The human body is natural. When I take a shower my 9 year old will walk in sometimes and see me naked, or when I’m getting dressed in my room. Sometimes she wants help washing her hair to make her shower faster so me or dad will help her. She comes in freely if me or dad are using the restroom. I would say when she is uncomfortable with it I’d when I would be more conscience of when I’m getting dressed. She knows right from wrong and knows her body is hers and what is inappropriate and not. Even my 19 year old will come into the bathroom when I’m taking a shower if she needs to talk to me
It ok for them to see parents naked from time to time but spying is not good he may see something sexual and that is a different can of worms so they need to talk to him about boundaries and not to be going into his parents bedrooms at either house with out knocking and asking for permission to enter but the body is the body it is ok that is not what I would want to do but Everyone is different
No way put a stop to that immediately I feel once a child has been potty trained its ti.e to stop letting them see you naked or anything.
What if he wants to join the medical field later? A body is a body and nothing to be ashamed of. We don’t prance around naked but we do the same. I’ll strip in the basement and walk to the bathroom. It invites questions. My kids ask about my freckles and scars and tattoos. Theres nothing shameful in nudity until you make it that…and making it that way will invite problems later on. Makes a naked body as uninteresting as carrots if you see it daily
It makes the kids curious and want to spy.
My son is almost 3 and he sees me change often. He also hops into the shower a few times a month when I don’t want to wait until he’s in bed. He knows the parts of the body and how girls have boobs and boys have pecs and private parts are our own unless I have to change a pull up. My son was breast fed, so his first view of me was my tit. I don’t know why we have to over sexualize these things. Maybe my son will grow up to become a doctor and help save lives, work in sports medicine, or become a trainer. Maybe his interest in the human body will help him one day create something that could change the world. But my son’s interests are not just of the human body and weather or not I am naked. To him, I am his mother. How does a child learn to use the potty? By watching siblings or adults use the toliet… My son sees me piss on the daily and my boyfriend and his father both show him how to pee standing up… yep that’s right… my son sees male anatomy too!! If it ever gets to a point when his father or myself have an issue with our son seeing the human body we’ll just turn off the tv, take away his tablet ( when he has), phone (when he has), not allow any sports (gym locker rooms ya’ll), no swimming in pools… forget the beach… For this I say you and Dad decide if a call to mom is needed and have a conversation.
Gathering from these comments… my son is almost 5 and we shower together… is this considered inappropriate? I don’t know when is too old…
My son is 10 and I frequently change in my room or bathroom and leave the door open because I have a 3 year old toddler who’s in and out anyway. I’ve talked to my son and he knows to respect women and thier personal boundries. Theres nothing sexual there because I’m his mother,and I birthed him. He is educates on where he came from, and the older he gets the more we’ll discuss. Everyone is different, and parents differently. If your stepson has an issue with it he’ll let his dad or mom know and I’m sure they’ll come to a agreement… till then there isn’t much you can do about but talk to him and teach him to respect boundries better. In all honesty I’d be more worried about the boundries issue more.
Placed on my bedroom door after 9 yr old son walked in and found his nude mother with one leg hiked up on the dresser inserting a tampon. yay!
IMO If they’ve been together X amount of years it is her business,she took on the responsibility of raising that child too when she got with his father… Now, I think she shouldn’t be walking around in front of her 9yr old naked like that,IMO he’s too old.
I dont go out of my way to walk around naked but my kids do see me naked and we don’t make a big deal of it because we don’t want to create any unhealthy relationships with the human body. Thats his mother and to be completely honest, not at all your business how she parents her own child. You guys are the ones sexualualizing it and making it weird. He literally came out of her body.
The spying is what’s weird to me. If she’s comfortable being naked, and he isn’t expressing any discomfort about it I say leave it alone. Don’t be naked in your house if you don’t want to be seen naked. Definitely need to address the spying though. If he’s spying that’s a breach of consent in my opinion.
I have a 9 year old, 15, 17, 19 year old.
It’s not appropriate for them to see the opposite sex naked.
I mean it’s normal to see them in a towel or in bathing suits stuff like that but all our naked is just odd, she should not feel that comfortable in front of her son
What is this the victorian times? Do cover those table legs mother!
My son has seen me naked unintentionally several times and kids are and will always be curious of the human body. I always make it a point to teach them to knock first. Or have a towel or robe handy just in case it does happen. But 9 times out of ten it’s just curiosity and phase that kids go through.
Idk but step momma should stay in step mommas place.
