Can I drink anything other than water for ultrasounds?

When I go for ultrasounds, am I able to drink anything other than water as it makes me sick a lot, or does it just have to be water?


Just not dark liquid, if you’re ok with squash, that’ll be fine - it’s what I drank

Juice is best because it makes baby active before an ultrasound :purple_heart:


You don’t even have to drink anything at all for them. They say it makes it easy to see on the first ultrasound. But I never did because honestly having a full bladder with them pressing on your stomach SUCKS :rofl:


Anything but water? I’ve NEVER been told what to drink or eat for an ultrasound. And I’ve got three babies.


It’s only needed for an abdominal ultrasound.
Drink a glass of oj beforehand

Just drink any liquid I’ve been told.

I did apple juice before my anatomy scan and the baby was very active!!

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I usually drink tea … I literally have to force myself to drink water… it’s mainly important for the early ultrasounds so they can get a better image but the further along you are the less necessary it it

I was told to get baby moving drink oj but she was stubborn on letting us see what she was. I did the same tactic this ultrasound and baby boy was moving too much to where I have to have a repeat. Full bladder sucks at ultrasounds and if you’re struggling to keep water down drink oj or cranberry juice

Not baby related, but I had to drink several huge glasses of cold water in order to have a pelvic ultrasound to find out why I was having severe pain. (Ovarian cysts)

They just want bladder full for better picture quality

I drank 2 pitchers of beer before all mine


I don’t think it matters. As I’ve never been told otherwise.
But I wouldn’t think so unless your doctor says something.

32 ounces of liquid 1 hour prior to exam. Not start chugging an hour before, but gone 1 hour before hand. What drink it is is irrelvant. If you drink more than the recommended 32 ounces it actually enlarge your bladder too much and distort pictures :relaxed: Hope this helps!

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For those of you that obviously aren’t experts in ultrasounds :joy::thinking: for an over the belly ultrasound a full bladder helps to see the baby better. How? Because our probes need the fluid from the bladder and is used as a window to see the baby. Versus you being empty and just showing us all your gas or poopie moving around making it harder to see the baby. Yes you can see poopie and gas in an ultrasound. Anywho. If you cant drink water just dont empty your bladder until the exam is over. If you want a clear image of baby. If you dont care of seeing your baby’s well being in an ultrasound. By all means listen to the experts on here. :joy:


I drank Gatorade and juice my whole pregnancy

The more sugar in the drink the more active the baby

Bottle of jack is best


As long as your bladder is full, that’s all they care about. You dont even necessarily have to drink before hand, its just that a full bladder pushes the baby up where they can see it easier.

With my son I drank mountain dew just before to make him active haha

I ate cold ice water before and baby moved like crazy. Dont do that! U cant see gender if moving to much lol

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Apple juice or orange juice will have baby moving like crazy

They don’t care what you’re drinking so long as it’s not alcohol/toxic, and your bladder is full

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Some juice helps make. Baby move a little or cold water … they made me drink that if baby wasn’t moving enough

Definitely dont listen to these people saying to drink alcohol. If you want to know a legitimate safe answer, Talk to your OB… water should be just fine . I also heard OJ will make babies active in the womb.


They always told me color less drinks

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Try clear liquids- Gatorade, coffee (decaf) but for the baby’s sake, you should be drinking water all the time, not just for ultrasounds. The doc can prescribe different anti-nausea meds after the first trimester. Try something new!

I drank Mountain Dew or juice and mine lived like crazy. Ate candy and stuff too

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I meqan sure Drs want u to drink water n be hydrated but no sweetie u don’t have to just drink water

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You can drink whatever you want

I drank orange juice. My 4d tech said it gets the baby moving etc

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You can drink whatever! I know I shouldn’t have but I craved coke all through my pregnancy and it’s the only thing I didn’t actually throw up weird I know! But before my 20 week scan I drank a can of coke and my baby was seen clear as anything so just proves it’s not just water! They just need a full bladder as it pushes baby up and makes the fluid clear! I don’t really get the sciency stuff :roll_eyes::see_no_evil:
Good luck xx

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I drink whatever I want before an ultrasound (never alcohol though) usually alittle bit of something carbonated like soda helps or anything with sugar.

Am i the only one wondering why the poster says water makes them sick?:thinking:

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I think they just care about your bladder being full, but each doctor might be different. I know when I went in for my ultrasounds and stress tests they would offer me juice, soda or water. So I’d say you should be okay. Maybe try sticking with a clear liquid if your really nervous about it.

My first ultrasound with this baby at 10 weeks I started drinking water an hour and a bit before but my bladder was too full I guess so the tech let me go to bathroom and I got very clear image of baby still

Water makes you sick? That’s odd… Are you just dehydrated like, forever??

OJ is really good for an ultrasound.


Why the fuck would you be drinking anything other than water or juice ?

Silly question tbh.

You can drink anything you want.

Juice or tea is fine but lots of water is good for the baby throughout pregnancy. Pregnant women are advised to drink 12 8OZ glasses of water a day. Obviously none of us actually drink that much, but water is important nonetheless

Your bladder just needs to be full. Keep in mind though, what you eat/drink, baby eats/drinks. A 32oz pop or sugary juice isn’t ideal.

Orange juice is what my OB suggested it gets the baby to move around and if you’re trying to figure out the gender it helps

I would do fruit juice, ginger ale, koolaid… morning sickness sucks but it’s very important to stay as hydrated as possible during pregnancy.

