year old and ask questions.

Have you tried to get him to tell u why he feels this way?

Sad…do they not see each other frequently?

  1. He’s 2 and
  2. Not all sexual predators are strangers, some are family or ppl the kids know so never force them to be affectionate with their eldersbincluding family.
    I’m not saying anyone in the fam is a sexual predator but if kids are forced to be affectionate with fam they will grow up thinking they always have to be affectionate no matter what and sometimes that also no matter who asked as long as they’re older and “yes it’s uncomfortable but it was very uncomfortable when mommy or daddy made me hug or kiss grandma so this must be normal and must be what my mom or dad wants”
    So never force kids to be affectionate.
    Instead ask your son why he doesn’t want to be affectionate in a calm tone.
    Tell him he’s not in trouble, you just want to know.
    Some kids are just not affectionate or just with select ppl and your son may tell you something where you’ll know he’s just a kid who just doesn’t like to show affection and that’s ok, nothing wrong with that, with being yourself or you’ll find out there is something wrong.
    Either way calmly listen and don’t judge.

It’s the age thing. Just ignore it and just say hi. Or when leaving bye… :grinning:

Do like a teacher does with her students - have a little paper/poster with:
a :heart:(for a hug)
a :raised_back_of_hand:for a high five and
a :notes: for a little dance.

Might make it fun and his decision

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Let him do it on his own, little at a time

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I’m very lucky, ALL 5 Of mine come running to me…! Always want to stay overnight, I love All of them So Much! :blue_heart::purple_heart::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart:

I am a very active grandparent and they all love me and are close

I have never forced hugs. He’ll come around.

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All my kids have no grandparents living

As sad as that is, I would not force him

Never force affection. But don’t let disrespect happen

Sometimes it just takes more time with them doing fun things

My Grandkids all hug and kiss me and Their Paw Paw :kiss::kiss::pray:t3::pray:t3:

My granddaughter’s are all affectionate. My grandson is not as affectionate, especially if his mom is with us. But he’s not quite 2 and he doesn’t see me as often as his older cousins do. I’m fine with that, he does come to me, but I don’t want to force him because if I do he’ll never come near me.
My youngest brother was extremely shy and we had dinner with his grandmother every week, he was 6 before he’d let her hug him goodbye.
Give him time and space.

Let them come to you it take time

Dont worry, it will all change

All kids are different.

Maybe plan some bonding crafty activities, FaceTime.

He will change as he grows

He is 2 don’t push him and the adults should not take it personal he will come around he may just be shy


He’s 2… it’s the kind of stuff they do

Do not push your son to like anybody.

Allow him to be who he is. Don’t ever force a child to be affectionate. Adults should understand this.

Certainly don’t force it. And grandparents shouldn’t force it either. It will happen… be patient.

Don’t force it or get angry

Don’t push it. Just.comfort him

Maybe a high five? Dont force any contact. They hv to understand. I never made my kids gv hugs or kisses and wud not my grands. Hv them gv them a big wave or throw thm a kiss or the high five. Some kids just are the “huggy” type and thts FINE :grin:

I never make my grandbabies hug me if they don’t want to, and I tell their mothers that’s alright I understand it will come in time… I love each and everyone of them so much but it’s their decision not mine… God Bless them all !!!

I was at the delivery of my granddaughter and every time she hears my voice she smiles 4 months old now

There’s a reason…look into it before something horrible happens…