Breastfeeding or bottle feeding?

I do both. I pump while I’m at work and that’s her milk for the next day. You can pump and still bottle feed you don’t have to use formula . But again it’s up to you

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I’m planning on breastfeeding but I’m also stay at home. You are definitely not a terrible mom for bottle feeding, as long as that baby is taken care of and loved then all the decisions in how are up to you, you’re gonna be great

We are considering breastfeeding for a month or so, then expressing milk and bottling it. Do what works for you!! It’s your life and baby!!

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I encourage you to try breastfeeding, there’s ALOT of helpout there, your breast milk is specially designed specifically for your baby, there’s no formula that can offer the benefits of your breast milk. Talk to a lactation consultant( probably avail thru ur clinic) about how to go back to work while breast feeding…


Do what works for you momma. There is nothing wrong with choosing to bottle feed for any number of reasons as long as it’s what works best for you and baby. I tried breastfeeding my first and it was awful so we switched at 5 weeks (long story. Many issues.) Then tried again with my second and had zero issues. It was going great for the most part and I just didn’t like it so I chose to switch again at 8 weeks. Best decision I made both times and I regret nothing. I will be going straight to formula the next time around because I know that’s what works for us. If you want you can always combo feed also. Breastfeeding isn’t an “all or nothing” situation.

  1. Your not a bad mother either way.
  2. Do what is best for you and baby and your personal situation.
    My babies wouldn’t latch until my 3rd. I am a working mom, I work 2 jobs and have 3 boys 6yrs and under. I was set on formula feeding my youngest but being my 3rd kid with 2 jobs there was no way breastfeeding was an option it sucks but its reality. My 3 boys are all happy and healthy formula feed babies.
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Bottle or breast, fed is best.

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Why not both?

I personally could not breast feed due to anatomy issues… however I hear moms complain all the time that their 6 month old or however old won’t take a bottle because their so used to the boob. Personally I would start introducing the bottle early to keep from babying them but that’s just me.


Do what YOU want to do! Don’t ask people who don’t know your life or situation to give you advice on something so personal. However YOU choose to feed YOUR baby is 100% up to YOU. I’ve fed my four babies all different ways, breast fed, pumped, supplemented, formula… guess what… they’re ALL exactly the same health wise and all met milestones on time or early and our bonds are all amazing! Breastfeeding is great if you can do it. Formula feeding is great bc your baby is being fed (and it saves sanity if you’re like me and hated breastfeeding). Your baby will be fine either way.

I decided to bottle feed both and will with my 3rd. I beat myself up on my first cause I wanted to but I didn’t feel comfortable plus being on a water pill and pain pill I couldn’t. (I had gained a ton of weight and you could press my legs and water would seep out that’s why for the water pill and pain pill because of a c section) then my son started having issues with his belly so we had to put him on soy formula and his pediatrician told me I wouldn’t of been able to of BF anyways because of his stomach and the acid reflux he had being a newborn. So it made me feel so much better. It doesn’t matter which you choose as long as you’re feeding your baby!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Please research the benefits to breast milk. For both you and your baby.


Breastfeeding is freeeeeee! Formula is expensive! Enough said! :sweat_smile:


Fed is best. Bottle fed my first. Worked full time with her. Breastfed my 2nd. Worked full time with her. She’s just over a year and we’re still nursing. In my opinion, breastfeeding is so much easier. Don’t have to earn it up, mix it up, carry around a can of formula, don’t have bottles to worry about…so convenient! But, it’s not fire everyone. Just my experience with it. Like I said, Fed baby is best!! Do what works for you.

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I tried to breastfeed. I was the appetizer, or s snack, I didn’t have enough milk and had to supplement.

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Honest opinion: breast feeding is best! But absolutely does not make you a terrible mother if you dont. It’s hard and a rough journey but totally worth it. Try giving him as much as you can the 6 weeks after having him. Then pump and give in a bottle. If this doesn’t work out for you, do not beat yourself up. Best of luck


i did both. breast fed when we were home. and pumped and saved for when we were out. if it was family’s house- i snuck to bathroom to feed and when it was out in public i had bottles ready.