Your making it sexual, not anyone else. And that’s HIS mother… so, perhaps as the stepmom you should just backoff and know what’s to spoken up about and what’s not.
I have two boys and they are 8 and 3. My 3 year old showers with me as it’s easier. My 8year old has seen me naked since he was born. For him it is normal. He doesn’t stare or anything. We have explained to him that everyone has a body and you don’t have to be ashamed of that.
I’d be more concerned with him spyin than him seein her naked tf , but yea my son’s 6 & I stopped gettin dressed in front of him when he turned 4. Jst bc it makes me, personally, uncomfortable
No expiration date when it comes to the mother. You had me at “my stepson….”. MYOB
Mind your business… You have no say so in what that grown woman does in the comfort of her own home… She’s his MOTHER. A lot of people have grown up in a household where parents (well mom) will be naked
Non sexual nudity isn’t inappropriate unless the child is uncomfortable. If he’s used to seeing his mom walk nude from one room to another, that’s normal. We should be letting kids know that ALL human bodies are normal and not shameful things. This is why cleavage and shoulders and other female body parts are deemed unnecessary at school. This attitude right here. You’re the ones with the problem and it’s you guys who need to deal with your own issues. Clearly the kid isn’t bothered. I would definitely talk more about the spying. It’s sneaky and creepy and not a behaviour you should overlook. But I wouldn’t shame normal nudity for the sake of correcting the spying. My boys are 10, 8, and almost 6…. They used to barge in as little fellas all the time, now they knock but I don’t freak out if they see me naked. They know we are all naked under our clothes lol. They know about periods and all kinds of normal natural things because I want them to appreciate that females are not objects and that we go through some stuff just to exist lol.
It’s only shameful if u make it shameful. There’s nothing wrong with a 9 year old seeing his mom naked while she’s getting dressed or walking from room to room. Just my opinion. Now if he’s 15 16 17 that’s a little different because at that point he’s a grown man. But to each their own, we just want to avoid shaming bodies & that’s what we’re doing if we’re telling him he should never see his mom naked. It’s a natural thing, I’ve showered with my son since he was a baby, he’s only 3 right now but honestly I don’t see myself worried about it until he’s a teen but I also think as far as If it was u naked and not his mother that might be a little different. And yes honestly it’s her business what she does with her son, if the father has an issue he can address her but it’s still her business what goes on at her house and I don’t see any harm
Mind your damn business. She is the mother, NOT you.
Personally I don’t change in front of my son but I have been in underwear walking in my house lol doesn’t bother my son. I teach him a body is a body but we still respect privacy. I’m in the medical field. Iv seen all sorts of things and personally nothing phases me at this point so I’m open and comfortable with alot of things others aren’t.
I have a friend who grew up and his mom would frequently be naked. He was telling me the story and told me how he grew up and it was never a sexual type of thing, but he grew up seeing a real woman, belly and stretch marks and such. He said it was a very normal thing. As an adult he has been happily married for 20+ years and is successful. He’s a really good guy who respects women. It is not how I would choose to raise my son but it did not seem to cause any damage for him… He may have been better off
I don’t walk around naked anymore, I usually have a bra and underwear on while strutting the house, but I also don’t close my bedroom door often.
My 6 BOYS are all over 18 now and they have ALL seen it.
They do not walk around my house naked because of their own comfort with their own nudity, but mine… They’re comfortable with it.
They don’t care. They’ve seen it all 1000 times and I’m their mother. I have no cares in the world about it… THEY did this to my body… So…
Step mother has made this into a Sexual thing and is now up in arms about it.
Bet she doesn’t have kids of her own
I dont see anything really wrong with him seeing her naked. I think he should be taught not to “spy” on people because it’s an invasion of their privacy and he needs to respect boundaries.
With my little boy as soon as he started walking he was not allowed to see me in any kind of situations that involved me naked he is also the only of 6 girls. Sometimes boundaries need to be set in place at a young age. If he feels its okay for him to see his mom naked he my misunderstand that its not okay to walk in on other women. Set boundaries young so they don’t get into trouble down the road.
Way to old. Set boundaries!!!
He needs to understand that he wouldn’t want her to see him naked!!
It needs to stop now!!
Mind ya business! You’re his STEP-mom. Know your place. She may be open and comfortable with being naked around HER kids. Stop sexualizing it! It’s natural to be naked.
I also feel that you need to know that I think you are awesome for showing concern for your stepson. That’s what any good stepmother would.
