Best choice for my 15 year old daughter?

Just let her figure it out. She made the choice to make a baby let her figure it out

Personally I think if she wants to abort then she should consider adoption… maybe that is something you and your sister can talk her into instead of abortion

Her body, her choice


I don’t like abortion but it’s her choice but she needs someone to sit down and calming explain the process and all the other options that a big decision at such a young age, but explain the importance of birth control and protection,

Having Is a lot she’s still young and it can affect her psychologically and she goes I can have the baby put it up for adoption

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I mean imo she’s too young for sex🤷🏽‍♀️ is mom gonna raise the baby so her daughter can have an actual and normal life ?! Have an abortion but I don’t believe she should force her 15y/o to carry and care for a baby when she’s not ready herself. Poor child

I would stay out of it but support your niece the best you can. She definitely is learning thr hard way though. It’s not an easy decision either way. Is grandma willing to raise the child as her own since her daughter doesn’t want it?

Her body her choice. If she thinks she’s too young to make the choice herself, she’s probably too young to raise a child. And again, HER BODY HER CHOICE. Legally at 15, no one can force her to do anything medically. Please stand up for what she wants.

I had an abortion at 16. I don’t regret it, but even a little. Had I not, I wouldn’t be where I am today and I definitely wouldn’t have been able to give that child the life it deserved. I’m glad I had people who supported my decision back then. I pray this girl does as well.


Let the girl choose it’s not up to the mom to decide it’s her body….

Her body, her choice.

Her body, her choice. I’d thoroughly make sure she knows the pro’s and con’s to it all.

If she isn’t ready to give birth she should be allowed to choose to abort. She’s a kid and still learning about life.

It’s her choice not anyone else’s.


It is her choice and the father’s wishes need to be considered also. But ultimately it’s her decision so be supportive.

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If thats what she wants to do . Its really up to her at the end of the day . Not her mom or anybody can say anything

Her body her choice. End of.


Her body , Her choice

She should have her choice. No one should be forced to be a surrogate to give it up for adoption. All choices are hard, let her pick which hard she wants.


This is the saddest post. Y’all are so lucky your mothers didn’t choose to abort you and you’re able to be here today to give your advice.

I’ll take her baby!


Her choice . Why would her mom force her to be a mom so young? Does she want to raise the baby? Her mom should think of her daughter .


Her body her life her choice


I would sit down and have a deep discussion on why practicing safe sex is so important though

I said make her have it.

Her body her choice. Abortion is , realistically the best option.


Her body no matter the age.

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I was 14 when I had my daughter. If she is intent on wanting an abortion, maybe offer the idea of adoption instead. It could be she is shell shocked and she could change her mind, but abortions are absolute. Regardless of her decision, the mother should be supportive of her but also make her aware of exactly what her options are and what each entails.

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It’s her body. If she says no, then abort it. Pro choice. Her body, her choice.

I was 14 I never had that thought but its what she wants it’s her choice her mum should be supportive on her decision let her speak to the right people it’s hard bringing up a baby at that age I hope she is OK must be hard on her big hugs to her

There are people aching for babies… don’t let this “ kid” be a murderer


I think she will be forever sorry if she aborts. Seems like a quick solution but she will have to live with that forever and will at some point regret it. She just isn’t mature enough to see it now. When she is older and has more children she will always think about that child and what he or she might have been like. Short term problem long term consequence. I work with teen moms and they can go on to do great things with family support. That baby will be a blessing!

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The best choice would be the choice she decides to make herself


I know the deeds already been done but why was she sexually active at 15 if you thought she was mature enough to date why can’t she be mature enough to make the decision y’all need to get a handle on your youngins


It’s her body, she should be able to do whatever tf she wants with it. No one should have a say in the matter but herself.


We don’t get a choice in Texas, but her body her choice


No one’s opinion matters but hers


Her body her choice. All you can do is support her through that choice. She should not be forced to have a baby if she doesn’t want it and shouldn’t be forced to carry it either if she does not want to.

If I would have been pregnant at that age I would have aborted without a second thought.

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It’s not her body. It’s the babies body . Someone should of been a bit more responsible.
Adoption is the best option.


She made the decision to have sex, she should have the choice to choose for herself. Respect her choice.


I got pregnant at 15yrs old and I have a 22yr old son. Maybe have the daughter talk to someone before she makes her decision.

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I got pregnant at 16, I told my mom I wanted an abortion and she supported it. The “dad” wanted the abortion… once we got to the clinic to do so I changed my mind and now my baby is going to be 7 in a couple weeks and I don’t regret changing my mind because she is the most beautiful smartest little girl. “Dad has not been involved since pregnancy but that’s okay. She has my boyfriend who’s been there since she was 11 months.


She’s a minor. There’s always adoption. Mom still has control.

Her body, her choice. She should not be forced to keep the baby.

