Breastfeeding or bottle feeding?

FTM. To breastfeed or bottle feed? I’m leaning more toward the bottle since it seems more realistic for working mommas, but am worried that makes me a terrible mother straight out the gate. Honest opinions on both please.


Fed is best. Doesn’t matter how. You do what works best for you and your family. As long as your baby is fed, happy, and growing it doesn’t matter!


How ever YOU choose to feed your baby is what’s best . Don’t be hard on yourself bottle or breast as long as your healthy and baby is healthy that’s all that matters :black_heart:


A fed baby is a happy baby but give breastfeeding a try you can always pump or just switch to bottle once you go back to work


I did both. Nursed one for a year, nursed the second for 2-3 months, and switched to formula. As long as your kids fed and healthy who cares. Don’t beat yourself up. Do what works for YOU

fed is best whether its breast or bottle thats what matters. dont let anyone put u down for ur choice of using a bottle… as long as ur baby is growing and thriving thats all that matters

I never breastfed and I know I’m a good mom. Do what you want and what you’re comfortable with!

I have him on the boob a couple times a day but i primarily pump and give the bottle. It’s easier for me. This way my husband can feed him but he’s still getting the breast milk.


Feed your baby. Literally that’s it.


I was an exclusive pumper. It worked out great for me


I breastfed and pumped to bottle feed. Its your choice and you are not wrong less you just dont feed your baby. Dont feel guilty. :blush:

Feed your child … plain & simple. It honestly doesn’t matter if it’s breast or bottle …

I breastfed mine while I was home with them during maternity leave then changed to formula

I breast feed my baby girl Rose and worked you got this. We had some little issues that caused me to have to pump and then feed her with a bottle. While working they have to give you time to pump BY LAW. That is your child and he or she comes first.but to each their own if you feel that would he easier more power honey. Someone will have something to say either way so do you sis!

I bottle feed all three of mine. I wasn’t comfortable with breastfeeding.

You can bf and then try and pump to feed your baby. Nothing lost with trying. :woman_shrugging:

Personally I think breast is best, now don’t get all upset with me before knowing everything, because I exclusively formula feed. But if you have the option to pump and feed, that’s great. But if not don’t beat yourself up about it!

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Try and pump but as long as you feed your baby it’s all good.

Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone. If it’s not something you think you could handle, that’s okay. You could always pump for baby and bottle feed. But, as long as baby is being fed & taken care of, fed is best. Be it breastfeeding/breastmilk or formula.

Maybe try to breastfeed. Even just to give baby colostrum. Helps their little immune system so much! If you decide you cant do it or don’t like it, then go to bottle. As long as baby is full and happy, youre doing great!!

Fed is best. Breastfeeding is factually more nutritional and the bond is wonderful, even if you only do it in the hospital or once you’re home. But you’re not a bad mom for formula feeding. There’s pumping as well. And just an fyi formula can make babies more gassy… Though again, fed is besy


As long as it’s being fed both are great!

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I LOVE the comments on this so far! I was shamed so bad on a mom group for choosing to bottle feed. It was the best decision for Me and my family and I’m glad I didn’t let the shaming affect my decision


In my experience I worked full time and breastfed & bottle fed. I pumped at worked every 3 hrs. I agree with the other mommas- fed is best do what works best for you

I breast feed primary up to the time I went back to work, 8 weeks, and so she does bottle and then we nurse at night and in the morning. I pump at work. When we are going out it’s easier for me to pump and give her a bottle rather than just breastfeed due to position issues with large breasts, but however you do it is the best way for you guys!

do what youre comfortable with. you can always do both. breast at home, formula with the caretaker. or pump whilst you’re at work. by law they have to allow you to pump somewhere that isn’t a bathroom, if you’re in the states.

