At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

My stepson just turned 9 years old. We were having a conversation about how when at his mom's and step-dads house he would sneak in their bedroom late at night to "spy" on them. I told him not to do that because his mom may be naked. He asked "why?". I explained she could be changing and then you just walk right in on her. He them said "well I already see her naked all the time." I asked him what he meant by that. He said, "she goes in the laundry room and gets undressed then walks upstairs to go into the shower." I told my husband and he agrees with me that he should not be seeing his mom naked. I don't think that's appropriate at all. Now he could even potentially see her during other occasions like that. Who knows.. Do you think it's okay for him to be seeing her like that? Just want to hear a different point of view.

I see no problem with a mother being naked infront of her child. Children do not sexualize these things. If you make it weird it could make him body conscious and/or uncomfortable seeing anyone naked in the future. My mother and step-dad always made it weird when we where younger. We where even uncomfortable changing infront of our siblings of the same sex, i won’t try on new clothes in front of my mother, ect. I am extremely uncomfortable being completely naked even for short periods of time now. Please do not make it weird and scar this child.

I really don’t think this is any of your business. It’s her home her kid and we really need to stop teaching children to sexualize everyone’s body’s. He does need to know that he shouldn’t be spying on anyone because he is invading their privacy. But, if all he sees when his mother is naked is when she goes to get clothes from the laundry room then that is between him and his mother to deem no longer acceptable.

Seriously it is absolutely normal and nudity is only wrong if you make it wrong. Plenty of tribes around the world still aren’t completely clothed. She is making a big deal about nothing. I prefer no clothes as did my mother and a few of my children. When in the privacy of your home it is fine. And it isn’t her place to tell the more what to do

You and dad are focusing on the wrong thing. He shouldn’t be sneaking into anybody’s room and his mother needs to know about that so he doesn’t witness any private acts between her and stepdad.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

Just my opinion but no, I dont think he should. I believe that children that can understand what they are seeing shouldn’t see that anymore.


Seems to me that you and your husband are sexualizing what shouldn’t be sexualized.

Well to each it’s own I have 4 boys and hey sometimes I need to run naked as long as there’s no bad intention that’s his mom and one day he might have to wipe her ass not a big deal and not ur place as a step mother to judge or say anything not your child it’s hers

  1. No that is not okay IMO, but I stopped changing in front of my kids once they were done breastfeeding.
  2. That is not your place to say anything honestly otherwise you’re just going to look like petty step monster.

I am a mother of 2 and a bonus mom of 2. And there are many things I keep to myself because it is not my place, I am not their mother or their father. And while it is not okay, it does not sound like they force him to look nor touch him inappropriately so there is no real harm except seeing a naked body. So, again, I would say this is not your place to discuss with the mother and I really hope you’re not telling him your thoughts nor talking about it around him. Now the “spying”, I would definitely let the mother know as that is super not okay, and you’re not telling her what to do but just informing her of something that he is doing that he shouldn’t be.

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I think it would depend on the family dynamic.

There are people who are nudists in their home and embrace nudity. :woman_shrugging:t5:

I think children growing up exposed to nudity in a non sexual way is healthy, and will help fix all this objectification in our society.


Key word “stepson” in reality if she wants to change in front of her son that’s on her is it a little to old for her to be doing that in front of her son probably but that’s her son not yours, as long as nothing sexual is going on than what’s really the issue as long as he’s not uncomfortable than why should you be allowed to say what goes on in their house why should you be allowed to tell her where she can and can’t change esp in front of HER CHILD step mother’s these days I swear I’m thankful my son’s step mother isn’t up in my business like this smh I think this is more of a control issue not a “when is the right time to stop allowing a child to see his parent naked issue” let her tell you what to do in your household and see how you like it


My kids are 6 & 8 they don’t see me or my husband hell not even each other

Its not like she’s intentionally trying to show him her body or anything. She’s in her own home and about to shower🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t necessarily find it completely appropriate but you can’t control everything in the other household , it’s not your place

i stopped dressin g with my son in the room at 6 when they get to asking questions its time for change its hard when ur a single mom having to use every spare min u have to shower ect (i had twins it wasnt easy) forgeting cloths i know i been there but 9 is way to old .


It’s the kids mom his bio mom the o e who birthed him. It is ok she’s not doing anything sexual. If u go to a museum u will see naked women statues n paintings so why not his mom. It’s not like his step dad is doing that.

