Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

CPS does what they want.


Absolutely not

There is more to this story

No they won’t if that’s how your child identifies


Like just about everyone has said…
If the mother is forcing this then possibly/probably
If the child themselves freely identifies as female then no


Maybe they should focus more on children who actually need to be removed from dangerous situations do you know how many more of children’s lives they might actually save? But no they choose to focus on dumb stuff like this


Could call cps anonymously and ask. I don’t think so though.

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Sure hope so cause it’s people like you is what’s wrong with this place


The child in Question is not Mentally developed enough to identifie as a girl … the brain is not developed enough.


This is missing context. If the mom is forcing the boy to be a girl against his will, that would be bad and needs to be addressed. But if the boy identities as a girl and the mom is honoring her wishes then there is nothing wrong with that so getting cps involved is basically transphobic at that point.


Mannnn some of these comments :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: that hate in ur heart really comes out. If he wants to be a girl,SO WHAT!! The world has bigger problems,like the people in these comments loosing their sht over somebody elses kid :person_facepalming:


This pisses me off bitches that can’t cope they had a boy are abusive to these kids .please God help

I think they can and will, if they feel the mother has mental issues…i know i sure would!! Why would anyone do this to a child!!!


Why dont you mind your business🤷‍♀️. If this is what you are worried about you need a hobby


Wow to all the ‘i hope so’ transphobic comments. Gross. Some of you weren’t raised right and it shows.


In Australia, yes they can & will.


Unless the parent is forcefully dressing up the child as the opposite gender, then no. If the child is a willing participant and CPS sees no form of mental, verbal, or physical abuse, no, they cannot.


Maybe not for that but best believe they may come up with something else. Make sure your house is clean and you have food.

Missing A LOT of co text. How old is the child? I can think of a reason…mom has mental issues, wanted a daughter, had a son, refuses to deal with it so dresses and treats the baby or toddler as, girl. Child has never had a voice or choice. There was a case like that here, day care called CPS when mom insisted a 14 month old was girl when clearly he was fully physically male. Mom told CPS God made a mistake, she was supposed to have a daughter and she was going to have him fixed when he was old enough to talk proper and say he was mama’s girl. TTHAT child clearly needed removed and mom clearly needed mental help.
This case… can’t give an opinion, not enough background, age, or details.


That right there is abuse in itself. Stop confusing this child or whoever is. If they have a penis(HE IS A HE) If she has a vagina(THEN SHE IS A SHE)

How old is the child

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If the child is being forced to then yes


No. My brother has a 7 yr old (girl) who identifies as a boy and that was never an issue when someone called cps on them.

Not unless the mother is forcing it on her child. If the child simply wants to wear dresses then there isn’t anything wrong with that. It’s just clothing. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It’s sad to see this post

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If the child identifies as a female, then no they won’t. There’s no reason to :woman_shrugging:

The parents should be arrested & child removed from them. Cps person has a name, name them on face book local


Only if the child does Not identify as such

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They can and will if it’s not just simple dress up. The kid may be required to go to therapy for the parent to keep custody. It depends on the case worker’s opinion and his/her supervisor’s.

Depending on your state yes they can. Many don’t want to believe it but they can take your kid for anything. If you’re white & poor they’re more likely to take your kids than if you can afford to fight them in court or are able to claim discrimination.

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a lot of you in the comments shouldn’t have kids.


No CPS should not have the authority to do that. If that was my child I would fight like hell to keep my kids and tell them to go after people who really abuse their children.

If the child is forced to do it then yeah. The kid should be taken. But if the kid isnt forced. Naw. It shouldnt be a big deal.


No, unless there’s abuse or other big factors a child will not be removed from the mother​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4: tf

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Child learn and repeat what they are taught.


Depends on state. Some places will force a psych eval with a gender identity specialist just to make sure it is the child feeling this way n to help the family cope


Child protection worker here :raised_hand: we are involved due to safety, that is not a safety issue.


Cps won’t do anything. Clothes don’t have a gender. Is the child upset by this or are you offended by this


Nope, nope, a thousand times NOPE.

They can if the case is made that the child is being forced. Once its the child decision to identify as they wish there shouldn’t be an issue. Age is considered and I believe a child under 10 would be considered not old enough to make decisions regarding their life or so the state will declare. Tue child will likely meet with a series if counsellors to determine the child’s quality of life and if the state decides the child is being forced they will class it as a form of child abuse.

I’m just amused it’s even a question

No and what kind of question is this

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I never heard of that before. Like in my own opinion if you’re forcing a boy to wear a dress or girl to wear boy clothes they do not like it I suppose gonna get some trouble. If they want to wear it that’s fine. Normally they wouldn’t care as long child is look after.