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Do what you feel is right. Just bc you don’t choose to breast feed doesn’t make you a terrible parent. It will come to you when you have the baby. Leave an open mind and try both. Breast first… Then if it’s not successful bottle feed. Or bottle feed from the get go. It’s your choice. Remember that… And find a great support person you can confide in…

Fed baby is a happy baby, doesn’t matter how u do it. Do what works best for you!

I would at least try. However much breastmilk you can give your baby will still help them.

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As long you feed your baby that’s what truly matters. I breastfeed because it it doesn’t cost anything. You aren’t a bad mother for formula feeding. You could even bottle feed breast milk or breast milk and formula. You can pump at work and at home. But it’s up to you.

You do what makes you happy! I have three kids one I breastfed the other formula they are all the same at the end. It no time will a dr say oh, you’re sick because you didn’t breastfeed as a baby lol.
For me with my second I breastfed for a little while then transitioned to bottle :grimacing:

Just remember you can use breast milk for anything. Ear infections and pink eye! Its liquid gold


I ebf as a full time working mom.
But fed is best!

Do what works for you and your child. I chose to breastfeed this one. I work almost full time hours and we are doing GREAT almost 2 months in. My 4 year old…we tried to keep going when I went back to work. I gave up at 6 weeks because I just couldn’t do it. My other 3…one i didn’t try breastfeeding. One lasted 2 months and another 6 weeks. As long as you’re feeding f time baby…you’re good!

You can pump and bottle feed it.

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I would never feel guilty all 11 of mine had bottles all 11 are great kiddos and doing great now.

Doesn’t matter which nipple you wanna use just so that baby is fed.:grin:

Yes breastfeeding is best, but it’s your child, your decision. Dont matter what others think

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Breastfeeding is free :person_shrugging:


just feed your baby. you’ll be a bad mom if you don’t feed your baby. try breastfeeding if you want to. I enjoy it but I totally understand why ppl would choose not to. no big deal either way.

You could always breast feed at first then switch when you return to work. You could also pump at work. I was teaching elementary kids and would pump on my lunch break. It was just a special time with my baby. I say give it a try you can always switch if it doesn’t work for you. It is also healthier for you baby even if you only do it a short time.

I did both! My daughter only bottle and my son breastfed and bottle…breastfeeding gives u more one on one time which will make u bond more…but either way ur going to be a great mommy! Dnt listen to negative stuff u choose what makes u comfortable and what u choose:) because at the end of the day weather u breast or bottle feed as long as ur baby is fed YOUR AN AMAZING MOMMY how they eat doesnt make u less or a terrible mom! Good luck :slight_smile:

Either one is PERFECTLY FINE! Whatever you feel suits your life best is what’s best. Breast milk definitely has more benefits (not just for baby either, there’s soooo many ways to use it especially after it expires if you get a good stash going) however, formula gets baby just what they need to grow big and strong as well. I breastfed my son for roughly 3 weeks then got sick and dried up almost instantly no matter how much I latched him on or pumped it just didn’t get my supply back so I pumped what I could (which was not much at all) and topped whatever I got off with formula. By 2 months old he was strictly formula fed. My son has always measured on the bigger side for boys his age, he’s always been in the 70th-95th percentile for height and weight, he’s advanced in learning he was attempting to crawl from 3 months old till he got it at 5 months, standing up to things by 6 months, and COULD walk by 8 months but chose not to often until 10 months only due to family members who would always pick him up and never allow him to be on the floor/ground to play, he COULD say roughly 5/6 words by 10 months, but chose not to talk much until about 2 weeks ago at 17 months-we did a lot of signing with him though. So don’t let anyone tell you formula feeding will make your little one behind! Both forms give baby what they need and they are being fed that is all that matters.

Nothing wrong being bottle fed

You can breastfeed still and give a bottle. Breast milk is best. And your employer has to allow you to pump, it’s the law!


