Can 4-month-olds go in a hot tub?

No no no No. it is to hot :hot_face:

No, it will be way to hot for their tiny bodies

Is this a serious question? :unamused: Absolutely NOT!


The fact that she doesnt no and asks the internet for advice :sob::sob: lord help that baby


The YMCA wouldn’t allow my 8 year old. They said he’s not allowed until age 16. Can a toddler handle hot water? Ummm be careful with that

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Too hot and too many chemicals.


Nope. My 5 year old can’t even sit in there for more than a minute or 2. A 4 month old, absolutely not.

No are you kidding me how do you not know this

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I wouldn’t but to each their own

This post genuinely has me worried for that baby.


I’m pretty sure when we went to a hotel 2 years ago there was a sign that said nobody under 18 was allowed in.

Yikes. Absolutely not.

No, and they can’t play with your razor neither!


Our 2 year old was in a hot tub with us but then again, indoor pool area at a hotel and the room was freezing bc they had vents letting air in from outside. She kept jumping back and forth between the pool and the hot tub and didn’t seem like it bothered her. We did make her get out after a while and just hung out in the hotel room after we got her some snacks :joy:

I wouldn’t because people do all kinds of ish those hot tubs.

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Absolutely no! You’ll burn that baby!

I wouldn’t let a 4 month old go in a hot tub. Hot tubs are notorious for messing with blood pressure and such. 4 month olds are still getting their bodies settled down to living. They don’t need that kind of upset.

Is this a joke? Some people should not be allowed to have children.


No…No…and No!! A baby’s skin is very tender and can be easily irritated and burned. No sun exposure if possible and sunscreen always.

From the internet…
"Infants and toddlers under two should not be permitted in a hot tub at all as babies’ thin skin makes them more susceptible to overheating. Also, since little ones have very little control over bodily functions, spas become unsanitary almost instantly when ‘accidents’ happen.”


Should I call CPS or laugh?


No. If you can’t be in there pregnant neither can an infant. Please use your head.

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If you have to ask this question it probably best you get a full time baby sitter… Hot tubs range from 98 to 111 degress


No its never safe for a baby or young child to be in a hot tub. Honestly that shouldn’t of even been a question because the temperatures are always so high.

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Hell no. They can’t regulate temperature very well at all. They could very easily over heat, have a seizure and worse.

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Ma’am, no. Why even risk it?

You clearly have the internet. Google is not that hard and would give you all the reasons why it’s dangerous.


When we go swimming the pools are sometimes too cold for our baby so we put her feet in and splash her to warm her up. She’s 5 and a half months. We’ve been taking her swimming since she was about 4 months. She loves it.

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I wouldn’t let my 5 and 11 year olds get in one…

Answer is No. I don’t know why people have to give big lecture on it.


I don’t think they will allow it…no diapers in a hot tub, bacteria problem.

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Why does everyone have to be so rude… a simple no would suffice.

Is this a real question?? WTH

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What the hell?! NOOOOO

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: I’m waiting to see the responses to this on TikTok because this is got to be a troll


Former lifeguard here.

No young child should be in a hot tub for so many reasons. At 4 months, temperature regulation is an issue. Hot tubs can affect heart rate.

Second, ewwww. Young children will pee in hot tubs. It is very difficult to keep adequate chlorine in a hot tub, because it evaporates more readily at warmer water temperatures. I can’t count the number of times I had to close hot tubs due to inadequate chlorine. These days I bring my own chlorine test strips with me.

Hot tubs really are adult spaces. I’ve had to deal with kids in water wings kicking around as though they’re little pools. It’s inappropriate. And I’m not sure if swim diapers are even designed for hot water temps.

Kids under 14 don’t belong in hot tubs, period.


Yall are so damn judgy and hateful

No the hypothalamus- their body thermostat isn’t fully developed until they are about 12- you should be really careful with a baby in heat and cold especially that young

Wayyyyy to hot for a baby’s skin do not!

I don’t think I would allow a child in one that wasn’t able to tell me they weren’t comfortable and couldn’t get out themselves so like 3ish

Baby’s can get burns from bath water that is too hot. Hot tubs are even hotter

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Why must people like this reproduce?! :woman_facepalming:


5 years old
It’s generally recommended that 5 years old is the minimum age for hot tub use. Children and toddlers younger than that may not have completely developed thermoregulation processes that allow them to maintain an appropriate body temperature when submerged in hot water.

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Wow what is wrong with some of you !!! :rage: Is this not a support page and a place we can come on and ask other mammys advice??? Are you serious !!!and god help the baby!!! Is this a joke some people shouldn’t have children!!! Grow up lady’s you all must think your own SHIT don’t smell!!! The lady asked a simple question!!! If you haven’t the Decency and respect to answer the lady Respectfully!!! Then don’t bother!!! I honestly think you need to Concentrate of yourselves being mothers and I would really worry about your kids… Not 1 bit of kindness support help love in any of you so called mammys !!! You dogged this lady who was only asking for help and advice!!! You should be ashamed off yourselfs !!!

Absolutely not…infants have underdeveloped temp control and thermoregulation, also, germs in a shared HT can get enter through places in our bodies and cause infection…nonono!

