At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

I mean you really can’t tell someone what they can and can’t do in their own home around their own kids. If he hasn’t showed any discomfort with it, then I don’t see an issue. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


My son just turned 10 and he hasn’t seen me naked in years

My kids age 15, 17 and 19 might occasionally see me naked now if I’m rushing around. I would be likely to cover myself quickly to spare blushes but it isn’t the end of the world. Each family is different.
I think the more important question is does his mother know he is ‘spying’ on them? Perhaps some friendly advice could be given so they can preserve their privacy as a couple.

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As soon as my boys showed too much interest in my parts it stopped and that was 3 years ago. My youngest was 6. At 9 I’m sorry but they know more than you think they do and well he’s obviously interested in seeing them so I would talk to her and go from there… maybe she doesn’t realize he’s watching and spying on her. Because my boys now will open the door and if I say I’m changing it barely gets opened and shut right away but I don’t stroll through the house naked. I get its your home but you have a child act like it.

Stop sexualising everything, Jesus. A human body is more natural than the bloody games 9 year olds play. It’s his mum not a stranger.


It’s different for every family. But personally I think it’s a good thing for a child to be used to seeing a naked body of the opposite sex as that is how they learn about bodies. Unless he is uncomfortable with it it shouldnt be a problem. Most kids will usually tell you if they dont want to see you naked once they start to hit puberty (around age 12).


See if your children don’t see your natural body they assume these billboard ladies is what a womans body should be. Normalize your bodies. Absolutely NOTHING WRONG with a child seeing their mother! If she isn’t being nasty and just changing. Get over it. Her monkey, her circus. Like how are you really gonna say it’s wrong for a child to see the body THAT MADE THEM!!! that is insane to me.


No child at any age shouldn’t see that. One of these days your step kid will tell some one at school about and they’ll contact dcf or CPS or what ever they care called where you live and contact the police as well. This is very wrong.


Sometimes my kids walk in on me naked but they don’t stand there and talk to me, they say, “oh God sorry” and hide their eyes. I wouldn’t walk around naked like that but I’m not making a big deal if they see me naked. At the YMCA you can’t bring opposite sex into locker room with you after age 5.

Being naked in one’s own home with one’s own children/family isn’t that big of a deal. For some people/families that is 100% normal. It doesn’t sound like she is lounging in the nude but coming in and taking of potentially contaminated clothing and tossing in the wash (so as not to contaminate other areas of the house) and then going to shower… Really kinda makes sense in the times we live in due to Covid etc.

What should be addressed is his inappropriate behavior in sneaking into her room to watch what she is doing… If that door is closed he 100% should not be entering without permission or looking in. That is something his mother needs to know is happening so she can lock her door for her privacy.


How did the conversation about him spying on his mum come up in the first place :thinking: why would a 9 year old just come out with that weird if you ask me but it’s his mum rules at her house are obviously different to yours and tbh it’s nothing to do with you what happens in her house unless he’s in danger !!!


I don’t see the problem here. My parents weren’t in the least bit worried about being naked around me and my brother. It was normal for us and we never took any notice of wether they had clothes on or not. We would often talk to them while they were in the bath/shower. As I result I think we grew up with more body confidence than a lot of our friends did. Me abs my husband also don’t worry about being naked around our two children! They learn what a naked body looks like without having to worry about it being sexual!

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My son will be 10 soon and I no longer let him see me without clothes on.

:joy::joy: sorry but I was a single mom with 3 boys and a girl trying to get everyone out of the house by 7:30am and my kids have seen me streak from the garage laundry or the bathroom etc. It’s life.

I would say he is on the cusp of being too old but that is his mom so as his step mom you should mind your business and stay out of it. His own mother will know when it is time to change things. I don’t understand why as a step parent you would feel you have the right to question his mother on something like this….


The concerning part is that he sneaks into their bedroom to spy on them in the night


Is this really a debate right now ?


This is a cultural topic. In Scandinavia, children see their parents as well as other people in swimming changing rooms all the time and throughout their lives. The human anatomy is not sexualized in this culture. Little boys in the ladies changing room is not shocking for them- no one stares or uncomfortably averts their eyes- except Brits and Americans. It allows kids to see that every woman or man are anatomically the same but different ages sizes and shapes- no judgement, just different. And they see body confidence and no body shame. The lack of shame gives them a good body image culture that is impressive. Our problem starts with the fact that we think naked equals sex- it doesn’t. These countries have the lowest stats of sexual abuse and rape, women can walk the streets a night ( drunk if they feel like it) in no fear because no one will touch them. Why is that? . The world could learn a thing or two.