Before I had my first son I wanted to exclusively breastfeed him. I worked full time but had 6 weeks off. For me personally that was not nearly enough time to get a good schedule of consistent feeding times. No matter how hard I tried. It just didn’t work. I felt awful about myself because my body wasn’t producing enough milk for him. So we supplemented with formula. So I was half and half the first 4 months and then switched to formula completely. It takes a lot patience to breastfeed a little one but once you get a set routine I bet it works wonderfully… I still plan on breastfeeding for my next baby & I think it will be so much easier knowing what to expect & change some thing around this time.

Okay so im from the other side of this. I chose not to breastfeed. I already have always had huge boobs. Can barley sleep with them when im not pregnant. Let alone being engorged with milk. Already have bad back pain. Already cant fit clothes properly. Already wanted a reduction. So i chose not to breastfeed with either of my kids. And im not with our third baby either. I desperately wanted/want my body back to myself after pregnancy. It doesn’t make you selfish and tbh we carry babies for 9 months. So if people want to call it selfish oh well. Its okay to want your body to yourself. My children have 0 health issues and you cant tell a breastfed baby from a formula fed one. Do what works for you, your body and your mental health. Don’t ever feel judged for your choices. I will say i did think about breastfeeding a few more times than usual with this baby but i also have an overnight job and thats another factor that i have added in. I also am aware i had some signs of ppd with my last pregnancy and felt overwhelmed quite easily so i also think it will be bad on my mental health to be the only one feeding baby and pumping. So i know deep down it wouldnt be good for me besides the physical.


I pumped breastmilk for both my babies. It sounds mean but I hear a lot of stories about babies NEEDING the comfort of their moms boob to fall asleep and I didn’t want that to happen. Plus my second baby spent a month in the nicu so it was either pump or he got formula. I knew tho I wanted other ppl to be able to help feed my baby and if they refuse a bottle then that’s pretty hard.

You’re definitely not a bad mom if you do not choose to breast-feed. With my first I didn’t breast-feed at all my second and third I tried for about a week .I am about to have my fourth in a couple days and will try again. Whatever works best for you

Ive decided to go with bottle feed due to my lifestyle not being healthy enough to provide the right nutrients to my child.

Feed you baby, mama. However works for you and baby. Enjoy the time and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. You’re doing great!

Fed is best momma you do what’s best for you and baby what works best for you two… I do recommend if your decide to breastfeed introduce the bottle at least by 3-6weeks… My son is now 5months and is being very stubborn with the bottle will only take about an ounce out :unamused::weary: and sometimes not even that… Makes it hard to go anywhere with out him. I’m also a working momma :woman_shrugging:

Baby’s gotta eat. Breast milk from the source or from the bottle, either beats hungry baby. Do whatever works for you and the munchkin I think. As long as your wee one is gaining weight and isn’t going hungry, you’re winning! But I’m just a dad of three kiddos that are going strong, so I can’t speak to the mom side of things directly. My wife has always had more than enough milk. My nephew that’s a day younger than my youngest had to get formula. They’re both growing and happy young lads. I guess what I’m saying is don’t stress it.

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By law, your employer has to give you a private place to pump as many times as you need that isn’t a bathroom! They don’t have to pay you for it, but they do have to provide a place. I was against breastfeeding for my personal self, but I’m 17 months in with my daughter right now!

Immunity is much better with breast babies. Learn to pump and store.

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Breast fed for as long as I could until I had to go back to work. I just couldn’t do it then because I had an hour commute one way and I couldn’t count on getting regular breaks to pump. All 3 of my boys made the transition well to formula and have very strong immune systems. I enjoyed the bond I felt with the breast feeding. It’s like no other feeling of providing for your child.

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I wanted to breastfeed so bad but couldn’t produce enough milk, so I formula feed. If you could try to breastfeed/pump and bottle feed, that’s what I was going to do.

