Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

Can CPS remove a child (boy) whose mother dresses him as a girl and identifies him as she?


If the parent is forcing them to dress like that then the child in question is in a harmful environment so I’d say yes they can, but if the child believes that they are a girl and they want to dress like that and the parent is just supporting them then no absolutely not, you can’t stop a person or even a child from believing in who they really are.

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No. As a member of a social work program right now, every social worker has to sign the confidentiality and creed from ncswboardDOTorg.

which states that gender is fluid, and in fact, parents are encouraged to listen to their children who say they feel different to look for potential signs to address with counseling ASAP.

Social workers, more than anyone else, understand the importance of diversity and inclusion and self love. If a person who works for CPS, told or threatened you that they would or could do this. report them. You can do so to ur county/state AND national board. and I do mean and. call them all. If someone said that, it’s not ok, and they do not belong in that job. they are going to get someone killed.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

I’m confused… you mean remove her specifically for identifying as a girl? Or is there something else going on?


Is it against the child’s will? How old is child?


So many things missing from this. Is the child choosing to do this themselves? Is the mother forcefully making the child do this? I don’t believe they can remove the child unless the parent is physically forcing them


I would hope not that’s nonsense!


In today’s world? Probably not


No. Mind your own business.


No- kids have the right to identify how they choose.


Depends on state and county and is the child being forced is it for the parent or the child ? Tons of things to ask … I think no it shouldn’t as long as the child aware of the change and is comfortable and old enough to understand


If it’s against the child’s will, probably not remove them right away but make sure it stops if they’re doing it as a form of punishment or to embarrass the child but if the child is asking to do this & wants to then no.


And why would you stick your nose in someone’s businesss if they are not in any danger


Depending how old the child it is it should be categorized as a child abuse


Does the AMAB identify as female and the mother is just following their lead or is the AMAB identify as a male and the mother is just choosing to dress them as a female? I think I need some more info but based on just this post I’d say no.


If child is willingly and by choice wanting that as well, no.


Should not get involved.

  1. No
  2. They should, but idk if they will

CPS is there to help SAVE children in horrific home settings. Bad parents, abuse, neglect, inability to take care of the child.


Hopefully not. I seriously doubt they will.

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Moms decision, or the child’s?


Is this honestly a thing they are doing now?

There is so much information missing for anyone to be able to answer this question.


If the child identifies as a girl and wants to dress as a girl, there would be no reason for cps to even be involved.


I seriously hope not

Yeah if it’s being forced / a form of punishment


Yes if it’s against his will


Nope. Not as long as the child says this.

This is such little information but the way you worded this sounds like you want to facilitate the removal of a child from a home that supports and loves them?? Work on yourself, weirdo :woozy_face:


I would think that if a parent is forcing a biological male to act and dress as a female, then it would be emotional abuse and CPS might have a case… However, if the child is openly identifying as a female and there isn’t any non-consent, then I don’t see CPS entertaining the idea of taking a child.


No. If her child is trans and she supports her child in finding happiness in their true identity how is that means for removal?? Now if said child is being forced against their will to change their gender then I would say yes…


It’s not abuse to support trans kids. Fucking hell. I hope none of y’all have LGBTQ kids.

You wouldnt think they would unless the child was in harm

Some people shouldn’t have kids. If your kid is young enough that you have to dress them an your putting then in the opposite sex clothing an teling them they are indeed the opposite sex, you shouldn’t have kids. I understand one making that decision on their own at age appropriate but not if they are young enough you as a parent have to dress them. Tf is wrong with this world.

If you’re a parent to this child then you have nothing to worry about as long as she is safe and healthy. If you are someone wondering if you can report CPS because you don’t understand/agree with it then you should mind your business.


No :neutral_face: cps has way bigger things to worry about


Hence why her first point was…child identifies as!!!

More information is needed. Is it the parents decision or the child’s?

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It depends on the whole situation. If it’s being forced or against his will. More information about the situation as a whole is needed.

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No but they might put mama in the funny farm


Nope. They’re supporting their child.
From the way you’re wording this it seems like you want to remove a child from someone else for letting their child identify how they want to. That’s disgusting of you if so


Unless its being forced, no. That would revoke their right to freedom of speech and expression.