I mean she’s not laying around naked, she’s taking off the clothes putting them in washer and going into the bathroom for shower. I do this all the time especially after I just cleaned the whole house and the the last load of dirty clothes was already waiting in washer, if there’s still a pile or 2 of clothes left to wash, I just wait till I’m out and toss the clothes I had on in one of them piles to be washed. I’m also the type of mom who spends most of her time in a baggy tee and underwear, being a stay at home mom I don’t see the need to be dressed 24/7, unless I’m going out in public🤷🏻‍♀️

The only thing that should be questioned is, why the kid is sneaking into his moms room to “spy” on her? There is nothing wrong with a naked body it’s natural, unless they’re in public or making someone uncomfortable. If the kid isn’t being abused or bothered by it, don’t worry about what the mother is doing in her OWN home.


Try telling that that my kids, that burst in for the loo or even a snack when I’m in the bath :upside_down_face::joy::joy:

This is a perfectly good and needed question. Quit with the shaming people.

My children never saw me naked. There was never a need for them to see me. I wasn’t hiding or a prude but it was just that way I saw my mom because we would visit when she was taking a shower and getting ready for work. Never saw my dad.

The being naked around her own child isn’t a issue people need to stop sexualizing the naked body… it’s also her home and her child. If he’s being taken care of while with her there should be no issue how they live in their home… Now the issue I see is the sneaking around at night! That should be addressed, has someone asked why he does this!?


Wow, this just makes me think the lady who wrote this has really deep rooted issues of her own. Why would anyone even think that much into it? Let’s please stop sexualizing children! … Right, let’s break it down… Mum puts her dirty clothes in laundry before going to take a shower IN HER OWN HOME!!! Assuming there are no concerns & it doesn’t sound like there are… apart from the step mum being a nosy & interfering drama queen what is the problem?? … I’d be more inclined to ask the step mum if something has happened to her as a child to even think there is something wrong with that. Jheeze!!!


I don’t believe it’s an issue we’ll not in my home , my three year old sometimes gets in the bath with me , my 16 year old pops in the bathroom to ask a questions, like it’s normal to see normal bodies in my house and what the heck has it got to do with anyone else , the spying thing is a bit odd and needs to be addressed by his mum !

Your a step parent, shut up and sit down, nothing to do with you at all


Lady, you are not his parent. None of your business. The father and mother should handle this. Not A Step Parent! Mind your own business.


Why is it weird? Unless you yourself have sexualised it


Yes it’s fine for him to see her and it’s not your business. Also, quit questioning him about what goes on in his mom’s house.:roll_eyes:


My adults kids have seen me naked. I don’t parade around naked, but on certain occasions they would have seen me naked, for instance, sickness. I am speaking from personal experience, I never saw my parents naked, so when it came time to take care of my mom it was very uncomfortable. I am guessing the same thing would have happened when my brothers had to take care of Dad.

I would say around age 4 or 5, and for those saying omg stop sexualizing children, it’s because around that age your children should know modesty and privacy, and most importantly that it is not ok for adults to be naked around children. If they aren’t taught that how in the hell will they know to tell you that someone has been inappropriate with them. There are people out there that do sexualize children, they are called pedophiles


Wow. How is this even an issue. My 8yo twins b/g and my 13yo twin girls see me naked in the bath , they see me naked when I’m getting dressed. It’s not a big deal in my eyes. They have been known to sit and hav a full blown conversation with me whilst I’m trying to have a relaxing soak. Seeing your parent naked is nothing sexual and to even think that there’s something definitely wrong so is obviously questioning your step son about what goes off in his MOTHERS house.

It’s not your home, he’s not your child. Don’t act like you have a say on what the mother does and how she lives


Its his mother. I see my mum naked all the time when she goes into the shower. I even go to loo while she’s in the shower and I’m 27. It’s family his own mother. Fair enough if you as a step mother would feel uncomfortable with being naked infront of him cos so you should. But not his own mum…

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Extremely inappropriate to walk around children of that age like that.:grimacing:


When they are old enough to tell the difference between your parts and theirs


If your concerned I would just encourage you to talk to her. Approach her from the aspect that you may not have given birth to this child but you obviously care very much. Or let Dad and Mom address the concern and the sneaking about. Kudos to you for putting your step kid first. :heart:

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If the roles were reversed and it was a
9 year old girl with her naked dad.
Your response would change How? Why? Stirring the pot.


