Try switching diapers. My little guy had a really bad reaction to pampers. As soon as we switched, it cleared up! All babies are different!
When we switched my daughter to pampers she got a rash that would go away and be fine for a few days and come back. It would be red, then go away. So at her 4 month check up I mentioned it and her doctor said some babies will get a yeast rash after switching diaper brands. She prescribed some cream for it. Not sure if that’s the issue with your baby or not though.
Could be the diapers. My step daughter would use certain diapers and she’d get a rash that looked like diaper rash
My smallest gets rashes like that. Not sure why. We’ve tried different diapers, wipes, washes and nothing worked. My pediatrician said to bathe her after every poop and afterwards dry her completely before rubbing a mixture of nystatin & triamcinolone ointment. She clears up within a few days (depending on the severity of it).
You may need to changer diaper brands. Some brands just don’t absorb the same or may give sensitive babies a reaction. I use a barrier cream on my little one, I don’t know what you would call it in America but in Australia we have sudocream which works really well. Also leaving the diaper off for 10 min when you change her and changing the diaper more often can help.
Have her check for yeast infection.
We used what they gave us and corn starch in between
Baking soda baths or past u can make it at home air out bottom when u can
A&D ointment is amazing! And let her air out
We used either cornstarch or aquaphor
We use stuff called bag balm comes in a green tin works great for every diaper change he rarely gets a rash.
I used baby aquaphor for my daughter
When mine were babies and had rashes i put a trash bag on the floor with a towel over it and let them lay naked for a few hours to help air it out…u can out cornstarch on them too when u let them lay naked…a fan pointed on them helps too.good luck
Baby butt paste, worked every time
Aquaphor 3 in 1 cream and cornstarch
Yeast infection cream and ButtPaste at the same time works like a charm for my daughter.
Boudreaux’s Butt Paste is amazing! I keep it on hand at all times! When I see the first sign of a rash, I apply it and it starts to go away within the next diaper change.
Have doctor give you nystatin powder or creams available on market. Worked great
Totally agree with Boudreau’s Butt Paste.
Resinol! Works super fast!
My baby was allergic to the diaper I had to change the brand.
Penatin works wonder for my little guy
Plain yogurt on her genital area. The probiotics will clear up the rash.
My baby was getting a bad rash cuz he ended up being allergic to his formula… I had to switch to lactose free formula
Look into using witch hazel!!
When My 13m old son gets blisters on his butt I always use the gel A&D ointment not the cream. It usually clears his up after a couple uses depending on how bad or how big the blisters are is how long it takes. When he was really small he got a bad rash/blisters. I still used the a&D and let him air out without a diaper on.
Try changing the brand of diapers you’re using if you haven’t seen it get any better with ointments and such. My youngest was allergic to something in the pampers brand. After switching she did much better! I’ve always used butt paste for my girls. Works like a charm!
Dont wipe her every single time and kinda air dry her with the diaper
Reaction to something in the diapers? I had to change brands I used with a couple of my kids because they broke out (mom of 7).
Calmoseptine! Ask for it at the counter at Wal-Mart Pharmacies
Put a little four in a fry pan. Burn the flour… Cool all way down then apply to baby’s bottom…
Don’t use powder. Triple paste works well.
Pure corn starch. Could be start of a yeast infection. My little girl is 2 and has got 3 of them and I keep her clean constantly. Some girls just get them. I’d try pure corn starch, it worked for mine
My daughter did this year’s ago as a baby. Her dr said she was allergic to baby wipes. She was even allergic to the hypoallergenic kind.the dr told me to only use Dove soap on her skin (the one in the green and white bottle I believe ) She’s 28 and can only use Dove soap and Dove shampoo without breaking out
A & D in the yellow tub! It’s all I will use on my son. Diaper rashes dont stand a chance with it.
Stop using wipes until it clears up and use Coconut oil. Air drying helps too
My baby was like this from newborn to 8 weeks. Skin sensitivity everytime she went to the bathroom I would rinse her off and not use wipes
I had to use diapers with no scent in them and my daughters cleared up. She has very sensitive skin.
Use corn starch! Woks great
She may be allergic to the diapers you’re using
Extra strength desitin
Could be the brand itself. My littlest used Huggies when she was a newborn but after a month or so he butt looked burned so we switched to luvs. We use a and d cream or Aveeno or weed lotion
Its behind the pharmacy counter but not an RX. It’s the only thing we use. Target, meijer, and apparently Walmart has it as well
I use A&D ointment and it works great on both my little girl and boy.