Ooh this is tough one for sure. I agree what happens there is between them. I am a step parent as well. but my personal experience as a mother and early educator. Is that once they are 5/6 going to school, then they are too old to be seeing me undressed. It’s not because of sexualizing it. It’s because we don’t walk around naked. The same way I wouldn’t want my teen daughter walking around naked in front of her Dad and siblings. Besides Believe me. your teachers know what goes on at your houses. Lol my kids not going to school hopefully, talking about my naked butt lol.
Omg why are some of you guys so bitter:woozy_face: she only asked a questions cause she needs help. Well me as a step kid my mother taught us to protect ourselves from both sides. Which included my step dad, we’ve never see him naked. And boys are very curious so if he told her that it’s because he’s been thinking. My little brothers seen us naked all the time but my 5 years old brother never had any reaction before so the other day I was naked coming from the shower and that’s when I saw him blushing then he made a remark so that’s when I knew he’s too old and I don’t want him seeing us naked no more:woman_shrugging:t5: a 9 year old is old enough to have desires and thoughts so why can’t she protects her step kid:roll_eyes: some of you guys are just way to ignorant. Of you treating ur step kid like a step kid then you have no right to talk and it seems like she wants what best for her step kid. It’s her step kid not y’all’s.
I walk around naked or with clothes from one room to another ie to have a shower.
I do not feel sexual in front of my children I simply am comfortable in my own home to do what I need to when preparing to dress or shower.
I want my children either gender to be open and ask questions and be educated about human anatomy and why things are a certain way and how they work. No I do not plan to be naked in front of the kids when teenagers.
I teach my children about privacy and what is and isn’t OK, but I do not allow body shaming etc.
I bathed with my kids ups until they were around 6 I think. But I do think it would be odd for a stepparent to be naked in front of their stepchildren unless for something practical like taking them swimming getting changed in a cubicle, or breastfeeding. I think as long as you’re sensible about it, we’re all human
My kids are 12,10,and 8 and they see me naked. I ran out the bathroom the other day because I forgot my hygiene container and all my kids were studying
Nudity has NOTHING to do with sexuality. Don’t get it confused. If it doesn’t make your son uncomfortable, it’s not a problem. Usually when kids hit puberty, thats when they start feeling uncomfortable about seeing their parents naked… As soon as your son expresses discomfort or awkwardness about it, then it’s time for the parents to show consideration and start being more modest.
If this is a norm for them then there’s nothing wrong with it. He knows no different with her. The spying probably isn’t the best way to satisfy his curiosity tho. Sounds like maybe dad needs to have a talk with him about the body and see if he has any questions.
I think it’s absolutely fine. If we normalise the naked body then maybe we can all start to talk about medical conditions more freely and be confident in our own skin. We can encourage body positivity and try to reduce the ‘body shaming’ society we’re all living in. Being naked is 100% natural!!!
And as a mum if someone tried to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing with my kids it wouldn’t be well received at all!x
My kids come and talk to me in the shower all the time no peace at all in this house but point being I’m their mum I made them and it’s a body nothing to be ashamed of
However the sneaking in the room is slightly concerning and does need addressing
Depends if the child is comfortable about it in my opinion. I wouldn’t do it but everyone is different x
I think thats up to his mother & step father to decide if its unappropriate or not in their home… I know a few people who are very open in there homes as for nudity…
I would probably mention the spying, but being naked? Nah, it’s not sexual until you make it that way. Unless her or the child are uncomfortable with it, it’s really not yalls business what happens in their home. It’s not like she’s doin the helicopter with her Titties
I don’t see anything wrong with I feel the the human body is natural and the more you hide and make a big deal out of it the more the kids grow up thinking it’s a big deal my boys are 9 and almost 12 I walk around the house naked all the time . It’s different if it’s sexual but just being naked I don’t feel that is a big deal just my thoughts though I know people who don’t agree and chose to parent their own way there is no right or wrong way!
It sounds like he didn’t see anything wrong with seeing his mother naked. If your concerned communication is key…but not with the child with the adults. Letting mom know he may be spying could be a great opportunity for the ADULTS to discuss how to approach him with a discussion about privacy and personal space. NOT about seeing his mom naked but because its important to teach our children boundaries and respect of others. Leave it open for questions and for him to feel supported and heard not shamed and humiliated.
My brothers are 9&10 and they still see my mum naked. They don’t sexualise their own parents. Get a grip.
