Can having an only fans be used against me?

Mamas with only fans, has it ever been used against you during a custody battle? I live in a small Georgia town, and I’m worried sick having an only fans is going to end up biting me in the ass.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can having an only fans be used against me?

I live in Georgia and it cannot and was not used against me in court. They tried but failed. It’s not illegal and the kids obviously aren’t used in the photos.


I dont think so have done it for my kids and I live in nebraska

Time 2 lay low. Can u say it wasnt u​:joy::blush:


Technically if they prove you have an Only fans that would mean the have photos of your content which in most places is a big no no.

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No it can’t be used against you because it’s lawful income.


No not everybody can afford air conditioning


NOPE! ITS LEGITIMATE nothing illegal and the children aren’t in the pictures nor can they access them

Until your kid gets picked on and becomes suicidal.


Custody… IDK. If it is adult entertaiment…Are your kids in the videos or home when you film? Do you wlecome other participants while your kids are home? If the answer is yes then they may say your ‘job or source of income’ is endangering the kids. Employers/schools can also not hire you or let you go if you have an OnlyFans and they find out about it. Not every action is without consequence.


Your making money and it’s not affecting the children and their not involved I don’t think so


I know people have lost jobs college scholarships ect from it I have been dealing with family court Personally for years and if I was you I would delete everything they might not be able to use against you legally but it will be used against you if you take the stand 100 percent :ok_hand:t2:


Only way I’d say it can be used against you, is if you are doing illegal things, or shows the children being exposed to inappropriate things, but I’d say your only fans would be shut down if you were doing that

Supposedly no, but I wouldn’t risk it.


I don’t see how it could be.

No. I ex was trying to say I slept around on him. He was told doesn’t make me bad mom.
Mother’s strip and do whatever to support their families. As long as your children are safe everything should be okay.


If you are worried about it and children are involved drop it jist for the sake of the kids


Close it down make a new account different name give your loyal customers secret passwords to join the new account make it sound secretive and exciting lol then just dress up and use little costumes and just say you stopped lol :woman_shrugging:t2:


Idk how only fans works but can’t say it hadn’t crossed my mind


Keep your children time and your only fans time separated and you’re fine.

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Yes it can…unfortunately

selling random feet pix……lol

I wrote a Father Day Facebook post, and they slapped it down in front of me in my custody hearing and said “Can you explain to me what this is?”

ANYTHING can be used against you.


If you need to ask, you know the answer. Good grief. Choose your priorities :ok_hand:


Lord I thought the children were hot :hot_face:!! I don’t know about all this stuff…


Anything can be used against you in a custody battle.


Yes. My ex used it and then said it was an unsafe environment. Judge told me to shut it down.


Oh. No clue. Ask your attorney.

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I’ve only ever heard of it happening but I don’t doubt it.

**Just realized it says “moms with onlyfans” in that case, I’m not a part of that equation but my law friends say without a doubt depending on where you live.

In my husband’s case, the BM had sex videos accessible for free online and also won “exotic entertainer of the year” at her club. While he kept those things on the back burner, he was told that unless you can show it directly impacts their ability to parent, don’t bring it up. Also, don’t you have to pay to view someone’s content on OF? So if anyone had it to show in court, they would’ve had to pay to access it or obtain it from someone who had, right? I feel like that would be a double edged sword for them. If they didn’t have the evidence to show, then they couldn’t prove it was harmful, I would think.

Its a source of income, and no Mother (or anyone) should be judged for it! As long as it’s done “after hours”, of course :joy:


I need to make one but I wouldn’t be dumb enough to show my face or tats or spill the beans.


Some people have OF for their YouTube following (like patreon, 100% SFW content) so unless they’re subscribed - which, ew, why would they be? - it isn’t just adult content.

You have a YouTube channel or blog & offer your following a 1/1 interaction through OF :woman_shrugging:

Maybe you shouldn’t prostitute yourself online

In a small town it almost definitely will if it’s brought up unfortunately. They can say it doesn’t affect the decision but you know how ppl are :confused::confused:

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It’s just how they can’t use someone working as a dancer against them… as long as your kids are being provided for and cared for and your job is legal then there’s nothing they can do.


I don’t have an onlyfans account, but I’ve been through the custody battle (in Alabama) two times now. Well going through my second one now. ANYTHING can be used in court. Like literally I had over 1,000 pieces of evidence on my husband back when we went. (This was before we got married. Things worked themselves out after court and we ended up married.) I mean it was Facebook posts, texts, call logs, pictures, etc. I was told anything I had on him to give to the lawyer. Just be careful with it. Like it’s not really a bad thing as long as you don’t have your kid(s) on there. Which I’m positive you don’t so no need to really worry. Make sure your attorney knows about it though just so it can be known before the other party says something.


Well its kinda like being a whore, so yeah! Get a job

Yes , they will use it against you sadly

Yup. Shows character or lack of.

Everything on the internet is considered “public domain” when you are in court.


Professionally speaking yes it can. All of your social media can.


Or get a real job to make money. Small town I’m sure you’ll get around :rofl:


I’m a stripper and the judge basically said a job is a job I have a business license and everything

Absolutely. Anything on any social media site can be used against you.

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Yes the courts will definitely frown upon it.


How do you get a fans only?

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Sadly in a red state it can. It shouldn’t be able to be used against you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. IT IS REAL WORK


The courts won’t use it against you, your ex will. Just find a good lawyer. It’s not illegal to do that kind of work, don’t let them intimidate you.


The lack of decent human beings in this group is ridiculous, if she is getting paid and not sleeping with people more power to her for supporting her family. Shame on you for judging. I’m sure some are the same people who pay for only fans and porn as well :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: hypocrites :roll_eyes:

like instead of air conditioning?


Common sense says yes it can.