As long as baby is fed…don’t let people tell you one is better than the other. do what’s best for you and what’s best for your baby on your time. i never went back to work sadly :pensive: but if work is what you are worried about you can still pump on break and still have stock up in fridge for whoever is caring for the baby.

Both my kids did not latch so I pumped and fed for 12-18 months. Fed is best and you do what works for you. No need to feel guilty or seek validations for your choices.

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Fed is best! But I’d suggest giving breastfeeding try! But never feel guilty

Being a sain mommy is doing the best for your baby. Do what you need to do, if bottle feeding makes sense, bottle feed.

Fed is best but breastmilk is better for them and there tummys but either way is fine

I pumped and bottle fed. I never nursed because my kids didn’t latch on well, but they still got the breast milk via bottle.


I was a full-time, 7hrs a day, student and still managed to breast feed for 3 1/2 years.


You are not a terrible mother. YOU DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY


Fed is best. All 4 of my kids were formula fed. I understand that breast milk has lots of benefits. But, I was on meds at the time that were not good for baby. Whatever you choose, don’t let anyone convince you that you are a bad mom. Or feel guilty. Ot less than.


Fed is best no matter what no need to feel quality at all. For some they can do both. Nurse when you’re with them and bottle when away. If I doesn’t work then adjust accordingly. Also don’t be afraid to nurse anywhere! Best advice I have is never be ashamed of how your baby is fed.

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Fed is always best. You aren’t a bad mama for choosing to bottle feed.

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a fed baby is best ! breast feeding is a great option , but sometimes that option isn’t ideal . do what YOU think is best !

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My daughter has a 3 month old & has returned to work. She breastfeeds when she is home & pumps her breast milk, & then I bottle feed when I babysit while she works. My grandson has done perfectly fine with me & a bottle, but really looks forward to Mama coming home lol!

Do what’s best for you. I tried to breast feed and pump…unfortunately it just never worked out! I tried. Bottle it was for all three. All full and all happy.

Pump and do both breast feed and bottle feed :slight_smile:

I bottle fed both my kids, they are both healthy and happy :two_hearts: you do what’s best for you and your baby!

I personally breast fed it is hard if you’ll be working but doable but wither way as long as your baby is being fed it doesnt matter. It doesnt make you a bad mom to bottle feed it would make yoh a bad mom if your baby starved because you were too woried about what others think about your choice of feeding your baby

You can do both or either and neither decision makes you a bad mom

I breast fed all mine till I went back to work but you do what’s best for you

I mean you can return to work with a breastfed baby just as easily you just have to pump your milk and save it

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Either way it’s your choice, and does not mean your a bad mom. I breast fed as long as able then formula fed. Could try that if you want, or go right for formula. Also doing both and pumping to help your busy schedule.
The big thing- your choice and whatever you choose doesnt make you a bad or greater mom.


I was only able to pump for 3 weeks before my milk ran out. I gave it my best and stuck to it as long as possible. If I had known my daughter wouldn’t latch (even with everyone imaginable helping me). So she ended up being bottle fed after 2 days of her life. After my milk ran out we had her on formula. There’s no shame in formula feeding! Do what you think is best for you and your situation :heart: good luck momma

Not a horrible mom! But at least do colostrum.

I breastfed both of my babies and I loved it. It really helped us bond. It is hard and I understand that some people can’t, before I had kids I figured I’d try it and formula feed if it didn’t work out, it was hard at first but I really stuck to it and after the first couple of weeks it got easier. It’s free and easy and if you’re working you could give pumping a try. Good luck either way. Being a momma is hard work but worth it :blush:


Breastfeeding is the best thing for you and your baby.


Whatever you feel is best.

Fed is best, and breastfeeding is a choice not a requirement.

