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"I’d love to hear from ladies who are the bread winner in their relationship. My husband has always been our main source of income. However, I have an opportunity to work full time and make enough for him to be a stay at home dad. We’ve never had this dynamic before and I’m worried about it potentially causing problems. How do I get him too be mr mom but still feel like he’s the man of the house? Has anyone’s husband gotten bitter towards them because of something like this? Will he end up resenting me? I’ve been the stay at homie parent thus far; kids are 2,5,6. We’ve always struggled financially. This new job could change our lives, but I’m so worried about our home life going up in flames. Give me some reassurance that everything will be okay"
RELATED: Do You Think a Relationship Can Last If the Woman Is the Breadwinner?
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I love it. He has more patience than I do. He hasn’t resented me as we are a team. When I come home I give him a break as our youngest is like 10 kids in 1. If he’s a good man it will be fine. He’s 4 years and counting as a SAHD. I love being at work and being able to concentrate instead of worrying about the safety of our kids. Btw, our house is always spotless and he even cooks dinner sometimes."
"I think it it works for both of you then great! Communicate with each other what you both want. And maybe don’t call him mr. Mom, cause dads do this stuff too!!"
"sometimes we don’t have a choice in the dynamic and make the best of it of what we can. its awesome you can talk about it and have some support. maybe have a team meeting before and make a game plan."
"Have you asked him his opinions on this? What does he think? My fiance and I work opposite shifts. He gets the kiddos ready for school, I pick them up. He also puts them to bed every night (I work at 2am) he does help out a bit around the house and cooks dinner on nights he is home. We make it work."
"Why can’t you both work and put kids in school?"
"This dynamic works for my family. I am the breadwinner and my SO stays home. He does most of the household chores and I help out when I am home. Teamwork is what makes it work for us. Just because we don’t have the traditional dynamic doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with it."
"We did this for a long time before I had some health problems. Worked pretty well, I made more money with my degree and he was more patient with the kids. He wasn’t quite as great with the multi-tasking as I am but he did a great job."
"It really depends on him. A lot of men that have stay-at-home wives are because that’s who they are they like being the breadwinner or they don’t really want to do the day-to-day work of kids and house and all that. Then there’s other guys that just shine at it there’s no way for us to know what type of personality your other half has. Best of luck"
"My husband and I have both had our times of being the SAHP. Honestly, my husband loved it where I went a little stir crazy lol. How does he feel about the idea of staying home? If he doesn’t want to do it or at least give it a shot, it’s not worth it. If he’s all for it, it should be fine. Just make sure he knows how much you appreciate all his hard work."
"Growing up my parents took turns who stayed home with us. Majority it was my mom as a SAHM but my dad did it a year or 2. Great memories of both. My kids were raised 5 years with their step dad/dad being at home."
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