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What is this world coming to


No why is any of there business. Thats the stupid thing I have heard of if they did. Its no but that child and parents concern

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Cps in my state will just continue to let the child identify as they please🤷‍♀️ as they should really


It depends if the child wants it. If it’s the child’s ideas then no. They’re just being supportive. But if it’s being forced on the child as in if the parent is mentally ill or unstable then definitely. If the parent is choosing to do this against the child’s wishes it is a form of abuse.


Key point being A Mother who dresses and A Mother who identifies them…if its not thr child dressing that way and identifying that way its abuse. Not saying cps thinks so but it is

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They better not. That poor kid’s mental well being depends on being able to express themselves for who they are. Punishing them for it is why we have kid’s that commit suicide. Shame on the so called mothers here that condemn trans youth. I’d rather have my kid be alive and identify as something else rather than dead.


Holy hell nope. If the kid likes it and isnt forced there is ZERO problem.


Ummm hopefully I’m wrong but it sounds like you’re forcing him to identify as such?

If they’re not old enough to dress themselves, they’re certainly not old enough to be making these decisions. So… are you making these decisions for them??

People make me sick. Kids go through phases all the time with or without social media and LGBQ community being widely accepted. Some times they grow out of it and sometimes they don’t. We have heard of little boys playing dress up long ago or a little girl being a “Tom boy”. This is not a new concept. Kids know who they are at a very young age. Get over yourselves. It’s not hurting you or anyone else.


I’m thinking that the child is identifying as female. If that’s the case BRAVO to this mom!! Being supportive of a child’s self expression is part of being a good parent.


As long as that’s what the child wants but if the parent is making the child wear girl clothes they don’t want to wear then it maybe considered abuse

This is the stupidest shit ever !!! I have a 9 yr old girl and she doesn’t like dressing girly so we go to the store and buy her what she wants . Don’t make a problem or assume shit I’m so sick of all this identifying shit just let kids be kids .

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What state? County? How old is the child? Emotional abuse is difficult to substantiate. CPS focuses on the safety abs well-being of the child. If the child is in emotional distress due to the mother reassigning the child’s gender, CPS could remove. When in doubt call the CPS hotline. Disclose the information you know and let them investigate.

Idk but if they want to identify as a girl boy or whatever let them :woman_shrugging:t2:


This is a horrific thought

There isn’t enough context for a decision to be made. How old is the child? Is the child asking for the clothes?

No where in this does it say the mother is forcing the child do anything, only that the mother is allowing it. If this is what the kid wants, the Mom is absolutely doing the right thing and everyone can’t support them should mind their own business.


No. If they do that’s bs. Unless the child is visibly being forced to identify as so then no


What in the actual shit is this

I think it should depend on their age. Unpopular opinion here HOW CAN A CHILD IDENTIFY AS THE OPPOSITE SEX IF THERE BRAIN ISNT FULLY DEVELOPED. :woman_facepalming: stop harming your children. It may just be a phase! I was a Tom boy until I was outta high school. I had all brothers… I wanted to be a boy. To me they had it easier. BY NO MEANS DID I REALLY WANNA BE A BOY!!! Parents are so quick to allow their children to be labeled.

How old is the child?

They should be taken away. I feel that as a parent it’s our job to direct our children to the best direction. If a boy sees his hero (mom) putting on girl stuff and putting on makeup it’s only natural for any gender to follow mom because that’s their hero but at that moment you should tell them that they’re a boy and boys don’t do that. Now if he/she is already at an age where they UNDERSTAND ( meaning late teens) than yes you support that but I personally will NEVER believe that’s just how they’re born. It’s a taught habit.


No they won’t and can’t , the schools now have protocols for children who what to be identified opposite genders and changing their names in school/work/report cards and such
And I think it’s even age ten the school doesn’t even need parents consent to do so, so if CPS is going to take a child away from parents for the same things is pretty messed up
As long as it’s what your child wants to do there’s nothing wrong with it

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Lord have mercy some of the comments are sickening.


I would think it would depend on if the parent is forcing the child into this… If the child just wants to dress another way, then I would hope CPS wouldn’t step in. There are much worse things happening elsewhere that need their attention… Like kids being beaten and starved…


CPS can remove children no matter what they identify as if they’re not safe :woman_shrugging: the posts doesn’t say can the child be removed because the mother does this, just that she does. so its a but unclear.