I formula fed from the start, bond with my child the same any mother will.

You literally can ask mothers who done both their tell you their really no difference.

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Breast is best but it’s YOUR decision and you aren’t horrible


I bottle fed both of mine. Granted, breast is supposed to be better, but it doesn’t make you bad if you don’t. You do YOU! In other words, don’t feel bad if you don’t. It’s your decision, and yours alone! Don’t be bullied by strangers remarks. It’ll be fine!

A choice only you can make, don’t feel pressured into breastfeeding because everyone says it’s best for you and baby… fed is best!

Breastfeeding makes your baby so much healthier and smarter! & you can always pump


I breastfed until I went back to work. I just couldn’t keep my supply up at work and with a pump. I completely dried up within a week. But I LOVED every second of breast feeding. You do what’s best for you for you darling. A fed baby is a happy baby… boob or bottle.

I did both with my son but because he was premie and I didn’t produce a lot I had to stop at about 4 months. My daughter we just went straight to the bottle. It doesnt make you a bad mom for wanting to bottle feed my kids are 9 and 4 and very active and healthy and they where both bottle fed. You do what you want to do momma you do what you feel would be best and don’t let anyone tell you any different

Your decision as long as your baby is eating :person_tipping_hand:

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There’s no difference momma. Fed is best. I was only able to breast feed for two months… and eventually got to the point i had to go formula. I tried to pump but it was useless… your baby will love you no matter what.

My personal opinion don’t let the world or mom groups guilt you into feeling bad about doing what is best for you and your child, in the end and all along none of those other people matter! I personally have been breast feeding for 15 months with an occasional bottle of formula. I work about 30 hours a week. I just found the bottles and formula to be so much more work honestly. It makes so much more to wash and you have to get up in the middle of the night to get it and all that. I do however send a bottle with formula when my daughter goes to a babysitter only because for them formula is easier and they don’t have to worry about keeping the milk in the fridge and then warming it and everything. I will say also that exclusively pumping made me a little crazy. It was a lot of work too. Just nursing on demand and then just nursing as soon as I got home from work has worked well for me. You just do what you feel is best for you Momma! You’ll do awesome and be an awesome Mom either way! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

My mum physically couldn’t breast feed me or my brother and we turned out fine on formula

I exclusively pumped! My daughter didn’t get the option of breast first, so she prefered bottle (C-Section). It makes me so happy that I was informed and able to still give her my milk! But formula isn’t bad! It might be a little difficult/stressful if your baby has a sensitive belly though, some formulas don’t sit well with the littles. Mommy’s milk is best, it’s made for your baby. It’s worth a try. Some mom’s breastfeed when home and pump at work. They make all kinds of bottles similar to breast. I wish I could of breastfed my daughter. But I’m happy that I still gave her my milk only for almost five months. But formula is great. I got overwhelmed pumping and taking care of my preemie. I dried up after 4 and 1/2 months. I’m still happy of what I’ve accomplished.
Anyways… I recommend pumping as long as you can :heart:


Breast is best :two_hearts: but it is going to be difficult to keep up with while working. You have to do what is right for your family! If breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you then do not beat yourself up :heart: I have 5. Formula the first 3, breastfed with supplementing minimal in the beginning and we went to 18 months with #4 and #5 I’m just not producing like I did with #4 and so #5 is mostly formula. Guess what?! They all grow up and eat everything off the floor every where they go at some point during childhood :woman_facepalming:t3: don’t stress it!

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Breast feeding is very good but you can always pump and bottle feed. Breast milk doesnt need to be cold or frozen for up to I think 4 hours. I’m going to breast feed and pump.

