Breastfeeding or bottle feeding?

If you can get through the first few weeks pumping that is a great immune system booster for baby.

If you invest in a great duel pump it takes no time at all.
I liked it because it made things fair…others always got smoke breaks but non smokers overlooked.
But the excuse to have to pump was really so got in and accepted better than smoke breaks…by yourself…no interruptions.
Get the good reusable breast milk holders bags and rack to store. Fits great in freezer…pump often to get a stock supply up.
Put bags in cooler …I got one of the adjustable expander one that requires no ice. Store bags and rack inside to transport home to freezer.
You can date bags and.they are reusable.
You will learn all the perks with pumping at work…besure and pump when you feel let down to.
Plus I used my babies outgrown disposable diapers and used breast pad to cut around to make pads that were very dependable to not
Leak thru at work. I never got sore or nipple yeast . It was alot of security at work. Don’t know why don’t design breast pads from it.
Be sure and use lanolin and a good fungus yeast fighting cream.
The key us a duel breast pump with ability to express milk at good flow emptying each side …and learning to realize you are intitled to this benefit of nursing and working too…

It eill just become second nature…nurse baby when you are together.
I even regulated my milk flow to nurse babies just at bedtime…it became less and less demand to pump during work hours but really came in when thought about bedtime bonding. Keep open pumping schedule to yourself so donor have to explain when needing to pump.

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breast is technically best healthy wise. But giving formula is good too. Maybe just do both from the get go. The colostrum at the very beginning is the best. I personally chose to only breastfeed but giving your child formula doesn’t make you or anyone a bad mom.

Do what works for you mama. I wanted to breast feed my last two. My middle wouldn’t latch & i even tried pumping to get it going didn’t work. All my kids are bottle babies & perfectly happy 8, 5 & 8 mths old.

Boob feed till you go back to work. :blush: you can express and bottle feed when you return.

As long as your baby is fed and cared for, that’s all that matters. You don’t need to feel pressure to breast feed if bottle feeding would work better for you and your family.

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Just because you breastfeed doesn’t mean you can’t give them a bottle. Breastfeed and pump. So many benefits to breastfeeding. The bond that breastfeeding gives you is amazing. Plus, in the middle of the night when you are tired do you really want to have to get up, drag yourself to go make a bottle, all while trying to calm a baby down that’s hungry? All I have to do is roll over and pull my tit out and go back to sleep. Super easy. Breastfeeding is hard work at times, but so rewarding. And if you do it, don’t give up after a few days. It can take a week to have your milk fully come in. Clusterfeeding is rough. But once again, rewarding. You’re giving your baby the best… something that is specifically for them. Not powder from a can that isn’t sterile.

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There are do many good better formulas for babies now. It is a personal preference. My Granddaughter’s nursed during maternity leave and went to work after substituting some feedings during last few days.
One granddaughter was advised to train her milk times by ace bandaging or compression bra during one feeding per day increasing compressing breast restricting breast enforcement during that time…have to start eliminating a feeding at a time over a 2 day period and the same feeding. Then com press same feeding time 3rd day…feed next feeding…suppress next for another 3 days…adding an extra day to adjust to skipping extra feeding.
The only problem is you won’t be able to be the one to bottle feed…or probably be near baby…that will cause pain with natural instinct for breast to enforce by being near or watching baby eat…also sometimes baby will refuse bottle if they smell Mama.
Do not let yourself become painfully engorged…the important thing to remember you are trying to teach a new milk on demand schedule but do not risk getting milk compaction and fever.
Pump to relieve and then wrap…but know your body…some Mom’s body’s will not respond to compression…why every other feeding is done in beginning.
There are natural things to use in thus phase but I used a naturopath to guide me… check around and voice your desire of what you want your schedule to be.
Some Mom’s just keep pumping when needed at work and on its own gradually only have that evening time with baby.
But please I stress…know your body and be followed by a good group of nursing mother’s and a nursing (LeLeche) type of group to guide you…
But accept whatever you can handle…beither makes you any better or worse Mother …just the right team with you baby and you alone…no body else’s opinion or comments matter. Your baby uour body your choice …most often it amazes me the most critics will be the women that have never breastfed or are not now or have been mothers…

Don’t feel pressured into breastfeeding, you aren’t a bad mum if you choose to bottle feed. Do what is best for you! You’re the one doing it xxx

You do what’s best for you and your baby. You’re not a terrible mother.

Don’t feel pressure by all these “breast is best” debates. Some women don’t want to or can’t breast feed and that’s okay too.

What’s important is that your baby is healthy. It’s YOUR baby, YOUR body.

Do what’s best for you x

Its all personal preference hun. Either way doesn’t make you a bad mom!. All 3 of mine were formula fed! My first I had no supply so bottle it was. My 2nd wouldn’t latch and my 3rd was galactosemic so I had to stop nursing 3 weeks in. What makes you a good mom is the love and affection you have for your child. N it how you choose to feed

There is nothing wrong with bottle,

Breast fed and bottle fed my first (hungry child would latch onto ANYTHING), bottle fed only when went back to work, though did what I could before & after work & on weekends. With my daughter breast & bottle fed too. At work drank like a fish to make pumping fast & easy (had to use the ladies room at lunch), froze the bottles until I took them home. Gave up after a month or two because I wanted my life back (pumped instead of eating lunch, running errands etc.) With luck businesses are more lactation friendly these days. Try breast feeding but as long as baby is fed it’s all good.

My son has been bottle fed since he was born because I have to return to work and I don’t think I could of handled breast feeding but that’s just me x and I don’t think my son looks like he’s not happy or benefiting from the milk x

No it does not make you a bad mother but if your worried do it for two weeks because that’s what helps the baby, I have formula fed my boys and my oldest is 18 and 6’4

I breastfed while I was home with my little one, when I went back to work I tried to breastfeed and pump and got to where I wasn’t pumping enough to keep him satisfied so we switched to formula.

At the end of the day, that’s your call to make as a mom. Breastfeeding is a challenge, especially at first, but it does get better. For me personally, researching the benefits of breastfeeding versus not made it an easy decision but that’s me personally and it does not make you a bad mom if you don’t breastfeed. And if you do try breastfeeding, the best advice I can give you is to get with a lactation consultant after your baby is born because they are a wealth of knowledge. Good luck!

I bottle fed and I’m not a terrible mom :woman_shrugging:t2:

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If your a working mommy you could pump and bottle feed just freeze your breast milk ,pop it right in the freezer or you could go with simple formula either way your not a terrible mother it’s your personal choice and what works best for your baby and yourself .

Why not do both? With my first we supplemented with the bottle and I pumped at work. So some of the bottles were breastmilk too


Fed is best you do what your gut tells you!!! As long as your child is fed your a great mom!!!


I have never breastfed . i have a healthy almost 7 year old and 3 month old. Dont listen to anyone and their opinions. Do what u feel is best for you and your family.

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Do what you feel is best 4 very health non breastfed babies

I ff my first 2 children, then we had baby #3 13 years later. She’s 17 months old.

With my first 2, I had no BF support and gave up after about 2 weeks. I was worried they weren’t getting enough and felt isolated when we went out and I had to sit in the car or a nursing room somewhere. I was also in my early 20s and immature. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, I had an acquaintance who BF her little one, despite working full time AND having health issues. She went off several medications in order to be able to BF her baby. I was so inspired by her! I do home child care, so I could easily BF my baby on demand and had no health issues. How could I not try if this woman could do it?

I decided to try it and see how far we could get. When she was about 9 months old, I found a lactation consultant here on Facebook (The Milk Meg, she’s awesome!) that inspired me to continue BF past a year. We’ve made it 17 months so far and I plan to go into one of us decides it’s time to stop.

