I have a 2yr who is still BF, and it’s gotten to a point where I have NO PEACE without her wanting the “che che” and I need to sleep and eat and potty AND SHOWER without having her harassing me. Is it possible that she could be addicted to breastfeeding? (I already know that it’s a comfort thing)
I wasnt going to reply but the FB comments were all awful. No, a child cant be addicted but I do know where you are coming from. You didnt ask advice on weaning but there are some good ways to do that. with my kids, to get a break I really pushed snacks and drinking water. I noticed they wanted to nurse more in the heat and I realized hydration was part of it. I like the camelbak hydration packs or a water bottle they really like to keep as a reminder. It is definitely ok to start putting time limits on it(2-3 mins) but all mine nursed until 3 and one thing I started telling them was that if I dont rest/eat/drink/etc then I dont make milk. it got to where my barely speaking 2 year old would bring me my water bottle. I know even without breastfeeding my kids have a hard time giving me space to take care of myself and its ok to set those boundaries. If you are wanting to start weaning, then cutting back a little at a time(only nurse if they drink water first or setting a timer) instead of cold turkey like so many of the responses were will prevent mastitis. there is a La Leche League fb group called Cleavage Club that has great advice and good information on gentle weaning. good luck! I know that drained feeling all too well. Just weaned my youngest after 7 years of nursing my babies back to back.lol
Addicted is the wrong word, but dependent on it for soothing and comfort is probably the case.
How is she with table foods does she eat a lot of table food
It is possible she is not getting all the nutrients she needs now that she is getting bigger. Possibly try supplementing with a Pedisure and encouraging her to do things independently when she is drinking it?
Just stop. Praise her for eating regular food and drinking out of a big girls cup. Talk to your doctor.
Absolutely. I had this problem w/ my 2nd daughter. Pediatrician said she was just using my nipple as a comfort mechanism
Just pull her off put bandaid on ya tatas and move on
I had the same issue with my son when he was 2. I cut him off cold turkey. There was no “weaning” in our case!
You don’t stop now she will still be pestering you at 10!! She isnt addicted she’s dependent because you allow, say NO! Feed her finger foods at 2 shes getting ready for nursery you don’t want her trying to suckle on staff what is wrong with people.
It’s perfectly normal. My daughter was the same. She ended up being very self confident and independent. She hiked the entire Appalachian trail by herself when she was 19.
Yall make me not wanna breastfeed because I couldn’t stand this. Lol
Join a breastfeeding group because these answers are not accurate at all. Don’t cold turkey your child that is traumatizing
Mine was 3 before i finally got him off. And he still will randomly come up and try it at 4 now.
At 2 years old its time to be weaning the child … They are old enough to drink from a sippy cup they DON’T even need a bottle at that age. The child needs to start learning independence .that is appropriate for 2 year old like drinking from a sippy cup and being potty trained…sleeping alone etc. . enabling them to stay a baby is mentally harmful . HELP them to grow up to what’s appropriate for 2 and 3 year old . YOU are the parent and your suppose to help them mature
Being close to you and feeling comforted by nursing can happen. Find a substitute if it bothers you so much. While I was trying to wean my 2.5 she would try and reach in my shirt if she was anxious or tired…I would redirect her to hold my hand or snuggle and hold my earlobe.
I wonder if your local La Leche League has a toddler group? You could get some support there and maybe some good advice too that won’t traumatize your child. Many mom’s find that keeping busy and using distraction helps.
Could be a physical “addiction” i suppose? Kinda like people that smoke and their biggest issue us they wanna hold something? Hers is just wanting to hold you and get her milk lol
My now 8 year old was on the boob until she was 3 years old. I thought she would never end. I think it was comforting for her, too. But that one day when my boob squirted her in the face?? She was done.
