Can I give birth vaginally with an HSV2 outbreak?

Prayers for you and baby

Ask. Your. Doctor. Arrrh

No you prob need to get on some medication to make sure an outbreak doesnt happen when you give birth

Get a script for Valtrex. Start taking!

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Please speak with your doctor


They’re worried not necessarily about you passing HSV to your baby, but the virus causing your baby to go blind. If they don’t know about the outbreak they won’t put the special antibiotics in the baby’s eyes to help protect your baby from losing his/her sight. That is why they want you to be so far past an outbreak or would opt for a c-section!

Alexis, that is not true. A baby will have their own blood type, that may be different from mom. They don’t get their blood from the mom. The reasoning they wouldn’t want to have a vaginal birth is out of concern that baby could go blind. I only know from my few years working labor and delivery and now surgery.

if your OB does allow this, …I would never see at Dr again, Do you really want your baby to have this??? Even if there are no active lesions, you will get that C/S, especially if you had a outbreak within a month of 2 of due date


I had a c-section with my son, in which I wanted to avoid at all costs. I was shaking uncontrollably I was so scared when they wheeled me in. But the procedure only took about 15 minutes, saved both my baby and I. Recovery wasn’t bad and then I heard all the horror stories from the complications from some of my mom friends from delivering naturally after they already had a similar issue. Dont worry, you’ll do just fine!


You should have been prescribed medicine for the last 2 months to ensure you didn’t have a breakout!

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Ld nurse: our obgyn office prophylactically gives valtrex at 36 weeks to prevent an outbreak. Ask for it


I loved my c section didnt bother me at all.

Could also be a vein popping out down there

Are you sure it’s a lesion and not hemorrhoids?


If you have to have a c section do not worry yes they take a bit longer to heal but honestly I would give birth by c section again instead of vaginal it was a long labour but once they made the decision to do it instead of vaginal ( medically necessary) the baby was out so fast and I was really good 6 days later and I was able to walk about 24 hours later I had to use a wheelchair for the first couple of hours after I woke up and them I was good :heart:


Make sure you definitely know its an active lesion but it’s also your decision. In a recurrent not primary outbreak it is a significantly lower risk to baby. yours would be a recurrent as you have had it previously.

You can if your not in a current outbreak at the time of birth or if it wasn’t within 3 days or something like that

Please just go see your obgyn.

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I was on constant medication intake 3rd trimester

Are you sure it’s not a hemorrhoid?

Hun I think you have hemorrhoids from straining. Try using a enema

No, I would think why take the chance

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I had both my babies c-section. Healing time wasn’t that bad honestly. Mine were for different reasons than what you have going on here. The first was emergency cuz it was taking too long and he was quite large. Second was due to the baby being breech so we scheduled this one. Not near as bad if it is scheduled ahead of time.

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You need to speak with and see your dr for best interest and information on that as everyone is different! And no one one here is a doctor.

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I had 2 c-sections and I’ll tell U what - if I could pick how to have a baby it would B C section!!
Absolutelly the way to go!!


The Dr’s normally give u medicine the last month of pregnancy to try and prevent that


You should’ve been on medication the last month of pregnancy you cannot do a vaginal birth with an outbreak, it would harm the baby. Caesarean is the only safe option.


Maybe get some stool softeners or laxatives to help with constipation. Drink lots of water & eat your vegetables. :slightly_smiling_face: They can do emergency C-sections in 2 minutes if they have to, so it’ll be over before you know it, and you’ll have a new baby! Ask your doctor about relaxation/meditation techniques too.

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Could be a hemorrhoid. Take a stool softener daily. Also talk to your dr about it.


More than likely a c-section I had 2, you will be ok


Not worth the risk in my opinion…my nephew suffered complications at birth due to an active outbreak at time of delievery…not sure how the doctor missed or if his mother did not tell them.


Why are you terrified of a c-section? It’s not the end of the world. I’ve had two. The second one was planned and a breeze. I only needed ibuprofen afterwards there was so little pain.

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I had 4 vaginal deliveries and 2 c section deliveries… It’s not that bad at ALL… My 4th baby was 10.1 21inches… I should have had a c section. I was too scared. I am THANKFUL that my last 2 were good. I’d have a c section any day to help my baby.