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When my middle sister got pregnant she was scared was thinking what to do. My grandparents flat out told her " you play you pay you’re gonna raise this kid and that’s final" like abortion isn’t even an option with my religion or family.
I’m sorry but I believe firmly you can be adult enough to spread your legs for some boy then by God you’re adult enough to raise that baby. Get that boy on child support and make him step up too.


She made a choice by being sexually active in a very young age. Abortion isnt always the option. The mother is there for her and she is young. Killing a life is not an excuse to escape from responsibility. Granted she aborted a life, how sure are you that she’s not going back to her old ways and then she will do it again? – my opinion only


She’s a minor her parents can decide what to do.

Okay so what her mom wants her to keep it— is mom offering to help raise this baby? Is mom going to hold baby hostage over daughters head if she’s a teenager who might do one or two stupid things later down the road? Is mom 100% sure her daughter has the mental and emotional capacity to carry a child to term? The answers to these questions are why it is her body and her choice. People’s personal opinions or religious beliefs on abortion shouldn’t have any bearing on whether or not SHE gives birth to this child.


She’s not old enough to make that choice, but old enough to raise that baby?


Everyone is all “her body her choice” and yeah I understand that….for an adult. but obviously when she makes her own choices she isn’t making smart ones so maybe her mom does need to make this decision for her🤷🏻‍♀️or maybe y’all would like to see another episode of teen mom🙄

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Are you in the UK? family planning centres/gum clinics she can go to and get unbiased informed information and help with whatever she chooses, it’s her body, it’s her choice.

I was 15 and pregnant myself. I personally chose to keep. She’s now 10. I think she should let her chose. She may seem like she’s too young to make a decision, but she’s also too young to have a baby. It’s very hard to be a young mama. I was once in her shoes and I had to grow up fast. I didn’t get to experience the childhood I would have wanted to. Although my child is definitely a blessing. I also would have her put on birth control after and talk about the importance of using protection.

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Her body. Her choice.


LET HER DECIDE HERSELF!!! Smart kid not to wanting to bring a baby into world knowing she can’t provide for it!!!


If she was grown this wouldn’t be a debate. She doesn’t want to the baby. Do not force her to. At the end of the day she will be the one having to raise that child and she already stated she doesn’t want to raise a child.

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I’m a guy and well let the kid now adult real quick make the decision I was given up for adoption but Least it was her choice cause otherwise it would be a regret that would haunt my birth mom all her life


Maybe talk her her about adoption. If she still wants to abort. That is her choice.

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I really just want to know who is going to pay for this baby and raise it? Is the mom that’s forcing her to have the baby going to provide everything it needs and raise it for her? Like yes she made the decision to have sex but that doesn’t mean she’s ready and even able to raise a child. HER BODY HER CHOICE!

she’s too young to decide her own life for her, so her mother is choosing the hardest possible path?


When/if the baby is born what’s the plan? Whose going to financially responsible because she is a child. Whose going to raise the baby while her mother continues to go to high school? What’s her support system like? Seriously so sad that is comes to abort or give birth but no one thinks long term for mother and child.

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Explain to her the grievances and consequences of each decision and as a family wage the options. Is your sister willing to raise the baby because if 14 year old is forced to have it she will be raising the baby guaranteed.

for everyone saying “adoption”… that is not what she asked about. she asked about whether or not this child is too young to make the decision to have an abortion. if you are against abortion that is your problem. this 15 year old girl has a choice. if she wants an abortion that is her business and everyone else can stay out of it. there are LOADS of children in the foster care system. don’t even get me started on your “adoption is the only option”.


Don’t kill the baby. Ill take him/her! Then whenever mom grows up she can decide to be in her life or not.

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All babies are made for a reason it will just make her grow up a little faster that’s all what’s the harm in that? She wants to do grown up things now it’s time to do the REAL stuff … it’s a life lesson.


She should deal with her bad choices of having sex. Have her give the baby up. Not the baby’s fault she couldn’t keep her legs closed.

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I think they educate her about options (abortion, adoption) and then make her decide on her own

Her body, her choice. She doesn’t even need parental permission to do it. But not having support can ruin her relationship with mom.


I think her mother cannot choose for her. That is not her reproductive rights.

I have a 15 yr old. If she thinks shes grown enough to have sex then shes grown enough to take care of the responsibility that comes with it. There is adoption. Her parents should have been parenting her better. She is still a child and having a abortion is traumatic in itself. There are to many forms of birth control that are readily available for teens.

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Her body, her choice. Becoming a parent at her age is difficult even more at her age than it is when you are an adult. Not that it isn’t impossible. All parties should be in the decision. If the system wasnt Jacked to high hell id recommend adoption but there is already so many individuals in broken system they tend to be put in worse places.


Maybe she could speak to someone…Talk about her feelings about the pregnancy…Just to see she is sure about her decision x

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Her body, her choice. Take her to get one if that’s what she wants. Her mom should not be making decisions like that over HER body.

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And this is part of the reason why the government has decided to decide what is best for us. Her body her choice… All the adults can do in this is be supportive and loving to her. It is going to be hard and there may come a day where she doesn’t want to do this anymore and if that happens you still be supportive and help her through it.