Does bottle feed mean formula? I exclusively pumped so I breastfed through a bottle…:thinking:


I only tried breastfeeding because I had a preemie. I loved it but it’s not for everyone. If it’s gonna stress you out, not fit into your lifestyle or you don’t produce enough milk go for the formula and enjoy your baby

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I’ve got one that bottle fed, and one that breastfed for a year. You do what works best for you, mama. Fed is best!

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As long as your baby is fed, it should not matter how.
Breast isn’t for everyone, it hurts like mad (it did me, but neither of my boys latched right) and with my first baby I didn’t produce enough for him, he was starving. I was so adamant on Breast feeding him, I didn’t even buy formula to be prepared!
My best advice, try to nurse if you want. It’s great bonding and you get a sense of accomplishment when your body continues to do what it was made to do!
But have formula just Incase your milk doesn’t come in enough or you just don’t feel comfortable!
The first week of what your body produces is the most important for your baby.
But, formula does the job too!!
I look at it like, if you want to try, go for it! If not, formula was invented for a reason girl! Use it up!

Breast milk is good for the baby but if you can’t or don’t want to pump or breastfeed that’s completely fine. Fed is best!

with my daughter I was determined to breastfeed…she had a poor latch and did better with bottles so I pumped and bottle fed the breat milk. once I went back to work I had trouble keeping up with her demand. With my son I’ve been blessed with the ability to take my full 12 weeks for fmla. hes got a perfect latch. Monday I return to work, I’m hopeful I can continue with breast milk this time but I did buy 2 cans of formula just incase.

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Why would you even think that… as long as your baby is eating, is all that matters. :baby_bottle:

Whatever works for you. :smiling_face:I’d at least give breastfeeding a try though. If sooo…Start pumping in the hospital. If u keep a good pumping schedule going you’ll have a ton of saved milk. I have a freezer full of frozen bottles. I only pumped for the first 10 weeks. I gave the boob when the baby was hungry.

You can try both and see what fits best for your needs. You don’t need to buy everything upfront. Breastfeed and supplement with ready feed bottles when the baby is born and see what’s more natural. You will also get a bunch of free bottles from your registries … so you can see what type of nipple he or she would like. You don’t have to decide now and no matter how you feed your child … you are doing great.

Try breastfeeding it’s cheaper and healthier I breast feed both kids past 1 working full time it’s not as hard as you think

I’m a breastfeeding mom. Honestly as long as you are happy & your child is fed & safe then YOU ARE A GOOD MOTHER!

As long as they’re fed and healthy that’s all that matters mama. Trust me it’s just part of the “mom guilt”

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Also, if you pump & bottle feed, make sure you learn about pacefeeding & that a breastfed baby will never need more than 4oz at a time. They only need 1-1.25oz for every hour
You are gone.

Mine were both bottle fed because they needed to be and they turned out fine. As long as you feed your babies is all that matters! Your babies, your choice


I didn’t even consider breastfeeding with my 3…I didn’t want to stress about having to pump, latching, baby not wanting to take a bottle, not enough supply and I wanted anybody to be able to feed my kids :woman_shrugging:t3:


I breastfed all mine but for all different amounts of time and then switch to formula a happy healthy baby should be your concern not everyone else’s opinion so feed that baby how ever you please breast feeding can be difficult and frustrating but I enjoyed it but again I did switch to formula with all 5 of mine good luck and do what’s best for you and baby

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I exclusively Breastfed mine for 8 months, I pumped after that.
My only advice is… do what works for you!!

Fed is best. I recommend at least the colostrum the first week or 2 thats the most important part. You shouldn’t be working that first week anyways & it helps your uterus contract & heal faster if you breastfeed.


I bottle fed only there is nothing wrong with that…my child is fine…its your choice…and ud still be a great mom!!!


No it doesnt. You do what works for you and your baby.