It is totally normal to nurse toddlers–women have throughout history and in most countries nurse until 3 or so–ignore the moms who think it is not ok. However she is not an infant who needs to nurse that often so it is time to start setting limits–this is a lesson for you for the rest of your parenting years! If you can get someone to help you–your partner, friend, grandma it will be much easier if she is still nursing at night. If you get up with her she will of course want to nurse–if you are not available she will turn to someone else for comfort, once that habit is broken you can get up with her and rock or cuddle her back to sleep. And at 2 she is old enough to understand boundaries–let her know when she can nurse(for many moms nursing toddlers they stick to when waking up in the AM, nap time and bed time–with some exceptions like after getting a shot at Dr’s) and that your breasts belong to you and you will share them only when it is ok with you. You can offer her a snack if she is hungry, or if she mostly needs comfort then offer to hug/cuddle her and read a story, or massage her back or feet. Many moms get busy with everything else that needs to be done and a toddler may see nursing as the only way to get you to sit down and pay attention to them. So give them other attention instead. Be firm but loving with kids usually works and you can change habits in a couple of days if you are consistent(of course I know that special needs kids may be more difficult)
I had one like this, slowly wean, during a nap and bed nurse only, then bed time only, then no more, I let her pick out a stuffed animal to snuggle with at bed time to help.
It’s a comfort thing, just like children get attached to pacifiers, blankies, stuffed animals etc. I would pick certain times of day that it is off limits and say no and don’t give in, it’ll take a good week or two before she realizes your serious. I wouldn’t wean right off the bat but slow down on feedings, like only allow her before bed/naps. When you do tell her no offer cuddles or a comfort item instead that will take breastfeedings place. There will be lots of tears but she’ll learn.
Some of you need to do research. It’s highly recommended to breast feed until two years old but not everyone feels comfortable with doing it. You’re not the parent. Stop shaming mothers for doing something you don’t agree with. Are you gonna mom shame for going back to work and not being a stay at home mom? Mom shame for using disposable diapers instead of cloth? Grow up.
This will be me with Eli Roxie Salazar
I breastfed my daughter till she was almost 13 months old and it was such a challenge to get her to stop. I couldn’t imagine getting a 2 year old to stop. My doctor even told me when she turned 1 to stop. I just cut the feedings down and stopped. It was so nice to gain my freedom back. I would say give her a cup of milk when she asks you. Good luck!
My almost 2 year old is the same wayyyyy!!! Lol I mentally can not do it anymore… yet here she comes for the tt I finally got her off at night!
Find a breastfeeding group because half of this shit is TERRIBLE advice, if you even want to call it that.
I think it would just be they got in the habit …
This is normal. You place boundaries with it as anything else. It’s okay for your child to hear no. Distraction is key. When weaning or cutting down try all of the favorites - bubbles, stickers, favorite show, play outside, favorite snack, etc. Also, make sure she is getting l nutrition and calories in other ways as well. How is her eating?
Without her harassing me! I love it… I feel for you momma but I love it! That made my day.
I had same problem i had to go away to work and leave my child took him nearly 2months to forget about a boob he was 2 1/2years old
I’ve found distraction works best for us. If we aren’t at home then my girl doesn’t really ask for boob. If we have lazy days watching films it’s almost habit that she wants to be nursing the whole time.
On busy days I manage to keep her to morning, after nap and before bed which works for us.
How is she when she’s with other people? Remember separation anxiety can set in around this age too so they turn in to little shadows even without boob.
I would try avert her attention with a solid snack maybe and try ignore some of the tantrums until you cut down feeds to the frequency you’re happy with.
Easier said than done trust me I know.
Prayers for your sanity mumma
Omgsh my 2 year old is the same way. Not sure how to stop at this point…
Im never breastfeeding past 6mnths old nw… My son was the hardest to ween off compared to his 2 sisters but thy both had the bottle at 8mnth old
She may just be thirsty. Try scheduling feeds morning and night. Eventually she will give up if it’s not at her demand.
My advice is pump it and if she asks give her the pumped milk only ! …. I would tell her if you want it you have to drink it out of a cup! This will give you peace while knowing she’s still getting the nutrition!
Simple answer no. Shes not addicted. Just give her balance.
My son is the same. He’s the last of 5 and all the other self weaned by 18 months. Breast feeding is not just for nutrition, it is absolutely a comfort thing. And I think sometimes some just need it a bit longer for their mental health. For that little bit of extra security, which is just as important a part of child development as their nutrition.
I used bandaids on my nipples when it was time to get my Babies to stop. At 2, they pretty much know bandaids mean ouchies then they’ll stop asking. Good Luck, Mama!
