Leave him off. It doesn’t need to be on it to collect child support.
You might be good on money. But it isn’t for you. (Not being rude, so don’t take it that way) If you will set up a bank account for your child and have the child support deposited in there for a car or college.
Depends on the state but i do believe they have to be present unless u r married
U can’t put the father’s name on it. Father has to do it.
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Everyone is so judgmental smh. If you knew about the gf or not. He sure knew about it!! And didn’t use protection and DIDN’T CARE ABOUT HIS GF. The child is both yours and his responsibility. If he won’t sign the paperwork take him to court and put him on child support. But keep in mind if you want nothing more to do with him it can make things difficult for you. It’s emotionally draining. A happy baby needs a happy and healthy mom. If anything were to happen to you (god forbid) but the child would go to him and if he wants nothing to do with the child the child will go into the system before going to family. And it might not even be your family it could be his. Just think about every aspect. I have three kids and I made sure I had a will in place. Good luck with everything.
They have to sign the paperwork
No, the only way to put him on the certificate is to file for DNA
to establish paternity
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Why would you though? Leave him off and move on.
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Why would you want to?
He doesn’t want anything to do with said child and you got between his longtime relationship, (not putting all blame on you) but putting him on there kinda just makes it seem like your tryna force him into it and just cause more issues…
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Don’t do it!! I’m speaking from experience.
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Why in the world would you want to give him that honor?? He TOLD you he wants nothing to do with the child. Let it go. Walk away. What a mess.
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We live in Alabama. My son wasn’t married to his girlfriend. He had to sign an affidavit that he was the father and of course the birth certificate.
Honestly I would think about it. And I say this because what if later you get married orsomething like that and then you want that person to basically adopt your kid and give them that last name. some fathers once they’re on the birth certificate things like that they won’t sign for that. My husband’s ex-wife tried that she said I’ll drop child support if you let my current husband adopt her and give her his last name. It’s my husband said no. My friend also did that with her ex she got married and then a few years down the road everybody was enjoying the same last name including the new baby and my friend’s daughter was the only one in the family with a different last name so she was like if we have you sign we can change her name and we would all have the same last name as a family and he said well you walked out on me and didn’t want to be a family with me I’m not having my daughter change her last name until she gets married. I mean I can see his point!
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Why you homewrecking for ?
… but if ur state doesnt allow it. Child support office or court forces it upon dna test.
I promise you will regret putting him on it. Give the baby your last name and walk away!!!
If you’re married he’s automatically the father unless he has a paternity test
Put his name on it that way if he ever something ever happens to him your child will have social security
My daughters father is not on hers and me and my husband have been together since a month before she was born. She is now 5 and he is still not around im so glad I made the decision to not put him on it cuz he has not seen or asked about her since she was a week old
You may not be able to put him on the birth certificate, but you may be able to let child support enforcement know and they will serve him for paternity.
Make sure you give your baby your last name though… not his.
Are you sure he is even the father?..
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What you have to do is file for a paternity test, they will send it to him and have him do a court ordered one, and after that comes back he will be on it, thats in my state, not sure if it’s the same where you are
For all we know the OP had no idea he was even in a relationship when she slept with him. There are lots of guys out there who are in 2 separate relationships (or more). So calm down about something we don’t know anything certain about. Now to answer the OPs actual question after covering that… Do you want him to pay you support?? If so and you take him to court then he will end up on it anyway. The next question is, if you did get awarded child support, does he have a steady career that would allow him to keep up with it and a career he wouldn’t walk away from just to avoid support?? If so, then go for it if that is what you want from him. If you don’t want support, or don’t think he will ever keep up with it if awarded, then I would just disappear so you never had to deal with him.
Give that baby YOU’RE last name. And then move on and once that little bundle gets here, give him or her the best life possible.
Do you plan on going after child support? If not, then leave him off.
You can’t put him on the birth certificate without his signature since you aren’t married.
Use your last name and walk away. His loss is your gain.
I would… Absolutely… Then mail him a copy along with child support order and parenting plan…
Unless you are married he has to sign the birth certificate to be put on it unless you take him to court for child support, have a DNA test and request for him to be added. If you’re married he automatically goes on but not if you are not married to him
I believe he will need to be there to sign.
I’m gonna go with it’s safe to assume his GF of 5 years, has no clue about you, or his unborn child. And that’s why he wants nothing to do with the child. I really hope you didn’t know before. Or you’re just as bad
but, most cases, to put him on the birth certificate, he has to sign a paternity affidavit acknowledging that he’s the father. Otherwise, you’d have to order a dna test through court and order him to take one. But, you can’t force someone to be a father, that doesn’t wanna be a father. You can force him to acknowledge that he got you pregnant and had a child. But, you can’t force him to be in that child’s life.
I put the fathers name on my sons and I didn’t have to have him sign. And it is on the real one. I think each state may be different
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Nope you can’t he has to sign
You would have to take him to court after the baby is born and have a DNA test done to get him put on the birth certificate if he refuses to sign the birth certificate at birth.