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I had 2 c sections, 1 emergency due to baby’s heart rate dropping…2nd was planned because I had 1 with 1st. The planned was honestly not bad at all. The healing and all was so much better then the emergency one.

I’ve had c section and vaginal birth. I’ll always choose c section.

Talk with your ob/gyn right away. HSV can kill.a newborn. I had it happen to a patient who did not know she had it. It was tragic.

You’ll need a c section bc you don’t want to risk passing that to the baby. The recovery from a c section is much less traumatic than losing your baby from something preventable.

I had 3 c sections. It’s certainly not a walk in the park, but it’s also nothing to be afraid of.

I chose a c section for this reason and it wasn’t bad at all… was I nervous yes but it was so quick and once the baby is there you don’t think about anything and healing wasn’t that bad at all at least it didn’t hurt to pee lol you’ll be fine

U shouldn’t be considering vaginal birth period. Bc u will pass it to your child

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C-section is the way to go…

Doesnt stress bring it on as well?

It’s only passable during an outbreak to pass it to the child. Go to your ob have them check it out. The lump might not even be it. It could be something else. But sometimes an outbreak happens when you are stressed out, pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the body and that can cause more outbreaks. But talk to your doctor, express your concerns, they can give you meds that can make it go away and to keep it away. Depending on how far along you are. But call your Dr ASAP that you can get it cleared up, and get the best possible care for you and the baby the sooner the better. Get the lump checked because like I said. It might be something else.

Sorry but what is HSV2

Samantha Boucher do you know this lady personally to be saying she hasn’t mentioned it?? Are you her doctor to be releasing information saying it wasn’t disclosed with her Dr? You DO NOT know a damn thing that’s discussed between her and her Dr. You have NO right to suggest shit. You are judging a women that didn’t state anything to suggest she didn’t take to her Dr. You are being a bully and judgmental. And you know what that is Sickening. It’s OKAY to be worried about a c-section, there is complications, a long road to recovery. Just because she has HSV2 doesn’t mean her feelings don’t need to be invalidated. It doesn’t mean she can’t be scared. And it’s DISGUSTING of you to make her feel any less because of it. You as another woman should be supporting her, and giving her encouragement. Not putting her down. We have enough of that from men, we are supposed to uplift one another instead of putting them down or even calling her a Sickening person and calling her a bad mother that shouldn’t have kids. She is scared to death. And wanted to see if others been through this. If you can’t give support keep your rude judgmental comments to yourself. Stop bullying this mother. Maybe she didn’t believe the Dr, because of how terrified she is. I am on my 3rd baby too and was told I might have to have a c-section and I am TERRIFIED and I have every right to be just like this mother. Yeah this is comment pissed me off. But someone needs to stand up for this mother.

Don’t risk it have the C-section. I’ve had 2 c sections, you will be just fine Hun! Just take deep breaths and think about this wonderful little baby your about to hold!

Sounds like a hemorrhoid… I get them from time to time. If you are able to do a c-section then I would go that route… Better safe than sorry

C section with a 11 pound baby . 2 kids at home already and was home next morning and cooking pancakes at 6 am.
You’ll be fine ! C section is better… I wouldn’t risk it

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Are you sure that’s what it was? Could it be a hemorrhoid? They are very common in pregnancy.

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My c-section recoveries were better than many of the vaginal birth recoveries of my friends. And with it scheduled, no exhaustion of laboring, go to the hospital showered and rested. Wasn’t the plan I had, but worked out great for me.


No. They told me no. I would have had to have a c section if I had an active breakout when trying to deliver. I was tested during labor etc.

It’s possible if it’s just one lump and that’s unusual for you and especially being on the perineum, it could be a hemorrhoid, which I’m sure you know is sooo common especially in late stage pregnancy. Call your doctor ask them to take a look and see what your best options are. C/S might be the best option. But you got this!!! :heart:

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You know who could answer a medical question about health? A trained doctor who knowledgeable of your exact needs and situation.


Real talk With :heart:
This is about your child. It can cause blindness, and kill the Baby. It doesn’t show up on them like a little cold sore.There are a lot of people that can help you through your fears. This isn’t up for debate.

They say no, that’s why generally in your last trimester they put you on meds to prevent an outbreak. It isn’t worth the chance of most likely exposing your child to that. If it does get into their eyes it could cause blindness. Be safe mama, c-section or get the meds in you and get rid of that outbreak before birthing your baby.