Everyone has a body but privacy is a thing. I wouldn’t shame. If he’s peeping that behavior needs attention, rather than why his mom puts her dirty laundry in before running to the shower.

There is not an all inclusive answer, all people are raised differently some will find it acceptable some won’t. Naked is not sexual, its natural.


There’s nothing wrong with non sexual nudity with a biological parent unless/until the child is not comfortable with it. When the kid is uncomfortable they will make it known and at that time is when you need to respect that.


We avoid it as much as possible for a few years now (they’re 9 and 10) unless I’m rushing they may see underwear but that’s almost never but we each give each other privacy and they understand


Why not? I think you need to think about why you think it’s inappropriate.
Also, I’m sorry (and I say this respectfully as a step mother myself), it’s nothing to do with you.


I think a mom who carried a child in her body should get to decide on her own time as long as it isn’t sexualized then it shouldn’t be an issue. If HE seems uncomfortable with it then dad should talk to her.

It is very common in Europe for kids to see their moms naked (i.e changing, showering in front of or with them). Children grow up showering with their moms in Europe until their teenage years. Stop making everything sexual to kids. Also, you’re not the biological parent. Mind your business.

My sons and daughter never saw me nor my my husband naked

You want to traumatize your kids then walk around the house naked because I’m a female and I’m still traumatized over my mom doing that crap. Then I don’t like my kids to go over to my sister’s house because she likes to walk around the house naked and my kids are girls no I don’t treat them to feel uncomfortable dressing and undressing in front of other girls and like a changing room or in the bathroom putting on their bathing suit or something but I do discourage having to be in a room with people walking around

I’m a mom of two boys ages 9 and 10. They know to knock on my door if it’s closed before walking in, even at nighttime. Really I feel little boys should stop seeing their mom naked when they start showing curiosity about the female body. I started putting those boundaries on my boys at age 4. If we don’t teach our boys these boundaries at a young age then it’s asking for trouble in the future. They know, and are perfectly comfortable, asking me or their dad’s, any questions regarding the human body, sex, etc.

I grew up with hippies who walked around and slept naked all the time and I’m fine lol. But I was also taught you never open a shut door with out knocking, you never enter uninvited, and if someone says I need privacy you give it to them


Well done …you makes it weird and interesting🙄


I dont think so but being that your the stepparent i dont think should take that info to her. At the end of the day its HER son and her choice. Its very toxic but being raised in a split homes as a child i was told “what happens at moms stays at moms, what happens at dads stays at dads” …however if your husband deems it necessary to confront her just tell her that his son expressed he would be “peeking” into rooms to see her naked and would mention her going undressed. If she chooses she is ok with knowing that information it is on her. Woman should not have to hide their bodies from men/boys but also should not flaunt it. As long as the boy is being raised up and taught about womans bodies and how to be respectful and mature than everything should be fine. Again, try talking to her and him and make sure they are both comfortable…its probably the most you can do


I think you shouldn’t tell her what to do with her child if anything your husband should have this conversation with her and maybe just tell her it makes him uncomfortable. If we would normalize non sexual nudity maybe these men and young boys now wouldn’t be aroused by a simple shoulder or mid drift when a shirt lifts up or god forbid a damn knee be showing in school.


I’d be more concerned why he’s spying on them than seeing his mum naked


Mind your own business. My god.


I don’t think you guys should make the body into a sexual thing and that it is inappropriate to look at. This is a main reason so many have issues with people while breastfeeding. Don’t make it into something it’s not or a bigger deal.


I think it’s wrong that he sneaks in their bedroom to spy on them. That’s what you should be talking to him about…


I’d definitely be more concerned with the spying. That’s never a good thing especially as he ages. As far as her being naked leave that to your man to address.


Bloody hell my son is 16 ‘NOT ALL THE TIME’ but many times I run out the bathroom across the landing starkers he comes out his room at the wrong time he puts his head down n says mummmm!!!

I have 7 boys and as you can imagine my house is pretty crowded…lol. My sons see me naked all the time and I believe that as long as it doesn’t make them uncomfortable we as parents shouldn’t make it a bad thing. My kids are ages 4 months all the way to 12 years old and as the human body doesn’t always have to be perceived as a sexual thing.

