Fully possible, my 12 month old became addicted to breastfeeding and he would wake me up every 30 minutes at night just to latch. I weaned him and it was the best decision I ever made.
I’ve seen someone put something on the “Che Che” and it looks nasty (green body scrub, black body scrub, even a face mask that has an ugly color) and their child didn’t want it anymore cause it went “bad”
I’d like to know also, I cant get my 2 year old to stop either and its stressing me out trying to get him to stop
My son is almost 3 and I quit him cold turkey because he was the same way! It has been a little over a year now and he still touches my boobs and tries to slide his hand in my shirts. Its definitely hard but it doesn’t take long for them to realize they dont need it.
I knew of someone that breast feed until 8! I personally think it’s weird after 2. You have to ween her off gently.
It’s a habitual addiction, sure. If you don’t want to deal with the whining that comes with slowly weaning, put some raw aloe (as in break a limb off a living plant, break it open and rub the inside of the leaf) on your nipples. It’s extremely bitter and she will outright reject it after the first taste. My clingy 3 year old was completely weaned in under an hour, lol
Just quit her cold turkey and 2 year old she be drinking out of a sippie
Cut her off cold turkey buy a pacifier if you need too.
So ‘harassing’ shouldn’t be in this situation you are momma and she wants to eat and comfort.Enjoy these days they go by too fast
Its tough but, there will be a lot of noes to come.
You’re gonna have to cut it off cold turkey
I remember playing with some cousins I was about 8 and this 5 year old kept quitting to run for nuh is what he called it. My grandma got mad and told her "if he can ask for it it’s time to cut him off. No judgements here lol
U have to break her 2 is to old to have a child breastfed feed her foods more and maybe she may not wanna do u give her a sippy cup to drink out of or what
It took me till my daughter was a little over 3 to finally stop wanting the boob
Its up too you when she stops bf. You aren’t mean for putting up the towel on this. They need too learn how too self comfort are else you will have a 6 year still bf. You gotta remember every mother that has breast fed had too stop it and tell them no. Your are only hurting your child by continuing this. Ween them off try 3 times a day than two than one and then none. YOU GOT THIS MAMA. ITS TIME FOR YOU TOO SHINE AND DO WHATS RIGHT FOR BOTH OF YOU.
Harassment is never okay, have you thought about a restraining order?
You are a human pacifier
heres the short answer: NO
Does she have a binky, or a dummy? She needs to learn to self soothe. She isn’t addicted to it, she just has separation anxiety and uses the “che che” to soothe herself. Self soothing is a skill that needs to start being introduced to her and having a binky or dummy when you are away from her might be the ticket. Also, at 2 years of age solid foods should be implemented, and during growing phases children are often more hungry, try feeding her some baby food as well and see if that helps.
Juice. My son was like that. Juice. It’s the only thing that worked.
Most other countries children nurse until 5+, enjoy it will be gone toooo soon. Just do it.
No, just drop one feed at a time and cut sessions short so you don’t develop engorgement but she also is being weaned. Delay it too, like when she asks “oh, after mommy does the dishes” etc.