I had a family member be told that if she was in an active outbreak vaginally delivering wouldn’t happen because it can be passed on to the baby, I would recommend talking with your obgyn and discussing the best option if any thats available for you.

I had a c-section due to my first born being 8lbs 12oz (doc knew he’d get stuck in the birth canal going naturally so it was planned a month ahead)… c-sections aren’t so bad, really! I doubt you will be able to avoid it with having herpes. You probably have to face the reality, and put your baby first. Part of becoming a parent, it’s not about you and what you want anymore!

My personal experience I had 3 c-sections not because of an out break my first son was breach and after seeing the size of his head in the ultrasound lol I’m not gonna it scared me but none the less I had not one issue from them healed fine not much pain at all I was told to.stay in bed cause I would up going stuff as soon as was able to feel my legs only bad experience I had was the hospital I had my last son at worst place ever their nurses seem to have just got to thise country didnt know how to take BP right they came to take my baby for his check up and let me eat dinner then call to tell me that they gave my son somebody elses breast milk and ounce and she wasnt even in the hospital she had hers premature and was bring it in, and the head nurse comes to tell me I should have let them take him so it wasnt their fault and that is the truth I about fell out of bed worst experience of my life so dont trip on the c section just make sure u picked the right hospiital.

Ask your doctor for a prescription of acyclovir immediately! If you have an outbreak when you come into to labor and delivery they will immediately opt for a c section unfortunately. However if you can stop the outbreak and it’s gone before you give birth you may be able to still have a vaginal birth.

Tell your ob. They will prescribe valtrex if your outbreak is still active. Vaginal delivery is still possible. Good luck.

Even intrauterine the baby can contract the virus if you have a lot of outbreaks btw. Stay safe and take meds

Nothing scary about sections at all!

Just that one lump on your perineum? And constipation? Sounds a little like a hemorrhoid.

Ugh they made give birth with my second I wanted another C-section.

talk to your doctor, that is why he went to medical school

Dr. won’t let you… they check especially if you have a history

See your doctor and follow their advice!

I’ve had 2 csections. The first one was an emergency. The second was a choice. Get the stats and talk to your doctor but don’t let anyone scare you with horror stories.
If I ever got pregnant again I would make the same choice.

Think of your baby. Have the C-Section whether you’re having an outbreak or not at the time of labor. The first time I ever heard of this virus was (years ago) when a childhood friend lost her baby from it two days after it was born. Mothers sacrifice for their children — especially when it can be a matter of life or death (or impairment) for the child! Make certain your doctor knows you have this condition & plans a C-Section, instead of chancing a vaginal birth. Not doing so is nothing less than premeditated child abuse — or worse, possibly much worse! And, while the doctor is saving your baby, you might tell him/her to tie your tubes, too.

why get pregnant…thats dangerous .if not healthy don’t get pregnant …anyone…any where…

If your doctor is aware of you having it, he/she should have started you on a preventative medication for the last couple weeks of pregnancy so that you wouldn’t have an outbreak when you have the baby and could have done it vaginally. I’m not sure what they’ll do if it’s too late for that… call your doctor and ask!

I would definitely recommend talking to your doctor. If you take medication for it they might up the dose once your due date gets closer but I would assume if you have it happening at the time to have your baby, the doctor wouldn’t let you have a natural birth. Since that’s not what you want it would be unfortunate but whatever is safest for the baby ya know! Good luck, hope you talked to your dr and they eased your mind :relaxed:

So, I’ve dealt with this. My issues were rare, but the day before I was due to be induced with my daughter I had a spot pop up. We had to postpone the induction with the understanding that I would have to have a section if I went into labor. You absolutely cannot deliver during an active outbreak. It is extremely dangerous for the baby - deadly dangerous.

Hang in there, Mama. Keep that baby safe. You got this.

I would definitely recommend talking to your doctor. If you take medication for it they might up the dose once your due date gets closer but I would assume if you have it happening at the time to have your baby, the doctor wouldn’t let you have a natural birth. Since that’s not what you want it would be unfortunate but whatever is safest for the baby ya know! Good luck, hope you talked to your dr and they eased your mind :relaxed: