At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

Nothing wrong with seeing your mother naked is my opinion! She gave birth to him! Different if it was a step mother or father! The child doesn’t choice them to be in their life!

She is his mother, back off Barbie.


So many comments of ’ not your kid not your business’ this woman is helping her husband raise the child therefore it IS her business. Personally I would never walk round and never have been naked since my kids were old enough to speak. My personal preference :woman_shrugging:t3: each to their own I suppose. I’d be more worried about addressing the issue of your step son ’ spying’ in mummy’s room.

It his mam? The thing you should be worried about is why he is spying on them not that his mam feels comfortable in her own home to walk from the laundry room to the shower naked


I say mind your own business. :joy:


:expressionless: he literally came out of that naked body.

If neither of them are uncomfortable with mom being undressed in her own home, neither of them are uncomfortable. There is no problem.

Sneaking doesnt give mom the opportunity to express discomfort. That is a problem.

Why do so many people have children while not understanding what consent means?

Ps, if my sons stepmom thought she could determine how comfortable I could be in my own home, by sexualizing COMFORT, she would have another thing coming

These “mind your own business” comments are really disturbing. Would yall really look the other way if you see something shady going on? Not every parent has their kids best interest in mind, & not that this is the case here, but that mindset when it comes to kids is just shameful.

Yes I think its fucking weird. I have a 9 year old son, 6 year old son and almost 2 year old daughter. The only one who sees me naked is the toddler who won’t remember when she gets older, and won’t be seeing me naked then either.
Not only do I think its weird, my boys would be totally freaked out and grossed out seeing me walking around naked. Privacy is a privilege everyone in this house gets

I think this goes back to how people are raised. I grew up with my grandma & seeing her occasionally, changing, in the bathroom, whatever. I never thought it was weird, & i never thought it was weird around my own kids. When I moved in with my now husband, he thought it was inappropriate & very strange. He was brought up in a home where that never ever happened. So if i was changing, or in my underwear around my kids, he would bring it up. I think it made him more uncomfortable then anybody else.
I don’t think she’s doing anything wrong, if anything, the kid sneaking in “to spy” at night is a little odd.

Normalise human bodies not sexualise them. I’d be more concerned about him spying rather than mum being naked waking to the shower :upside_down_face:


It’s not okay at all,at 3 yrs my kids are not allowed in our bedroom when we are naked or even sleep with us

He should not be seeing his mom naked. He has to learn about respecting one’s privacy and his mom should start being a bit discreet about herself as well. Boy or girl, they shouldn’t being seeing any parent naked after they reach a certain age.


If he spies on mom and stepdad late at night then he has probably seen sex. It is important that mom teaches that nudity is okay in the home, not in public. No the female body is not inherently sexual but being bombarded by media and entertainment it is sexual. If the kid has witnessed sex then mom should not be walking around naked. Definitely tell mom about the spying!


In no way do you have any say about wether the mum wears clothes around her own child. I worry about your own thought process to find this anything but natural. As for the sneaking to spy the dad should forwarn the mum to be extra vigilant with her son. Purely so she knows about it.
When he decides it makes him uncomfortable for his mum to be naked I’m sure he will let her no. Not because you have made it an issue when it isn’t one :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Everyone who thinks this is ok, would you be ok if your husband ran around the house naked everyday around your daughter?? Yeah right. The hell you wouldn’t. Wait until this kid goes to school and mentions to his friends or a teacher that his mom walks around naked in front of him all the time. I can guarantee you the school would have child services on the phone in a heartbeat because that’s NOT NORMAL.


You’re stepmom? Mind your business.


My kids are almost 4 and 2 and I feel awkward with them seeing me naked. My youngest likes to poke my belly button and I’m like no. Stop it. You have your own :joy:

I’m more concerned about the kid spying on them. 9 is a little old.


Wow ! Way to sexualise I body. My kids see me in the buff. And their dad. Why on Earth is it an issue ? Teach Him consent and teach him respect of other privacy but don’t teach him that a human body is anything but a human body.

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Mind your own business. Not your kid, not your problem.


My son will be 13 in a few weeks and nudity is not something I’ve ever made a big deal out of in our own home… We were born into this world naked, it’s not an issue unless you make it an issue. I also have an elderly mom that lives with us and he sees me change and bed bathe her every day… Hes even helped me with her. He is completely unphased by all of it.