Brown some cornstarch in a pan. When it cools, sprinkle it on her tush like you world baby powder. It takes it away quick.
Corn starch! Another is Resinol
diaper rash cream and put vaseline over it so the rash cream won’t come off and to keep her moisturized. No worry she is sweating between her legs.
Washing her off in the sink after she soils her diapers, changing the brand of diapers, triple paste works amazing! I struggled with bad diaper rashes with both kids these were what worked for us!
i only use petroleum jelly
Bag Balm in a green square tin.
Yeast medication from Kroger
Maybe yeast infection on your baby… if the over the counter diapers rash creams are not working ask your pediatrician… we use aquaphor 3 in 1 and nystatin to prevent the yeast from coming back we had to switch her wipes and diapers as well.
Gold Bond Baby Powder. That’s all I use.
Lavender oil and coconut oil mixed!!! Worked like magic!!
Zinc ointment or bacitracin ointment. It’s what the clinic gives to the native Americans for our babies. Don’t know how they do things else where. But that works perfectly. Or if none is available try petroleum jelly. That works wonders.
My mom uses coconut oil when she babysits babies . But on my son we use BUTTPASTE
Butt Paste! ^.^ or A&D.
It might be the diapers. Both of my kids had a reaction 2 diapers. I had a 1 year old in huggies and a new born in pampers.
Just went through this neosporin +pain cleared it right up.
I use calmoseptine best stuff in the world
change the brand of diapers first and see if it persists
Bagbalm .it works great.
Butt paste is what I used with my daughter.
Organic diapers and Seedlings Diaper rash cream - it’s considered OTC and non-toxic (no talc!)
Best i found was paw paw cream
Boudreaux’s butt rash cream. It’s different from others. Also A & D ointment will help too.
vasoline. do not use powder. it causes cancer
I always used corn starch on my babies helps keep bottom cool and under their little chubbie necks so they wouldnt chap
If it’s bumps could be yeast infection. Use Lotrimin
My daughters did that in the hospital with huggies and we changed to pampers and she’s fine now
it could be yeast ? it usually starts out as little circles - jock itch cream
Cornstarch worked on my two but that’s been 21 and 19 yrs ago so they may have decided that’s bad like everything else I do with my two lol
I used Vaseline and cornflour.
That’s MRSA. Take her to the pediatrician ASAP! Have them swab and test the area.
Nystatin is the best. I used it for my son
Zinc oxide and aloe paste.
I use a&d in my daughter
Could she be allergic to the diapers? I would try just using a warm washcloth instead of wipes and changing the brand you are using
It’s hard to believe but shaving cream worked on my kids and grandkids
I nanny for a pediatrician, she puts Desinex on every change. Baby over a year and never seen a rash!
Also, we used calmoseptine ointment in the assisted living where I work…we have to buy it at the pharmacy but no script needed…a little spendy but man it works wonders
Triple Paste. It was the only thing that worked on my daughter, even the prescription she had didn’t take care of it. Also, cloth diapering can solve a lot of issues as well.
I used a mixture of cornstarch and Vaseline worked great but if yeast infection that will not work. Hope gets better soon
I used butt paste, or Destin work amazing on my girls
Call the Dr. A newborn should not have any kind of rash.
Corn starch, make a paste with water.
Butt paste or bag balm
my son was alergic to scented diapers. I had to switch to a cheaper non scented brand and he cleared up.
Bag balm being the best.
That stuff in kitchen,baking powder,baking soda
May be yeast infection if it gets worse see doctor if baby girl was given any antibiotics at birth causes it my baby had it that was 20 years ago
Baby powder with corn starch it keeps the area dry and dries the rash
The only cream that works for my son is Greers Goo.
Vaseline Petroleum jelly. Put them on your child’s butt before putting on the diaper. My son was in diaper for 2years and he never had a rash.
End it! Its awesome!!!
Pure white lard. The pee runs right off and so does poo. I used it on my kids and grand kids.
Make sure its not a yeast infection
Clean them really good and use Balmex. It’s wonderful. Even cleared up my husband’s radiation burns.
Coconut oil or metanium yellow. Only use water and cotton wool. Wipes will make it worse, and get it seen by a dr to rule out yeast infection.
Cornstarch is the only thing that worked on my two kids. We used the pure cornstarch powder but be very careful not to let them inhale it. Keep it out of reach at all times!
Also, allow plenty of naked time to allow skin to breathe, especially after bathing, etc.