I nursed until my son was 2 and a half. Nothing wrong with that. He has never been sick. Good for you for keeping it up! So good for that baby. But no she is just seeking comfort and maybe getting sick or teething. I would suggest a sports bra so she can not access them. And do a gentle wean if your ready. Don’t offer , try to distract the little one with a healthy snack. Or a hug. Try to work down to 1 time a day.
I have cut him down to booby at naptime and bedtime only though.
It’s just comfort you’ll have to ween the way u do with pacifiers
I have heard of parents putting bandaids on their nipples and saying there is an “owie” and of course pretending it hurts. Then taking them off at night to breastfeed. Or keeping them on if you want to actually quit all together. I feel like at two she can understand what “owie” is. And you can even try and let her eat with it on and say “oh no! Owie owie!!”
My son is like this I can’t sit without he wanting feeding he’s one and constantly feeds and screams if he doesn’t get it! He has water juice milk but he little literally throw a fit for boob ragging at my top I don’t even know how I’m even going to stop!
Can’t shower sleep in peace nightmare
Following. My daughter is the same way. She always wants the “boo boo”
That’s hardcore how it feels. But no lol. My younger son was like that too.
For both my kids (one breastfed until 29 months, another one still breastfeeding at 23 months) they know that outside the house is NO. And whenever she asks for it before mealtime I know it is because she is hungry, so I distract her until food is ready and then after eating she forgets about it. The only time she asks for it now is at bedtime and sometimes when she arrives from daycare or is upset by something… But I work full time so Im not with her all day, thag helps.
You have to break her like bottle braking or binky breaking her. All in time. Just do nap an bed time for awhile. Then slowly stop all together
It’s just a comfort thing! If you’re so irritated with her wanting to bf all the time, then it would be a good time to ween her off.
I breastfed my son till he was 3 years and 4 months I finally could not take it anymore I tried bandaids honey vinegar all kinds of stuff on my nipples and he always figured out a way to still feed it was just a comfort thing for him so one day I put corona cream on them and told him they were nasty and he finally stopped
pump give half breast milk half formula and slowly mix more formula in bottles if she takes bottles
I think so cause mine sureeeee is lol maybe not literally but sure feels that way
My now 9 year old was the same way. He wouldn’t let me do anything which was super hard as I was a single mom. I had 2 older kids. My ped told me to wean him. He was 15 months. He would refuse to eat or drink when I was home. It was a hard little bit.
Addicted, No. Obsessed, absolutely.
When you’re showering, tell your child that you’re cleaning the che che producer because you do t want it dirty in her mouth.
You need to cut her off. Your the mom. Shes not the boss
She might be instinctively attempting to increase your milk supply since she’s older now. I have no advice cause I stopped breastfeeding when mine reached one.
Don’t mind me I’m just adding this to my lists of reasons not to breastfeed
Yes … I barley got my daughter off of breastfeeding and she was 2 1/2… I had to just put my foot down and say NO and stick to it…cuz that’s all she wanted…you can do it …it’s hard and you will feel bad…but it is possible lol.good luck
I think addicted is the wrong word. Babies love the comfort in feeding and can use breastfeeding to soothe. Normal. I’d allow for it as long as I was comfortable.
Shes old enough to understand NO… My now 6 yo was on til she was almost 3 because it was easier to give in and just give her the boob… I fina had to have my husband help me escape her
More food, less boob. It’s about control, not comfort it sounds like. Only let her nurse at certain times and stick to your guns
My son was…I had to stop him all at once because I needed surgery and would be on medication. It was the most heartbreaking thing, he would scream and cry for me, so I had to stay away from him for days. He was 26 months when he stopped.
If you no longer want to breastfeed some kids need you to stop it and won’t self wean. If thats what you want you may need to just tell her no
Put bandaids on your nipples and say they have ouchies💀
Jaidene Bianca Bourne
Girl at this point that’s her binky🤣 cut her off!!