Depends on the state your in. But yes do name him. It gives your child certain rights. Say social security ect. Regardless if the father signs. Also if he (the father) passed away the child can claim rights as an heir. Check the state you live in. Also move to a state and give birth where mother’s rights are more defended like SC. He will have to give DNA and you will get support.
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You poor thing what you must be going through, I’m Praying for you sweetie, stay strong for the little one…
If his name is on it he can torment you in the future when you find a new man or want to move. He can tie you up with custody issues just to be a jerk
Please think of the child. That goes for both of you. Your child may want to know later in life. I have a whole side of a family tree missing because of this. Dont do that to your child and even future grandkids. I understand not wanting any contactand thats fine. But at least give your child a name for later.
Dont do it … at least now you don’t need his permission to travel
Well…he has to sign the docs in hospital
So if he foesnt want to then u just leave it blank
If u want child support u will need him on the birth certificate
And or take him to court for a paternity test. Its expensive
I’m sorry.
Just keep going forward
Better off without all that drama anyway
You can put the name on if you want but I highly recommend you don’t so much legal hurtles you are subjecting yourself to by doing it. Passports ect which require both parents signatures government payments will be lower because you will be expected to collect child support which he most likely won’t pay because he wants no responsibility for the child. You will be setting yourself up for future hardship if you do so as the father wants no responsibility but the government will demand it if you put his name on the birth certificate. Swallow you pride and leave his name off
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Say you don’t know who the father is. Save yourself alot of headaches down the road
Non-judgmental comment here, but no you cannot because the father has to sign off that he gives permission for his name to be there. Well at least in my state in New Jersey
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Im pretty sure he would have to sign his name to have it on the certificate. You wouldnt be able to put it on there yourself.
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In Texas the father has to sign. Personally in your situation I would give the child my last name.
Later you can request paternity test and then he would have to support child or relinquish his rights.
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I can’t believe how many people on here are trying to tell her to just let it be and don’t force him! He laid down and made that baby too! I know here in MS you can go to the child support office and give his name and address and he will have to take a dna test… they pay for it but if it comes back he’s the father then he has to reimburse them for the test and you get child support and he is then listed on the birth certificate! I’m not sure how it works in your area but I would try the child support office after the baby is born, good luck!
I wouldn’t force him to do anything, and i wouldnt put my child through that either. I would however inform current GF he cheated, if shes smart she’ll leave. And he loses both the GF and baby and maybe he’ll grow the F up.
From a mom that has two kids that has a dad that has nothing to do with them, I wish I didn’t give them his last name. I wish I would have given them my last name. 
Not at the hospital since hed3have to be there to show ID and sign a paternity affidavit and the birth cert paperwork. BUT, you can go to court, petition a paternity test and have him added. Plus court will order child support.
But give baby your last name
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What part do Any women Not understand!
He Said He doesn’t want any responsibility that means ALSO ——- She obviously Agrees with it ( accept the fact he doesn’t want nothing to do with the unborn Baby) then what’s the point of Having his name in the birth certificate? Makes No senses.
If you bring it to court they’ll summons him to come in for a DNA test then he will have to be put on the birth certificate .
Steer far clear of that POS
Depends where you live. Most of the time the father would have to be there and sign it in order for him to be put on it. You can file for child support when the baby is born and he will have to come to court and take responsibility! Good luck
Not directly. You’ll have to go to domestic relations to get him tested and added.
Every fathers name should be on his own child’s birth certificate even if that all it is. Just for the legal records.
He made it clear he doesn’t want the child. You’ve decided to keep the child knowing where he stands. Therefore no his name shouldn’t be forced on the certificate. We don’t want men forcing us to keep pregnancies if we want abortions so don’t force him to be apart of a child he’s made it very clear he doesn’t want. Move on from the POS and let his girlfriend keep him since she was there first anyway.
I would not put the father on the birth certificate if he doesn’t want to be in the babies life. Also if at some point you don’t want him to see the baby he can take you to court for rights to see the baby. That would be only if he grew up.
I have a 2 year old who will never remember his dad. His dad left for drugs when he was two months old. I wish I would have seen it soon because he would have never been in the birth certificate. To be honest we are better off with out the pos. You may be better off too. One day you will find someone who will love your baby.
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He has to sign it.if he doesnt want to be a part of it dont even bother. Unfortunately youve put yourselves in a sticky position. You have chosen to keep the baby despite his clear indication be doesn’t want anything to do with it. Move on and do your best. Imo cut ties now and walk away from any expectations id just put unknown.
He has to sign… But i sure put his ass on child support… That baby shouldn’t go without because he cheated on his GF with you… So many wrongs here the only thing i can find right is a healthy baby that’s loved…
I don’t know if he has to be on the birth certificate for support…but I would sure make sure before the baby it here. I would definitely go after the POS for support but you can still give him your last name. He helped make the baby… He should have thought about that 4mo that ago. He doesn’t have to have visitation bit the baby will want to know who it’s father is at some point
Leave it off. That way if you meet a good man that loves you and your child and ya’ll want him to adopt your child you won’t have to go thru hell to get it done .