I showered and changed in front of my kids…nobody ever ever had a problem with anybody…kids are gonna be curious…my kids thought everybody’s body was ugly like so they’d never go around sneaking or spying on me or thier sister…we weren’t ashamed of how God made us…

Why don’t you just mind your own business! I can’t believe you’ve spent time writing this post! :joy::see_no_evil::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Personally I think that kid shouldn’t be seeing his mom or dad without clothes on around 2 because at that point the kid already sees the difference in the body. Then being his mom and doing that in front of a 9 year old, no ma’am that’s NOT okay. People can say normalize they human body or whatever but ain’t nobody about to do that in front of my 10 year old. I guess I’m more old fashioned than that because it’s disrespectful

He is only 9, gosh mine used to see me in the bath all the time. My eldest who was only 14 at the time, helped me deliver my youngest.

I’d like to know who brought up a conversation about him spying on his mother at night What happened for that conversation to come up .


If he is spying on mom and stepdad he is probably spying on you and dad as well.


Nothing wrong in it, she gave birth, normalising a women body,


Shouldn’t it be more concerning that he “spies” on them?


I stopped intentionally being naked around my sons around age 6. But you’re talking about someone else’s kids. That’s up to them.

Did you tell his dad about his spying? Or just what YOU don’t agree with?

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I’m I the only one that finds this hilarious :joy: the dirty little sod :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Most of you in support of this issue saying nothing is wrong are more composed.don’t mislead anyone

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None of your business! The child has said it when she going for a shower so y make a issue out of it?


It’s up to the mum what happens at her house, if that’s what she is comfortable with no your choice I am afraid

I think it is her son and she can do what she wants. You have no control nor at this point is it your business what she does in her home.


What might not be normal to you is very normal to others. I grew up in a house where no one hid their body. There wasn’t anything sexual about it in any way shape or form.


You’re a weirdo for thinking something is weird about this :flushed:


Definitely Not Appropriate!!


Baffled at why a parent should be shames for being undressed in front of her child. Normalise bodies. It’s not in any sexualised manner so why make it sounds that way? If she is comfortable in her own skin in the PRIVACY of her own home, infront of her BIOLOGICAL child that’s she’s birthed, maybe breastfed etc, then why are you making into a taboo thing? Your making it something it isn’t which will only affect the 9 year old and make him think nudity is a sexualised thing


I’m old school a boy should never see his mom totally naked. Just as daughters should never see their dad’s naked. The spying is a concern.


I’d be more.concerned that he sneaks upstairs to spy. Being naked is fine especially if getting undressed etc and he sees. But the spying thing needs to stop


I have four kids ages ranging from 17- 4months and let me tell you my kids have seen it all!! My son has helped me when I came home from my previous delivery due to a c- section, I walked around in my underwater some times even top less due to breastfeeding, Make it normal to see the human body naked dose not have to mean sexulizing maybe that mom has already had that conversation with him which is why the kid is not concern, You are as the adult and its not your kid, no disrespect I would bring up the spying but not what she’s doing in her own home.

Mother of 2 boys, here. We don’t do 100% nudity in my home. Mine have seen me in a bra and underwear, but nothing shows that they wouldn’t see in a bikini. I ask the same of them. No body is being sexualized, we just maintain boundaries. We also have a door policy. If it’s shut, you knock. If it’s shut when you enter, shut it when you exit. Same concept. Boundaries. It’s a personal choice. I don’t condemn anyone for choosing differently. Every parent has a right to set their own boundaries where they see fit. This doesn’t sound unhealthy or devious, just not my style. However, this is a very personal decision involving a child who may feel and be treated like your own, but ultimately, he is not yours. Both biological parents are obviously involved in his life. Let mom and dad sort this one out. I would be far more concerned with the spying and invasion of privacy being inappropriate.


My son never saw me without clothes on. That is just wrong

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Eh? My sons almost 9 and he sees me naked if I forget a towel etc
He just looks away
Nothing inappropriate

I mean it’s not atrocious, but not really necessary either. She could easily be covered up. I shower with my 10yr old daughter but that’s same sex. I wouldn’t allow her to shower with my husband… that would be super weird. So if I had a son I would not be naked around him. There’s just not really a reason for that. It’s quickly approaching the age where it’s just not cool.

Tell mama get a robe.


It’s absolutely fine and totally normal.


It’s totally normal, just the spying is odd…


I’d be cracking cause he spy’s on her and is invading her privacy. She is his mom and getting naked to be dressed is absolutely fine she isnt prancing around the place jiggling it all about in his face getting dressed is natural and should should safe… perfect opportunity to teach him about boundaries and consent and why we shouldn’t breech them I would say it to mom that he is spying on her though so ye can all be on the same page

my sons 6 he walks in and has a wee whilst i’m in the shower! he thinks nothing of it, all he sees is my bum anyway i hide my other bits :woman_shrugging:t3: i think spying is a bit weird tho!

I sleep in the same bed with my 11 year old son. Mostly naked. We don’t think anything of being naked around eachother and neither should we.