What Patsinda Gonzalez said. If you sexualize the human body you now make it uncomfortable. Eventually HER son will say to his mom eww or whatever it may be and that will change things in THEIR household.
Have you watched tv lately? Isn’t naked the “in” fashion style now? And that’s for the general public lol you’re talking about a mother in her own home. Leave her alone.
Inappropriate after 5 ish I say. When they really start to remember things. It goes both ways, a little girl shouldn’t see her dad walking around naked, so why is it ok for a lil boy to see his mom ?
Damn everyone is being so harsh… I notice the same thing in every single post… you guys are ALWAYS attacking the step moms. She’s showing some concern! It’s disgusting to see how some of you wouldn’t be able
To co parent peacefully for your kids and it really shows insecurity on your behalf! Not once did this post mention anything sexual! The kid is almost 10 years old, now it’s time to cover up a little bit more! He’s getting too old.
Wow she asked for advice and most of you have done nothing but bitch at her it may be innocent but could also be how the child has explained it
Wonder if everyone would have the same view on it if it was the father walking around naked and showering with his 9 year old daughter.
Can’t believe you have to ask !!!
Who gives a toss, if they are both alright with it then whatever. If you don’t want him to see you naked then don’t get undressed in front of him.
People on here have some right petty problems
My sons 26 and occasionally seen my naked butt or me in bra and knickers he really takes no notice but i would object to anyone barging into my room
If i were you I’d ve having a full family conversation on why the kid is spying late at night. As for the nudity as long as it not sexual lots of people choose to show flesh as they see fit. As this thread shows there is another side a best believe mom falls into it. Hugs for being concerned but its her not you
Just be more concerned about him sneaking around trying to spy. His behavior and his approach to privacy and perhaps in this case nudity is a reflection of how they or you all approach it at home. Explain boundaries. Privacy. Without sexualizing the parents.
At 9 years old, HELL NO!! That is NOT okay!!
I think it’s great that she’s showing concern, not necessarily judgment of the biological mom as a step parent. Everyone telling her to mind her business? Her stepson is still her business. How do we know she hasn’t been the stepmother sense this child was an infant. Yes, biological parents should have an overall say in things. But it is absolutely not wrong of her as another caring and involved parent to speak to another side of this discussion.
She also didn’t indicate that she or the son were sexualizing boddies. Teach your kids to appreciate and accept the naked body for what it is, and that it’s not shameful to see naked bodies or to have questions.
But there is nothing wrong with creating boundaries and creating privacy. Especially if this child is starting to spy or come into his parents room without permission to do so.
Honestly it’s each to there own, nudity is natural. If you don’t sexiual it, he won’t know any difference. It’s us adults who put everything in a sexualising content. Witch is a shame really. My son is 7 and he will often ask to come have a shower is mummy or even daddy still. Or sometimes he will shower by himself. We see no issue with it. He’s not upset by it at all.
Growing up it was never something to be ashamed of in my house… I saw my mother naked and my dad naked a lot when I was young… the human body is a natural thing…
I would always leave the bathroom door open in case someone needed to use the bathroom… my mother also walked around in her silky undies and t shirt ALOT… and my dad would walk around in his underwear when he woke up and before bed… It taught me to not feel ashamed of how I looked and to not judge people just because our bodies are different. I also knew I didn’t have to hide in my own home AND because of this… dressing appropriately outside of my home was NEVER a huge deal.
So now I have 5 kids… it’s NOT a big deal… and there is no being ashamed of our bodies… this also makes for less of the inappropriate giggles and comments when my 3 boys and 3 girls see a woman or man who isn’t fully dressed… I am very proud of my children for not thinking it’s wrong to be naked or being ashamed since all of us look differently… all of my kids are also c-section babies and know that my body is how they came into this earth and every one of them think it’s a beautiful things and are proud of it!
Honestly what you should be worried about it that he is SPYING!
Wow all the hateful comments on here are ridiculous. If it was a father walking around naked in front of his 9 year old daughter, people would be losing their fucking minds. But because it’s a woman, it’s okay? No. It’s not. If it was a little girl, that would be one thing. A 9 year old boy should NOT be seeing his mother naked though. Like that is NOT okay at all!! And your husband should definitely talk to her about it…
LOL lady stay in your lane. Whatever happens at moms house is none of your business.
Damn mind your business. Yall are the ones serializing his mom being nude. Grow up and stop making everything about sex!!
If you want your kids to be comfortable in their own skin, show them how comfortable you are in your skin. As for the sexual side of that convo, that’s between yall! And up to the parent to present a proper conversation about it!!
