Can babies be vegan?

Vegan can be healthy, but it’s not “the healthiest lifestyle”. People are different, therefore they thrive on different foods. There’s a reason the diet needs to be closely monitored and supplemented. Take choline for instance… required for proper brain development. In order to get the same amount as in one egg, you’d need to consume 3 cups of broccoli (the vegetable with the highest amount). A baby won’t eat that much. Then you have the fact that absorbable protein and nutrients are harder in plants than meat, so just because it says it has a certain amount of something, that doesn’t mean you’re actually getting that. Mix that failed absorption with an underdeveloped digestive system, and the child can easily not meet daily requirements. I personally think it’s best not to mess around when there is so much development going on, and let them decide when they are a bit older and able to eat more variety in a larger amount.


I’ve always said it’ll be up to my child. However, as long as you make sure she gets what she needs via vitamins and foods, I see no issue with it. The only issue I see is if baby decides (when she’s older and starts eating more table foods) that she doesn’t like the vegan foods and you continue to force it on her.

I wouldn’t force any life style that isn’t needed on a baby. Let them choose when they are older whether or not they’d like to be vegan. That and you’d need to do it just right to ensure baby gets proper nutrition still. I’m with grandma on this.

This should be a question for your pediatrician….


Save these conversations for a doctor. But personally, I wouldn’t make that decision for my child. I would begin educating them about it in their teens, but let them make their own lifestyle choices.


The child should be allowed to choose!


Always consult with a pediatrician. If you’re worried about asking because they might side with it not being a good choice. Then I think you already know the answer.

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I mean it’s not neglectful like your mother in law is making out, but it’s also not fair on your child as it isn’t it heir choice, right now your cooking so its what you cook but I think a well balanced diet is better and you should let the child decide when their older.

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As a vegetarian since I was 3 years old my choice. Let the baby eat meat let them decide if thwy want to be vegan don’t push your stuff on them


This is exactly why child protective services exists, a child not getting proper nutrition is a form of abuse, you can’t expect babies to grow properly without proper nutrition smh


Speak to babies paediatrician , as for grandmother threatening to take baby I would cut that lady out of your lives for such a threat end of the day it’s your child and your family to impose whatever eating habits you want to

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I would definitely speak with a professional. Ask your pediatrician and get a nutritionist

It’s truly not healthy for a 6 month old just yet but ask your pedi to be sure before taking that step


Yeah this page can’t be real


Definitely speak to your pediatrician.

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Sooooooo…… all three of my babies are vegan… my youngest has been since birth (I was vegan while pregnant) we are healthy and perfectly fine lol. It’s so much healthier actually and your baby will get all the right nutrition if you eat healthy. Anyone telling you it’s unhealthy, clearly isn’t educated in this respect. As far as your mother in law, I’d look into getting her Baker acted. Just saying….You do you mama :seedling::green_heart:


My very good friend is vegan. She didn’t bring her children up vegan. She let them decide when they were older. I know her doctor told her that the problem is that if you raise them vegan and they grow up and want to try other foods their body won’t be able to process and it can make them very sick.


Depends… every baby is different lacking in some nutrients can cause failure to thrive syndrome. I have seen this many times in my 25 years in the medical field. If your baby has issues, she can take your baby away and so can child protective services. Which if your baby gets sick and ends up in the ER because of lack of nutrition. That is the first call the hospital personnel is required to do by law!

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Can you not compromise?? When at yours you carry on cooking your vegan meals then when at parents let them cook what they have? Then child gets both of best world’s and can choose when older?


The child will be fine, BUT If the child wants to eat meat after he or she gets older, you must let them!!

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The child should be able to choose when she’s older but for now she eats what you eat. Also a six month old doesn’t need meat or dairy right now anyways so it shouldn’t even be an issue. Plus you can get iron and protein from plenty of other sources.


Do t no the answer but seems a lot of stress . Are you breastfeeding because thats not really vegan .


So I agree with the MIL , I don’t agree with taking your child away from you , that’s nuts but your baby needs all the nutrients she needs to properly grow , fats , protein , iron , carbs and the list goes on ! Also , I think your child should be able to choose if she wants that type of lifestyle , I’m not saying at five years old I’m saying when she’s old enough to understand that specific diet . I’m not dissing your lifestyle at all but your baby needs so much and a vegan diet is NOT a healthy choice , especially for a six month old.


