Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

Probably also depends on states views

Not for that specific reason…

Does he identify that way as well? If so no sorry there’s nothing they can do
But even if he doesn’t, to call DSS of CPS on someone for that is a little much, CPS is a very serious thing and not something to mess around with, you could ruin not only the child’s life but the parents as well, there are kids out there that actually really need CPS to come and help them, in order for us to answer this properly we need more information


We need all the details…Does the child want this or is the parent forcing this?! Big difference.

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So this post needs a lil more answers… does the boy identify as a girl …or is it that his mother wanted a girl child an decide to dress him in girl clothes ?

Some of these questions I feel are just to piss ppl off… As long as mom is providing and a loving mother I don’t see the problem … unless she’s forcing him to dress that way then that’s different

If that kid is trans or non binary and identifies as a girl, leave them alone. Period.


They can do as they please till everyone unites and says NO MORE!

Google Canada father from ontatio / toronto whos in jail for speaking out over his son and they school / workers helping him to get access to growth hormones! The kids a minor!
They put a gag order in father and when he wouldn’t shut up through him in jail.
Province of ns has another school helping a 12 yr old access chest binders and has workers texting her child after hours! Her childs a minor to!

Neither parent objects to who their kids wanna be but they both objected to outsiders not informing them over their minors.


I feel like there is a lot more information being left out here. If a child identifies themselves as either a boy or girl that is not a situation for CPS this wouldn’t even be on the radar unless this has to do with some kind of abuse like the parent forcing the child to be a gender they don’t want to be for attention or their own selfish reason. If the child spoke up and said my mom is making me do this then I can see that the welfare of the child being questioned by CPS.

Also how old is this child? Are they even able to make a choice like this for themselves and understand what this means. I mean if there still a child why would you put a transgender label on them so young? It’s possible this child is being a child and wants to do what they like or prefer. Your job as the parent is to educate your child well enough so that as they grow older they can understand what these labels mean and can assign their own label (if they choose) to themselves on their own time without someone doing it for them. As parents we can speculate if our child is gay, straight or trans but this is your child’s own journey and it takes time for some to find out who they are.


CPS is CRUPT, and Broken!


No CPS cannot remove a child that identifies as the opposite sex. This is not negligence or abuse.

Now if the parents are purposely doing this and the child does not identify as the opposite sex, then it can fall under abuse by: mental and/or emotional abuse.

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They should because that’s child abuse and if a parent let’s their minor child have a sex change operation they should be arrested for genital mutilation of a child along with the surgeon who preformed the operation

Details lol sounds like you just hate it

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unless there’s neglect or abuse going on no just bc a kid wants to be gay with extra steps doesn’t mean that they’re being abused or neglected boys can wear dresses boys can paint their nails aint shit wrong with it

Is the child fed?

Does the child have clean clothes n good shoes that fit them?

Does the child live in a home where there’s electricity,water, a/c&heat?

Does the child live in a home where there’s a working stove working toilet working bathtub etc?

If the child identifies themselves as the opposite sex without pressure than I don’t see a problem with it but if the mom wanted a girl so bad to where she’s forcing this little boy to be like a girl n dressed like a girl then yes that’s a problem

Also if the child isn’t mentally sexually physically emotionally abused then cps doesn’t have any reason to take the child away. Living conditions need to be clean and the answers need to be yes to each question above that I asked also abt being fed and the house stuff and the clothes/shoes thing also. There has to be enough of evidence to remove a child from a parents custody not just cause a child is wanting to be a girl when they’re a boy.

I just hope in this case the mom isn’t forcing the male child to be a female because she wanted a daughter instead

How old is the child

If the child themselves is trans there is no issue here…


No they can not but CPS is corrupt so they will take a child to absolutely no reason

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How is this abuse???


If the child identities as a little girl then no, it would be petty to call CPS for that but if it’s against the child’s wishes then yes


Ok this needs more information if the child is actually girl but says she is a boy and the mother still picks to put her in girl clothes that’s nothing but a parenting matter. If the child is a boy and she forces him to wear girl clothes something needs to be done. If the child is a boy and says he’s a girl and the mother allows it then that is a parenting matter as well and is no-ones business


Tbh those folks do what they want to.

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This shouldn’t of even been posted.


I’m pretty sure that if they did and it was the childs choice it would be discrimination


No… unless the mother is forcing this on the child but if not… but if this child wants this what is your issue? Let them be


Nope. Unless the child is abused in any sort of way


CPS cannot legally remove a child unless there is proof of neglect or abuse. There is not enough information given here to determine if that proof is there. But no, unless there is definitive proof of neglect or abuse, that’s not grounds to remove a child from their home.

If it is the child’s choice and not urs then no then no they will not remover her


If the parent is forcing the child to do it then possibly. If the child itself is doing it on their own and feels that way I’d think it should be ok. They may recommend counseling or something.


I think that would depend on age and a few appointments with a psychologist, to determine if the child is being pushed vs. supported

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If your child identifies as a gitl and you allow her to dress as so that is not any kind of abuse or neglect. If that is the only thing you are worried about and they are going to find you will be okay

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Come on. I don’t like this post for all reasons


If it’s forced I would say probably. If it is child’s choice then their is absolutely nothing wrong with it!


This is absolutely ridiculous. :woman_facepalming:

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This needs a bit of clarification the way this is stated it’s a bit confusing! If the mother is forcing the change then yes! But I am going to say that this is meant that the boy is wanting to transition and dress as a girl to match her identity! Then no CPS shouldn’t be able to come in remove the child as long as the child is happy and healthy!


Does the child identify as a girl or does the mom make him/ her dress that way?


Nope. Not on the Maltreatment Index (for FL).

That depends… If the child isn’t saying it but the parent is, yes.
I’d have an eval done to find out who it’s coming from.

Can they, yes, should they, no. CPS is extremely homophobic/transphobic. I lost my daughter 6 years ago and am still fighting to get her back because my husband is trans


Sounds like a crazy grandmother who is blaming the mom for the choice of the grandchild.


If its forced and the child says so than get counseling first before you ruin a child’s life.

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If it’s being forced then yes.


I mean what age is the child?? Is it the child that feels this or the mother forcing it? Think all that would be taken into consideration before cps just steps in removing kids


If the child is trans and you’re trying to start shit grow the fuck up. There are children actually abused and neglected.
If this is forced then I’d say that’s pretty weird and something should be done.

We can’t change who our kids are we can only encourage them to always be true to themselves. I don’t think gender would be an issue if you allow her to be herself. Good for you mom.


I don’t think CPS should be called,but i do think someone else should be raising this child.a caring family member should definitely take him in.


Unfortunately cps can remove a child for whatever reason they make up. It’s a shitty system

Honestly I’m pretty sure this lady that posted this is talking about Fern from TikTok :sweat_smile:


If the child is no threat or danger no cps cant not remove a child


Please clarify - is the mother FORCING him to dress as a girl or is he doing it on his own?


There’s no such thing as “dressing like” a male/female. You just wear clothes. Be better for your kids. The amount of transphobia is disgusting. You let you’re daughter wear boots and jeans, why can’t your son wear a dress?


They might be able to depending on the age of the child and what state they are in.

Hope u Get well soon

Seriously? Let a kid be a kid. They aren’t in any harm. If they are loved and taken care of then mind your own business. Cps needs to worry about kids that are starved, beaten, mistreated, and in actual danger. If you have a problem with how someone raises their kids then take that up with yourself because no one but you cares for your opinion.


As long as the child is not being hurt or neglected there is no reason for cps


If this is the child’s choice…… why would you want them too? Leave them alone.


You would probably have to prove it’s forced and it would depend on the child’s age. You’d need an unbiased 3rd party, like a child play psychologist, to have sessions with the child to find out if it’s forced or not. It’ll take more than one session probably.


Depends on how old the child is and if the parent is being forced into this. why not let kids be kids and if they want to change their gender and wear the other genders clothes then they can do so at the age of 18.