The amount of transphobes on this post that don’t deserve to have kids is astounding lol


If that is not what the child wants then they should…there is actually a trend among a few to have a transgender child


cps doesn’t remove children who are actually in danger and tons of kids die every day because of it. if the child is identifying as the opposite gender and that’s what they want then leave it. cps has enough problems to solve then a parent who is supporting their child’s gender identity


Why is it ok for girls to dress like boys but not boys dress like girls? Y’all afraid your kids are gonna turn gay for wearing a dress, a skirt, or pink and purple?


Cps can not remove a child unless court ordered and there has to be a good reason. Neglect, abuse etc.

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This is so confusing in on sentence you say the child identifys as a girl, then the next the mum is dressing said child. So which one is it? Cause that’s all we need to know to answer your question


I work with CPS. If the child wants to dress as a girl and be identified as a she and the mother is helping “her” then kudos to that momma! If the child is in no harm then there’s no reason for the child to be removed.


I highly doubt it. That is not a neglectful or an abusive situation. Typically transgender children and families are in therapy to help the child with their transition.


You didn’t give a lot of information. But I’m going to say, if you don’t know these people, mind your own business. How do you know the child didn’t choose to dress that way? This just sounds like a bad case of transphobia, or at least closed minded to people different than yourself. Let. It. Go.


I would think it depends on the circumstances behind it. Is mom supporting what the child believes or is the child having this forced upon them

Nope. You’re literally doing your job as a parent! Nothing to worry about, babe :+1:

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What kind of question is this? Is the child neglected, is the child in danger?


Why do you think removing a child who wears girls clothing is okay? He is not being hurt, I hope. It sounds like you’re just a Karen who’s transphobic. He’s a child, he will be okay. The state having children is A MILLION times worse than a kid just dressing in a dress or girly clothing. Kids in the system get raped, beat, used, molested. Some young little girl was locked in a closet and fed scraps of food, in a foster home. Don’t be a Karen.

Remove me from the group if you have to but why would intentionally remove a child from a home because of how the identify ? I will raise HELL if someone tried to remove my child with no honest reason. Let that child identify as whatever they want. Kuddos to the parent that supports it. Our kids didn’t ask to be here let them be who they want and the leave the family the hell alone. I seriously don’t understand this society and the parents in today’s world. If you identify as someone else who gives a shit ! Move on and don’t try to split a family up because they want to identify as a different gender. Please grow up :woman_facepalming:

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This just feels like someone fishing for comments to approve of them calling. Leave families alone unless you have SOLID PROOF the child is being abused!!

Mom sounds mentally ill.


Mind your business good gracious


What are the grounds for removal?

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No as long as there is nothing
Else going on as in abuse neglect ect thenn no that be a hell of a law suit on them

Oh the comments on here are gross :woozy_face:


Do not call CPS on a mother who’s child is not being harmed!! if that kid wants to dress like a girl then that’s okay! His choice


They can if she’s the one doing the identifying- but if it’s his choice and request they cannot


This is crazy bc you don’t have all the facts. So all this will do is bait people to fight.


Is mom identifying him as a female or is he identifying as a female? There’s a BIG difference! Is she dressing him as a female to not get him taken away for some reason. There’s just not enough information in the original post.


That’s not neglect. That’s not abuse. That’s just a child being who they want to be there’s nothing wrong with that.


Only if the child is in harm

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Too many variables, is this child being forced? It is it their choice? Who is having the issue here? And who is doing the calling?, also, what makes you believe this is wrong if in fact the child is not being forced, is it because you don’t agree? Is that why might you feel that the child should not be raised in their home. My main question would be, who’s issue is it really, how this child dresses? If it is theirs, perhaps there might be a problem, if it’s yours, well… you might just have to deal with it.


The details don’t matter if the child is alive and well taken care of it’s not abuse cps is for neglect!!!


We need more context.
This is too vague to cast judgement on.


No. Lmao… why is that even a question… I mean unless the mother is forcing the child to fo this and its causing harm then I guess maybe something could be done.


Sounds like a nosey Karen trying to be a pain in a perfectly healthy families a$$. Mind your business. Unless the kid is reaching out for help and doesn’t want to identify as a she then move along. None of your business

It all depends what all grounds they are trying to take the kid for.

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The mother identifies Him as a Her. Gives me the impression the boy doesn’t have a say. Which in that case yes. That is mental abuse. It can cause years of physiological damage.

Now if the boy is the one wanting to do that. Then no, she’s being a supportive mom. It doesn’t matter what I think otherwise.


And this is prime example of why our system fails the children who actually need help because people call for stupid shit like this who cares how someone else is raising their child as long as it’s safe no matter if you think it’s wrong or not it’s not your business

If the child isn’t being harmed in any way (dressing him in girls clothes is NOT harming or a good enough reason to call them) then don’t call the CPS and waste their time.

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Ok here’s what I have to say. For anyone who happens to read this comment. Don’t call cps unless a child is being abused or neglected. I’ve had several cases opened against me by, what we think, is my son’s school. None of them went anywhere. It’s not cute to potentially ruin a parent or a child’s life on false accusations.


Depends on if she is forcing it


As long as the child is the one who ask and there is no abuse or neglect no. People are different and most people are supportive of it.

How old is the child?

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Pixie Pink - Victims’ Advocate

i hope this isn’t transphobic otherwise that’s freaking disgusting
if it’s a mom forcing the child to dress in certain clothes then that’s a problem but even then cps is a very very serious thing it’s not a personal call line cause you don’t like someone else’s parenting and PSA if you’re the type to threaten it especially to new moms you need to realize what happens after not just the moment cause you’re upset. we need more context tho :woman_shrugging:


Are you being serious!? There are kids out here who are really being abused, molested, neglected, etc and you want to call cps over something like this? I think you need to worry about what’s making you have a problem with the way someone else raises their kids. Mind the business that pays you :woman_facepalming:t2:


Lord I hope so, that poor little boy


Well does the child identify that way or is the mother forcing a boy to dress as and be a girl?!


They better not be able to without the whole story. My niece is a true Tomboy and has been since she was able to say so. She’s still loved for who she is and not who others see her as.


No. Good parents let their children be.


No. If the kid chooses to wear something and the mom agrees, it’s none of your damn business. Don’t ever open a case unless a child is being physically, emotionally, or mentally abused.

Need more information other than the 2 sentences. Is it the child or the mother who identifies the child as the opposite sex. How old is the child?

I don’t believe there would be a problem if the child identifies as the opposite sex, matter of fact not allowing is mental and emotionally damaging…but there is a definite problem if the mother is forcing the issue! That is child abuse…mentally and emotionally.

This is a hard question. The short answer is CPS can do whatever they damn well please — especially if you do not come from wealth.

Perhaps the mother is not dressing the child, and the child is old enough to dress herself? I don’t think CPS could build a case based on a mother buying feminine or ambiguous clothes alone - if everything else in the home is healthy and normal.

So the kid has long hair and wears pink? So what?! As long as the clothes are clean and weather appropriate, who cares?

Not likely. If the mother was doing it against the child’s will, then possibly but otherwise not likely


You said the mother identifies him as she. If he does not consider himself a girl then I hope cps can do something. That’s emotional and mental abuse that can cause some serious trauma and confusion. If said child identifies themselves as female on their own then I don’t see why cps would get involved.


In Missouri CPS cannot take a child away. They can recommend it but it has to be juvenile office, police officer, or judge.


Sadly, these days Cps is given way too much power and SOME cps workers allow that power to go to their head. I would say most cps workers are decent people that genuinely want to help and do what’s best for the child no matter what but there are those few bad apples that just cause chaos and enjoy the personal pain and trauma they create especially when unnecessary.
I would never believe that cps would remove a child that identifies as trans BY THEIR OWN CHOICE.
Now if a parent was forcing their son or daughter to act like the opposite sex or dress like the opposite sex and that child didn’t like it then I would definitely consider that mental abuse and in that case cps might remove a child if things didn’t change.
Like I said before though, it’s always going to come down to the cps worker that is assigned to your case because some are good and some are bad.

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  1. If it’s cause your mad you don’t agree leave it alone because you can do more damage to the kid. If the kid identifies as a girl some places they get sent to buzz their hair off and emotionally scar them. Which as they get older they will go full force and do what they want and or be so mentally hurt that they can retaliate. 2. If it’s cause the child is being forced becareful there was a story I read where a boy was told he was a girl cause his mom wanted a girl. So the first years of his life he was raised as one til someone found out he was a boy. He was stripped and buzzed and mentally scared. To be switched he thought it was normal to have a dick thought it was gonna fall off or something. But he finally understood what happened. The person had someone who put him in therapy and helped him out.

Dont trust them, it’s all about the money. Long story behind my answer, they are not right.


Really need more context here… is the mom forcing it or is the child asking to identify differently? How old are they?
If a parent was trying to brainwash a child and gaslight them into thinking they’re a different gender then yeah maybe cps would intervene but if the child is asking to identify that way then leave that family alone.