Please, please, please talk to your doctor or pediatrician! Advice on social media is good, but we are talking about a babies well being. They can’t speak for themselves, so the doctors are the next best thing. Maybe even a second doctors opinion. You want your baby to grow up healthy and not lacking nutritional value! I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. :blush:


My grandson is 2 years old and a vegan. Happy, healthy and thriving!!!

I hope someone calls child services. No baby or kid should be vegan unless there’s a damn good reason other than mom and dad are.

No! Cps can and will get in involved should someone call. Forcing your nutritional habits upon an infant is against the law and can be found to be neglect on your part. As a parent you are to provide all nutrition available and that includes protein sources including meat. See a nutritionist and go about it right. Otherwise your parenting rights can be in danger. As a nurse we would have to report you to cps. Once your child reaches teen years and chooses what lifestyle diet is right for them that is when you could suggest trying your and your husband’s way. But definitely not before then.
I’d surely hope you reach out to your pediatrician and a nutritionist and seek advice before anyone is harmed in this decision.


If you want your child to be vegan, that’s your choice and the babies parents. But you should definitely talk with her pediatrician. No one should make you feel as if you shouldn’t do what you want for your baby. If you feel like her being vegan is what’s best for her than DO IT mama! :heart::heart:

I wouldn’t have any communication with a family member threatening to take my child away from me :grimacing::grimacing:
Talk to your pediatrician about it but the child should get to choose imo.

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You can get nutrients to kids via a diet choice- however you absolutely need to talk to your doctor and a dietitian so that baby gets what nutrients they need. Yes there have been cases of children getting cps involved if child is being purposely neglected via adequate nutrition- hence involve doctor/dietitian. The issue is making sure child is gaining weight appropriately and if that’s from vegan diet than go for it.


Kids are fucking obese AF from parents neglecting their children with healthy food options - yet they’re not being taken by CPS…:thinking: Yet once the word Vegan is brought up, people start losing their freaking minds.
I’ll never understand humans.

Your child should have the damn choice! Your MIL wrong but you need to let that child decide if she wants to eat :meat_on_bone: :cut_of_meat: or whatever I think it’s neglectful as children need those animal products that you would otherwise be withholding from your child. Making a child vegan is not healthy at all!

That’s a question for your pediatrician I personally would let them decide rather than pushing it out them that is like pushing your religion on someone else

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First I’d tell the MIL that she can f right off after threatening to take your baby from you.
Speak and seek advice from a paediatric nutritionist. Nutrient needs for babies are different than adults and I imagine it can be tougher to get the right nutrients needed for a baby with a vegan diet. I’m sure it can be done though but be open to having to add some non vegan options.

Yes join vegan groups on fb. Lots of support

My husband and I are vegan and our daughter is too. She always has been. She’s perfectly healthy and far healthier than most of her peers. When she was old enough to understand, we asked her what she wanted to eat. However, we informed her of exactly what it was she would be eating. People see vegan parenting as ‘forcing’ views onto their children but as soon you actually ask a child if they want to eat an animal, what do they say? How feeding your child animals isn’t forcing them onto a diet but not feeding them it is? A child’s first instinct with animals is to love them and show affection, not try and kill and eat them.

We follow a whole food lifestyle, not processed foods. If you’re following a whole food plant based diet then you’ve no worries at all about health. Follow for the latest nutrition advice xx

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My cousin is vegan and has been for YEARS Her son is now 3 and has been vegan all his life and is perfectly healthy.

Here’s my take…
If your a family who has soda in the house all the time and drinks multiple cans a day, the likelihood that your child will grab a soda daily is right up there…
If your a family that shops and eats fresh veggies and nothing ever processed the likelihood of you buying frozen vegetables for your child is not a high chance…
So the likelihood of you making your child a juicy beef burger isn’t very high…
You do you I’m nearly positive you want what’s best for your child…
Chat with your pediatrician and then go from there :green_heart::kissing_heart:


Most children love fruits and vegetables over meat and cheeses. So in the child’s younger years, continue to introduce a variety of fruits, vegetables and breads. As the child gets old, they will let you know what they like and dislike.

