At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

About the spying habits. In some cases, that’s how kids slowly turn into peeping toms. They will think it’s ok to look at a naked woman anywhere and they could eventually start liking it. How many kids are caught peeping through dressing rooms? Sometimes they don’t know the difference. It’s normal to them. In this lady’s case, I’d be worried already since he’s spying on them while they’re in the room. People don’t think long term. That’s the sad part.


My daughter is almost 5 and she sees me naked daily. There were a few times she has walked into the bathroom while I’m getting dressed and said “eww mommy I don’t wanna see you naked” in a joking way, and I told her she should respect my privacy then and not walk in when the door is closed. Otherwise, she literally doesn’t seem to care at all. She will have a full blown conversation with me while butt naked. 9 year old boy? I’m not sure about.

He shouldn’t have seen you naked at all to begin with…

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What you do and think could be completely different of what she does and thinks. Honestly that’s her son and she can determine what is best for her and her son in her own house.


Getting undressed
In front
Of my son At 2. He’s 6 and
To old
To see
His mom of sisters naked. I even make
Him move when I change his baby sisters. Yahll weird as
Hell if you think
It’s ok to walk around
Your kids naked
Bc you’re a mom.
But if dad
Doing it
Around his daughters
This conversation would
Be going completely different


Mind your business and your own house.


To each their own but being naked is not a big deal at our house. As long as you don’t make it a big deal I don’t think it should be. And that’s his MOTHER she can do whatever the hell she wants to… step mom needs to mind her own business.

Mind your business :raised_hands:t3: being naked is normal don’t make something weird because you are uncomfortable in your own skin.


Honestly, if its an occasional thing not a big deal, the body is the body and shouldnt be taboo…at that age kids are curious about bodies of the opposite sex so age appropriate education is important…the sneaking into the room might just be curiousity about girl parts, so I would have a convo with the child on why he feels he needs to “spy”.

I don’t know. I guess 3-ish. I don’t really remember. Those are the kinds of things you just sort of know when the time comes.


I think if the child isn’t uncomfortable with it then it’s not an issue. My kids see me naked. My sons 6 when he’s uncomfortable I won’t

Um I’m 25 and still see my mom naked to this day :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: Its a natural body. He literally came out of her. Its not a big deal.

Spying needs to stop, but different houses do different things. Moms and dads can dress in front of thier kids the rest of their lives and it not be wierd because it’s THEIR house. It’s fine if you’re not comfortable with it and it’s fine that she is

She could be a nudest


It’s only weird if you make it weird. I would mind my own business.


He literally came out of her . I think it’s fine. He’s 9. Not 14

I grew up with a mom who would walk around naked because we refused to specialize the human body. Those breasts fed me that vagina gave life to me her tummy holds the story of your growth. They spying habits are what need to be addressed but there is nothing wrong with seeing a human body. People specialize things way too much

We were born naked clothes are man made


U the step mom mind ur business nd let his father handle it because no he shouldnt be seeing his mom naked


Different strokes for different folks. My son saw me naked til about ten. My twelve year old girls see me naked all the time, they just walk into the bathroom while I’m getting ready. Nudity shouldn’t be a sexualized thing. As for what YOU think, it’s none of your business, honestly. Unless she is being inappropriate its not your place to say anything.

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Why are we so hung up on nudity? It’s the most natural state to be in. It’s the adults’ hangups and skewed view of the human form that is the problem, not the natural curiosity of a child. What about children who grow up in clothing optional communities? Do they all turn out to be “perverts” as you call them? What about in so-called undeveloped countries. At the moment I can’t quote the psychiatric journal where I read this, but many years ago research was done that showed the differences between pre-missionary and post-missionary intervention in cultural norms in a tribe in the Amazon. Body shaming didn’t start until the women were taught to cover themselves; the research made a direct link between levels self-esteem and the teachings that the body should be covered because of blah, blah, blah. (Remember, it’s in the “civilized” culture where little kids sneak peeks at National Geographic!) I think we need to worry more about teaching our kids to communicate with us when they have curiosities rather than creating an atmosphere of secrecy. jmo

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Wow, I’m completely mind blown at how many of you actually think its ok to be naked in front of ur kids this is just weird and not right to me, what is wrong with u people?


The child doesn’t think about it like a sick minded adult… there is a difference…

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That’s HER son NOT yours and I personally think u should mind your own business and stay in YOUR lane


I dont think it should be up to his Step mom to make decisions or have an opinion on his mothers household. Boundaries!!! Learn your place and mind your own.


I saw my mom naked up until I moved out. It’s my mother. She gave me life. It’s not weird. You’re making it weird

I think it’s disturbing, that’s just me.

