Can 4-month-olds go in a hot tub?

Short answer - no. HOWEVER, to everyone posting things degrading this mom’s question - SHAME ON YOU. This mom could have no background with young children & if she’s asking, she’s clearly concerned about the safety of her child and seeking advice from other moms. The belittling & passive comments are uncalled for. Since we are all mothers in this group, I’m praying that when your children ask a question at any point in their lives they aren’t belittled and treated the same way you have treated this mom.



  1. Chlorine is bad for their skin
  2. The water is way to hot. Their bath water shouldn’t be more that 98 degrees and hot tubs are more than that

Hot tubs are not safe for small kids.

It’s a HOT tub…:unamused::woman_facepalming:

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people pee in hot tubs ya know

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I would say no but maybe ask your pediatrician

Glad you’re asking instead of just doing it because someone else did or said etc. Babies and toddlers are not to go in hot tubs they can’t regulate their body temperatures so it’s extremely dangerous. It’s also not safe for pregnant women so perhaps if you’re going away and there’s a hot tub you could enjoy it while baby naps in a playpen and have the monitor outside on high volume or take turns so someone else can watch the babe.


No Definately not love

Why ask us when google is available and your pediatrician!

I know when my kids were growing up they used to beg but their doctor told me they had to be a lot older

I’m sure I’m about to get attacked for this but we had our 7 month old in a hot tub a few years back. My sister in law is a nurse, she was with us, she said it was fine. He’s fine. I don’t think we turned it on though, he was just floating around

No. In my state there is actually an law saying no one under the age of 16

Man some of yall are some damn ignorant holt crap. She might be a first time Mom, and lord knows we dont know EVERYTHING!! Maybe she seen someone else do it and think it was okay, but like mentioned above atleast shes asking instead of just doing it! Bitter bitter bitter.

You can’t be serious. Right?


No. 5yo is the youngest advised and even at that age I didnt allow it.

No they’re way too warm

No. They can’t regulate their body temperature and that’s water is too hot for their bodies. You can legit kill them. :woman_facepalming:


I don’t even have kids and know the answer to this!? :exploding_head::joy:


Seriously? Yea that’s a NO.

Why would you even think that’s an ok idea

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Yes, if you plan to boil and eat him!!! Ridiculous


Even an adult is not suppose to sit in one no longer than 15 minutes

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Seriously dont roast a mumma for asking its why she is asking advice be nice.



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I can’t believe some of these questions…


They have to be much older for a hot tub.

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I’m pretty sure you have to be over 4 or 5 YEARS old

I’m sorry that some of these women are bashing you for asking a question and wanting to be safe with your baby.

The answer is no, hot tubs are entirely to hot for a baby. Bring a bouncer to sit beside the hot tub next to you. You don’t have to stay out of it but baby sure does.


Are u kidding me Omg Really


l g­e­t p­a­l­d o­v­e­r $ 1­3­0 p­e­r h­o­u­r w­0­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­0­m­e. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15986 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Common sense seems lost on some these days :woozy_face:.


Not everyone is a font of all knowledge guys, you can take a 4 month old swimming :woman_shrugging:t2: just answer the question without being a bitch :grimacing:

It would be quicker to Google that :joy:

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umm that would be a big negative

Please do not put your baby in a hot tub , I was nervous for my 6 year old to go in

How about instead of being cruel or judging her – try being supportive and helpful?

I would lean towards no, I can’t imagine all that heat and that tiny body would go well together. Best not to.


Umm that would be a no, I wouldn’t! My daughter is 5 and I wouldn’t even let her in a hot tub!


No. If you google it, it says 6month plus x

Why are yall so mean. “Just Google it” blah blah blah. Google isn’t always right. What you could of done was told her/him to ask their child’s doctor about it and see what they say which yes it will be a no but at least they wouldn’t get any rude ass comments for simply asking a question like we all do

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I wouldn’t think it’s ok mama. It’s not like she/he will know what they are missing out on ya know. I even think there are “guidelines” to follow on the hot tub. I’d put baby down to sleep and go enjoy myself some baby free time

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I hope this is a joke otherwise I really feel that you should take some parenting classes.


I have seen signs stating you must be 18 yrs old to get invthe hot tub.

I have so much to say… But I won’t be mean so I’ll just say no. Don’t do it.


No. And I don’t know how old you are or what your situation is so I’m not being rude but please don’t put baby in a hot tub. You need to be much older than that to go in one.

I would say no. The chemicals on baby skin plus the heat I can’t imagine would be good for baby.

Sad when someone can’t even ask a question because they don’t know and people are so mean and rude !!!

No. You can cook your baby’s major organs. Literally cook them from the inside. Not a good idea to bring a baby in a hot tub. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Absolutely not safe. Please do not do this.

Common sense tells me no.


This isn’t a serious question, is it?


That’s a big NEGATIVE

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Is this really even a question? Like?? Girl no

It’s definitely not safe.

Do NOT bring your baby into a hot tub!

Fb popular for all the comments to an obvious NO question. Lol

Just her feet or a short time

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Do what you want as long as your not hurting them and you are watching them do what you want.

No but sadly at the pool I always see little babies in there. :persevere:

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Do you put them in a hot 100-102 degree bath? … Common sense.