American thing… she’s the mom … she got it… do not over step


I see NO issue with a child seeing HIS parents naked….
By the age of nine there should be some modesty from mom.
Walking around the house in her under clothes while in laundry room/ dressing is acceptable.
But, a child / parent should learn the “closed door “ rule.
If you approach a room knowing someone is in there you should ALWAYS knock!!!
It should be taught and explained why there is this rule.
At the age of 9 children start exploring their bodies. They need to understand that some tings are meant to be behind closed doors .


Wow some of these comments are pure ignorant! I have my own 4 children and 3 step (in which I have all kids full time!) and am completely appalled! Kids should not see their parent of the opposite sex naked! Especially at 9! Their minds are starting to wander and more than likely because the mother had walked through the house naked now there are no boundaries as far as the bedroom and the child is now curious! As a step mom I would be the same way! Kudos to you for caring about your step kiddos and trying to figure out the best way to approach and deal with the situation!! I’m on your side 1000000% I would talk to the hubby and go from there!!!

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My son is 5 and he is not allowed to see me naked. It randomly happens but it doesn’t happen intentionally its usually when getting ready for school but it’s not even naked I always have a bra and underwear in from of him he doesn’t need me naked naked

It’s just a body ffs.

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That sounds so wrong and disturbing! :face_vomiting: a 9 year should not be seeing a grown adult naked!


My son sees me and my OH naked daily when we get in and out shower. What’s the issue!
Totally normal! And if his step mum asked me not to, I’d tell her where to go! :+1:

Smh. I understand the genuine concern but how his mother runs her house is none of your concern. You’re only the step parent. As long as he isn’t sneaking into your room, mind your business. It is a situation for his father and mother to discuss.


Both my children grew up seeing me naked. As a Mother who breast fed them and now a grandmother both my adult daughter & son are completely secure in their own skin. Naked does not mean anything sexual.

Bro how do all of you people that have kids expect someone to help to care of your child but not have say on anything? It truly blows my mind :joy::joy::joy: you wonder why people that don’t have children don’t want shit to do with people that do. Because they are expected to shut up and sit down but also care and help raise a child? :joy::joy::joy: yall are wild dude. No kid should be seeing their mom naked pass age six and I don’t even have to have children to know that.

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Wow listen to these self centered people telling you that just because you’re a “step parent” you basically can’t voice an opinion. Disgraceful!
I think it’s great that you’ve stepped up and have a parental role in this child’s life. I’m sure the boy’s father is very thankful of that.
We have a 4yr old son, I see it absolutely inappropriate to be parading around in front of a 9 year old boy. Mother or not.
I feel your concern!!


Mind you buisness nothing to do with you


I stopped showering with my baby’s when they started noticing we have different parts And explained the difference between boys and girls but even now as they got older they still walk in from time to time but look the other way as they are talking to me they see their MOM not my nakedness there is a big difference.

It’s a naked body and we shouldn’t teach our kids to be ashamed of nakedness. I saw both of my parents naked until I moved out. I just don’t see the issue

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As his MOM I don’t see a problem with it that is her son he came from her Now as his Step MoM he shouldn’t be seeing YOU Naked. I am a step mom too and I wouldn’t walk around my step son naked. I’m sure that would make him feel awkward.

Nil a naked human is natural. Let the person involved say what is comfortable for them.

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My kids happily come in when I’m in the bath and speak to me. And I used to always sit with my mum when she was in the bath.

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Mind your business, a body is a body, a women has a vagina and a boobs and a man has a penis, stop making bodies a gross subject.


My daughter always walks into the bathroom while I’m in the bath or on the loo. She came from my tummy, I’ve changed her shi**y nappy, I don’t see a problem with it :person_shrugging:t3:

Seriously …I can’t believe all you people that think a step parent has no say . . A CHILD DOES NOT HAVE TO BIOLOGICALLY BE YOURS TO LOVE THEM, GUIDE THEM AND TEACH THEM. also, I know way more step parents that are the “real parent” to children and in some cases the children are better off with the step parents.


ako duon sa manghihilot ng pilay

Thats none of your business.


Nudity is not sex, and he will see it at some point in time wether or not you like it. Mind your business, why should he spy on his mother is the question here, and why is he discussing it with you in beyond my comprehension. No child should be spying on the other parent period! Teach him to respect others privacy, and you can follow that yourself.

I walk around naked in my house. My kids see me naked from time to time. Won’t sit naked n hang out with them but I’ll be naked in passing so what’s the big deal?

Not appropriate at all. Teaching about natural human anatomy is a different thing and letting kids watch you walk naked after a certain age is a totally different thing. If this is a correct way to teach human anatomy then why should one blame porn? Isn’t that also a way to teach about anatomy?Correct me if I’m wrong but age 9 is when the kid is just stepping into the threshold of puberty. The kid already has some wild thoughts, curiosity and seeing something like this is only going to misdirect all the energy. It’s not appropriate for parent of either gender to expose themselves to a kid of either gender after the maximum age of 4-5. I would consider a dad going around the house with just a towel on his waist with his young daughter around as equally inappropriate.
Just hoping and assuming you are thinking about the well being of the child and it’s not other way of shaming another woman. Talk to the father and ask him to explain it to the mother so that you don’t turn out to be a bad person in this. Love and peace❤️


Around the age of 9-11 boys start to go thru pubescent changes. I think because of this its def important dad sit down with mom & have a talk. Children cannot advocate for themselves so I applaud u for taking note when something is not right. Were not talking about a 4-5 yr old. Its best dad not mention u in this. He can say ____ said u walk around naked in front of him. I know it was fine when he was younger but his body will be going thru changes soon & im not comfortable with u letting him see u naked anymore. Make sure he sets firm clear boundaries. Step parent doesn’t mean if you see behavior that is not ok or concerning you shouldn’t say anything. Its just finding the line on WHEN you should speak up. This is a warranted time. When you shouldn’t have a say is stuff like dating, makeup, cell phones, decisions that are for mom & dad.


I would be more concerned that he has admitted to going in her room to spy on her


No not at that age maybe have your husband speak with her. It’s not normal especially that the son thinks it’s normal. I’d have the husband do it as the ex wife if she’s that type may take it wrong from u the step mom but talk to her.


This little boy has seen his mom naked and could potentially have some little girl do the same thing. The mom should have stopped at 4/5 yes old.


If the boy feels uncomfortable then yes something should be said… should be dad’s job though! My eldest kids are now at an age where I don’t undress in front of them as this makes them feel uncomfortable

I never though it was weird when I saw my mom naked, although I didn’t see her nuudeee after I was in 6th grade. Kids are innocent, they don’t sexualize bodies

I think my son was around that age when I stopped walking naked from bathroom to bedroom and wrapped a towel around me, at that age he didn’t want me to wash his hair anymore and we both stopped going to the toilet when one was in the shower after that. I still walk around in undies and singlet in summer and so does my daughter and he wears boxers. There’s nothing weird about it but he is definently at an age where mum needs to stop now so I’d get hubby to address it. My concern here would be asking why the boy is spying on them?

So now you’ve sexualised a boy about his own mother? What the hell is wrong with you. This is why step parents who think they have all the rights to raise someone else’s child end up getting labeled that step parent… If you had that conversation with my son about that I’d be angry. You have no right to place your sexualised concerns onto a child about their mum. I’d be worried about you.

Why anyone would talking about why he’s going to the room to spy on her in the first place! Yes I get it, he already sees her naked, but why go to spy on her? Has to be more to the story


I don’t think this is any of your business as his mum probably has been like this since day dot, there is nothing bad in this he is 9years old. my son use to come in and chat with me while I had a bath about anything could be how his day went at school or his concerns about things but don’t take this the wrong way like you have, we all parent and do things differently and it obvious he has been brought up with the openness of it all ….I’d be more concerned about WHY he is sneaking in their room late at night and also as the saying goes you worry about what’s going on in your own backyard

Its not a big deal. Calm down.


The spying is more of a concern to me.


This is why shit is always blown out of proportion! Why even question it to begin with that is his mother! It starts with this and end up with a phone call
To CPS smh just mind your own business! :woman_facepalming:t4:


I would be concerned with the “spying”


I think personally it’s the mum’s choice and it’s her son. I mean we were born naked, we are not meant to be with clothes. My mum walked around naked and I just thought she was beautiful and confident and hoped I’d feel like that one day. He shouldn’t be spying on them in the bedroom that’s private, but what she does with her body is her business and what rules she has in her house with her own child are her business. Some people are nudists etc. Unless she is abusive, step-mums should never overstep. I would be focussing on why he wants to spy on his mum, and without judgement approach his mum and say this is happening, and leave it up to her to sort it out and do the ‘parenting’ as it’s happening under her roof.

