They don’t judge strippers n dancers so they shouldn’t judge you , it’s not illegal
Yes it can. Anything you do can be if there is evidence of it.
I mean you can be doing ANYTHING on only fans. I seen a girl putting together big ass boxes of legos in lingerie, cooking classes, feet pictures. It’s all on how you plan to use it
I don’t understand at all
What is only fans?!?
What is an only fans?
Never mind. I read a few comments. Might be a good idea to wait till after. Better safe than sorry.
Just get rid of it if it’s something that will affect your kids?
What is an only fans?
Depending on the context of the case, if the other parent is trying to drag you through the dirt than yes. If you’re doing something that causes you to worry, maybe you should reconsider a different side job that doesn’t expose you or your lady bits for a few dollars.
Yes it can and will be used against you so good luck
A landlord can rent a home in Ga w no air conditioner . Heat is required by law .
Does your ex have tender
Yes it will …but should help a lot when it comes to paying for a great legal team😳 or unless the judge has a subscription
I guess it would depend on what you’re posting.
Hopefully biting your ass is exclusive to your onlyfans.
Prom stars have kids. It is a private service so it shouldn’t weigh heavy because it’s a legal job.
I’m pretty sure it can be. Just like any type of SW, it’s looked down upon by the law even if it’s not against the law.
Both of you grow up, sit down and talk like the adults your supposed to be and figure something out.
yeah, I bet it will
only fans is erotic profesion, like exotic dancers, not high moraly
Kids deserve air conditioning.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can having an only fans be used against me?
No everyone has a adult private life and as long as it does not effect or involve the child or children it has no effect on your custody situation.
Courts are based on law and factual infractions of it . You are not breaking the law or endangering the child by what you are doing. Opinions don’t matter in court. Don’t be afraid to be transparent with a court . They prefer it. If a judge asks, answer honest and true. Lying to a judge will get you caught up more then anything.
I wouldn’t think so, it helps put food on table to feed your kid so…
They will use anything in a custody battle. Anything. Uts about dragging up all the worst things about people. It’s all down to the judge on the day. If they thing your in any way acting lewd or lascivious at any time near or around your daughter… boom. Any dark secrets you have will be dragged up. Its a vile process
It will most def be brought up but be PREPARED! Show and prove to the court that it isn’t around your kids or anything of the sort. Until it is settles though I’d lay low on your account activities
If goung through a custody battle everything can and will be used against you. Best to stay off all social media.
She could be selling pics of her feet. Why you all judgmental
What I don’t get is porn is free to watch but people want to pay someone for nudes or videos I’ll stick to the free shit
People might look down on you in a small town. But it’s up to you to make the right choice(:
I dint even know what this means
This is not the 18th century any more and women have rights and authority over their own autonomy. I would discuss this with your solicitor in advance as any attempt to bring your bodily autonomy under fire could be seen as misogynistic and cause for a claim in itself.
Get a good attorney!
It’s definitely gonna bite you on the ass, and your kids too. Shit hope the kids at school find your onlyfans and show the shit to your kids
Can guys have only fans?
Fk all these dumb responses, what’s the link to your page
There is sex workers and strippers and their kids are still in their care so I doubt it
Depends on your content
It truly depends on the content.
Post the link and we will tell you
Expect the worst in custody court it gets bad. I can tell you that as ive experienced custody court. It really depends on the judge too
I thought this poor lady was worried that she didn’t have AC!
Girl it’s GEORGIA!! Yes, yes it will be held against you!!! It’s the Bible belt for christ sake!! You get judged for everything in the south.
Wtf is an only fans?
Smart thing to do would be delete it till custody is over. Morals sometimes outweigh legality
Y’all I aint even gonna lie… I thought she was talking about like ceiling fans
as long as you arnt making your only fans in the living room with the kids home ya should be alright income is income
I know If I was a judge I would.
Especially right now. SO MANY jobs are available right now. And if your excuse is child care you could use it to your advantage and get your ex to help pay for child care.
The big question that could be asked is if your okay with selling your stuff online for money what else would you do?
Anything can & will be used
I learn something NEW everyday… Today’s lesson don’t have a only fans page advice to self in case
As long as your children aren’t involved in ANYTHING what you do on your own personal time is your BUISNESS period! There’s women out there who strip for a living and support their children , you’re fine, enjoy your page😊
Most likely it will be held against you, I don’t agree that it should, though. You’re doing what you want to make money. Hell, people buy feet pics on there! To me it’s no different than being a stripper or a porn star and if you got the body to make that money, then go for it. I know a chick in GA with an OF and she makes bank on there! If only my feet were cute! Good luck to you!