150% comfortable in my OWN SKIN and NONE of my children see me naked. Like WTF :flushed: y’all some nasty asses who don’t know how to show your kids RIGHT FROM WRONG. accept it or not the human ADULT NAKED body is a SEXUAL ATTRACTION and if you have any SELF RESPECT you would teach your child that being naked, YES ITS OKAY but in PRIVACY.
I have two boys and I sure as hell don’t need them thinking it’s okay to walk around naked in front of girls AT ANY AGE for that matter :woman_shrugging:t2:.
But hey it’s just MY OPINION

I think the bigger question here is why is he sneaking in to spy on them to start with? Nudity isn’t a big deal unless you make it that way. However, I wouldn’t want my kid seeing me naked at that age.

Absolutely NOT, my my used to walk around naked like getting up in the morning to put coffee on or coming & going from the bathroom to get a shower or when she was done taking a shower…my siblings and I HATED it. I have two sisters and a brother. In no way shape or form is this okay. We were disgusted as small children and teenagers. Nobody wants to see that from a parent or any other relative or adult when you’re a child or teen :face_vomiting:

If it’s normal to him in his moms household then don’t make it weird. The human body isn’t something that should be shamed and seeing a human body naked doesn’t need to be specialized. Mom is comfortable with it in her household and her son doesn’t seem uncomfortable either


My kids are 12, 10, &6 and they see me in the tub or if they have a question while I’m changing. It’s only weird when you make it weird.

Mind ya business for that naked momma mind it for ya.


First of all and the only problem YOU ARE THE STEPMOM THATS HIS MOM!!! Now I could see if he was seeing you or the stepdad naked!!! Miss go cook something please


Agreed. Your overstepping. For you its wierd than dont do it. You got no right questioning him about his natural mothers home anyways. Sounds like your wanting to start mess where there ain’t none.

Personally, I don’t find it appropriate at any age. I’ve got boys and girls and never has it seemed ok for them to see me naked. Some things are meant to be done in private, and getting into your birthday suit is definitely one of them.

I with the mind your buisness. You are making something out of nothing and I would be furious you were interrogating my child. That is her son who is from her and part of her. Being naked is NOT a problem if there is nothing sexual going on and it doesn’t sound like that is the case at all. You need to remember your role in this child’s life and it is NOT mama. I believe step moms can most definitely love that child like there own but you do not get to make the calls for this child that is between his dad and mom.

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How about instead of telling her to “stay in her lane” we realize that when couples remarry that becomes her lane as well. She is helping to raise that child too. Why should she not be allowed to have an opinion. He became her son as well the day they got married. She is simply trying to protect her family and you are all attacking her for no reason!


This whole post needs to be deleted

It’s only “weird” if you make it weird. Nudity is natural. Acting like we need to always hide our body’s adds shame to it,sex, breastfeeding, and all that other stuff. It’s a naked body, everyone has nipples, everyone has an ass, it’s not a big deal unless you make it one, and you shouldn’t. Kids that grow up in that kid of repressed household is why principals think they need to send girls home for wearing spaghetti straps, RELAX!
The spying thing might need to be addressed, sounds like he might be curious about what happens at night between two consenting adults aka sex based on “sneaking in late at night “ again that discussion should be approached by ALL parties not just you and his Dad.

The boy is 12 not 2
His mother shouldn’t walk around naked.
Some people are just sick


Girl mind ya business.


Step Mom or biological Mom, makes no difference when you carry either of the titles IT IS YOUR BUSINESS​:bangbang: I carry both and honestly, my kids are all the same but back to topic… I wouldn’t let my children see that. If they can talk, they’re too old, in my opinion, to see any adult naked. Now, under dressed, happens all the time in my busy house with all of us.:joy: His Mom is obviously comfortable with it. To each their own but if it were one of my children, we would have a conversation about it.


The body is only sexualized if made it that way. The boy doesn’t think anything of it at 9 because that’s the way it should be. When it becomes something he will say something or not be around to see it. Mind ya own business you are the step momma potentially temporary at that that’s his momma for life she birthed him.


kJ was almost 4 when I no longer had him In The showers w me he learned fast to clean himself & he’s a smart kid, even when having on a crop to he would say ew mom skin cover , or change , & he would close his eyes like when I open these eyes you better have something else on lol :joy: so that made me know he’s is growing in to a lil man & things are addressed differently now ‘ no showers & no changing in front of him , if needing to I still have on a bra but ask him to turn around close his eyes :woman_shrugging:t2: never fully naked that’s out !

I have a 15 year old son who sees me naked all the time. My son will not objectify the woman’s body. He doesn’t look at my boobs. The naked body is just a body with no clothes!
Not everything is sexual.
My son isn’t uncomfortable.
Her son. Her house. Mind YOUR business.
Maybe more people should stop making naked sexual.

Personally I think YOU are making it weird for HIM. He doesn’t see her sexually. She is naked. So what?