Let her parents or another family member adopt the baby OR let her decide for herself to have an abortion.


Her body, her choice

I was a 15 yo mother as well. My decision was my decision to make when it came to my child, and my body. I chose to keep my baby. Best thing I ever did even if people can’t understand how or why. Give her time for it all to sink in, and help her research, and understand anything that she’s unsure about. She did make the decision to have unprotected sex, and became pregnant. I’ll always feel a pinch in my heart when younger mother’s choose to be sexually active, but aren’t responsible, and then decide to abort a baby. I think about that child’s future, and how great it could’ve been, as well as how terrible it could be too. It’s a big confusing mess regardless of your views on the matter, and heartbreaking either way as well.

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She made the adult choice to have sex, so now your sister needs to respect and treat her like an adult. If your sister wanted her to be better informed before she had sex she should have started talking about it long ago.
It is the girls choice, period.

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What are some off y’all fuckin thinking here!? I was a teen mom @ 18. Never ever would I push the issue of abortion with a girl barely through it high,not to mention what that situation could cause her mentally. Might be her body and she’s sexually active,but us her mind mature enough to handle all that? No,I would even put myself at her age,no I wouldn’t have been. Family planning just don’t take you in now and do a full exam,they just throw you birth control. She is if legal age to keep you from medical records,oh yeah people,family planning,mental health…yes… my own daughter kept us from her mental health records …I trusted that one,that was her privacy. But medically,I don’t feel they should keep you from decision making,they don’t understand half that crap. Lay it out RAW,no sugar coating. Abortion is not birth control ever. Her body her choice,I get it, I will not support abortion for a minor ,I just can’t, get her on birth control. I just can’t believe some of y’all are ok with this ffs.

Adoption! I was adopted and happy that I was my mom was 17. So that the baby has a chance at life. Adoption is best option and no one has to loose life.

If she’s too young “to make such a big choice,” how in the hell is she old enough to be a mother?


if she doesn’t want it now, she’s going to treat it like she doesn’t want it later on.
let her decide what to do with her body. her parents should have been more open with her about sex so she could have prevented this with contraceptives. There is absolutely no reason a person should have a child if they don’t want it. Especially a 15y/o. She’s still a child herself and has a life of possibilities ahead.

It’s her body, her life, her choice…

Abortion should never be an option.


I honestly don’t know what I would do in that position. Maybe let her watch instructional videos of each choice she has and make sure she’s well informed with each option and maybe go from there? Try having a heart to heart and make sure that’s what she really wants. Good luck💜

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Id be letting her decide but making sure she is informed of every route possible

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Her body her choice but y’all need to have some deep, real, truthful, hard conversations.


It’s not your choice? If your niece doesn’t want a baby at 15, then respect her wishes and take her for a termination if that’s what she wants.

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If she wants to be grown enough to have sex she needs to be grown enough to understand what can happen when you have unprotected sex. Letting her have an abortion is teaching her although she wants to be irresponsible she can always kill the kid… sad. . . I’m all for her body her choice but the pregnancy wasn’t an accident. It’s what happens when you have unprotected sex…

She should have the abortion , she made a mistake yes but her life shouldn’t be over when she has the choice to do what’s right for her


Shes old enough to have sex then shes old enough to make her own decissions…

Her body. Her choice. Her life.


It’s your nieces choice but I’m not sure if she would need parental consent to get it done. Also your niece should’ve known having sex can lead to getting pregnant regardless if a condom was used or not.

Shes too young to make a decision about not wanting a kid, but shes old enough to birth and raise a child?!?!


I think the mother is being selfish!! Why is she setting that child up to possibly struggle in life?? If she was old enough to make a decision about having sex then let her choose what she does with her body!! Don’t put that child thru something she isn’t ready for!! Shame on mom

It might be hard for her, but a family out there would love to adopt the baby and have the family they have been trying for . Baby would be given a chance at life and she wouldn’t have to possibly live with guilt when she’s older of not giving that baby a chance for a good life with a loving family :two_hearts:

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Tough situation for sure. As a mother we sometimes think we know what is best for our children, but ultimately she is responsible for her body, it isn’t the mother’s decision to make.

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Her body her choice is bull shit in my opinion… she’s a CHIlD, she doesn’t get a say so! She has no means of supporting a child, so her mom would be the one raising it, so it’s the moms choice. I’m against abortion, if the family can’t raise the child then put it up for adoption, there are so many families that want children and unable to have them!

Adoption is a option

Therapist to help her work through her choices

Her body, her choice, and to everyone saying they’ll take the baby, there are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care looking for a forever home, maybe check into that.


Really, the mother should have no say in this. It is the niece’s decision. It is her body. If she does not want to carry on with the pregnancy then she should not be forced to. That will ruin her mental health and it will make her relationship with her mother very strained. It is HER body, and it is HER choice. Period.

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Adoption…so many ppl cant have children of their own!