Its a job a legitimate income and thats the way the court is going to see it. Like others have said as long as your kids are not anywhere around it, I dont see the problem.
Just pay your taxes on your earnings😂 Judges love legitimacy.
Honestly if I were the Judge I would hold it against you! But I would also hear all evidence from both sides. I mean how would you feel if you seen nudes of YOUR DAUGHTER? I want you to think about this for a minute…… I hope you would sit down and tell her about her self worth and teach her about respecting herself.
Do the kids know about it? Does it affect your parenting?
I don’t think it can be used against you unless you’re neglecting your children or they see something that’s not appropriate; because it’s legal. Did you have it while you were together with the children’s dad? If you did, was it a problem for him while you were together; or did it just become a problem during a custody issue?
If your that worried about it why not stop?
Personally dear as long as it’s not affecting your children and there is no reason that they could become affected then do what you need to do. At the end of the day as long as they are taken care of loved and not abused then how you make money as long as it’s not illegal shouldn’t have too much of a standing in court. My son’s father tried throwing some stuff up that I did he didn’t agree with and the judge told him as long as my child was taken care of and loved then what I did in my free time didn’t concern him anymore. the judge then told me that being a mother doesn’t mean all the fun has to stop just means that priorities need put in place and as long as my priorities are right not to worry about others opinions. Of course it was over me having someone watch my son one night a week while.i went on a date or out with friends or whatnot but the issue with my son’s dad is a whole other one. I couldn’t breath without being told I was a bad mother with him.
I just Google it and it states that yes it can be used against you in a custody case. Not sure if that’s in all states but I would definitely not risk my child. Maybe contact an attorney and ask. Most give free a consultation.
Coming from personal experience… yes I would use it against you…I don’t care if people say it doesn’t matter as long as u have money if it’s not illegal etc it’s technically prostitution… I was in a rough spot I was homeless with two children after leaving a 7 unhappy year marriage… I did it when I was married with him because I wanted that attention then. I then found myself and learn to love myself again. You don’t need to show off your body so you can feel Beautiful. Only fans is prostitution. You’re selling your nudes for money… honestly when I was doing it I was more into trying to make customers happy taking pictures by pictures every day instead of focusing on my children and taking pictures with them and making memories …
You bet your ass they’re gonna use pornography against you.
It’s legal.
No it can not be held against you.
A lot of you haven’t fought in family court for years and IT SHOWS.
Girl shake your ass make your money and take care of your baby. Fuck what any one thinks. As long as you pay taxes you can do anything that’s legal and only fans is LEGAL
Do you know how many things my kids dad tried to use against me that I posted on social media? All it accomplished was him annoying the judge and made himself look childish. The judge literally told him STOP I DON’T CARE.
Plenty of parents have an OF and have custody of their kids
…its a job and u still pay taxes…
I just read an article where a womand kids got expelled from school because of her onlyfans… i couldn’t believe it.
Its money as long kids aren’t involved, fine. A lot of people are showing insecurity on here. If u don’t like the idea that’s fine, but don’t be putting people down just because its not ur type of lifestyle
Then maybe thats a sign dont have one lol its that easy if you think you ex will bring it up then dont do. But if your like me i wouldnt give a damn because it aint nobody bussiness what thw i do
I had a friend that went through that and they did use it against her but she did however have other things going on too. I must say though are shit where I live just isn’t right. However unless they can really prove that you’re an unfit mother, the courts usually always side with the mom. I think most judges would look at that as you just trying to make a living for yourself and your children. Sometimes you do what you have to
As long as children are not involved and you pay taxes you’re good to go
Ideally, no it shouldn’t be used against you.
But it’s a small town in Georgia, I wouldn’t put it past the judge to use it. Like you couldn’t pay me to go back to that state, the cops are backwoods fcked up and don’t even follow their own laws/rules.
If you are in GA it will probably be held against you. I am from a small town in GA, that is why I am saying this.
My dumb ass read this as she only had fans instead of air conditioning and I was wondering why would it matter.
How much are you guys making with only fans?
It’s a legal site and you pay taxes on it.
Yes it can. My sil lost custody of my niece and nephew to my brother because of her only fans.
That’s personal. If your kid isn’t there it’s nobody’s business
What does only fans mean ?
Why does anyone have to know? Can’t be used against you if you haven’t told anyone!
Why not? Judges allow Facebook, Twitter, IG, text messages, emails, character witnesses, old jobs, lack of jobs, criminal record, driving records, etc… I’ve even seen a guy with grocery store receipts saying what type of food the mom bought wasn’t good for kids!
