Can baby have water?

Dr, as long as the water is boiled then cooled it is perfectly fine for a 5 month old.

Buy baby water and listen to your doctor and not the facebook doctors here on this post.


Both my kids have been drinking water since they were both 3 weeks old. They good, and absolutely love water.

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Hmm Google md or actual md that went to medical school….such a toss up. :roll_eyes:


Google is definitely not right, water is perfectly fine, tou know within yourself how you feel when you haven’t had water, it can and will affect your toilet habits, aswell as babies, I use to give mine water with a little ribena juice when he had trouble goin to the toilet. Never look advice on Google, trust your dr and if your still worried get a 2nd opinion. If it’s bad there are medicines they can give a baby to help with goin to the toilet

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My daughter had this same issue when she was around 4 months the peds told me to an oz more of water to dilute the formula more. Worked wonders for my little

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Your not supposed to cuz doctors tell you they get all their water from their formula but a few oz of water won’t hurt you baby

Follow the Dr for petes sake.


U mix formula with water don’t you??? :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: so u don’t wanna listen to a doctor but to Google


Is this even a question? Google where every symptom you have is cancer, or a professional that went to school for many years and continues learning as part of keeping their qualification? Gee, that’s a hard one.


If you do … only a tiny tiny bit. I honestly would use some sugar water (like at the hospital) from a dropper so you know exactly how much you gave. I also would switch doctors. Sometimes taking their temp from their bottoms helps stimulate them and they go. I’d definitely look for other ways to help baby poop before giving just water. Good luck. Hope baby is feeling better soon!

Typically over 6 months or if directed by a doctor. If small amounts of water don’t help, go back to the doctor

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If doctor said yes. Did she says how much and how often?

My midwife advised me to put 20ml of extra water in each bottle to help with constipation as most gold formulas have more iron which can cause it.

They can definitely have a little water

Why even take your baby to the doctor if you’re just going to look at Google for the answer? Did Google go to medical school or the doctor? Just plain dumb :woman_facepalming:t4:


Doctor vs Google is this really a question. They make baby water if you’re worried


You only give them an ounce or two you always listen to a dr over the internet they know your situation google makes general statements


Water should be given when they start solids

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I’m pretty sure your medical provider went to college and google did not


You really have to ask? Maybe you shouldn’t be a parent.


Hmm college educated board certified pediatrician or the internet where anyone can say anything?


Trust in your dr. Small amounts of water will not hurt baby.


Wait… why did you go to the doctor in the first place? For a second opinion for google MD? I just don’t understand


Listen to it your pediatrician. Dr. Google is going to end up telling you water can give your baby cancer. :joy:

My daughter was 4 months old and we had to do a “reset” with straight pedialyte bc the soy formula was giving her straight diarrhea and near projectile vomiting.


My baby’s doctor told me prune juice from the baby isle. Usually right under the baby food. Only 1-2 oz at a time.

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Alisha Metcalf if you’re not being helpful you shouldn’t be apart of this page. She is a new parent and I know damn well you’ve been in this situation. So get your horse off those stilettoes before you fall face first.

Give that baby some water !!
3oz warm water & 1oz prune juice - that baby will poop !!

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Dr vs Google? Humm, who should I choose? Duh


Water is great for constipation at any age


Hey internet my doctor who studied years in college is saying I can do something but when I Google it people say elsewise. Who do you think I should trust?

Can’t believe everything you read on the internet doctor go to school and actually know more than google
I’ve given my children water at 4 months I’d definitely listen to the doctor vs Internet 


You shouldn’t have a child!!!


Your baby can have water but your doctor should of explained that it must be boiled first then cooled because that makes it sterile the same way you boil bottles etc in an electric steriliser…

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No it is bad for them!!! You will cause severe Anemia

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Umm listen to the dr :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Doctor. U should have started giving baby by 3 month or so

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Yes they can. My kids are fine and healthy. As infants my doctor told me X amount a day as water flushes out the system. Your body is made up of alot of water. Times change, I understand…but now days I think ppl lost their minds.