The experience has been amazing! I now regret my decision to ff my first 2. We cosleep and she nurses as she needs to at night. I was a bit nervous about public BF, but you get the hang of it. Wearing a nursing bra and tank under your shirt makes it easier to be discreet.

Ultimately, you have to do what works best, but there were not enough probreastfeeding voices for me when my older 2 were born and I just wanted to say that it can be an awesome experience if you have the support. Google and The Milk Meg will get you through it! :blush: There are so many long term health benefits to you and your baby - it’s pain relief and immunity building, as well as reducing your baby’s chance of having diabetes as well as digestive issues. The poops are a lot more bearable… Haha! The bond is amazing! To look down at your baby while they nurse and know that you are providing them with everything they need to thrive is beautiful! BF is so convenient, especially when you get the hang of it. You can feed them any time, any where and you don’t have to pack a bunch of supplies just to go somewhere with them.

I don’t have a lot of experience with pumping, it didn’t work so well for me, but the woman I know pumped.

Congrats on your new little one and good luck with your decision :heart::heart::heart:


As long as your baby is fed is all that matters !!! Your baby will be fine

Do what’s right for you. I breastfed and used formula with my first child because I couldn’t pump, but exclusively breastfed my second. It’s all about you and your baby, do what’s best for you guys. At the end of the day the baby will be fed and that’s all that matters

A terrible mom is not feeding your child at all

First couple weeks are the Most Important w/breast feeding…other than that…youre baby is gonna be fine.:dart:

I was totally capable of breastfeeding my first 2 & chose not to. Bottle & formula fed all day. Not a bad mom & my kids are very much well & thriving.

I was only able to breastfeed for 3 month before my milk dried. You aren’t a terrible mom. Your baby will love you regardless.

Up to you sweetie.:slight_smile: As long as you are feeding your kiddo you are a good mama.

Both are fine but any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial to the baby even if it’s while your on leave

Try and breastfeed a little even while your in hospital or at home recovering. It’s not for everyone and that’s ok but just try a little

Honestly there is no wrong choice. Do what you are most comfortable with. If you are comfortable with breastfeeding and pumping that’s great! But if not you are NOT a terrible mother. You need to do what is best for you as well. :blush:

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Fed is best. However you choose to do it. The fact that your worried about it speaks volumes on how you already feel about your baby. Stop worrying Mama fed is best however you choose to do it.


I bottled fed my son (now 8months)straight away , I breastfed my daughter(now 2.5yr old) for a couple of weeks then changed and was easier and less stressful for me

Not feeding your kid makes you a bad mom. You do what you need to do

A fed baby is best. It doesn’t matter if it’s formula or breastmilk.


Totally your choice.
Fed is best.

You have to do what works for your family. If you are able to breastfeed great if not know your child will still be fine!

Breastfeeding will give your baby love cells that fight infection in real time.

Fed is adequate. Breast is best. Formula doesn’t measure up to Breastmilk but is better than nothing.

Honey, you do you, already worrying sounds like an amazing mother to me!

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Totally up to u! If i had t ok return to work straight away, I’d at least try BF bub for a few weeks just for the bonding experience…

I chose to bottle feed and I have zero regrets.
Fed babies are happy babies! No wrong choice :heart:

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Its seems difficult, but if we’re being honest, it’s one of my favorite moments of the day. 3 times a day I get to be left alone to pump and play on my phone or make personal phone calls or even close my eyes. Another selfish reason, it has helped me take all of the baby weight off, obviously with the help of some willpower and trips to the gym, but breastfeeding these last 5.5 months has made it easy to get my body back to pretty close to normal in a short amount of time. Everyone here will say do it for your baby because breastfeeding is best, and while that’s true, I say do it for yourself as well. You end up healthier in the long run with a decreased risk of certain cancers, its burns tons of calories decreasing the effects of the weight gain from pregnancy, and to top it off, no one is allowed to bother your or take your pump time away. I’m all for it!