Lol If you have anyone with patience. She can spend the day or night with. You can slowly take her off. Then eventually let them have her for a day. Can take up to a week. Obviously, like your mom, sisters, someone you trust. They can give her more food and entertain her so on. Plus you get to rest lol win win
I went 2 1/2 years just say no and distract her with something else and it won’t be easy but stay firm after 4 weeks you’ll be good
it’s always harder on us parents then the child. we as moms hate hearing our child cry, if you wanna wean her go away for the weekend and let dad or a friend watch her.
you are the boss not her
Do the bandaid suggestion and then say your milk is all gone
Then use a discraction like something fun…
File a temporary restraining order
My son was like this! We went to almost 3 years old - he would not self wean. I had to tell him I had boo boos and put bandaids over them. I had to wear bandaids for WEEKS and then one day he just stopped asking to see the bandaids. He does still talk about him nursing though - like it was a great part of his life and to make sure the milk didn’t come back magically😂
Shes only going to be this young for a small amount of time. Enjoy the precious time you get to breastfeed her with now. You may miss it once she is weaned. I remember I always wanted my daughter to stop bugging me for boob but once we stopped I actually missed it & regretted taking it for granted. It’s a huge bonding thing, and she may feel that’s the only way to connect with you at this stage in her life.
They do that sometimes
Rub something nasty like vinegar on your nipples and then maybe she will think your milk is rotten and stop lol idk… I never had this issue
Yes lol my 2 yo wont sleep cause he wants to breastfeed
It was killing me cause i also have a baby and also breastfeeding her so i was dying I have to quit breastfeeding
When she asks for Milk, give her food, or a sippy of water or actual milk. If you want her to wean,and she won’t self wean,you’ll have to do it.
Lol haha this is my EXACT issue right now!! Good luck
No they darn well cannot, breastmilk is meant for them simple as that, they cannot be addicted to it!!
My son was the same way when he was 2, but one day I just told him that mom didn’t have anymore milk and he would have to drink out of a bottle and surprisingly, he accepted it. A few months later he stopped the bottle all together with and he ate food.
I weaned all of mine by just offering Cow milk. Chocolate milk , strawberry milk. My first I weaned at 4 months , had enough pumped for almost a year. My 2nd was weaned at 1 year old do to not gaining weight. My 3rd was weaned at 10 months do to pregnancy, covid, my milk dried up. He went to bottles of breastmilk and cows milk. My oldest loves whole milk My 2 younger ones like 2%. I having a hard time getting the bottle away from my youngest. He gets 2 a day. 1 at nap and 1 at bed time.
Lol. My son is a boob pheen too
He’s 21 mos and I planned to stop nursing at 1… That didn’t go well.
I only nurse him at nap and before bed now. If he tries to nurse other than those times I distract him with a toy or a snack.
Good luck. I know it’s hard, especially when they cry for it.
It’s not an addiction but it can be frustrating. You could start weaning them. It’ll make it easier on you.
Suckerbuster 100% only thing that worked for my 3 year old I literally tried everything
Cold turkey stop. It’s what I with my eldest for bottle and for binky. They get upset for a bit and cry and beg but you stand your ground. Offer drinks through a cup and that’s that. They won’t starve themselves or dehydrate themselves.
Self-weaning usually occurs around the age of 3. In most other countries it is normal to breastfeed until self-warning occurs… you’re doing great mama!
If.youre.not enjoying it anymore I would personally wean. That’s something that I feel should be enjoyed by both mother and baby. In nature the mother weans the young when she feels ready
Maybe time to wean? Something that helps is putting bandaids on your nips and saying theyre “broken”. Theyll fuss for a bit but it helps.
Going through the same with my 15 MO he doesn’t want to eat, he only wants my milk
My kids 100% my middle daughter nursed until 2.5 I weaned her when I found out I was pregnant with my how 2 year old son who I just weaned about a month ago. He still acts as if he wants it even though he hasn’t had it. So I would say addicted yes. I seriously was so done. I had to just offer cows milk and told him mommies was all gone and just do anything to distract him from wanting it. Sometimes you have to just take it away for your own sanity.
Maybe is not enough nutrients to keep her full. Com’mon add some cookies to the baby diet!
I wouldn’t say " addicted " I’d say more like part of their Soothing , routine.
Start putting some peppermint/lemon extract the edible kind on your nips an every time she taste it she won’t like it
Yes. Game of Thrones. 'nuf said.
i would suggest continuing to pump milk for a while but start offering it in a sippy cup, and then slowly start to wean her off it
Yes but no , you as the MoMA has to take lil one off boob when ready , the lil one just whants to eat because it gets g older , it’s all up to you , you can put lil one on a bottle
We call boobs Cheee chees here too!