Of course a baby can have water. Boil the water and cool it to the same temperature as you would formula. Milk is their main source of food but they also get hot and thirsty. I gave my sons water

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No. Water doesn’t cure constipation. Baby is already getting water in formula or breastmilk. There are other options at 5 months old for constipation and extra water is not one of them. Has there been a change in diet? Introduction to foods early? Get to the root of the constipation and please don’t give the baby extra water. That will not fix the issue. There could be other issues.


Baby can have a lil bit of water he or she will be fine maybe 1oz or 2 at a time


Give the whole baby back.:woman_facepalming:

I never gave my baby water for constipation. I gave him tea. To help woth constipation. But I got the organic kind at the grocery store. And only gave him a few oz. Just that one time. And ot helped. The tea is in tea section with l the others. Also prune juice.


Sugar water works too well :laughing: he is now 19 and still alive and well… :wink:


So you’re going to listen to Google before you listen to your doctor. That doesn’t make any sense at all.


When my son was a baby I would fix a couple bottles of water when I sterilized his bottles. His doctor did not want him drinking more than 32 ounces of formula in a day because of the fat content. He also liked for mothers to try and keep their babies on a schedule for feedings (every 3 and a half to 4 hours). My son was healthy except for having asthma

6 months for water and food


I get it… Where i live, nobody is impressed with nurses or Drs. Like, our best dr is the great value version of a half decent Dr somewhere else… But man you went lookin to the almighty google over yo drs recommendations LOL I’m weak!


You need to listen to your doctor not Google babies can have water in a bottle with a slow flow at 5 months.


There’s water in beast milk and and formula. I’ve wonder why he said no? Personally, I’d seek a second opinion from a paediatrician or midwife etc

My babies in 40s and 50" s…there doctor had them on 2 oz water :sweat_drops: in between feedings. We boiled the water…they were healthy babies…

Your Doctor is right

Our doctor always said absolutely no plain water prior to 6 months

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Cooled boiled water is fine. Thats what’s used for formula feeding


They hv water for baby’s :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Um…yes they can have water. Room temperature. They’re still people :joy:


Please listen to the MD not google


Ohhhh my gawd!! Are you for real :flushed: you’ll seriously question a medical dr over Google :thinking: give that baby back!!!
Prune juice and water and repeat!! Until the baby poops! Listen to the doctor you Google crazy lady!!


You can give baby small sips of water from 4+months

Add a teaspoon of brown sugar in some warm water stir and give to your 5m old. Should help with constipation

For future when your bubba is a bit older you can Give watered down prune juice that will also help with constipation

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Next time when your baby is sick, ask Google.


Lmao yeah trust the internet.


My daughter had water (use the same baby water you use for bottles) every day from birth she is almost 3 advanced for her age and hasn’t been sick but 2 times in her entire life! you gonna tell me a person who is mostly composed of water don’t need water and your gonna tell me the same water I mix her formula with is gonna somehow kill her without the formula in it! Babies shouldn’t have city or well water but the baby water is perfectly fine! Please listen to your doctor and not Google!


I may be old but what is gripe water do you mean grape

Listen to the doctor

Always the doctor lol

OMG, of course babies can have water. My babies had a teaspoon of water from at least 4 weeks.
Then by 3 months half squeezed pure orange juice .
6 months pured cooked vegetables and meats and fish.
Stewed fruits and custard.
FS what’s the world coming to??
At 12 months old my babies ate what we ate. Even sucked on the bone from chops and Tbone steaks.
They are healthy adults ,normal weight, eat well meat ,fish vegs.


Please PLEASE listen to your physician not Google and not social media. One of my kids had the same problem. Water was the solution(doctor’s orders). The reasoning behind not giving water to babies is that it has no nutritional value. Babies need the calories and nutrition. Not good to fill tiny bellies up with just water. Breast milk and formula both have high water content so babies are getting all the water they need. That said in this case additional water is necessary to relieve the constipation. As a pediatric RN I find it downright scary that parents value Google’s opinion over their pediatrician. Follow your physician’s instructions because it will help your child.