Why do you want to make being naked a problem? He will decide when he does not want to see it. If you make out it is wrong you could effect him. It is none of your business what takes place in his Mother’s home you just look after your own. Seeing his mother naked is NOT a sexual thing it is just something he has always known. Stay out of it nature always works it’s self out. You will know when they close the bathroom door and tell you to get out that is puberty things change from here.


Hell mine are 13 and 14… I still can’t even poop by my self or shower. They always need me to open something or tell me something🤦🏼‍♀️ I honestly believe that it doesn’t matter what age it is children think that mom and dad being naked is gross. Just like it doesn’t matter how old you are mom and dad hugging and kissing is gross. You know that is always the best way to gross out your teenagers… also even at that age moms never get to shower or poop by their self doesn’t matter if dad (stepdad) is home. Now the mom shouldn’t walk from down stairs to shower naked she should have a robe or towel in the downstairs room that she puts on.

Depends on the family perhaps she’s a nudist. I wouldn’t do it but some do


Being naked is not and should not be an issue in itself. It boils down to each families own interpretation of what is and isn’t okay for them.


Idk my 9 year old son has no sense of privacy. We shower, change, use the bathroom in front of each other on the daily :woman_shrugging:t4:

The original post is so ridiculous.


As soon as son notice the difference. I stop take a bath with him. He was about three. I don’t think if they accidentally see ya don’t make a big deal.if he sneaking in the room. He knows the difference.


With that outlook I certainly hope he spends more time with his mum than with you and that you don’t have children of your own. When’s this cycle of ignorance in shaming the naked body going to stop. To even consider theres a connection between walking around naked to the child being exposed to sex is incomprehensible. Grow up


I think this step mum is baiting this child


I don’t like it. My step father used to walk around naked when I was around 11. Repulsive and embarrassing. I guess all cases are different.

Different strokes. That’s all

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Mind your business! Not your son keep your nose on ya own face! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


My son is 9 and he sees me in the bath or getting changed in my room occasionally not a big deal in this house

I think you should worry more about the son sneaking in the bedroom


Respect yourself and teach your son the same the answer should be it SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN AND THEN YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT. THIS IS WHY THEY TURNOUT TO BE PERVERTS AND RAPISTS.

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I think all the people on here saying its none of her business is insane. They’re co-parenting. They’re a team. Yes what each family does in their personal time is not the other ones business but when their child is involved it absolutely is. And him sneaking in late at night to ‘spy’ is cereal killer stuff. Its not okay. Respect is important. Respecting the child’s space and parents space is an important thing to teach children. I am huge on privates are called private because they are PRIVATE. They are for his eyes only and only for him to touch/clean. Unless there’s an issue and he needs a parent or a Dr to look. Nobody else tho. I dont want him flashing his stuff to anyone that’ll look because he sees it/can at home. Theres alot of weirdos out there. That’s just me tho. It’s not about shaming the body or making it a taboo thing. Because when he gets older he’ll start to understand what’s right and what’s not about the body and what to do with it. But as a CHILD(5+) privates are private. I would have a talk with the dad about the step mom and let him handle it tho. I don’t think it’s right if she’s just blatantly walking around the house buck*ss naked like that when a boy of his age is lurking. Its could teach the wrong things. Atleast put some underwear on while your teaching your children that bodies are beautiful. You don’t need your privates to hang out to accomplish that.


Folks are messed up. My son was a great artist at 4 - so lets say my pictures where sufficient to no longer do the family bath combo - I still laugh and I was so embarrassed lol. He is 21 and well adjusted but I pray he has lack of memory on this one.

I just came to read the comments lol


The spying is an issue, the nudity is not.


If anyone gets the correct answer, please let me know, I’m curious.
Also, I’m having butter on my popcorn.

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I think it totally fine to see your mom naked, especially pre-puberty. I think the issue l would have is him sneaking into my bedroom to spy at me at night! :flushed:

I’m not a boy, but I’ve seen my mom naked my entire life. Sunbathing, going from shower to bedroom, going from bedroom to bathroom in the middle of the night… When you only have one bathroom and can’t hold it any longer while the other person is in the shower. I can’t speak for anyone else, but it’s the boy’s MOTHER. She gave birth to him. I work in healthcare and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve completely stripped at the door before in front of my child to go shower after getting off work. If you’re not his MOTHER and don’t want him seeing you naked, which I guess I can understand, then set the boundaries in YOUR home. Don’t be making a huge deal out of nothing. :joy:

If he lived with nudists