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I am not shaming at all. It is what ever works for you,
I just want to let you know this… I breastfed all three of my children the third child I breastfed for three years. I loved every bit of it. I did not work though.
You wanted our thoughts.
It is what ever works for you.
God bless you and your baby. It will all work out,:blush:

I did formula from the moment both my girls were born. I knew I was going back to work in 8 weeks and knew that as soon as we got “used to it” I would be going back to work and truthfully I just didn’t want to. My girls were super healthy with the exception of ear infections and I know lots of kids that were exclusively breastfed who were sicker than my girls. You do what you want to do and don’t let anyone make you feel bad, as long as your baby is fed, that is all that matters!


I chose to formula feed. Right off the bat. My milk didn’t come in with my first until he was almost 3 weeks old. :person_tipping_hand: as long as you’re feeding your baby, screw what anyone thinks.


I did both. I breast fed while at home and bottle fed during the hours I would be working.


Who cares as long as your baby eats momma… it’s no ones place to judge anyone.


The way YOU decide to feed your child does not determine what kind of Mother you are. Bottle fed, breastfed, just feed them!


As long as bub is being fed you’re being a good mum.


If you decide to pump body armor drinks help with milk production. They taste good and are good for you. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

I feel like you should at least try to breastfeed/pump… even if it’s only until you go back to work at least it’s a start! I was only able to breastfeed/pump for about 2-3 weeks and then went to formula . But do what works best for you and for baby!

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I did breast feeding but shortly with mine. 5 months with my second but only 2 months with my third. Or just pump once or twice a day and give both. It’s also safe to mix them so they at least get the good stufsometimes. Doesnt have to be or the other. Whatever is best for both of you. Momma matters too. Cant have a happy baby without a happy mom. Dont stress yourself too much. What really matters is that golden milk in the very beginning. Very important!

Honestly bottle or breast, they will still eat mud at some point. It’s a personal decision that only you can make. I had one bottle fed baby and on breastfed baby. Both are just as weird as each other and both have tried to eat rocks.


Whatever works best for you. I breastfed for 4 months with my daughter and 6 months with my son. Intried to keep up pumping and working but it didnt work. Had to switch to formula but my babies were still healthy. As long as you’re doing enough to feed your baby, you’re not a terrible mom

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3 bottle formula kids they are perfect


I bottle fed since born. My daughters in perfect health and it saves you alot of time
When breast feeding you have to pump every 3 hours and if your working that could be a bit much as you get no sleep.

I did both because I had low milk and was never able to produce enough. So dont let anyone make you feel bad about feeding your baby.


I breastfed even after going back to work, but I had a full year off with both babies.

You can do both. I don’t know why people think it has to be one or the other. I’d say do both.


I breastfed bc that’s what I intended to do long before I had kids. I honestly never considered bottle feeding. Before you judge me saying that please let me explain. I actually chose to bc I sleep only 4-6 hrs a night and after so long I’m sleep deprived and I know it. I chose breast feeding bc they said it was better for the baby and also bc if I had to warm up a bottle in the middle of the night my baby might have suffered burns from heating up in microwave. I always used the excuse that God gave me milk and it was always with me and just the right temp. Plus I owned my own store at the time and was able to take my children to work with me. Mine are now grown and I doubt either will breast feed. Lol. Just remember either is good so do what you feel most comfortable doing.

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The advice I wish I would have gotten was that the bf vs formula guilt comes from society. Your baby won’t care as long as they are fed (and provided they don’t have food adversions) you also have to take care of yourself!

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Fed is best. You do what is right for you and your life. Your baby will be fine :heart:


You do what you feel is best. It does NOT matter what anyone else thinks. If you do go bottle then try Earths Best Formula

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Bottle fed 1st, breastfed 2nd for three months (worked full time, college part time), breastfed 3rd for six months while working full time, and breastfed 4th for a little over a year while working full time. Give it a try. Request a private room at work. You’ll get into a routine. Is it exhausting? Oh yeah…


Fed is fed and that’s all that matters all of mine have been bottle fed whatever you feel is best is what’s best for your baby

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