Lansinoh momma bottle
The small brown nipple that comes with formula samples.
Dr browns with preemie nipples.
Make sure you look at your nipples and compare, to many bottles nipples are the same texture and shape.
Always start with the slowest flow.
Learn what pace feeding is and do it.
If you’d like there’s a group called milky momma’s on here and they’re amazing help!!
Tommee tippee with straw for air
I used avent naturals and Mam for my kids. Each kid is different but they will let you know if they don’t like a certain bottle.
I have a lansinoh hand pump that came with a bottle and my daughter did well with that one
My baby will drink a Nuk Natural bottle, bit still prefers breast. No other kind of bottle though. I think as long as you introduce the bottle soon enough, then you will be okay. I had to supplement for a day in the hospital so I think that’s why my son will take Nuk bottles, that’s the kind of nipple they gave me to supplement with.
The first one mine ever liked was Mam but she was about 3 months old and it still took getting used to it. By 6 months she had no preference and I used modela.
I use the tommee tippee and haven’t had any issues
Tommee tippy. It’s shaped like a woman’s breast
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
After my daughter started biting I used AVENT. Those were amazing! And the only bottle she would take.
Following, ive tried minbie, mam, tommee tippee, nuby, munchkin 360, doidy cup, nuby sippy cup and mam trainer cup.
I gave my daughter the NUK Simply Natural
My care taker and I struggled for about 3 weeks to get her to take it… at first she would fuss a lot but then eventually got used to it… she was breastfed for 14 months…
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We use platex never had an issue going back and forth
Most moms cant get a baby to take a bottle bc they nurse. If someone else does it they will adjust.
Both my boys was breastfed and they both took avant bottles…I got the slowest flowing nipple…they also took the dollar general brand and the walmart brand bottles
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
Tommee tippee or avent naturals! Ps- if you have a Burlington baby depot close by, they have bottles half the price of Walmart or target
Mam bottles worked great with my last 2.
There isn’t a specific bottle that works for every baby. You just have to keep trying until you find one baby likes. Be persistent have someone else do it. My daughter was breastfed for five months and she will take any type of bottle. It also helps to introduce a bottle early to a breastfed baby around a month old so they won’t refuse it. Also try warming the bottle because fresh breast milk is warm like your body temp.
Mam bottles worked best for my breastfed baby. We tried a few brands before that one. If your baby takes a pacifier make sure you try that same brand also.
Get someone else who is patient to try giving the bottle. It’s best if you aren’t in the house, especially not in the same room. Baby can smell you and then won’t be willing to try because they would rather have the real thing. Good luck, keep trying, you’ll get there!
We fell in love with mam bottles
I’m not sure its the bottle, rather the nipple. My babies were fussy about the nippy.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
When you breast feed you should be giving baby orange juice in a bottle they get use to the test then you have no trouble when you change over
Its not the bottle so much as the nipple. Also baby will usually prefer the breast. Just be relaxed and patient and keep trying
How old is the baby? I exclusively bf for 18 months and we went straight from breast to cup. We used NUK brand and she really seemed to enjoy the cup and had no problems switching. I also heard that Dr. brown is a great transition bottle as well
my daughter had this problem i had to get the bottles with the nipples that are kinda like breast and nipple shaped just keep trying it took mine forever to start taking one just keep offering it try pushin the nipple to the top of there mouth when you give them bottle sometimes the bottle dont fit right in mouth so this helps
My baby is breastfed and he’ll only take the tommee tippee, have tried a lot of bottles but this is what he took too.
My solely BF baby only took a Tommy Tippie.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
Only bottle my son will take and you can use them and still breastfeed. Theres no nipple confusion what so ever.
I went from breast feeding to supplementing with bottles and my baby took the 3 pack bottles at Walmart
My son took nuk simply natural bottles and breastfed.
It’s trial & error. With my 2nd I tried several different bottle & nipples before I just gave up. My 3rd took the first bottle I gave him.
Mine never would take a fake nipple
My 3rd baby would never drink from a bottle. He would go 8 hours without eating while I was at work.
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Boob brand or Tommie tippie
There isn’t a specific bottle that works just have to keep trying. I like to introduce a bottle by at least a month old so the baby won’t refuse it in the future. If you wait too long to introduce the bottle baby will refuse it. Have someone else try to feed the baby the bottle away from you a few times. Also try to make sure the bottle is warm like when baby nurses
All my kids had Tommy Tippy
Nanobebe was the only kind my daughter would take. Once I stopped breast feeding she would use any play bottles and try to drink from those though
NUK was the only brand my babies would take after breastfeeding. The nipple is supposed to be shaped how are nipples take shape in their mouths to be more natural.
Playtex has always worked well for our babies
Try buying one of each brand to sample. My daughter was picky as well. Playtex drop in, Avent and Nuk were all she would take without gagging. Also, try having someone else test the bottle. I couldn’t been within sight of her or she wouldn’t take a bottle.
Kiinde are phenomenal even for non breastfed acid reflux kids
My daughter uses the Philips Avent Anti-colic bottles.
there isn’t on best bottle its the bottle YOUR baby likes or will take.
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i used Nanobebe bottles, & Philips Avent
Nanobebe are pretty good, my soon took it so well and he would continue to latch onto my breast
So I found that it was the nipple that mattered. If you buy any standard size bottle you can try all of the different brands of standard size nipples. It is way cheaper than cycling through bottles to find one your baby will take. It should be noted that this will not work on wide mouth bottles, they all have different sizes.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
Nuk natural or the lansinoh momma
Mine liked avent with the natural nipples
Mine took super well to Philip’s avent natural. Just make sure u line the vent up the right way.
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Every baby is different. Our oldest loved Tommee Tippee and Avent. Our 2 month old only likes Parents Choice over Tommee Tippee/Avent/Nuk. He’ll tolerate Nuk and Mam sometimes.
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Mine only likes evenflo bottles
MAM were the only bottles my breastfed twins would take really and their pacifiers were the easiest for them as well
There is no best. You just have to try a variety until your baby finds its fit. One of mine liked fancy vented bottles. The other liked loonie bottles from bargain bins.
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I couldn’t either. So I ended up strictly breastfeeding, 2 years later still going strong lol
nanobébé. They are made specifically for breast feed babies. Highly recommend!!
Never had an issue with Avent bottles some of mine didn’t like the tommee tippee ones
I tried a lot with my baby girl, she’s 8 weeks now, but the avent worked best with a 0+ nipple. The avent bottles attached to the pump as well. But every baby is difference. My son would only take the kindde ones that came with the pump bags
Nuk Simply Natural is what worked best for my baby girl and my nephew
The only ones my son would use were the Dr. Brown’s but he had colic and that’s what worked
We only used Dr. Brown’s.
Pigeon. No nipple confusion. We breast and bottle fed
Kiinde the nipple shape resembles a breast. Only set my son used and my daughter uses them also. They will send you a sample from their sight
Dr. Brown was what my daughter preferred when I didn’t nurse
Nuke nipples are the best.
I love the Avent bottles with the 0 nipples - they work great! Used them for both my babies.
I used tommee tippie but word of warning infants can be picky! My son refused dr browns! You might want to buy a few different brands and once you know what ones they will take buy more!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
Good luck - my middle refused - take a bottle !
My last took the walmart bottle - sometimes ’
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I have had the best luck with mam bottles. Both breastfed and formula fed babies get a really good latch on them and they help with spit up and gas as well. For reference I am an Early Childhood Teacher and have been for 15 years, I’ve fed lots of little ones. Dr.brown bottles don’t often get a good latch from little ones. NUK are decent but I hand down recommend MAM.
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Tommee tippee were the only ones my daughter would take
This bottle was truly a life saver. I tried so many different ones for my son and he hated them all until this one. I use this one for my daughter as well and she took right to it and has no problem switching from bottle to breast!
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It’s hard sometimes. My little girl did well with nuk. My son isn’t really a fan of any of them. Lol but we’ve been trying nuk with him too.
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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?
My son did good with the NUK simply natural.
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My breastfed baby took to MAM bottles really well!
When I switched my son he did great on Avent bottles
Tommee tippee was favored from both of my babies
My son loved the Avent bottles. I loved the nipple stages/levels. So convenient.
Tommee tippee I thought worked really well
The only bottle my son took was wide neck parents choice… keep in mind with some anti colic bottles they have all those tiny pieces that are a pain to clean.
Tommee tippee closer to nature bottle’s i found them at Walmart and they worked for my breast fed baby there the closest to a real breast nipple i could get my daughter to take i tried quite a few different ones
My son didn’t care for bottles and at 8 months, which you can start earlier and I didn’t know, but at 8 months we got him a straw cup and I would just put my milk in that! Weighted straw cups are good for any baby probably a good 4 months and above because they can be used at any angle even laying down and it has a safety straw so that they can’t drink too fast
I got super lucky with my son. He wasn’t too picky when it came to bottles, but we used the parents choice bottles from Walmart and tommee tippee. As a childcare worker, I would suggest tommee tippee. Most children take to that better than anything else.
My first son used playtex baby ventaire and my second used avent natural baby bottles.