If it isn’t your child, & the mother isn’t forcing it, MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.

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To answer your question no as long as it isn’t being forced however I would strongly recommend an objective third party such as a counselor or therapist to assist in the transition for all parties involved

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Depends on the context, is the child expressing they are trans or is the mother trying to force the kid into BEING trans.


Unless this is your family ( your daughter) I think u should mind your business on this one .
No matter how the world see’s these things as healthy or unhealthy who are u to have any sort of opinion on how this kid dresses .
My son came to me told me he wants dresses and wants all the pretty things that girls do . Although I dont agree qth what he wants I compramise to make him feel heard ,loved and understood so I buy him clothing that are pretty in colors but for boys .
It’s people like u turning to a child protection agency when the mom probably respects how her child feels this post actually made me angry especially to be ignorant because u dpnt agree with someone else’s parenting choices and how she respects her child … WAY TO GO MOM FOR GIVING YOUR SON THAT RESPECT .
U should be ashamed of yourself if it’s not cause issues for this women unless it was an attack on someone and this is just a question because people are rude …
I think u should mind your own business

Each state has different cps guidelines. I would reach out the the county the child resides and see if this qualifies for emotional abuse or neglect.

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If the mother is forcing the child to identify as a gender they are not then I would assume that would be a form of emotional abuse. But if the child is making this decision then no I don’t think so


Robby Goolsby I sure am glad we have open communication with our children.
This question is really vague on the details such as how old is the child? Is this a parent asking for their own child? Is this a neighbor or someone who has seen it and doesn’t agree with the family’s choices on raising their kids and wants to call? To give an honest answer, more information is needed.


I’m not going to speak on rather the child should be removed or not. Or what a child should be wearing. But depending on the age I don’t think a child should be making that kind of life decisions. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be able to decide at all or have an opinion but I’d rather know that the child is fully aware of what he or she wants. Like I said it all depends on age. I’m not saying a 5 year old can’t play with barbies trucks or vise versus but what they want to be identified as, should be an adult decision when they are of age.


Wait… Does the child identify as a girl or does the mother identify him as a girl?


Why would they? Is the child in danger? Being abused? Neglected? The child identifies as a she. So let her. It’s nothing to do with anyone else.

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No not that I’ve heard of , only way a child would be removed is if they think this child is being forced into something they don’t want to

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It depends on if it’s what they want. If the kid wants to dress and identify as she, than that’s absolutely fine and CPS should piss off, but if they are being forced than CPS should be involved. My thing is, is when they are kids, you dress them. If it’s a boy dress them like a boy, if they’re a girl dress them like a girl. They don’t need to have the extra confusion. However, when they begin to get older, if they realize they’re a boy that likes girl clothes, or vise versa then that is absolutely fine. That’s their choice, because at that point they’re old enough to know the difference and make that choice themselves. And a lot people are saying let kids be kids and then they dress them in clothes opposite of their sex which would not be a problem if they were already mature enough to know the difference and if they actually are okay with that. It’s like piercing a baby’s ears not knowing whether that’s something they’d actually be okay with when grown enough to make those decisions. But regardless, that’s just my opinion. People will parent in the way they see best and that too is absolutely okay.

If it doesn’t concern you then don’t concern yourself with it. Schools and other mandated reporters would report it if it was in fact an issue or concern.

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By definition they can, my question is why? If the child is trans, then that’s what the child wants, the mother is just acquiescing to the child’s request. Any outside parties that have an issue about that need to mind their own damn business.

Too many transphobic people concern troll, and get children taken from trans parents, and get trans children taken away from supportive parents. It’s ridiculous.

This is ridiculous and should not have been posted AT ALL


Yes. A child is too young to make this decisions


Um… why would they if the child identifies as a girl? If the child’s being forced to dress that way it’d be an issue


If the child themselves identify as a girl, and the mother is supporting their child,
Leave them alone. There is no harm. That mother is loving her child no matter what, and that should be praised.

Now, I’d you know the child DOES NOT like wearing dresses and is being forced to (told to you by the child) then just talk to the parents and ask them why they are doing that. And to consider the child’s feelings.


