Can a 6-year-old start puberty?

I started at age 7 February 2nd to be exact 24 days before my 8th birthday yeah it’s a shock my mother made me feel bad like I was dirty or something so yes please have that talk with her let her know how she is beautiful and wonderfully made make her understand it’s the process of growing up and if she has any questions answer them honestly she’s old enough to ask she’s old enough for the answer


Talk to her pediatrician

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She may need to see pediatrician and get her hormones checked. If she starts puberty too early she’ll stop too early and it will effect her bone and growth developments. Spoke to a Dr before about this. Get her hir.ones level checked that’ll tell ya if its puberty.

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I have 3 girls now… 11,12&15. 11&15 started at about 10. 12 year old has yet to start her period and barely has many other signs. All at different rates

I was 11 when I started my period

My darling 8 year old is having the same things going on. Her buds started budding last year. She wears little bras, just this summer she started wearing deodorant. I had to have the period talk with her. It made her a little uncomfortable because she doesn’t know fully that it’s okay to go through these changes. Do the best you can. No rulebook to this parenting thing. As it comes, gently prepare her. You’re doing great mom!


All the hormones in the food we eat


I was 9 when I started and got body hair starting around 7.

Nowadays kids as young as 6-7 can start puberty.
Thanks to all the crap they put in our food.


My exes daughter got her period before she turned 8

There is a condition associated with puberty starting early. It’s a treatable condition. If you are really concerned about it, get her in to her pediatrician.

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It’s the hormones in the milk, etc… so yes. Start to prepare ( both of you )


It’s called precocious puberty. Please take her to the dr just to have her looked at. Nothing is wrong, some kids just go through the stages earlier than normal and should be looked at either way. :slightly_smiling_face:
I started when I was 8- and my daughter had signs of precocious puberty as well. :purple_heart:


I saw a couple comments about the hormones in the foods, and that’s soooo accurate!!! A couple people I know that girls started at around 8, the pediatricians said to watch the foods they ate and it went away for a few more years after that. I’m currently have the same situation with my 7 yo. :weary::sob: we’re never ready, but especially at this age.


I was 9 when I got my period but I still didn’t get hair or anything for years

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I was 14 when I got my period

Have her checked. My granddaughter was days away from getting her period at AGE 6. Precocious puberty! She went on medication until she was 11-12.

My kids had hairs from day one :joy:

By “American Hair Length Standards”, one of my Little Loves should have started shaving in Kindergarten.
I, myself, was a product of the 50’s. Even though my body was bigger than hers, I was not allowed to shave. If I suggested it, I was asked was I trying to attract attention.
I was not allowed to start shaving until Mother heard my older Brother teasing me that I had as much, if not more hair on my legs as he did.

Puberty can start at any age really. Even though it’s more common for it to start around teen years.

My oldest is 7 and the other day I got a wiff of her and was like whoa you need deoderant. I bought her some and explained that her body will change as she gets older and this is one of those changes but I was also like what!? Already?? And she has started to have major attitude like preteen attitude. I looked it up and some sources said they their hormones start to build around age 7-10 to get the body ready for puberty. I am so not ready for her to grow up with fast either.

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You should see a doctor because that seems very young. I’m sure if you start early you go into menopause earlier.

Started my period at 6yrs old and had pubic hair as well. Got bullied in elementary because I had boobs and everyone thought I stuffed my bra for attention

Talk to your pediatrician about puberty blockers. They can stop them in a few years when they are at a more appropriate age and normal puberty will start as if nothing had happened.

I’d definitely talk to her doctor or pediatrician. 6 seems a little young.

Need to go to doctor no one here will have a better answer than her pediatrician

Speak with her physician.

My daughter had leg hair by 4

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You should take her to see a doctor my niece started going through puberty earl like that and the doctor had to put her on some medicine for it

I think it depends on the child. My daughters all had leg and armpit fuzz by the time they were 7. In fact my youngest daughter started using an electric shaver at 8 because her leg hair was bad and kids made fun of her. Her Dr said it depends on the child, their diet, etc.

Yes it can happen and you can take her to the doctor to get on medication to stop the hormones

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6 is very young I would schedule with her pediatrician and talk to them

Someone j knows hit puberty and got their period when she was 7. Not very common but it does happen. They put all sorts of hormones in food these days even if it’s not addresses so could be that too.


Both my girls had their first menstrual cycle at 9 yrs old.

I started in elementary school i wanna say 4th grade; and traumatized some fellow kids bc i thought i was bleeding to death from my butt. :person_shrugging:t2:

I was 10… it can happen. I would also speak with her Dr

I got mine at 9 i feel like 6 is a bit early I go get her checked out to make sure everything is okay

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Yes I did at 7 got hair…body oder…nubs for my breast ans started at 10.

Precocious puberty. She will get endocrine consult

Hair and bo is not considered puberty according to our pediatrician. My 7 yr old is going through the same thing and I voiced my concerns last week at her yearly. She said that these things are normal, we would need to worry if she started her period or was growing more than her stings up top. When in doubt bring it up for sure!