Trust me, when your child turns 2-3, they are going to give you a run for your money when it comes to food. You will be desperately glad that they just eat something for dinner so you know they have food in their belly :confounded:

My children are 7 and 5 and barely eats meat, eggs and is funny on cheese. But will eat all of their fruit and most vegetables. So you can’t predict what your child would like at 6 months. Just go with the flow and be open to the idea of a variety of food for your child outside of vegan as they get older.

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My son had dangerously low cholesterol levels when he was a baby/toddler ( they don’t test for that unless there is a problem). He was such a picky eater… went thru 5/6 different formulas until we found one that worked for him. Long story short I was feeding him too many vegetarian/vegan options that he hated and he wanted meat and I thought it bad for him. His bloodwork showed his cholesterol as dangerously low and his pediatrician told me to let him eat what he wanted because my son was more in tune with what his body needed than I was or anyone else. He thrived with meat so I made sure it was grass fed etc.


As long as baby is getting all of the nutrients they need then they absolutely can be.

Babies need so many nutrients in order to thrive and I have heard of kids who have been diagnosed failure to thrive due to parents thinking they know what’s best and forcing their diet upon their child. And CPS getting involved and they absolutely will.

You should talk to the doctors but in my opinion you need to let that child eat everything and let them decide when they’re old enough


It’s great she will be vegan! I love it. My husband and children are also vegan.

If you can lead that healthy lifestyle and get all the nutrients and supplements needed through food and vitamins so can she. Protein doesnt only come from meat. Neither does fat. Theres nothong wrong with the way youre raising your child.

Are you breast feeding? Most formulas have meat protein bases.

Talk to her pediatrician


my son is 2 and has been raised vegan because father and I are vegan. there are tons of vegan fb groups you can follow, lots of support and info on those pages. I wouldn’t stress about grandparent threatening to take child over veganism, odds of that are super unlikely.

If you are concerned for your baby’s health, consult her doctor. Many children are raised vegan though and are perfectly healthy. Your mother in law just sounds uneducated about the subject.


We aren’t vegan but my kid is basically vegetarian by what he chooses to eat himself. And is very healthy. I can’t give up normal cheese and we do liquid egg whites.

No meat, no Egg, No cheese. Lady you’ve done lost your damn mind if you in any way think this is healthy for a baby or any young child! Give that baby meat your MIL has right to be concerned I would be too! Maybe when she’s older she will hop on the vegan train with you and dad, if so that’s great but don’t neglect your baby by not giving her the choice to eat what’s good for her to eat right now. This post actually shook me enough to make me comment twice!

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The baby will be fine b/c the nutrients can be from another source. You should let your child choose later though & respect if the child doesn’t want to stay vegan. As for your mother in law, I’d make it very clear if she EVER threatens to take your child away then she will no longer be in that child’s life. She chose to threaten taking your child b/c she doesn’t agree with your lifestyle & that is not ok. I’d be very Leary & keep your distance from her b/c she will most likely try later on if it’s not nipped in the butt now.

Pediatrician told me that food isn’t much nutrition for babies till they are 12 months. Also being vegan is very healthy. There’s plenty of protein and healthy fats in plants. Beans are a great source of protein and fiber and guess what! Babies actually prefer beans over the meat baby food that is in stores. It is so hard hiding chicken beef and turkey in my 7 month olds food. Beens are so much easier to hide and sometimes they will eat them by themselves.

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Talk to your pediatrician and a dietician at their office. They will give you guidance on how to safely feed your baby vegan. Then your MIL won’t have a leg to stand on. Get some written info to give her. But so t be surprised if she feeds the baby the way she wants to.

Please excuse my ignorance because I don’t know much about vegan lifestyle but…is she breastfed? Because if so, wouldn’t that be considered a product of a living being and therefore not vegan? If not breastfed and formula instead, are the formulas vegan?

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Not illegal but not adequate proteins, vitamin, minerals, vitamin D and B12 for the rapid growth of babies and toddlers.


Funny thing about this is other than breastfeeding my son won’t drink cows milk, he refuses meat but will eat vegan nuggets.
If your doctor isint concerned that baby is under weight or is having issues then do your thing mama. I’m blown away by some of these comments.