They should remove the child and the parent.


Absolutely NOT unless the kid is being forced in fact THAT would be a PR nightmare for CPS of they tried.


If I would dress my cis-male child as a female, and forced this new identity upon my cis gendered child, then something can happen. However, if this child is gender fuild, or transgender. Then why would they want to? CPS wants what is best for the childern


My take is God knows who we are before we are born. Period.


This needs more info.
Does the child identify as a female or is the mother/parent making them identify as such?

If the child identifies then no! And no matter what anyone says children are NOT to young to know who they are. Unless the child is non verbal, physically and/or mentally impaired or the parent is forcing them and is the one making this choice for them… then mind your business and let that little girl live her best life!


I would think it would depend on if it was what the child wanted. The end of the question is worded in a way to sound like the mother is forcing it, then it could be considered emotional abuse (I’d think) but even then the child would most likely not be taken but required follow up visits and possibly therapy for the mother to address why she would be forcing the child to be a different gender that they didn’t want to be.
However, if it’s what the child wants there should be nothing wrong with it.


No but they can remove a child for not dressing them / suppressing and denying according to the new equality acts parental rights don’t go past a child’s gender.

Only if child is objecting, If child says NO I AM A BOY WHO WANTS TO BE A BOY and Mom is “forcing” child to dress/act as a girl then that’s psychological abuse and can very well end up in child being removed from said parent.

If child is identifying as a girl, and Mom is just supporting child in their choices then no. That’s a healthy, supportive and loving Mom.


Not enough information here


How old is the child?

Do they actually identify as a girl?

Would this be considered abuse in the court of law even if it was forced onto them?

So many questions

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Some of these comments …. just What the hell :joy::joy: If that’s what a child wants to do what’s the problem ? CPS is for children that are experiencing ACTUAL neglect and abuse in Their homes . You don’t call CPS on a parent because a boy may prefer to wear a dress lmao . Evaluate your priorities . Forcing your child to be someone their not doesn’t make you any better a person .


Cps will yank a kid whenever the worker gets the whim too.


Hmmm… you can’t discriminate against sexual orientation - so I say no!

Unless the boy is being forced to dress as a girl by mom, then that would be different!


My god daughter is trans and is 5. She identifies as female and wants to be called a girl. Won’t wear girl clothes and will literally cry if called a boy. Its definitely not child abuse.


No! They can’t do that! If it is this child’s wish then they can. If they do they would have one heck of a lawsuit. The only way that they could is if the parent was forcing the child. If the child is wanting to then that is different.

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If the child is addressing himself as she then so be it! If it’s you forcing this genda upon this child then nay nay


Does the child identify as a girl? Or is the mom forcing the child to be a girl?

Calling CPS because you don’t agree with the idea of Trans is petty.

Only call CPS if the child is in danger, being neglected, or abused.

Ripping a child, especially a Trans child, and making them go into foster care is more traumatizing than a supportive parent.


How old is the child? Is this a sick in the head mother pushing her agenda? Is this honestly what the child wants? Are there real doctors and specialists involved?

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This definately needs more info. But I would say no as the child isnt physically being abused

Depends if it’s forced or not. I just saw a video on a mother who made her son dress, act, etc. like a girl because she wanted a daughter & not a son. It was a pretty bad situation. So anything like that then yeah probably.

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I think it’s stupid if they ain’t 18 then I believe they should and never get them back. STOP LETTING KIDS RUN THE SHOW. YOU ARE THE PARENT RAISING A BOY IS THAT IDGAF WTF THEY IDITFY AS


Might as well take advantage of their services like counseling. Sounds like all yall need it


Are you asking if they can remove the child just because they want to be identified as a girl instead of a boy? If so then no they can’t. That’s not child abuse and who ever is telling you that is is dumb.


I don’t care who comes at me, so don’t bother. But children cannot ’ identify’ as the opposite sex. It’s biological. You’re born male or female and once in a blue moon a child is born with both parts. Dressing a BOY in girls clothing is child abuse.