My own personal experience. I tried to breastfeed my first and struggled but I made my best effort before going to bottle. My second I breastfed… it was hard to get through the first week learning to feed him and waiting for him to latch… but afterwards I felt a strong bond, he has had less gastric issues than my first, and it’s time I greatly enjoy. I work full time and he takes whatever I can pump and formula… once I get home I breastfeed. So even a combination of both would be neat for you to try:)

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Your baby gets so much from your breastmilk. If you’re able to I’d highly suggest breastfeeding. Even for just a little bit. I read the other day that some have called it babies first immunization. If it’s difficult to balance work and breastfeeding, you can pump or even supplement some formula. You could breastfeed first thing in the morning, right after work and at bedtime. Feedings are frequent enough at the beginning that it will probably be more but will dwindle down to about that. It’s your call of course but this is my opinion.


As long as your baby is fed that is all that matters. I am a working mom breast fed all 3 of my girls currently still bf the 3rd. You can make it work but it’s a commitment and pumping is not fun. Whatever you decide does not make you a bad mother at all it just makes you a mom that made a personal choice. Bad mothers are ones that starve or hurt their babies. Formula feeding is still feeding your baby

Oh cmon thats fine u r their mom thats ur choice dont feel bad… i bottle fed both of mine cx i wanted to

Fed is best regardless of how. One plus to bottle, you k ow exactly how much they are consuming each feeding. You can also pump and bottle feed breast milk if you wanted the benefit of breast feeding but without having to pull a boob out when baby is hungry. I tried with both of my kids and my milk dried up by 6 weeks max but they got it till then before switching to formula

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While you work and on off days breath feed

Or just bottle formula feed really FED is best

Pump❤ but breastfed if you can

Not a terrible momma, but breast is best. You can bf at first (colostrum is super important at first) and either pump or transition to a bottle. Either way you choose congratulations and best of luck.

You could breastfeed exclusively for your maternity leave and then do a mix of breast and pumped milk in a bottle when you’re back at work!


U do whatever u want MoMA it’s your baby fed is best either or. I bottle fed 2 of my kids and this one I just had is only breastfed so u do whatever makes it easist for u :heart:

As long as baby is healthy and getting food it doesnt natter how you decide to feed your baby. That is your decision. I breastfed all 3 of my babies but its a mtter on what you want to do

I’m combination feeding with my son (although admittedly not by choice) I use a mixture of formula and expressed breast milk when I bottle feed and honestly I think there’s benefits and draw backs to all the options and you just need to do what works best for you and your baby. Breast and pumping have a lot of health benefits but they’re both hard work, worth it if it’s what you want to do but if you want to use formula then it’s fortified with everything they need! There’s no right or wrong choice x

Editing to add I let people make me feel like shit for giving formula and I wish I hadn’t let them get to me. Please don’t feel like a bad parent for feeding your baby!! Baby just wants a full tummy and all the nutrients they need and they get that with formula too.

You do what ever you need to do to have a fed, happy baby :kissing_heart:

Fed is best but I exclusively breastfeed and wouldn’t change it for the world

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Breast is best!! Free, and way more healthy/beneficial

Do whatever you think is best and what works best for you. Breastfeeding brings an amazing bond and you can always pump and put into bottles. Formula is just as great! I think it’s just mothers choice. Neither is better. Fed is best.

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Fed is best, just because you choose not to breastfeed doesn’t mean your any less of a mother!

FED is best even tho I believe breast feeding is “better”. I couldn’t ever get mine too :broken_heart: I wanted to so bad!

The way you feed your baby will not make you less of a mother , a fed baby is all that matters I had to start formula feeding when my baby was 6 months because I had to get on a medication that was not breast feeding safe


I worked and breast fed, it can be done but you have to able to pump while at work (on break) and you can supplement with formula.

I exclusively breastfed for 14 mo. Single, full time working mother and going to school full time. My baby never had any formula.

I’m not saying your a bad mother if you don’t, I’m saying that excuses are excuses. It is plausible. If you don’t want to breastfeed then don’t, but don’t make an excuse for it.