I drank apple juice before ultrasounds

Anything really, but try flavored water if you can’t drink regular water. I hate water except natural spring or filtered water. Plus I like the fizz of flavored waters…

When i had the ultrasound to find out the gender the tech would tell me to drink or eat something really cold (water,icecream, slushies) because it helped make the baby move around

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Drink whatever you want for ultrasounds…it’s your glucose test you can only drink water for and NO food


Clear fluids. Water, apple juice, tea/coffee with no milk.

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Personally I’ve never gone in tanking on water or that much of any liquids and everything was fine

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It can be anything I believe just as long as you have a full biadder

have you tried flavored water? even if it makes you sick the doctor is gonna still tell you to drink it. me personally, i drink more soda and sports drinks than I do water even when I’m not pregnant, water makes me sick too after trying to drink it all damn day! I try to make at least 60oz of my fluid intake water though so I don’t feel guilty. try drinking it ice cold too! I would drink sweet tea before ultrasounds or gatorade, but like others said as long as your bladder is full you’ll be fine :two_hearts:

As someone who does ultrasounds, let me tell you. It does not have to be water. The goal is a full bladder. However please do not do juice or the sugary stuff “to get the baby moving.” There are several measurements we need to get during ultrasounds so that we know your baby is healthy. The more the baby is moving the harder the measurements become. :purple_heart:


Honey you can drink what ever you want to.

Huh??? I have had two kids and have never been told to drink or eat or not drink/eat anything specific for ultrasounds you can drink or eat whatever you want is my understanding.
I don’t think ultrasounds are affected by food or beverage choice.
Have people been told otherwise??

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I always drank orange juice. It wakes baby up

I drank whatever I wanted I didn’t know this was a rule :joy:

you can drink what you wish as long as your bladder is full

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I was told just water no substitutions. They didn’t want the baby moving too much for the measurements and they needed a clear picture of the baby.


My dr told me to drink some caffeine because it would help make my baby girl active. Like a small coffee or a coke.

I drank whatever i wanted… Depending on what i drank the baby would move all over the place when i was pregnant and we got reslly good pictures… For me i drank soda all the time or sweet tea

Its probably best you contact your provider and ask them this question as you are going to get a bunch of different answers.

But I’m going in tomorrow for my ultrasound at 2 and my provider gave me instructions to empty .y bladder at 1pm, drink 32 oz of water by 1:15 and hold it in until my appointment.

If it fills your bladder, drink it.

I drank a lot of coconut water

Orange juice is really good

You should drink sunny delight. It gets the baby moving:)

My dr always told me to eat and drink something before I came in so the baby would be more active…my babies were very stubborn and would just lay there during ultra sounds. The oldest got so use to the buzzer they would use on my belly that he quit paying attention to it. They would sit on their rumps with their feet under them and wouldn’t budge…so I would eat and drink something so baby is active.

I asked the same question and was told that I could show up with an empty bladder… technology has come far enough that its not necessary anymore

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I think you just need a full bladder. I would say you could drink anything without caffeine to make sure you’re hydrated.

They told me to have a full bladder so baby would want to move more. But he move just the same if I had drank a bunch of water before hand or not.

I remember being told not to pee…lol Sitting in the waiting room wanna to go so bad.
Then being told you can go .but only a little bit…pure torture…lol

You should really call and ask your physician.


I’ve never been told to not eat or drink anything

Anything that hydrates I believe. Mine I never drank water b4 appt

I used Gatorade and other drinks like that

Try Pedialyte or Gatorade.

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Lolololol ask your doctor

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Ask your doctor, not Facebook

Yeah you can drink anything, it doesn’t effect it, also make sure you have a full bladder


I always had coffee before I went

I went for my ultrasounds and was never told to drink just water, unless they specifically told you to do so, I never have had that told to me… have you tried flavored water instead of just plain water? I can’t drink just plain, i drink flavored a lot and I chew on ice a lot to, sometimes I crave just plain water but I have to have it in a glass full of ice that way it’s really really cold and that helps too

Water drinking anything else will make the scan cloudy

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Whatever you want, they just want to ensure your bladder is full. I always drank a fountain cherry coke on the way to my scans… filled my bladder & made baby active. Lol


It doesn’t matter as long as your bladder is full

Apple juice get baby moving

As long as bladder is full x

It doesnt matter as long as your bladder is full

Your best bet is to ask your doctor. They’ll clarify any misunderstandings.

Doesnt matter. Unless theyre looking in the bladder, cant see that it matters.

Your bladder can hold water the longest. Caffeine and sugar fill your bladder fast and create an urgent need to urinate.


I never had to drink anything before but I would drink orange juice because it would make him active

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You just have to fill your bladder. Doesn’t have to be water.

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If you dont want to see your baby clearly


You can drink whatever you want. Always had amazing ultrasound pictures no matter what I drank not cloudy or anything an I drank coffee soda water juice.

I drank a large slushy 15 minutes before my ultrasound. Made baby very active and easy to find out gender.

Doesn’t matter. Juice is perfectly fine.

Now when I went to the boutique ultrasound places the tech told me to drink coffee so she would be bouncing aroundz

As long as it’s clear you can have it

I had a cup of coffee and everything was great

After 15 weeks you dont have to have a full bladder for ultrasounds… I get an ultrasound at every ob appointment now and never have full bladder

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