No it doesn’t make you a bad mom

Fed is best. Whatever works for your family and life style

It doesn’t matter which you choose, but I personally feel that the breastfeeding gives you that bonding experience, but you can also get that from bottle feeding your baby. I would pump milk whenever you can and at work. There’s nothing wrong with formula, I just feel that breastmilk is the best for your baby. I understand that not everybody feels this way, but for someone like me I make plenty of Malik so there is no need for me to give her formula. Just like all the Momma’s on hearsay feeding the baby is the best no matter where it comes from.

I Brest feed, but I had an over abundance of milk, & also took an extra jug of milk off after feeding. My 2nd daughter though when she had her 1st child struggled to feed her baby. They kept telling her Brest was best, one day she burst into tears. I sent her to bed, got her older sister to go get powdered milk & everything else needed, & put her child straight on the bottle, they never looked back. Do whatever suits you best, as long as you & baby are happy, that is all that matters.

Why are you terrible i bottle fed all 4 my kids plan to bottle feed my 5th all my kids turned out fine doesnt make me no bad mom…if it does then i dont see the big deal…:woman_shrugging:

Neither way makes you a “terrible mother”…there are pros/cons to each way. And keep in mind not all mothers can breastfeed…and that’s ok. And yes working can cause an issue breastfeeding wise…but you can always pump and store for the baby to receive the breast milk in a bottle. I personally didn’t produce enough milk for my daughter…but I did give her all I could and pump what little bit came out and fed her that next feeding. At first it stressed me out, but I had a great support system behind me (husband, parents and pediatrician). As long as your lil one is being fed don’t let anyone tell you what you should be doing…everyone is going to have their own opinion but it is your opinion of what you think is best for your baby that matters. Good luck Mama.

The fact that your worrying makes u a good mother already.

As is said before… A fed baby is a happy baby…
Whatever is working for both u and babe… even mentally and schedule wise… is what’s best period .
I wanted to breast feed and just never produced enough … tried pumping and everything… just wasn’t gunna happen… so formula it was …
And we had no issues at all

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Breast milk better for baby.

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Do not feel like a terrible mom! Breast feeding is not easy, especially if your working. You could do breast until you go back to work. But I bottle fed because I work and it gives dad a chance to feed and bond with baby too. Don’t let others judge you and make you feel bad.

You do wat works for you , and no one will judge you for it

Not terrible but breast is best so I’d aim low like just for maternity leave and then see how you feel. My goal was 3 mos and then I started supplementing when I went back to work and then at 8 mos he was all formula pretty much same w my 2nd. Saved $$ and got to give them the best nutrition for as long as I could

I’m leaning towards bottle feeding myself. I only managed to breastfed my first for month because i was severly uneducated in how things worked.
I breastfed my second until about 3 months ago but by 4 months she was mostly bottle fed.

If you decide to breastfed make sure you have plenty of support and talk to a lactation consultant.

I bottle fed 2 of mine and breastfed one. All are perfectly healthy

I breastfeed but I had a long maternity leave (she was born just after Christmas and I will be going back the second week in May). She definitely prefers breastfeeding over bottle feeding, and it’s hard to exaggerate just how much comfort they get from it. Sometimes it was the only way to calm her down in those early days (even still if she’s having a knock down drag out tantrum I can calm her down by feeding). We did have some problems though with a poor latch that made it very painful for me so we supplemented with formula when I was too sore to do it, and pumped when I didn’t nurse. I would say however much you can breastfeed, you should try, it’s supposed to be very good for their immune system and it’s the first thing they’re born knowing how to do, it fulfills more than just nutritional needs. But there’s nothing wrong with supplementing from the beginning either so that baby knows how to take a bottle when the time comes. Ultimately it is your decision but the one thing that kept me nursing when it was horrible and I was in so much pain was that she was so very comforted by it that I felt guilty really considering quitting.