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: now this is not your post to bring up a topic like this and then why. Is it bothering you so much I’m key sure he don’t really know the difference

I personally wouldn’t let my child see me naked starting at the age of 6. with what has me concerned is about that he sneaks in at night to spy on them so I would of talk to my husband about it and let him take control with what he does and if with them being the parents they don’t do anything there’s nothing us step-parents could do :tipping_hand_woman:

Why is it always the step moms who have something to say :joy: If DAD feels he needs to say something, then DAD can do so. Mind your business. How about we stop sexualizing the human body?


I mean it’s literally zero to do with you
It’s a naked body; I still run room to room naked and prob always will I wouldn’t change unless my child said “eh mum cover up eh”


I think you should mind your business sis!!!


You’re the step mom. Know your place. Being a step mom is hard enough as it is


Maybe get your husband to inform her that he’s told them that he’s told them that he’s been spying on them. He’s obviously not bothered by her being naked if he says she walks part of her house regularly. Also ask him why he was spying on her???


wow these comments. I am also a stepmom… and if it was me I’d just let the dad know what you heard and let him handle if. If he asks your opinion on it, give it.

I think its not even your buisness thats HIS mom and he sound to be spying


I’m naked around my place all the time. But I have a daughter (13 y.o.) so maybe that’s different. :see_no_evil:. I just enjoy walking naked around my house. I like to sleep naked. Idk. I am comfortable. :woman_shrugging:

My kids are 10 and 12 if I wanna walk around my house naked I will, and do.
I raised my kids that our bodies are private outside but in our safe space we can be free and comfortable however we choose to be.
If anyone raised this as a concern to be I’d be asking why they feel that way…seems a personal discomfort…:thinking:


i would flip out of my daughters dads new wife tried telling me that i wasn’t doing something correctly with MY child. maybe tell your step son that it’s kind of odd and inappropriate that he’s sneaking into their bedroom at night, that’s the issue here. he’s old enough to know better.

My son is turning 8 I’m a month, I am naked alot and he sees it, in the morning, going to the shower, changing etc. I still take a shower with him sometimes because he has long curly hair and I have to brush it in the tub. Idc what anyone thinks. It’s not sexual, I gave birth to him. I hate when people overly sexualize stuff between a patent and child. No there is nothing wrong so don’t go put it in his head that something is wrong with it.


Growing up my parents didn’t force us to wear clothes if we didn’t want to (and at home :joy:) but they also didn’t wear clothes that much either. For my sister and I, it’s normal. I understand for people who weren’t raised like that, find it a bit strange but that is a conversation you need to have with the mom and at the end of the day, it is her decision. Oh and the spying thing, is sooo not okay, that needs to be addressed and nipped in the butt now. I’m sure his mom will not be happy to be spied on, like anyone

Mine used to come in the bathroom when I used the bathroom and talk .lol I’d say I’d like to use the bathroom in peace they would say we just want to tell you something. My children love me no matter what I don’t see nothing wrong with that .

Kinda not ur place to pass judgement as he isn’t ur biological child….her house her rules


I for 1 am glad you heard your stepchild, took it to his father and talked about it. It shows you’re concerned and you care about the child. The ones on here telling you to mind your business well, he became your business when you married his dad. At least your not the step parent who doesn’t care because hes “not yours.” Being raised in a home with a “shes not mine” stepmother i applaud you for being concerned whether the child is biologically yours or not. For those who want to say mind your own business…the child was sharing with her she wasn’t prying she was discussing his spying as most of you suggested and the topic of seeing mom naked came up. She also never addressed the mother she took it to her husband to be discussed. Be glad he has a step parent who cares to ask questions is all im saying.

Honestly its none of your business her being naked. It isnt abused he isnt being neglected.
Many children are raised on compounds that are all naturalist facilities. They are perfectly fine well rounded kids. They just aren’t raised to be afraid of a naked body. Tho i dont let my children see me naked i dont see it being an issue for how another parent does.
You shld be concerned abt him sneaking in to spy. Your focused on an issue that has nothing to do with you.b

Completely depends on the home. If the kid isn’t uncomfortable and it’s not sexual, it’s not an issue.


My son will be 6 next month and still sees me naked. The spying is the real issue here. And I’ll also throw it out there if you came at me about this and I was in her shoes I’d tell you to mind your own damn business.