How ridiculous :roll_eyes: she has every right to walk through the house naked. My son is 11 sometimes he walks in my bedroom when I’m getting dressed, the only weird thing is the spying and spying on them late at night may get him more than he bargained for lol

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Here’s the thing. That child’s father and his mother should be co-parenting. Deciding between the TWO of them what works best for their child. Your role is a bonus parent, and while you may disagree with what or how mom does things, you cannot intervene. It’s simply not your place. UNLESS there is a potential for danger for this child. If they aren’t being abused (in any form), neglected for any reason, or in harms way its not your place.


Who cares? We were born naked, nudity should be natural, it’s society that makes nudity taboo which is really completely stupid However spying? That’s another story… That is the issue I see


Naked isn’t automatically sexual. The spying is something to be addressed. But being naked is only sexual when adults do exactly what you’re doing :joy: it’s natural in many cultures and places across the world. Your perspective and how you choose to react is the issue.


Did y’all read and understand that the boys dad also feels this isn’t right?! Would you find it acceptable if the step mom also walked naked or changed clothes in front of the boy? How would you feel if it was the dad or step dad walking around naked in front of a lil girl? This is actually something the parents AND step parents need to sit down and talk about.


If thats his mom, then thats that its not wierd its not anything. That woman birthed that child and to think anything sexual would be happening is ubsurd. You cant control what happens at her house. Shes the mom. You have no right in that department. My kids see me naked ALL the time. Its not wierd at my house. Its just that. Sometime u can see someone naked and not think sexual especially if its family. The spying should be talked about but its not out of the ordinary my 9 year old girl would spy on us and we talked to her about it.

According to the Bible it is unacceptable. Period.

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Not saying is ok or not but his simple question: why? That says it all, in his innocence he doesn’t see anything wrong with it, the only one with a dirty mind here seems to be you.


Thing is when I decide to have a shower/bath all my kids decide they want the toilet or a full blown conversation :see_no_evil: my eldest girl is 13,12 my son is 8 and my youngest daughter is 4 :woman_shrugging:

So… If he’s seeing her naked… And then sneaking in on them at night… Sounds like he’s trying to catch them having sex… There isn’t an age that changes specifically, but this is very unhealthy.


I don’t think the little boy said he spies on his mother, I think you just added that there to make ur story seem very concerning. Mind ur business. That is his biological mother so stop being nosy. Looks like u feel resentment towards the boy’s mother. Mind your business.


Heaven forbid he sees what real women look like… mind ya business


I would tell her. Ask her why she thinks that is all right?

IMO it is perfectly normal. My eldest is almost 18 and I believe I’ve normalised the female form by not hiding away from my children. It teaches them to be confident and comfortable with themselves and after 4 children - my son won’t have any expectations of plastic fake filtered women really existing!!

If the mum is okay with it, then that is their business :woman_shrugging:t3:

everyone in your house has seen the mum naked but u… :rofl:


2 questions that concern me … Why is the 9 year old spying on his mother and the other is Why your so worried about what his mother is doing in her home … Stay in your lane and mind your business … My opinion of course…

Time is up!end of discussion

It’s fine until one party is uncomfortable. And you are not one of those that gets a say. It’s her kid. Her body. And if they arw all fine woth it It’s non of your business. That being said I would definitely call the mom amd let her know about the Spying. I’m a but concerned with you seeing as you seem to think him seeing his mom naked amd thinking it’s fine is wrong. But I’d be more concerned about the spying


Everyone is different. 9 is a bit old though, imo. My son is 3. I’m slowly starting to cover up more in front of him because he is noticing the difference in our bodies and pointing it out. Makes me a tad uncomfortable, tbh. My older two are girls so this is new for me. This 9 year old boy sounds curious. The spying needs to stop and I say it’s time for mom to undress behind closed doors now.

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i dont really think its a big deal he shouldn’t be spying

That is that about that.

It’s his mum for christ sakes what on earth goes thru your head


Of course this child’s welfare is her business, she seems to have a good relationship with him being they had the conversation in the first place.
She never said she went to the Mom about her concerns , she went to her husband so he could discuss it with the Mom. You all need to be more supportive and less judgmental. She is looking for advice and support, not negativity and judgement.


Don’t think step mum should get involved to be honest, will not end well.:see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


It just could be an innocent, natural thing to do.


I understand the discomfort with him seeing his mom naked. That really all boils down to where he is in body awareness. Right now it really still might not be that big of a deal unless he’s starting to fixate on certain parts of the body where then it might be time to have some talks about it. I believe you should call the mom and let her know about the spying. There’s many things he could see that he shouldn’t by doing that


My sister called CPS on her child’s step mother for doing this to an even older boy. Apparently it’s ok in the court of law. The judge said in court one persons level of modesty is not another persons. He said there should be no nudity of the Anus or genitalia around the child.

It’s not your place to address that type of issue. If his father has a problem with it, he should talk to the mother. Everyone raises their kids & behaves at home differently.


I personally don’t see the issue…. I think by making a point of it, it can cause a body issue. My daughter quite often sees me naked. I’ve always been someone that suffered anxiety due to the shape and size of my body. By my daughter seeing that I no longer care and I embrace myself, I hope to encourage her to feel the same. I do however understand that it can cause uncomfortableness so I think this is down to the individual. I think the bigger issue is him spying on them…. Xx

I personally can’t see a issue with it, it’s her son. They only unhealthy situation here is where your mind went at how it’s inappropriate. Seriously our whole family walked around the house naked I still do. If there comfortable enough with there body to do that let them.
What hoes on in his mums house is not your business I would suggest keeping your nose out :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


The question is … What has he seen already to go spy on them? Maybe the parents should get a door lock


He admitted to spying on his mother and you’re concerned with him seeing his mother naked. I think you should be calling his mother and telling her that her child is spying on her and being inappropriate. Her being naked in her own home isn’t an issue. People have sexualized being naked and that’s the issue there. His mother birthed him. She’s allowed to be naked in her room, she’s allowed to run from the laundry room to get dressed or to the shower. Her being naked ain’t an issue. Him spying on her and being open about it is extremely concerning.


I don’t think he should be seeing her naked it’s just down right creepy to think a mother would not care if her son saw her naked .


Personally I dont let my kids see me naked anymore my eldest is 14 and youngest is 7. There is nothing wrong with talking about naked bodies etc I just Personally feel that boys shouldn’t see their mums naked when they get older. boy and dad yes mum and daughter yes but not boys and their mums or daughters and their dad’s

There’s nothing inappropriate about being comfortable to be naked in your own home. Maybe tell the mum that the son has told you he’s spying just so she’s aware… But the naked thing shouldn’t really matter to you. It’s her house, her body, and her son doesn’t think it’s weird either so I’d just leave them get on with it


Some of yall need help. Way to much hate in these comments.

  1. The dad us not okay with it either
  2. Hes 9 & she said hes starting to spy on them so there is an issues.
  3. It is up to the mom/dad, but the step mom is now part of his life and her feelings are valid and count. Its obvious she cares for the child.
  4. If the mom is going to do this she needs to be having age appropriate talks with him. My 6 year old knows to knock when my bedroom or bathroom door is closed(and he only is aloud to come in if somethingis wrong after i answer) . He ALSO knows he can not see other women/girls naked. He has girl cousins and aunts who visit. If shes not having these talks with him. Thats an issues. Which given his feeling to spy, Im sure she isnt.

Anyway. Y’all being way to rough on this women who chose to be important to this child. Yall would be mad if the step parent knew something was wrong and didnt do anything. His mom being naked isnt wrong but him spying is.

Get off your high horses. She just needed support or a way to handle it that made her comfortable. She now also ahd to worry if hes spying on them.


I think that 9 years old is a little too old to see your parents naked. I stopped dressing in front of my son when he was 6. The hard questions will come soon enough without prompting it before it’s time. Just my opinion.

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When he starts to stare and notices things. It’s a natural thing and doesn’t matter what ages with different parents if they are comfortable with it then fair enough but with me if feel uncomfortable if he stares

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As a nurse, I totally understand why his mom could possibly do that. As a mother, I understand why she may not sleep in pajamas. But son needs to knock on closed doors and remember to respect others privacy. Mom needs to be made aware of him sneaky in her room for sure.


I have an 8 year old.son and I don’t want him.seeing me naked :woman_shrugging:


Hes her son, I’m sure if she thought it was an issue she wouldn’t do it. My kids (6 & 2) often burst into the bathroom while I’m in the bath or while their dad is in the shower. We have no issues with the kids seeing us naked because it’s all part of life and there’s nothing they won’t already have or develop in a few years. I don’t see a problem, what I do see is a step-mother interfering where she shouldn’t be.

I think the issue should be more focused on the “spying” part that’s a bit norman bates :joy:


When he expresses discomfort in seeing such or requesting privacy…


I remember taking a bath with my infant little baby sons but since then not once

There isn’t an age that’s defined, naturist families are naked around each other all the time. It’s not being naked around each other that’s the issue here, it’s making it a taboo which is… if it’s taboo to be around each other naked then it’s the time to stop, if it’s not then it isn’t.

Nakedness isn’t about sex or sexual behaviour, it’s about body comfort and acceptance and what each family consider those levels to be…

If it makes you uncomfortable it probably says more about you than them…


I’d say it’s none of your business what his mum does in her own home


I don’t think there’s anything wrong it’s a body its natural my kids see me naked if I’m walking from my room to the bathroom I don’t see the issue

No indeed not show some respect