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No. .definitely not. Heat. Germs. No.

God no wtf is wrong with u


No their skin is too sensitive

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Why TF is this even a question?
I swear they need aptitude tests before letting people leave the hospital with their newborns…:woman_facepalming:t2:


Is this a serious question??

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Smh seriously why do you have a baby

No to hot for a baby

Wow, why couldn’t people answer the question and move on. She just asked, she didn’t ask to be judged.


What?! Most hot tubs I been in say 14 and up


No, they will over heat. Organ issues, skin isn’t ready for that. Please read about baby’s and water temperature


Hi Mama! Good on you for asking. It would not be recommended at that age as the bub is too young to regulate their body temperature and would be much to hot for them. A pool is okay if warn enough. However a bouncer beside the tub could be a way for you to relax while bub is kept safe and close.


No the water will be to hot …hope that helps

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I don’t think so. But ask her pediatrician!

Omg are u trying to cook them??? No way!!!

I really hope this is a joke :grimacing:

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I mean I wouldn’t . But whatever you think I guess .

How young of parents are you ? Their organs are way too young to be put in hot tub, you are going to cook them😡


Oh my God. I’ve been in hot tubs they are extremely hot, do you put your baby in a burning bath??? Please do not put your baby in a hot tub even if someone tells you it’s okay to do so… this post worries me, have you ever been in a hot tub??? Sigh


I wouldn’t recommend it
But it’s your baby though

Even adults can find a hot tub too much, so I wouldn’t take a 4 month in.

I wouldn’t recommend any child 2 and under to go in a hot tub. Maybe even 3.

A hot tub is a breeding pool for germs so please no

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It’s definitely not recommended, but for peace of mind you can ask your baby’s pediatrician and they can give you many reasons why you shouldn’t. Have fun, and keep your baby safe!

No, a young child can not regulate their heat well enough to handle a hot tub and can overheat easily. They can’t tell you that they are too hot. Its very dangerous!

The heat causes vasodilation meaning all the vessels in her body to dilate. This can result in poor perfusion meaning blood does not get to important organs, not recommended and can cause child to pass out.


No no to dangerous. Over heat to fast

Do not put your baby in a hot tub!

I wouldn’t see an issue with it if you can change the temperature… My son loved the hot tub it was like a really big bubble bath

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You could have googled this


No please do not put your baby in hot tub.


Noooo the hot tub usually always has a warning of small children avoiding use! Babies are no exception! Pregnant people are not even supposed to partake!

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You must really be pretty stupid!!!


Fk no what a dumb question

No they can’t go in until 6 and up. Young children especially babies can’t regulate heat and you can literally shut down their organs


NO they have to be about 6 … :thinking:

What i do I just sit them on my lap not really in the water

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Pretty sure the answer here is A BIG FAT F***ING NO!

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No! Are. You. Nutz!! Way. Too. Hot!!!


She asked before making any action.
She’s not “stupid” or “crazy”
I wondered the same thing with my first. Parents wonder things and ask! I applaud her for asking! It means she’s a caring parent.
Some of ya’ll in the comments are so rude. :roll_eyes:
You’re the reason moms are scared to get help and ask questions. Because some of you will say “what a dumb question to ask. Wacko”
Like how would that make you feel when you’re just trying to see if something is safe for your baby???
Get a damn life.

Jesus, the questions on this page are ripe with stupidity. Not only is this common sense, but a quick google search would take care of this instantly. I swear people post stuff like this for attention. This is why we have warning labels on absolutely everything now……the hot coffee you ordered is hot if you didn’t already know!


Most tubs state you have to be 16 to go in, and pregnant people should not go in either. Stick to warm baby baths.


No! For the love of everything, no.


Absolutely NO NO NO NEVER, please DO NOT put your 4 month old baby in a hot tub🤦‍♀️

Unless you don’t want a baby anymore, no

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They have to be at least 12-13 years old…

Pls tell me this is a sick joke?! My oldest daughter almost died from uti and had an 108 temp bc while I was at a friends house, I was upstairs with the babies changing them to get into the pool. Well, they let her get into the hot tub for like 5 mins. Needless to say after I found out I haven’t spoken to her ever again and they r lucky I didn’t go to jail! She was like 4 and had no need to be in that hot tub.

Solid NO. I don’t believe any one under 14 is allowed.

The temperature has to be about 76-about 80ish ; you should just bring a playpen.

The lack of common sense is kind of scary.


This can’t be a real question! WTF


Be a parent and if you don’t have someone to watch the baby while you go in… simple answer… DON’T DO IT YOURSELF.

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Are you fricken serious!!!

I did and he was fine. I didn’t keep him in long they worry about temperature regulation. But people always say no he’s now 7 and a pain in my ass so it didn’t hurt him but you monitor the baby and should be fine.

I don’t want to hear all the bs. Don’t care what anyone thinks. As long as your a parent that watches their kids and responses properly u should be fine. Stop mom shaming it’s why the world is a shitty place

This cannot be a real question. Smh

Children under 8/10 can’t go in a hot tub!