You can give water but no more than a tsp and I would try a lil Kayro n bottle first or take a Q-Tip and Stimulate The anal muscle with a little Vaseline on the tip. Do not go any farther in than the end of the cotton and that should be sufficient. Then wait about 20 minutes, if no results repeat at least twice.

You’re supposed to give your baby gripe water for constipation not just any water :wink: (Mama of three)


Always listen to your doctor. Google didn’t go to medical school


Hmmmm :thinking: let me see… we’ll those 4 years at Med school would have come in handy knowledge wise! but, Google did show me it was possible to suck a boiled egg into a coke bottle :man_shrugging:t3:

When my baby had jaundice bad they under the table told me give a few syringes of baby water to help poop more.

Google?? Vs Doctors?


You do know how formula is made right :sweat_smile:


Less than 2 oz should be fine

Formula is just powder until you add the magic ingredient of WATER lol

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Doctor vs Google: Bet on doctor every time.

Though I’m utterly curious who claims babies can’t have water and why. Our bodies are largely composed of water.


Google. Google is always right :joy:


I gave my daughter water as a baby in moderation as to not fill her up on water leading to her not eating, she did not die . She actually turned 14 Monday. I spent half my life working with children and have never encountered a child that choices to drink water everyday over sugar drinks, she does drink those a little as well but chooses water alot, I don’t have to ask or make her drink it as she grew up with it and loves it. One minute something good for you is suddenly bad and vice versa everytime you turn around these days , alot of that is because of the internet and all the misinformation out there . As for constipation there are great exercises you can do with your baby and young child that can help tremendously, if you want to Google something maybe try that. I assume some of them must be on there. Perhaps you’d be best to call some of these nurse hot lines, 211, speak to some pharmacists get a concensus from various medical professionals if you dont trust your dr… And talk to the women in your family that have raised children, but please do not go by what google or anyone on here says. Good luck. (Ps whoever said the internet doesn’t lie that is cute)

They are both crazy give her Coca-Cola!!!


Who is right…Google or your doctor…

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My son had the same problem, mother in law gave him sugar (very little) water, you just don’t want to give them only water, but our bodies are mainly water. Formula is mainly water.
Anybody can put anything on Google.

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No need for the laughing emoji.

I have 4 kids none of them came with a manual.

I think sips are ok but u could try warm bath and bicycle kicks as well. Or if worse comes to worse a suppository.

Good luck

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Water in small amounts for babies is fine. There’s an amount you shouldn’t exceed, but a few ounces to help with constipation is fine.


I was told by our pediatrician with both my children to use dark karo syrup in their formula bottle worked for us.

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Obviously the doctor

My son had issues as a newborn and I was told by his doctor to give him 1oz prune juice mixed with 1oz water. He is happy and healthy still. Don’t go overboard or anything. Also warm baths, tummy massages and suppositories if you want to try those first.

In this case, Google! Babies cannot have water at that age. It can cause water intoxication, and they can literally die. Learned this from an er doctor when my daughter had a uti at 6 months old. I had called the nurse line and they told me to give her water. The ER doctor took it out of my hand and went and chewed the nurse line nurse out immediately. Do not give babies water. It can mess with the sodium in their body, because their kidneys aren’t mature enough to be able to filter straight water.

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I used to do pear juice or pure apple juice. Not tons but it helped more than water.

Ah yes, Dr Google, known for their complete reliability over trained medical professionals :thinking:


Not google obviously listen to your babies dr….

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Mineral oil in the formula worked wonders for my baby.

I would use a little prune or apple juice first, water poisoning is a thing. Water never helps me poop? :woozy_face:

I would listen to your doctor

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Just needs to be boiled to get rid of impurities or bottled

I hope this is a joke!

l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15741 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Are you sure he didn’t say gripe water… water itself isn’t going to help constipation.

Go with your drs advice

Google knows all. !!

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