Honestly it won’t always be up to you. I breastfed all my kids but my first son I had to pump. He refused to latch. He wanted his food without all the work. Once I went back to work I was like why bother pumping when he was eating baby cereal in his bottles at 2 months and wanted baby food by 6 months. He was off of milk by time he was one. He just refused it. He would only drink soy formula because the others made him spit up. My second one I breastfed till I didn’t make enough one day and my supply slowly went away. My daughter wanted only boob and refused bottles. I was hospitalized shortly after I had her and was in and out of consciousness. My mother tried to help me at least get her latched on and help hold her when I could tolerate it. But by time I was better and off alot of the meds I had to be on at that time, my milk supply had diminished again. I tried getting it back because I loved the bond I had but it just didn’t workout that way. Everyone’s experiences and lives are different. Go with what you are comfortable with. There is no right or wrong way to being a mom. Just love that baby unconditionally forever then yours doing a awesome job! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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Do what’s best for you. Breast is actually not always best so you can do both if you’d like. Try them out and see what you like. I’m on my third kid and their not dead and we tried both ways. You really just have to listen to your baby❤️

It’s your baby do what you think works for you both. And dont let others judge you by your choice

Fed is best! Do what works for you!

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I pumped even before I went back to work. However, tried everything and I dried up roughly 2.5 months in. Both are good. Fed is best no matter choice!!

Breast milk from bottles would be perfect for you and free, then before you go back to work, pump and store heaps in the freezer, or transition to formula a month before starting back to work! :blush:

I worked and breastfed, just need a good pump, your employer has to provide a private space to pu.p that is not a bathroom

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Milky mommas is a great group to learn about breastfeeding and just FYI in the US breastfeeding is protected by law so your job has to make space and time for you to pump❤️


They dont say breast is best for nothing


I work at a daycare one of the mom does both

It doesnt make u a horrible mother but the first week after baby born is a good time to breastfeed because it boosts the immune system or whatever. I worked and breast fed and had no problem. U can get a breast pump for free and breast feed and pump.

As long as your baby is being fed, it doesn’t matter!!

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Breat is best is :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: tbh…
My HV even told me that!
As long as baby is fed, that’s what’s best, whether it be breast or bottle.
Neither way changes how good you are as a mum x

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breastfeed if you can’t do bottle. whatever you feel is best for your baby

I have done both, all my babies are healthy. For my 2nd I did breastfeed for 3 month then slowly went to formula when I went back to work, it’s what worked better for me.

I didn’t want to breastfeed when I was pregnant with my 1st, but then I looked into it and read up about breastfeeding and all the benefits. I feel whatever you feel is best and works for you. I personally perfer breastfeeding til they can drink regular milk however I still breastfed til my son was ready to get off which was 2 1/2 same with my daughter who is still currently breastfeeding (2 years old). I’m on my 3rd pregnancy and plan on breastfeeding and may consider introducing a bottle since my two other kids never took to the bottle.

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Doesn’t make you a crap mom wtf where you getting your info.

Go with the bottle, it’s not time consuming as breastfeeding. and it don’t make you a terrible mama. just my opinion.


I would say breast feed as long as you can. You have at least 6 weeks before going back to work, not only is that the best you could offer but the bonding is like no other! I love breast feeding my babies. If pumping while at work isnt in your future you can at least give baby the boob while you’re home.


I breastfeed and work 50+ hours a week st my business. You can do it


I tried to breast feed and couldn’t, after a week of trying she had to go on formula. Better fed than hungry. You do what’s best for you and your baby

Im a working mom still breastfeed but only at nights after work before it used to be morning and night.

Well if you think about it this way, formula always stays the same it doesn’t counterbalance in its ingredients… Which in turn is good for babies. Breast milk has natural but it changes with whatever the mother eats or has introduced in her body. There is no right or wrong there’s only what works best for you and your schedule… Bottle-fed babies have always been healthy :blush:


Do what’s best for you and your family. I pumped for a year and worked full time. It was crazy hard/stressful/exhausting but to me it was worth it. As long as your baby is fed, loved, and happy that’s what matters.

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