I bottle fed all three of mine and they have turned out fine and no one ever said I was a bad mom for doing it. You have to do what helps you the most, they are getting loved and are eating no matter how you do it and you still build that bond when you bottle feed, you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you decide what will work best for you.

Bottle fed both my littles.

I do both. I breast feed and pump so when Daddy is home he can use the bottle to feed him. If my nipples get to sore from him feeding for too long I’ll use the bottle for a day to give my nipples some relief

Breastfeeding is healthier for you and baby, and less work. No cleaning bottles, no mixing formula at 2am. Just whip out the boob and go! Lol the first few weeks are the hardest with bf while you’re both getting the hang of it. Then it really is like that. Workplaces are required by law to allow you time to pump. Also, you could bf until you go back to work and if pumping wasn’t working out it is possible to be while your home and bottle feed while your at work. Its all supply and demand so your supply will go down if you do that, But I know women who bf 12+ m like that. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. But ultimately you just have to make the decision on whata beat for you and yours good luck momma!

I bottle fed both of mine, I never produced milk. It doesn’t make you a horrible mom.

Formula is insanely expensive and unless you are very well off financially you will go broke. Get with your WIC office near you about getting a breast pump if you insist on bottle fed but it’s so much less of a hassle to be able to make your own food and not have to fret about it. In the end the facts are that breast is best and fed is expected.

I bottle fed my baby from the start. I personally didnt feel comfortable with breastfeeding. I never felt bad for my decision or cared what anyone else thought. My child was eating and was healthy. That’s all that matters.

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Breastfeed as long as you can. I know it’s hard if you have to work. I only made it 10 weeks with my oldest. I had to return to work and my pump stopped working and a new one just wasn’t in the budget. It was a huge regret of mine and still is 11 years later. I made it much longer with my other two. With my middle son I didn’t respond to the pump so by 5 months I was supplementing with formula during the day but I continued to breastfeed him 3x a day in the morning evening and night. That continued till he was 24 months. I made it till almost age 3 ebf my 3rd because I did not return to work and I never had to pump.

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All you can do is your best. I’ve had friends to work full time and pump while at work and make it past a year that way.

To breastfeed or bottle feed, fed is best. I am sure you will figure out what works best for you. Personally with all my 3 i preferred breastfeeding. Have a look at this post i came across on facebook recently about feeding a newborn. Breast Is Not Always Best, And We Need To Stop Telling Women That It Is!

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I breast fed while I was home and my mom bottle fed while I was at work. I also pumped while on break at work so my boys could get breastmilk while I was at work.

Bottlefed all my kids.
They’re the healthiest kids around.

A fed baby is all that matters. I bottle fed my 1st breast fed my second and bottle fed my 3rd. Breast feeding was extremely stressful on me. If you bottle feed definitely find your local WIC office because formula is expensive. If you decide to breast feed I suggest joining the group Breastfeeding and Beyond! :two_hearts: good luck and congrats on the bundle of joy!

How does it make you a terrible mother??? I couldn’t breastfeed so I had to bottle fed

There is nothing wrong with bottle feeding, don’t let anyone tell you different. You get to make this decision for you and your child.

Do not every let ANYONE tell you that your decision is wrong as long as your baby is fed. This is your baby and how you want to feed is solely up to you. I didn’t even try breastfeeding with my first. I pumped with my second and bottle fed. But like I said it’s your decision only on what you feel is best

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Do what’s best for you and baby. If breastfeeding won’t work there is no shame in using the bottle.

Why does it make you a terrible mom?

