Best state to live in with a childrens hospital?

I also suggest Iowa. Iowa city hospital is wonderful, blank children’s in Des Moines is wonderful, we also have Childserve with many programs for children with special needs close to both of those hospitals. Sending love and strength! :heart:

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We have lebonheur and st Jude here in Memphis for Children’s care. Memphis isn’t the best place but the suburbs are great

Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock

Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Washington state …Mary Bridge childrens hospital

Fargo, ND has one of the best children’s hospitals.

Boston Massachusetts if you’re on the east coast

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Denver great children’s hospital and very progressive state

We live in Mass and have amazing childrens hospitals both in Boston and RI. However if you’re looking for cheaper states to live in, this isn’t one of them (RI is cheaper for sure but still prob on the same par as GA depending on where in GA you are)

Alabama ! Our hospitals are great - Children’s . A variety of areas to live in . Have Costco . Don’t know about social security benefits . We love it here but it’s also our home state

St Louis. We have Cosco & 2 great children’s hospitals. St Louis Children’s Hospital & Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. The county has great schools & special Ed programs. Definitely cheaper than Atlanta


CHOP in Philly I highly recommend…live outside of city though!

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Houston , Texas. Best Texas children’s hopsital… Children’s Herman memorial is also wonderful. You won’t be let down here

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I have a friend that only takes her child to Mayo clinic in Rochester NY she lives here in GA. Goes there 3/4 times a year. Cleveland Children is very good.

Pennsylvania (Allegheny county)

Oregon, dornbeckers or Randall’s hospital

I’m in Arizona and used to work in early child development. They used to fly us out to train at the hospitals in Boston. Definitely recommend that area.

Pennsylvania has a couple of good children’s hospitals. There’s CHOP in Philly and Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. My son just had surgery at Hershey and they were wonderful.

Florida. We have Shands and Arnold Palmer hospitals