But it shouldn’t affect you too bad unless there’s proof you’re including child, endangering child or child can see what your doing. (Like being captured in pic or video as you do it)
Ps~ I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as it’s private from children. But I’ve seen judges get pretty upset about it in old school thinking. I’ve always seen judges go off on people for thinking it’s not okay way to make money! It’s really 50/50
The only thing I can say is there’s not a single person who doesn’t sell their body in one way or another. I do custom construction and remodeling. I’m literally selling what my body can do. It’s no different than only fans or being a grocery store cashier or office work or any other job. It’s a job. You get paid for what your body can do.
Anything on the internet can bite you. Someone just has to have access to it and bam it’s all over. I would shut it down personally if this were my situation.
I don’t see how. It’s a means of income, it’s not illegal. I have one. I make posts after my kid is in bed. If they can use it against you that’s discriminatory just because your a mom.
Of course it can. Anything we do that involves exchanges for goods/services can be brought into court at any time. If that’s the main way you get money it will be brought up. I mean it’s all fair game which is part of the risk of all sex work legal or otherwise. If you have an attorney find out your rights. Good luck
I will tell you from experience living in a small town in Ga, they will use try to use every little thing against you even if it’s legal. They’re conniving and sneaky and it makes me sick.
i had an onlyfans for a while it was never brought up but my ex texted my mom about it threatening to “expose” me he never showed up to any trial we had and i won by default but i still won i only did onlyfans bc covid was in full swing and i had lost my job i had at the very beginning of covid and needed a source of income but no one within a 50 mile radius was hiring so i did that and my ex found my only fans and subscribed to it:skull: i have full custody 100% he has 0 visitation due to abuse and drug/alcohol use/abuse and physical abuse to me while pregnant and my lawyer told me that wouldn’t matter bc it was a legal job we have to fill out a w2 form and everything and bc he wasn’t paying any court ordered child support i needed to make money somehow so my lawyer said if anything it would make him look worse bc he wasn’t doing his husband/father responsibilities so i wouldn’t worry about it tbh it’s not like it’s prostitution you’re not soliciting sex from anyone it’s somewhat like pornhub depending on the content you post so i wouldn’t worry about it
Weed is legal and so is alcohol and the courts still use that against people. Personally I would shut that down immediately and find a real job. They r hiring everywhere. My kids will always come 1st and even the thought of losing them over something that silly would kill me.
It shouldn’t but it can and does especially in small Bible belt towns. My daughter had this issue. She’s a stripper and has an OF. Her ex’s lawyer ripped her apart over it. It definitely affected the outcome because the judge is a “upstanding Christian man”. Get a lawyer that can make sure the other person’s lawyer can’t start in on all of that. It has nothing to do with you as a parent.
You can’t be punished for conducting legal activity.
what does only fans even mean🤔
No… As long as your children are not in the videos you are fine. I wouldn’t do it if they were in the home. Maybe only do it when they are at school or at their dads house. They cannot use it against you.
Just be open with your lawyer so they’re not blindsided in court with some bs and not prepared but NO it shouldn’t do anything in the case… its no different than a stripper and courts don’t care about that
Come out with it before they do, and the courts aren’t going to care as long as they aren’t involved. It’s not illegal and it’s an income.
To every idiot that is saying how someone shouldn’t have an Only fans, you are blessed. Not everyone can just have any job due to disabilities and time management and lack of support. Only fans is an income to feed your family. It is NO better or worse than any other job.
Dont see why it should, I know people who have lost their jobs and theirs a chance it will be very embarrassing for ur child when they reach an age to understand what it is, but it doesn’t make u a bad parent, end of the day its an income n if u got it flaunt it. As long as ur not like ur meeting up with these people n having them around ur kid, or shooting ur pics/videos whilst ur kids are about I don’t see why it should effect custody personally.
Depends on what you’re using it for. Onlyfans wasn’t originally for sexual content. If you’re not doing sexual content then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
it’s amazing… no one needs a license to have children …but afterwards one is not good enough to be a parent
I legit was soooo confused by this. I thought you meant “only fans” in the house, as in no air conditioning!!
I had to Google it, and now I feel old!
It will count as earned income, so in that way it will definitely bite you in the ass as far as support payments. As for the content, no one knows unless they’re subscribed, so they’re paying to see it, which puts them in the wrong also if there is a wrong.
As the mom you will not be punished. Moms can pretty much get away with anything in custody cases. If you are concerned talk to a lawyer
I would think it would highly depend on the Judge. I wouldn’t want to chance it.