My son is 6 and attached to my hip LOL so I get no privacy but the older he gets I’m definitely trying to set boundaries


Nope that is too old to be seeing his mom nake but it’s her problem


Why is no one else mentioning the actual problem here?
It says the kid is sneaking into his mothers room at night to spy on her and his step dad. Wtf! :open_mouth:


Right. Yeah. The kid might have some issues. It’s not about Mom running to the shower naked. But the boy sneaking into the parents room at night to watch them. “Spy.” Watch them what?


My son is 8 - he openly says he doesn’t want to see his parents naked! He purposely looks the other way if he walks in the bathroom if in the shower/bath.

For everyone saying it’s normal to see your mom naked at NINE: ITS NOT. This is the age kids are curious about bodies and within a few years start getting curious about porn etc (maybe that’s why they are spying on mom and step dad in the middle of the night ? Trying to find out what sex is? Either way trying to see your folks doin it is CREEPY)

This child has no boundaries when it comes to the human body because he wasn’t taught any. This bonus mom is simply concerned for a child she cares about.

I’m a mom of 5 kids next March my 6th will be born . An I’m my house we don’t sexualize being naked or getting dressed in my house . The older kids go into the bathroom alone to shower and change. Unlike me I’m running all day long sorry not sorry they are all my kids I dress and undress when I need to shower and change clothes . An my doors are open always when I do because I get no privacy .my kids are always stuck to me even if I’m in the shower they want to come in the bathroom .so no I do not close my bathroom door either . I have two step kids to and they think nothing of it to .

I feel sorry for my 10 year old I do try to cover up Now a little but he always in my buisness :woman_shrugging:t4::joy:


Was always normal in my household. Two boys and a girl. No one took any notice because it was normal. my kids have very healthy attitudes towards the human body. They are now 46, 40 and 34.


And since everyone is busy judging a situation they know nothing about, to answer ur original question- once the kid can wipe and clean their own ass after potty training is when a sense of privacy should be taught and they should be taught the naked body isn’t for everyone to see. I have to teach my 3yo niece not to lift her dress in public- it’s just not something they are born knowing

If you make it weird it will be weird! The spying I’m pretty sure most kids go through that phase; just because he’s seen his mother naked doesn’t mean it’s a sexual thing?! Or an uncomfortable thing? You’re making it those things by making a big deal out of something that really isn’t even your business. His mama knows best.

If he’s like any other nine-year-old he’ll be wanting to have sleepovers at friend’s houses soon. He pulls this s*** at the wrong person’s house and he’ll end up on the sex offender list before he’s 15. He needs to be taught boundaries because it’s kids like him that turn into Brock Turner

My girls see me naked (not a nice sight for anyone lol) but seriously there’s no harm in them seeing their MOTHER naked

If he’s sneaking in to watch then he’s too old for mom to be running around naked. They should know that he’s watching them-I would want to know


All of these people getting upset about nudity! I find it hilarious! The naked body is nothing to be ashamed of, nakedness has nothing to do with sex, my kids see me run naked to the shower on the regular I really don’t see the problem :woman_shrugging:

Well I think they should play possum. Then when he gets close to the bed throw the covers back and yell, “A burglar!!”


When they are old enough to ask questions about body parts …i used to take baths with my son at 2 he started asking questions about my parts thats when i stopped

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Kids are weird tho i remember growing up I knew this boy who would find old pictures of his mom an he told me he would do things to it. So idk :no_mouth:

Idk I grew up mostly with my mom and that was normal for me, my daughter Is 6 and she never has asked why I’m nude or in underwear or anything, I can’t speak for sons since I have none

My son us 20 and still sees me naked sometimes :woman_shrugging:

To each his own. Always. But at some point the kidll be like eew mom.

Clearly his father agrees, and people like to say a lot of stuff about step parents whichever way is convenient for them :eyes::eyes:
Honestly trust your gut, I would encourage his dad to make any comments on it because you don’t wanna get in those crosshairs, and y’know- keeping the peace. But from my experience, parents who like to be naked in front of their kids like to do a lot more things, it’s about not building up boundaries and then they can shame the kid if they show discomfort. My mother in laws line to her kids was “why are you making this so perverse?! Sicko!” When she was being inappropriate with them. So, depending on the moms reaction I would definitely call that a huge red flag. Stay safe, and I hope your kid stays safe too :heart::heart:

And this is on a nail page, why?:joy::joy::joy:


I am more bothered by him sneaking in the room at night!!!


To each their own :woman_shrugging: how else are they gonna be educated properly about the anatomy of either sex if they don’t ask questions. It is something that should be explained to them from a parent after all!