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My son is 8 and has been raised vegetarian. He’s completely healthy. We never had issues. He’s always been a good eater. Our pediatrician completely supported it. As long as you’re providing balanced meals there is nothing wrong with a vegan diet. I would definitely be concerned with grandma babysitting if she isn’t supportive of your choices though.

A vegan diet done the proper way won’t hurt baby. However, they DO need fat content similar to what is found in whole milk for their brain development so going over it with your pediatrician is a good idea. :slight_smile:


Lmao good luck with that. Kids like to eat treats etc and once they hit kindergarten that’s all probably gonna go out the window. Are you gonna force them to eat vegan later on?

I would talk to your babies doctor. When my daughter was younger I only fed her fish, turkey, and chicken. We didn’t eat beef or pork because her biological father didn’t eat that for some strange reason. I grew up eating beef and pork and I changed my ways for him. But after her dad has passed away and I moved back to my home state, I started eating beef and pork again and let my daughter decide if she wanted to eat beef and pork. She actually likes beef and pork. She doesn’t eat much fish anymore (she like popcorn shrimp). She is 14 now. Note when she was younger she barely got sick. I would just ask your doctor to see what they think. As far as your mother in law threatening to take your child away is bull ticky.

As long as the baby gets her proteins and fats, I suppose it’s ok. Check with the doctor about it. I’m sure that the doctor can have you talk to a nutritionist who can recommend a healthy diet for your baby.

I would just speak to your doctor and a dietician about it, that way you know for sure. You may have to take more vitamins if you are breastfeeding to make sure baby gets what they need, but I’m sure you aren’t the first vegan mom who has raised a baby. Good luck!

Why would you want to deprive your child the nutrients that it needs


As long as u can get the proper amount of protein/vitamins into your child then yes they can be vegan. I went to collage with a girl that had never had animal based food. Her whole family were vegan. She was perfectly healthy.
I eat a limited animal product diet. Been this way since I was a kid. My brother as well. We are healthy.

Your baby can be vegan as long as you are sure baby is getting the proper nutrients. If you arent 100% sure you can talk to a pediatric nutritionist. Honestly if MIL is threatening any type of calling CPS or anything I would suggest seeing a nutritionist anyway, preferably one who is knowledgeable about being vegan so if she does call CPS then you have proof that you have seen a nutritionist and your child is being fed a healthy amount of food with the right nutrition. :woman_shrugging: just be aware that if she has problems with it, she will probably try to go behind your back and feed your child other things which could make their stomach sick. It sounds as though you know what you’re doing. I personally don’t like veganism, but I also think its a choice, so as long as you are knowledgeable about it for growing bodies or you see a specialist who is knowledgeable then I dont see the issue :woman_shrugging:


Talk to a pediatrician. Get in writing his views and present them to her so she doesn’t worry. Honestly she can’t take her away. But she is worried. My GD is having a hard time with allergies due to food. My daughter Hashimotos. She has really changed their diet and my GD is 8and asked her if she could be vegan when she explained the foods she could have and not have. I was shocked she even understood what she was asking. And proud. She’s one smart cookie. I’m sure your baby will be fine. You can add vitamins for any loss if nutrition. Everyone has a Vitamin deficiency. Even her. God bless.

My youngest sister didn’t eat meat until like 16 yr old… her choice most of her life

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ASK a PROFESSIONAL please this is Facebook. Unless some of these women do that as their job I personally wouldn’t be asking Facebook for advice. I’m not being rude or anything but I personally wouldn’t know how to answer this. Before doing anything please talk to a pediatrician or someone who knows what they’re doing. Sending positive vibes towards you.

Personally id have said vegan wasn’t suitable for a baby…but on investigation the NHS says yes. I stand corrected lol
I think baby should be fed a varied diet and allowed to decide for themselves when they are old enough to choose but there’s nothing wrong as long as you eat a proper balanced vegan diet and appropriate supplements as advised by your Dr

You’re the parent, I would give her dairy options in the future because she’ll likely be able to at school etc anyway. But focusing her on veggies and fruits are a good start.n

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Ask her doctor. But personally I agree with your mother in law about it not meeting her nutritional needs. Kids need things that adults don’t. But she has absolutely lost her mind if she thinks that it’s ok to even consider taking your child over it. That’s not her place whatsoever.