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Do they eat a lot of chicken ? They pump them full of female hormones , we are what we eat


The hormones in our food make puberty begin earlier… I read a study about it.


I was 8 and started my period right before 13. Don’t worry. And for all that is holy, DO NOT put her on anything to stop her hormones. If anything, look into a more organic diet.


My 6 year old daughter has BO like you would not believe it’s awful! Deodorant helps but we didn’t know where the musky smell was comming from because she’s only 6 and it just didn’t cross our mind. She also has teenage mood swings and attitude already but still learn pull ups to bed in case she has an accident so idk kids are starting wayyyyy too young. I also have a son almost 10 who has no BO yet it’s strange

I was 7 when I got all of that and started my period at 10. Please don’t use hormones to stop this. It’s completely normal for a lot of girls. My friends and I used to compare hair in those places. They all had it too.

I think you’ve answered your own question there. If early puberty runs in your family then it shouldn’t come as such a surprise

What does the doctor say?

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I started around that age had my period by 8 it’s young but I understood what was going on

With all the hormones in our food and genetic abnormalities, although rare, this is totally possible. Poor kid.

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I just turned 8 when I started my period.

I think you need to take her to a doctor I’m not saying there’s nothing wrong but that seems awfully early to have pubic hair a doctor could quite all your fears

there have been studies done about why children are hitting puberty earlier and earlier and it has nothing to do with hormones in food. it has everything to do with the fact that children now a days are getting more nutrition that are grandparents did not receive our bodies are no longer being starved allowing us to develop quicker.


I say yes. My daughter is about to turn 8 and she is going thru all that too. And I started my cycle when I was 9 so I am just waiting for it to happen anyway now.

I was in 5th grade when I got my period. I heard it gets earlier?

My daughter is 5 and we were given a referral to see endocrinologist who monitors her. We found that she has an advanced skeletal structure but thankfully no pubic hair at this time so for now it’s just monitored. If she begins to get real pubic hair or under arm hair then we will discuss meds to prevent early period as this leads to higher cancer risks and stunted growth, etc.

This is what is happening with our 3. 6,7,9 all have B.o. we buy all natural deodorant for them. Our 9 old boy has man hair. It’s crazy to me puberty is starting so young. 13 was the norm 45 years ago. Now it’s like 6 yo!

That is young, but I know diets can effect puberty. Which is why girls are starting younger. I would talk to her Doctor.

My daughter starter around 5. Hair everywhere and horrible body odor. Acne started about 7 and a half. She has a hormone disorder. They now worry about PCOS because of early puberty. I started early as well and ended up with PCOS. Early puberty is not normal amd usually some form of hormone issue so she should definitely see a dr. Theyll probably monitor her for a couple years before seeing if anything needs to be done.

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Kids start when it’s right for their body. It’s not way too young. Reach out to your doctor to check everything out. Next I would prepare with age appropriate books so she knows what to expect and won’t be afraid or need to talk to others for information.

Yup, it’s the hormones and poison they’re putting in our foods.


My daughter is almost 9. She started everything you said at age 7. She also grew a TON! So they did some testing and she is in precocious puberty due to her bone age being 2 years older than her. The put her on injections to slow her growth until she is closer to 10. She will then likely start her period before 11.


A lot from the hormones in our foods…starts young ones early

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I was 10 but had cramping, bloating, etc since I was 7 including all the signs you are saying. It’s definitely normal

Yes. Mine around 8yrs started having an odor so had to introduce deodorant. Started her period at 10 and I started mine at 12/13.
They’re starting at an earlier age these days

6 is very young and doctors may need to pause puberty if it starts too early. Definitely see her doctor as soon as you can. Good luck


Ask her doctor because 6 is very young! I started puberty when I was about 10 years old and got my period at 11…

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My great grandma started ovulation at 8! I was in 6th grade when it started :sob:

I was in fourth grade & I started my period in 5th grade

Is your husband by any chance taking testosterone by skin? I just read a story about a 2yr old had been going through puberty because he was absorbing dad’s testosterone gel.

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Everyone buds a little different. Some early some later.

I won’t get too personal but yes, it’s possible. I would be cautious of added hormones in dairy and other foods. Check with pediatrician if you have concerns. Most likely just early development.

I agree that 6 is way to young. Definitely go to the doctor. There is something a miss with hormones that needs checking over.

yes it can happen, but it could also be medical issues as well. I would take her to the dr just to make sure it’s nothing more serious.

I would imagine it’s possible. I started at 9 years old. My mom took me to the doctor and said too much processed foods with steroids and added hormones in was causing this for lots of young girls. He said alot of fast food can be the culprit. And yes as a child my parents both worked long long hours and I remember eating fast food almost every night.

I started mine at 8… which is young 6is way way young I would take to a dr and get her checked out tbh…

Also pcos can cause hair all over ur body like that so def take to a dr.

I’m not sure when those symptoms start to show tho

Girls usually get their periods a year after they start developing breasts. Go and talk to your doctor and see what advice they have.

Talk to your pediatrician because that is not good