I breastfed for about the first 2 months and started supplementing at 3 days. Dr and everyone else told me I couldn’t do that so I tried pumping, said I couldn’t do that either. So ended up bottle feeding/formula feeding. You are NOT a bad momma for choosing what’s best for you and YOUR child. Don’t let ANYONE tell you other wise! :heart:

Never feel bad about bottle feeding your baby breastfed bottle fed babies at least your babies being fed. I like the enfamil neuropro.I have four kids all of them were on formula except for my last to my daughter was breastfed for 4 months and then my last baby was breastfed for 3 months it does get a little hectic when you want you time I feel like the breastfed babies always on your tit 24/7and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing it’s just you know when you want to relax and have some you time the dad can feed the baby and have you time

Granted there are more benefits to breastfeeding. Do what you feel is more comfortable for you. It is possible to breastfeed and be a working mom. There are laws in place to give you time to pump in a secluded space (not a bathroom) it’s up to you though and what works for you and baby

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So im terrible because i chose to bottle feed? I didnt even want to breast feed. I needed to work and i personally felt like i would rather anyone be able to feed the kid, not just me. It allowed to more freedome. I still bonded…i still had a close tight relarionahip…that doenst make it any different. Dont let people bully u into something u dont wanna do. There is absolutly nothing wrong with not wanting to breast feed ur kid. If u choose to do it,yay. If not, yay. Regardless…just do what makes it easier for YOU.


I did not breast feed my first but did breast feed the second. It depends on you how you feel. I kinda wish I would have choose the bottle for my second. I’m not one to sit much so it was so much more relaxed with my first just warming the bottle

Do what fits your life, being a Mom and working is stressful enough without trying to do what others say or do. Feeding them is the important thing. Congratulations and enjoy the baby, they grow up fast.

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Formula today is well-balanced to contain an adequate substitute for breast milk; however, children who were raised on breast milk do NOT tend toward obesity later in life. So, if your family (line) tends to be overweight, I’d recommend breast milk. Read aloud a book you’ve been meaning to get to while sitting & nursing.


I breast fed for the first two months, with three of my children. One I did not breast feed at all. All kids are happy and healthy! You’ll be fine not matter what you do.

You are not a bad mom for choosing the bottle and if anyone thinks that of you they can shove it

Breastfed /breastmilk is best for baby, the benefits reach into old age & not just for baby, but for momma too. If you have milk, give it to babe, but it’s what works best for you in the end. Do some research & make an informed decision. The way I see it, why buy a beat up Datsun if you can afford a brand new Rolls Royce…


Both pump when possible and bottle feed if working

I did both and worked. I just pumped at work and actually had to supplement with formula both times.

Do what feels right to you. As long as the baby is eating is all that matters.
I will say those milk nurses at the hospital are relentless (at least my experience). Don’t let them pressure you or make you feel bad about bottle feeding

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As many people have said, FED is best. Breastfeeding didn’t work out for me and I was heartbroken. But I still pumped twice a day until she was 6 months old and used formula at the same time. I felt the ‘mom guilt’ but it’s honestly BS and puts even more pressure on new moms that are already overwhelmed. Your child is fed and loved, whether its coming from a bottle or your boob, doesn’t matter. You do you chickadee, your baby doesn’t care, they just want mama​:heart::blush:


Fed is best. Do what’s right for you and baby. I had to supplement and my pediatrician suggested enfamil newborn. So if you decide to do formula that would be my recommendation for the kind

Who cares mama! As long as your baby is getting fed!!

Exclusively breast to cup in our family. I believe breast is best. However both I and my daughter made the decision to stay at home ( and be poor) with our littles. If either of us would have had to go to work outside the home we would’ve pumped. It was that much of a priority for us. I never said I might or would try to breast feed. I always knew I would. Same for daughter when she started her family.

Your baby will decide. Planned on breastfeeding but my daughter wanted nothin to do w it. Food is food. Feed your baby, hold them while they eat and bond. Other than that really doesn’t matter.

As a former NICU Nurse, I believe anyway you feed your baby is ok. There are studies that show breastfeeding is best, but high quality formula is made to provide good nutrition. There are many brilliant people who were bottle fed. Don’t let people bully you either way. You can always pump and bottle fed your little one or do both. Bottle while you’re at work a nd breastfeeding when you’re home. Good luck with your decision!

You can breastfeed for a while, then bottle. Whatever works best for you.