Follow Laura Clery. She and her lil family are vegan & she’s just great to watch :heart::heart:


I think it’s wrong too MAKE someone be vegan. All vegans I know have take supplements so I don’t know how that would work with a baby also.


Check with your baby’s doctor.Personally makingyour own baby food from from frit and vegetablesand legumes m\with vitamins may be ideal, millions of children grow up not eating meats. but check with doctor.

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It is absolutely possible to have a healthy vegan diet for a baby. We did with ours. It is important to consult a nutritionist or pediatrician because you will most likely need to supplement. It also gets difficult when they are picky toddlers but at least at that point they can communicate their tastes better than an infant. Please don’t feel like you are doing something wrong by going the vegan route! It does require more education and diligence than non-vegan but it is not “wrong” or “bad” or harmful to your child! I can’t believe some of the comments on here about calling CPS so I wanted to comment and let you know that you are within your rights and also not harming your child if done correctly!

Babies need protein to survive.


Talk to your doctor number one number two that’s a decision that should be left to your child when they get older.

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Why do vegans feel the need to force their lifestyle on everyone else lmfao this is a BABY. No. You’re making it a million times more difficult to make sure your kid gets the proper nutrients it needs to grow.


People would rather see a child with a McDonald’s than a healthy vegan diet :joy: I’m assuming you breastfeed unless you found a dairy free formula which means baby has thrived just fine so far without any trace of animal product from your milk


Don’t try a vegan diet for a baby - it’s really not a good idea since if you make mistakes and don’t give them appropriate nutrition it could really harm their development. Talk to your pediatrician and follow their advice. Babies have literally died because their parents thought it was okay to give them vegan substitutions.


Sounds like MIL is more unhealthy for baby than being a vegan.


As long as nutritional needs are met then you’d be fine but I would see a nutritionist because she could try to argue abuse in court. Although people think we are insane because we try to eat mostly organic and don’t give our toddler sugar. :roll_eyes:

Let the kid decide when she’s old enough…


I think it’s ok as long as you’re breastfeeding and/or using an approved formula to be sure your baby gets all the nutrition the baby needs

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Your baby isn’t getting the proper nutrition by any fkn means


Setting up kids to be bullied— just let them be normal to get along in school


You’re the parent. Non of her business of what you should feed your child. Not illegal at all. It’s call freedom of choice

Think about finding a pediatric nutritionist, not your actual pediatrician. They can help you step by step. Dr’s don’t always know alot about nutrition because that’s not their area. The vegan diet will be ok for baby as long as you are doing it properly. Doing it the right way it the most important thing because it can be extremely dangerous if not done correctly. Good luck.

P.s. Screw what your mil and any one se says. It’s your baby, choice.

Google it or ask your doctor, put it in writing and show it to her

I’m sorry but she’s right…a baby should have the right to choose when their older. Also consider asking their doctor before you make any decisions…


I’m a vegetarian but am not pressuring my kids at all to live the same lifestyle.
Talk to your pediatrician.


Let your kid decide when they’re older. Wtf


Just check with her pediatrician :heartpulse:

Leave that baby the hell alone and do not make it a vegan.


She is absolutely WRONG & honestly if it were me… after threatening me like that I’d have nothing to do with her.


Consult a nutritionist. I’m sure it’s fine for the baby to be given vegan foods, but you’ll want to get a professional’s opinion about how to do it in a way that provides what the baby needs


Well a vegan diet for a baby isn’t very good for them. We had this problem with my bonus daughter when her mom wasn’t given her meat and the doctor even told her that a vegan diet, their not getting the right nutrients. Just because yourself and your husband is vegan. Doesn’t mean your child NEEDS to be too.


Baby is only 6 months old so doesn’t NEED solids r9ght now anyways. But yes you are the parents it’s your choice. Tell her to mind her own business or stop seeing LO. :woman_shrugging: I would speak to a Diatrician to make sure baby gets everything they need but I’m guessing if you and dad are vegans already then you know the correct diet but I still would just to be safe. I will never understand why people assume you have to consume animals to be healthy.


Let your kid decide. It shouldn’t be the parents choice or the mother-in-laws choice…