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Some people are saying adult content and some are saying lack or air conditioning. Idk what you are asking :joy:


Whats “Fans” if i may ask?

Probably. That’s why I would never!! Also the thought of my kids ever being shown it or stubble across it. Nooooo thank you!!


If you have to ask if its going to cause trouble; chances are - it already has!!!


You are an adult earning money LEGALLY
The courts cannot discriminate against you for you legal profession


Don’t show your face. :woman_shrugging:t2:


If you have to ask, and you already said it could bite you in the ass…. You already know the consequences.

I am so sorry that people are coming onto this post and shaming you. Please don’t let them get to you, they’re clearly insecure about themselves. I would hope that your legitimate adult work wouldn’t be used against you if you’re doing it without any negative repercussions to the children, but unfortunately family court isn’t always reasonable.


No you can’t! :heart: you are fit, no abuse, children are fed, bathed and in a safe home and environment and if your children aren’t awake or near you when doing the content you are fine!


Get a lawyer who knows the onlyfans rules.

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Jesus. These comments are brutal. I hope you actually see this one. The only thing I see wrong is you posted this in a group of insecure women. As long as your child is elsewhere while you work I dont see it being any sort of issue. They cant take your photos or videos to court.


Depends how they word what you do for work.

Make sure you get a good lawyer.

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These comments are heinous… the rules say no bashing… yet that’s exactly what a lot of people are doing…


No girl you should be fine.

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Nope it cant go against you.
Its legal.

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Some of yall sound salty as hell no one wants to pay to see your ugly ass. Sex work is real work. Be mad about it.

Just throwing this out there only fans isn’t just nudes! Women sell pictures of their feet and make a killing. Get over your insecure assses! :roll_eyes:

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I would try to use it against my ex in a custody battle :woman_shrugging:

Uh, hell yes​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

The internet is forever


OF does not always equal nud*ty

Women can literally cook dinner in lingerie or have people pay to message back and forth as a “girlfriend experience” or also feet pictures. So unless someone can prove you’re doing s*xu@l activity (which it’s illegal to screenshot an OF) then I wouldn’t worry. OF is completely legal. Don’t let these negative comments affect your way of thinking about it, most are probably mad their husband is subscribed to women’s pages for being more entertaining than them :sweat_smile:


I would search another line of work

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While I was with my ex (together almost 10yrs) he fought for custody of his daughter. About a month into it she became a stripper & yes it was used against her.

How do u make one of those lol cause I need a job my self


Shows lack of moral character, immaturity, and irresponsibility… So yes, it can. Many things that are legal and can be used against you. I hope he gets the kids if he has more sense than you.


I would make one but under a different name and not tell anyone you know. I’m not sure if it can really be used against you though. I dont think it makes you an unfit mom as long as you’re not neglecting your kids to post videos or doing it with them around.


I don’t see how it says anything about your parenting that’s negative.


So I’m sure people who have it pay taxes on it. It’s a job just like a stripper I’m pretty sure they pay taxes :rofl:. Just make sure you do have a good lawyer and I hope it goes in your favor :heart::heart::heart:

All these comments actually helping instead of judging :pleading_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: yaaasss queens!!!


Wow the mom shame and capital unts on this post. Its really sad, it shouldnt mama but idk. I just wanted to say fu ck what anyone has to say negitively! Do you, it doesnt effect your kiddos because we as people, as our own person, are responsible and keep our own lives and what we do, to ourselves and dont involve our children in those Things. Just like having intercourse with our signifcant others, we dont go telling our children about it. Anything we do of that nature we keep to ourselves (:


It’s legal so no they can’t use it against you in court, I think the only way it could get you in trouble would be if you’re exposing the kids to it. (I highly doubt you are.)

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No idea what this is


Yes it can be used against you. Should it? That’s another story…

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Yes. Especially if they can prove you do it when you have the kid

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I debated on making one myself to have some extra income to help with cost of living and for things for my son, I voted against it because of the fear that my ex would try to exploit It and use it against me. Financially for child support and to gain custody over my son. Speak to a lawyer ASAP (get a free consultation and ask) if it’s not illegal or can be used against you in your state then you’re good to go, if it is illegal or can be used against you, shut it down and set it back up after court.

Maybe use a fake name and wear masks and wigs while doing it? Do what you want. Just do it in a safe way so people that might use it against you have no idea it is you. I would make it fun and roleplay…


When I went through my divorce I was told what I do or say on social media cannot affect a custody case unless I admit to or perform illegal actions on camera or I have my children in the room with me/in the camera view while doing anything deemed inappropriate for children to see or be involved in.


Yes it can and will be used against you


If you’re worried just use a false name on your only fans! I wouldn’t think it would though it’s not prostitution you’re not sleeping with these men or bringing them around your kids

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I don’t think they could use it against you morally or judgementally like… but could definitely insist on a updated earning margin if you’re doing good with it, like child support ect.

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I thought we were talking about only fans being used and like no air conditioning… I must be lost lol I’m getting old I guess bc I had no idea what this was :disappointed:


I think this is an excellent post for the moderators to weed out some of the ladies that keep breaking the No bashing rule.

Obviously some people need to go back to Kindergarten and learn “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all”.

It’s not that hard. If kids can learn it then you can too! :smile:


No. They tried with me an the prosecutor an judge both stated it was legal. Ohio here.


Dang I’m old. I thought she was saying she didn’t have ac and only used fans. Then when I read about half of the comments i thought we are not talking fans but they are talking fans. I better go to sleep. Good night all.


I have thought about it too, but what I do with my own sexuality (of course no children are around at all) is my own business

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I suggest reporting your income accurately though because if they find out you lied to get more $$ in child support….you’re totally screwed later on.

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Most judges wouldn’t judge you for that