Ehhhh I don’t know. I mean I’d be a little concerned about the spying and if he like actually took notice of her being naked or reacted to it but it’s really what they are comfortable with. I have 6 kids (2 bonus) and I’m pregnant. My bio kids see me naked all the time (G8, G6, B4, B2) I do try to be a little more conservative around my bonus kids because I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable and if my bio kiddos ever said they was uncomfortable then I’d be more conservative. I try not to sexualize the body to my kids especially breast since I have breastfed 3/4 kids and they seen them all the time. If the father is concerned he should mention it but honestly you should stay out of it.

My boys let me know what they were ok with. They are now adults but at one point me running around without a bra was gross to them. So I wore a bra lol if your like me thats the first thing that comes off when you get home. He will let her know what he is ok with. Also my youngest son use to hide in our closet to spy. I would check the closet before changing because I knew my little guy was likely there. I didn’t make a big deal of it and he grew out of it. He just wanted to be as close to me as possible. He grew out of that too lol. Good luck and always pick your battles. He will be much happier with everyone getting along. Plan a barbeque.

I think you should mind your business.


Personally I think that’s weird asf. But I also think it’s not your place to say and certainly not your place to put it on social media. I’d smack the shit out of my child’s stepmom for this :woman_facepalming:t2:

Normalize the body! All 4 of my kids see me naked on the regular. The body is natural. Don’t make it more than it is.


I agree that from a certain age you should show ‘public decency’ to teach them what’s acceptable to show others and what isn’t also to teach him what’s acceptable for an adult to show him and what isn’t because he could think a random man/woman showing him their naked body is ok and it really isn’t


He sounds pretty normalized to it and if they(his actual mother and her actual son) don’t seem phased by it then you should not worry about it. It doesn’t sound like she does anything that is alarming while naked so it might be time to realize you have a place and it isn’t in her business with her son. Just stick to discussing him sneaking in to spy.

Ummm…do you know where babies come from?? She birthed him. Everything in this world is over-sexualized anymore. Our body’s are natural, incredible machines!


I think it all depends on the comfort of the family. It seems like they don’t imply anything sexual about it. A naked body is only sexualized if you make it that way.

I see a lot of discounting of a step parent’s role. They have the right to ask questions and make rules too. This is a person that does assist in the raising of a child. So they can’t say anything but can watch the child and help financially? If something concerns them bring it up. Both the naked and sneaking in the room would cause me some concern.

I walk around my house in Underwear and a big t-shirt all the time I mean I have two daughters no sons but I don’t see the difference if it’s your child I have taken showers with my 5 year old neither of us feel uncomfortable I’m her mama and she’s my baby nmw age its only in appropriate if you make it that way


Whenever he is uncomfortable with it or his mom.

No absolutely not he should not see that


My kids are 11, 6 and 2 all see me naked at home only for changing or showering. I do not think it’s sexuallly issue. As long I had a talk with them bout it. Only at home not in public and etc.

I think if it’s not sexual, then it shouldn’t be a problem.


No it is not appropriate. Simple as that.


Its a body we all got same damn parts … hell in Africa its normal … I would not do this but just saying g stop being horrified by it …why is ok for man run around no shirt on omg we see a tiny and the world ends …

Walked in on my mom getting out of the shower when I was around that age… I can still see it :sob::weary: trust me… nothing sexualized there… but it can be traumatic lol

I’m more concerned about the “spying”…what is he seeing THEN???


I cringe at this because my…u know what doesn’t matter who but they still walk nude around their kids and this person’s kids are adults. Some people have diff upbringings my aunt always walks around nude also. And no there’s nothing nasty going on

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So you want to make the human body taboo? It isn’t like she is abusing him or exposing herself to his friends. Some children are raised with nudists… do they wear blindfolds? As he ages… he will become more modest and avoid that situation. Making him uncomfortable with his mother or the human body is not the correct approach.

I started covering myself when my own son was 5. The way I seen it, h was starting school and knew his own body parts and was fully potty trained so absolutely no need for him to see me naked. My daughter however is 14 and still sees me naked but she’s a girl it doesn’t bother me likecit did with my son

Please allow the father to her if you go that route. You don’t want her to know he has told you things like that.

It’s his mom and it’s just a body! Yes seeing them having s*x would be wrong but he came from that body. You’re the ones sexualizing it not him. My 8 year old sees me change in the morning and it’s just a body.

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He’s too old to be seeing his mom completely naked.