Maybe him seeing her naked has lead to his spying in the bedroom
I think that maybe you should leave it alone. He is part of her. That is his mom. You were on point to tell him he shouldn’t spy
I think as long as your still assisting your kid in bathing it’s okay once they start doing it on there own then it’s fine I will be bathing with my baby but I think 4/5 is the cut off for me.
I’d probably be more concerned that he, as you state, says he’s ‘spying’ on them, although it’s perfectly normal for a child to be inquisitive. My children know they need to knock on my door, more because I’m uncomfortable with how I look, i don’t even like being naked in front of my partner at present.
My suggestion is you mind your damn business. She’s clearly washing her clothes and don’t try and make him think his mom is doing something wrong.
No I agree not appropriate and I have 5 girls of all ages 21 to 8 years old and they don’t see me naked
Look into nudist colonies before jumping to conclusions and sexualizing a situation that isn’t inherently sexual.
The problem here is we automatically associate nudity with sexual intentions and that needs to stop. Is there a limit to when it’s not appropriate, yes, of course. But simply watching someone walk around in the buff isnt and shouldnt be taken as inherently sexual.
Like may others mentioned, I’d be more alarmed by the spying going on.
ok ok look, i understand BUT my baby dad used to LIVE in a nudist colony with his mother around this age. His mom slept naked every single night outside of living in the colony. He worked in a nursing home at age 16 as well cleaning cooter cats. He is just fine. If you asked him how he felt seeing her like that he would simply say it was normal. He NEVER sexualised his mother and he also has the most decency of all the men I have met.
I’m 29 and still see my mom naked on occasion. The human body isn’t something we should be ashamed of
She gave birth to him he literally came out of her. I have 2 boys and honestly walk around MY house however the hell I want I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon haha. If you can’t walk around your own house naked when the hell can you.
Should this kid see the step mum naked? Definitely not that’s not his mum, but his own mum in her own house, I don’t see the problem.
If it’s not weird don’t make it weird. If I’m changing and my kids walk in it’s no big deal because none of us think weirdly about it … no body has ever been touched inappropriately ever so the sexual part of being naked isn’t even thought about at all! Naturally I cover myself without thinking about it but i don’t see nakedness a problem all on it’s own.
I don’t like my kids seeing me naked because it is my body, and it is my privacy. kids should have respect for other peoples bodies and privacy. To me It is wrong, and as a step parent you do have rights to say what you feel is wrong.
Look, people need to stop sexualizing peoples bodies. Sex is only for procreation, nothing else. The more you normalize that, the better. Boobs are for breast feeding infants/toddlers, the vagina is a door way for babies to enter the world. The more you normalize that especially to a boy, the more the boy will grow up knowing all of that and not sexual a woman off of the streets as an adult. Women wonder why males are so sexual and hit on them while they are just walking down the street. Hiding the fact that our bodies are not for men’s pleasure and only for procreation is teaching him to sexualize women and that women should be covered up. Teaching him not to sexualize women that way will trigger him to understand that women are not for males pleasure and only for procreation. God brought Adam and Eve down to earth naked told them they shouldn’t be ashamed to be naked and that it’s normal, the Devil told them to cover up their bodies and that they should be ashamed of themselves to be naked in front of others.
Just as long as u make sure he doesn’t see u. You okay
This is why people don’t want people with Kids these comments take care of ur on kid then if the step parent is being treated like they don’t have a say periodt!!! Don’t ask the step parent for nothing & I mean nothing & if he is that curious she needs to stop getting naked around the kid!
Ok, here’s the thing; everyone will have a different viewpoint. I have a 9 year old son and I don’t let him see me nude. It’s called boundaries and modesty. That’s how I do things in MY home. Now what I don’t do is worry about what other people do in their home. Some people were raised to be open with nudity and that’s fine too. That’s why they have nude beaches. If you guys think it’s a big deal then maybe you should bring it up to his mom. I would probably be more concerned that he’s a little peeping Tom but that’s just me.
She gave birth to him. I take it you have no kids. She carried him inside her for 9 months, stop trying to make being naked a sexual thing. U must have some insecurities about your body
It’s really not a big deal…the naked body is not an inappropriate thing…don’t make anyone feeling bad for owning a body…
Honestly, kids don’t care. I could be on the toilet, in the tub, shower…and my kids just walk right in like “hey can we have a snack” and walk out like it was nothing, because we have made it that way. No one is ashamed of being naked at all, as long as you don’t make it weird
Alot of people are doing this especially now bc of covid. I work in healthcare and that’s the first thing I do is strip down and get in the shower I dont want my clothes to touch anything in the house. I feel like it’s not a big deal i mean everyone parents there owne way and not everyone is going to agree with your choices as a parent. It’s just a matter of opinion I guess.
Stay in your lane! That child came out of her vagina. Ain’t nothing sexual your the pervert for making it nasty. I’m a nurse so I strip butt ass naked in my laundry room and walk my naked ass upstairs for a shower and I don’t care who sees🤷🏻♀️
As I cant control bio mom’s policy on nudity at HER house, I’d be more concerned that he thought it was ok to sneak in on grown folks in the middle of the night to “spy”. Seems sketchy af
Your husband should talk to BM and let her know what the child is doing. She may not even know the child is spying on her. Give her a chance to correct it.Also kids are gonna see you naked at some point.
Adults sexualize the human body… children do NOT unless there’s some form of SA going on or the child is a victim.
Telling him he shouldn’t “spy” was the right thing to do but other than that I think you should stay in your own lane. That’s not a hill I’d die on with a co parenting relationship which can already be super rocky. There’s so much more with Co parenting and the human body shouldn’t be one of the points of arguments.
Best of luck
Darren Cooper i told ya 42 was too old
For all Yall telling her to mind her business, she is. Her step son is her business. You’d want her to help report any abuse that goes on right(no im not saying walking around naked is abuse)? Just like any mom or bonus mom shes concerned for the CHILD… And at 9 its definitely not okay to walk around naked infront of your child. I stopped doing that when my eldest turned 3. I either wrap my robe or a towel around my body. Hes spying cuz hes curious about the female body as any boy his age would be(if hes into girls). If she wants to walk around naked she should do it after hes gone to bed or after hes gone to school or is out of the house.
Definitely have dad talk to the mom tell her about the spying too. She more than likely doesnt even realize it.
I’d have more of an issue with the fact he’s going in and spying on them in the middle of the night. That’s weird
We comfortable in our skin over here! Shit might as well.say we are part time nudists
It’s NOT OK. My sons have never ever seen me naked!! I’d talk with her if things don’t change I’d call children’s protective services. This is WAY WRONG
I do still get dressed in front of my boys but they always around when I’m getting dressed. plus it’s normal in our household. just because it doesn’t work for you it may be normal in their household. plus that’s his mom seriously they gone see people naked just dont make it weird or perverted.
I have all girls and we talk about our bodies and how they change. They are 8 and 5. They have walked in mid change and have seen my breasts for like a second or two and it’s no big deal in our home if they see me. That being said, my husband has always made sure the girls never saw him. One time my daughter at age 2 walked in on him in the bathroom and he peed all over the wall trying to shelter her from seeing him! ever since he locks the door even when charging his clothes! It’s a no go for him!
Hmmm see there something wrong with this whole thing. For one you’re with his dad not his mom. For to its really none of your business what she does or doesnt do in her own home. Plus i think this is between the bio parents to talk about to their child. So my advice stop sticking you nose into places that dont belong and mind your own personal life. Sorry if i sounding rude but im being straight with you.
Gosh I hate people like this STEP mom! Mind your own damn business! If his mother is okay with it, why make it weird to be naked!? I can’t dtamd trying to take the innocence away from kids. Naked is not bad!
In my home we are always running around in tank tops/undershirts and underware. Kinda like people taking off their shoes, we take off clothing too!!! Too many germs.
But I also will walk throughout the home “nekkid” (international spelling).
I want my son to be comfortable of others whether clothed or not. Being nude is not sexual. Being nude is natural. Whenever I first started working in nursing I was weirded out by helping male patients because as a kid I was sheltered and didn’t know what to expect. Penis was portrayed as sex but I am trying to kick into medical mode. Penis needs catheter…I was still a virgin but the thoughts in my head scared me because all I knew was that I wasn’t supposed to touch a penis until I got married because it’s SEXUAL.
I feel that too much sexual emphasis is put on the human bodies. We dress modest, I wear several layers of underclothes but skin shouldn’t intimidate you.
I don’t focus on my body period, my son just sees me as Heavenly Father created me. I don’t parade around for glory, I am usually racing through the house getting showered and dressed and if you or your kids get sexually focused/turned on by that action then maybe y’all focus too much on sex and not what life is all about.
aint nothing wrong with it mind your business now the sneaking in her room part might not be a good idea