It could be a deadly mistake😭 Children under the age of two are not able to adjust their body temperature. This makes them susceptible to hyperthermia/ hypothermia, which could be life or death serious!


I feel like someone who lacks this common sense shouldn’t have children.


The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that children age 0-5 years shouldn’t use a hot tub. At this age, kids are much more prone to overheating and a hot tub’s heat is too much for their delicate skin and system. Unless the tub in set at 98% or less and less than a few minutes

Apparently babies aren’t meant to go. In a pool till after 6 months because of the clorine

Ma’am…. Think of how hot, hot tubs have to be… now, think of that on delicate, sensitive skin… common sense. NO! You will cook your child and not only burn he/she, but can cause their internal temp to sky rocket and cause additional problems.


No. I don’t even let my 4 year old go in a hot tub! It’s not recommended to let children go in a hot tub until they are at least 5.

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Ask DCF that exact same question


Definitely not!! Don’t do it!

I’m going on vacation as well the 15th thru 17th I have a 5 month old and she’s not goin it the hot tub if she’s awake I won’t be in it… if she’s asleep I will get in it but I have a baby monitor so I’ll be able to hear her if she wakes up babies have really sensitive skin… if u want your baby to be able to play in the water just fill the bath tub up with the temp water u would give them a bath in and sit in there with them for a minute… more than likely after doing that the baby will be ready to go to sleep for a little bit so then u can go enjoy the hot tub while baby sleeps


Definitely No!!! Small kids shouldn’t even be in a hot tub

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If the temp wasn’t as hot then maybe yes but most hot tubs it takes a adult to adjust to the hot temperature so definitely no especially for a 4 month old smh there body temp will shoot up like crazy also there skin is still very sensitive it could burn them :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:


Some of these responses are straight MEAN… I mean yes its ridiculous and absolutely never should a baby be in a hot tub, not only because its too hot but because hot tubs are breeding grounds for bacteria and babies especially at that age don’t have the immune system an adult has, but AT LEAST she asked before she did it… and saying shes too stupid to be allowed to have children is completely uncalled for, when I was a new mom I asked a few stupid question not because I’m an idiot but because I had so much on my mind I didn’t think it through before the question left my mouth… Girl you did the right thing by asking and the answer is no honey the baby needs to be a few years older. I’M sorry for SOME of these hateful a*s responses, from aparently super judgmental people.


Babies can not regulate their body temp like adults. Stick to the pool.

Judging by comments I guess the answers no. After 8 kids, I still wouldn’t have known the answer to that question because I’ve never been in a hot tub lol


Maybe instead of everyone being so rude, help her out. Maybe she is a young first time mom. You can’t act like you all never had any questions with your first child. For this group supposed to be a support group for mothers y’all are some nasty people. Like I wouldn’t even want to ask any of you anything.

:boom::boom: as to answer your question no. It is not safe until they are at least 2 years old. Due to their skin being too sensitive.:boom::boom:

What the?? That would be a big fat NO!

From what I have read, no! Water is too hot for their skin!

My daughter would get bladder/urinary infections from going in hot tubs when she was small. Every time. Not a good idea.

No they won’t allow kids 12 and below some places. So not for a baby.

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This is definitely a troll post.

Please look into your nearest adoption agency…

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No. They use chlorine which is bad for baby’s skin. The water gets to hot which can cause burning for baby. Are you freaking kidding me?

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I mean they say a baby’s bath water around 100° so as long as it’s not over

Why are people so mean?


No… I honestly can’t believe you even need to ask that… not even 5 mins… no…

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Most places have rules of 13 and older.


I would never have thought about this question in some of the answers I read the like some people said it might be too much for the delicate skin so I would say definitely no ignore everybody else with they’re ignorant responses


I’m glad you asked this because I would have as well if I was in the same position. I didn’t know this. Some of yall are truly bitches. Answering this question like she’s stupid for even asking. This is why some mothers don’t thrive because they ask for support or some advice and you guys just break them down.

No water is too hot and raises their blood pressure

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For those bashing her. I know a lot of parents that do really stupid things with their kids. For example put them in a car without a seat or in a seat incorrectly, allow kids as young as 6 play with fireworks etc. At least this mom has the common sense to ask. For all we know her SO is trying to convince her that it’s fine to put baby in a hot tub & is gaslighting her not to trust herself.


Absolutely not.
Good thing you’re asking :black_heart:


I can’t believe this is really a question. :flushed:


No. Their bodies are not advanced enough to control their body temperature so they can overheat and it can be very dangerous. I personally don’t even feel comfortable with my 3-year-old in a hot tub

Yes I have stuck all 4 of my kids in a hot tub at a younger age but i would also take breaks and not keep them in for long periods of time

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when mine we small I kept mine at 98 so the kids could go in

Uh no if they can’t be in a hot bath they surely cannot be in a hot tub :sweat_smile:


Depends on the heat of the hot tub. Most hotels etc will have theirs set at a safe level. And yes, not for long periods of time…

Absolutely not!!! are you serious???

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I never put my kids when they was that little all the way in the hot tub. We would sit them on the edge holding them n put there feet in and they loved to splash the other kids. But i usually made most of my kids wait till they was around 2ish. N they was only allowed in for maybe 10 mins at a time

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I think their skin still very sensitive and can burn easily.

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