I grew up to be comfortable with my body and to not be ashamed. My boys are the same. I don’t go around naked, but I will wear my underwear and a T-shirt around the house. If they walk in while I’m showering or changing, I do not act like it’s something bad. Kids need to be taught that their body is something that they shouldn’t be ashamed of. My boys are also taught that there is a time and place too. I think you should be more worried about the fact that he wants to spy on them in their bedroom.


Maybe teach your son that the human body is just a body? Instead of trying to teach him to sexualize it.

Regardless, it’s his mother and you’re a step parent. Let his biological parents raise their children how they see fit.


I don’t feel like it’s your place to decide that especially in someone else’s household. That’s a conversation for dad and mom. As long as he isn’t seeing you or stepdad naked stay out of it.

Your inappropriate response to the human body is a learned behavior and now you’re going to teach it to him.


I used to work with juvenile sex offenders and often started with innocent things like that. I would say not and as a step mom we found out my husband ex was still showering my stepson at 9 yrs old… to me this is unnatural. I don’t get the comments of mind your business as a stepmother. You are a expected to raise this child and treat them a certain way then you should have some say as well. Maybe though have your husband address the concern since everyone here seems to think it would be an issue.

I think I’d be more concerned with the spying than the nakedness if I’m honest! Also I just wanted to say, although OP didn’t birth this child she is still helping to raise him. Its so much better (from experience) if the 3/4 parents raising this child are able to talk to each other about things and have a good cohesive relationship. It makes it so much easier and is better for the child/ren.


This kid tells you he is spying on his mom and his stepdad but you’re focusing on HIS mom walking around him naked. If he’s spying on them he’s seeing more than a naked body furthermore he can tell you when he’s uncomfortable and if he felt a way about it you should have told him to talk to his mom. I stay as clothe less as possible because I just don’t like having shitt on my skin. My body feels claustrophobic. My sons have said to me Ma put some clothes on but they only said something because others say it when they come over(yes I’m naked ALL OF THE TIME). Otherwise they don’t even pay me no mind.

Not ur place and why would u make it sexual thats her son she birthed him.


My son’s are 12 and 7. I change in my room. But they walk in all the time. As long as it doesn’t bother the child I see no problem


The kid is already talking it to a different level when “spying” I agree with you and the father it’s inappropriate now.


I’m a mother and a step mother. My children have seen me naked, my step children have NOT. I wouldn’t be comfortable with that, nor would they. I think when you hide reality, it creates curiosity. I’d rather be open and honest with my kids than have them ask questions elsewhere. My daughters (still very young) often shower with me. Their dad doesn’t want anyone around when he’s naked so they’ve never seen him naked. It’s up to the individual and the child. If he’s not uncomfortable with it, and she’s not either, then it’s ultimately none of your business. If he IS uncomfortable then that’s something Dad needs to discuss with his mother. There are boundaries but they vary greatly between homes. Don’t read too much into it either or you could possibly turn something innocent into a spectacle that just isn’t required and harm the relationships around the child.

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I see no issue with her being naked around her own child, he sees no issue with it. Your making it weird, not his mother. I would have his father address the spying thing but that’s it. Don’t try to sexualize a mother and son being comfortable with eachother. That’s just weird.


My kids always walk in on me naked lol, don’t see the problem. Home is a safe space! Lost count how many times mine have walked in on me in the bath :joy: 9 is still very young too. The problem here is SPYING… that’s a bit concerning. And also shows he’s not mature enough, so seeing his mum with no clothes on probably doesn’t bother him, like it’s bothering you for some reason


I think that what goes on between him and his mom are their business. But in my house my son is 11 we do not make a big deal about seeing each other naked. We have been around each other naked since the day of his birth. This may change as he gets older because of the awkward teenage years but I think it is completely natural.


I change in my room and leave door open… my boys dont flinch.its the way we have always been. It’s part of life


My kids have seen me naked, not purposely, and they automatically turn around, not because they relate it to sex but because its makes them gag to see mom naked LOL. I don’t blame them, sometimes not even I want to see me naked :laughing: I think it’s until it makes them uncomfortable. It’s something completely natural.

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U said he is spying on her so maybe she is trying to keep her self hidden n he is just being a kid…its just his mom he is bound to see her naked about 1000 more times in his life time…


It is not a sexual thing to walk around naked. How many times do you see naked bodies in old paintings? Breast were made to FEED a child. Like a cow and every other mammal. He is half of her. Now the spying, late at night? THAT is something to worry about.