If they child wants to dress that way and is loved, fed, healthy, and growing in a safe environment no way! Nobody would remove that child over that! Sounds to me like you want to punish that parent for supporting her kid because of your own prejudices… And honestly :grimacing: yikes don’t be a horrible person


Let those kids be wtf is it to you as long as they are in a loving home it shouldn’t matter… so many other shit going on in this world like unless parents killing their kids and starving them to death

I wouldn’t think so.
But if the child isn’t wanting to do that. And reached out to someone. And they called about it. Then I’d think they could.
Or if the child claimed they were making them dress that way. Would also be a cause to remove. That’d be emotional abuse.

if it’s the kids choice no probably not. a supportive household is a good household


There are literally children being starved, beaten, abandoned, drugged, raped, etc and you’re worried about a mother supporting her child’s inner feelings?! Golly, man. Take a break from the internet.

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Some of these comments disgust me. I’m glad there are some wonderful people here but the rest :eyes: I hope you have no relatives or friends that identify as anything other than straight. This is about a child, should a female child be removed from a home for playing with trucks or wearing pants like wtf Is wrong with some of you?


Just Mind your own business. :woman_facepalming: unless that child is in danger, or being forced to dress like that, then do not waste cps time or resources.


If it’s the mom doing it… then yes. But if that’s her choice, then no.
But parents shouldn’t be pushing it on their kids.


No one should push that on their children. If it was me I would choose to pray about it. Because honestly media is the ones pushing this on our children. Spiritual warfare. It’s like the devil is Trying to make sure humans die off.


But no one looks at it like that.


I’m not trying to push religion on to people but it does seem as if we are living in the end times.


Children services gets 6.5 million bucks for keeping children out of their homes per child every 6 months


But truly where does that money go? Sure as hell doesn’t go to children to help them have a successful Future… think about it folks.

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They should use that money to make bank accounts for children to sports to show them how to survive on their own… I mean basic stuff. So they can have a car one day so they can get educated about drug use. I’m telling you folks look at the bigger picture.


No. Mind your business.


I think if the child is under a certain age then it could be a problem. Theres a line where its you influencing the child and the child actually wanting that.


when are y’all gonna stop pushing this entirely false narrative that parents are forcing their kids to be trans this desperately :neutral_face:

trans kids are being kicked out of their own homes on a daily basis, but I never see y’all asking CPS about that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

Well a child is a child they aren’t mature enough to identify as the apposite gender and it’s irresponsible for the parent to push that on them. So I could see why cps would be involved.


As long as the child isn’t being forced into it or being abused in any way, I don’t see why they would.
If they are in a good home, being cared for properly, and identify as that gender then I don’t see anything wrong with the situation. Especially in this day and age.


As long as you are not manipulating you’re child to believe they are of the opposite gender to make you happy I wouldn’t see why it’s an issue. Now if you are making your boy wear girl clothes because you wanted a girl, well you don’t deserve children in the first place.


Letting his wear dresses is not abuse, as long as he/she has food a bed to sleep in and it’s taken care of what they wear shouldn’t matter. My kids are 3, 6, and 7 and all like to pick out their own clothes and wear what they want. If she forces him to be that way then it could be a problem but if the child wants it that way leave them alone…


If that’s what the child wants and the parents refuse to allow them to explore themselves in that way, they should be held accountable for THAT but not the reverse. Period. Let kids navigate and create who they want to be as long as it’s harming no one. To hinder that exploration is to oppress the child.


HELL NO!! That’s discrimination. Fight it!! They have to prove the parent unfit. As long as the child is well taken care of and is not being forced, they have no reason to take the child!!

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Why are we at this point? Clearly CPS was called for a reason. Personally, I don’t think our children are capable of understanding these adult concepts. For example, I wouldn’t allow my 7 year old daughter to identify as a boy because she’s a child and cannot make rational decisions about what is best for her or her body. Since when does the parents loose power over their children?


Why is this even a question.


Maybe it’s the child’s choice and the mother is just being supportive, otherwise it could be considered abuse


It isn’t child abuse. Your opinion is irrelevant, if someone is born into the wrong body , whether you believe it or not, that child knows. And it is the mother’s responsibility to let that child be themselves


Nope, I kno a lady with 3yr old twins (boy and girl) and the girl is now a boy. Great family and parents but they’ve had alot of bashing over it, it even made it into their local newspaper!

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If they identify that way then no. That mother is just unconditionally loving and supporting her child


Not your monkey not your circus. Unless there is abuse or neglect mind your business.


Nope unless mother is/was proven unfit.

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No, most CPS will not as long as that is how the child identifies themselves