I agree with you he is getting to old to be seeing her let alone anyone but himself naked

It’s more of a concern that he’s sneaking into someone’s room to spy late at night. How is that not the focus of this post though? Hes telling you he’s a lil creeper and probably watching intimate/sexual encounters of his mom and you worried about her running to the shower after she undressed. :rofl::joy:


I’m 40 and my kids still see me naked they should they may have to clean my ass one day :woman_shrugging:t2:

I think it’s more of a “having respect thing” than actually seeing her naked. There should be boundaries. Is he aware that in that house it may be normal but other household not so much?? It’s about privacy and people’s personal space.

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If they are both not bothered by it than I don’t think there is anything worng with it. A lot of families are just very comfortable being naked.
My kids and I see each other naked all the time. My oldest is 9, she sees her dad naked too. We just have never made a big deal about it. One day I’m sure the modesty will change, but for now no one is uncomfortable.
I think as a step mom, she should mind her own business about it.
I would maybe mention to the mom he said he spies on her at night time in case other activists could be going on that would not be appropriate for him to see.


The issue I have is him being a creeper at night to SPY


I would let her know that he is doing this. In my opinion this should not be tolerated and is more concerning to me. I’m conflicted on the rest. Do you have children of your own? How old are they, and do they see you naked?

He is your STEP SON so it’s her son therefore maybe you let her raise her child how she wants n tell her that her son spy’s on her at night :woman_facepalming:t3::tipping_hand_woman:t3:


My son just turned 9 in August, although I don’t walk around the house naked if I’m changing or getting in the shower he will come in to ask me something. As others have said it only becomes an issue or sexual when you make it that way. Now I do think there is an age when it should stop but at 9 years old my son sees my naked body as nothing more than the woman that takes care of him.

My oldest son is 26 years old and he still burst in my room even if I’m butt naked and he acts as if nothing happened


I think you should mind your business.


My son is 7 and will see me change or getting in or out of shower because everywhere I go he goes but for him he isn’t trying to stare or look at things he shouldn’t to him it’s just his momma changing and until I feel uncomfortable about it I think it’s fine

Wow. All the terrible “step mom” comments. Pretty sure she was asking for advice or what people thought about the particular situation, not to be told bc she is a “step mom” she needs to mind her own business. Wow. :woman_facepalming:


That’s disgusting, she should be reported to CPS

Not at all !!! That’s just wrong period !!!


All these people that are cool with this are giving off strong pornhub vibes


My concern is why is he sneaking in the bedroom to spy on them?


I stopped letting them see me at like 5

Some kids don’t see nothing about it cause the mom could have did this their whole life getting changed in front of them or in the same area. Other kids might be a bit curious so I guess it depends how ur child acts towards it


It’s really none of your business considering it’s her son and not
Yours… you need to
stay in your place on this one!


I would have to say. STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE


Just want to say I’m guessing most of these comments didn’t go the way the OP expected. I for one don’t do naked in front of my kid, but that’s me. To each their own :woman_shrugging:t2:

Personally I feel that if children weren’t as shielded from seeing something as common as body parts that at least half the population has we would have less issues with sexual misconduct/rape/harassment and humans in general being unable to control their urges when they see a bit of skin.

It’s just bodies people. Skin and organs don’t have to be sexualized.


Thing with today’s generation it’s everyone thinks everything is sexualized. If it were a girl in the same situation with her mom would it be an issue. Or a dad around thier daughter?


First off, he’s a 9 yr old boy, when he says he’s sneaking, he’s ninja style mission impossible sneaking proud he hasn’t gotten caught because he’s a flipping Ninja!! Not to try and catch them doing stuff! We as Americans find the body or naked body so taboo, “stop breastfeeding by 1” “never shower with your kids” “don’t sleep with your children in the bed” there is nothing to sexualize with the body, until you make it the forbidden thing. It’s not like she rubbing her breast on him, or shoving anything in his face, WHY DO YOU THINK HE WAS SO CONFUSED, stay in your lane about how you’re raising him, and so long as he isn’t showing signs or speaking of problems associated with being sexually traumatized, mom is doing just fine. Bodies aren’t dirty things, especially a mother’s or a woman’s. She birthed fed and cared for him with that body, and body shaming is very real, you can teach your own children to be ashamed and insecure to be exposed, that includes taking off a shirt in a public space (swimming, basketball)

I have 4 adult children, 2 sons, 2 daughters. I agree with you he should not be seeing the mom naked especially sneaking around.

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No he shouldn’t b seeing her naked n sneaking into their room seems like a problem is forming. Like he will become a peeping Tom n worse as he gets older. His MOM should never have undressed in front of him to begin with n certainly not b walking through the house that way. I think it is the Stepmoms concern seeing as he might b doing the same thing to her,sneaking in her room at night etc. If he thinks it’s fine to do at one house, y wouldn’t he do it at hers??!