Bring him to court for dna after the baby is born for child support. He then will have to have his name on the birth certificate.
But also I think you can. I’m 22 when I was born my mom was young and my dad wasn’t there and I have never met him a day in my life he didn’t want me because he had a 1 year old son with someone else. His name is on my birth certificate.
The child can’t have the dad’s last be not unless he sighns it my daughter’s father wouldn’t sighn it and she had to have my last name if he didn’t wanna have anything to do with the baby I wouldnt wanna put his name on there
Yes! Do it! That’s his child and the birth certificate should say so!
There may come a day when you want this pos far away from your baby. Then he can come and take your child and do what he wants, so take this as a “here’s your sign” .
You women can buy condems too…
He doesnt want to be in the childs life. I dont think you should. You do need to get child support from him though.
Honestly, my advise varies depending on the circumstances and what you want. If you knew he had someone and got pregnant thinking he would leave her for you suffer a lost gamble. If you didn’t know about her and want to just out him talk to her. If you just want child support go to court. Not saying it couldn’t be a combo here, he made this bed with you. But either way, no you can’t just add him on there. If you’re not married it requires extra paperwork. What exactly is the goal here?
If you are not legally married you can not add his name to the birth certificate without him signing a declaration of paternity which will be given to you at the hospital only if he is present.
Girl don’t bother promise it’s not worth the effort plus u can claim child support without him on the birth certificate
Dont be a homewrecker and this wouldnt happen 
File court order for paternity and they will DNA test him he will be responsible for child support, and be legally named the father but beware he will then have rights to your child and visitation as well as grounds to file for custody
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For your own sake and the babies do not force him to be the father. If you want him to be responsible financially you can go to domestic relations and order child support. He will have to do dna and be held responsible. Though out of spite he can go for custody and put you threw hell or maybe then grow up and want to be a father. Give the child your last name and leave him off is the best advice I can give though. My daughter’s bio dad wanted nothing to do with her and she has my last name and father unknown on her birth certificate. My husband wants to adopt her as he is the only dad she has ever known.
Nope you can’t force him to sign to be on the birth certificate trust me I know x
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You can name your child anything you want but putting his info on the certificate as the father is another story. If he doesnt want to be then why push it? Your body your choice, but he has choices too. Not saying he deserves to walk away clear of this situation. I feel for his gf and the baby only! You werent in a relationship w this man so how well do you even know him…but youre sure you want him to be a father to your child???
grow up. There are worse things than not having your bio dad in the picture. Like being abused and unloved etc. If you absolutely need the financial support then work out an agreement with him and court for a monthly payment and leave him alone. Your baby deserves a man who wants to be a dad, and your baby can have that. But trust me you dont want the heartache or drama associated w trying to force a man to “man up”.
I don’t think so. He has to sign it himself because signing the birth certificate means you accept responsibility for the child.
In Montana you can give your child any name you want to, but paternity isn’t established unless he signs the birth certificate. If he doesn’t than you go through the child support office. They get a court order to make him submit dna…voila paternity established!
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Stuff him, it takes 2 to make a baby. I would write his name down. Your child deserves to know who their father is even though dad isn’t interested.
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No you can’t my son went through this and unless he agreed to she couldn’t put his name on there. If people could do it that easy everyone would be running around ruining families by lying someone was the father when they wasn’t and just give you the go ahead to have someone last name put on there without their say so. I don’t think any hospital is going to allow that.
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Since it’s a legal certificate, he has to sign it. If he signs it, most states consider him waving his rights to a paternity test. I believe after 5 years old, most won’t require a test.
It’s best to ask your Records Department. I wouldn’t say anything to him if he violent or instantly denies your baby as his. I would just go the legal way. Be smart and lookout for YOUR future.
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Your child one day will want to know who his or her father is and that his or her right the rest is up to you to inquire about
You have to establish paternity.
Put him on there! Its not fair for you or the father to decide this. That child deserves to know where it came from!!! And his poor GF deserves to know her BF is a disgusting snake
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If he wants nothing to do it’s his loss. dont force him. He will regret it one day. My boyfriends Dad did begs for him to be in his like 24yrs later🤦 forget the child support. It’s me being kind as possible. Do this your self. Get help from your parents or whoever you can if you need help with your kid. Get on your feet yourself for your kid, women need to stop thinking they can’t, they can! You can do it. Forget the father of the child.
It takes 2 but why you fuckin with a man who ain’t leaving where he’s at? 
Nope he needs to sign an affidavit stating he’s the father since you two aren’t married. I truly hope that you didn’t know he was ina relationship otherwise you’re just as bad as him knowing the consequences that come with having sex without being on birth control/using condoms… no matter what you choose if you take him for any support he will be able to file for custody and get rights to the child if he changes his attitude and mind.
You can’t just put a name? If that was the case you could say any promiscuous celebrity is your babies father. To force legality onto a parent you have to petition for a paternity test. And the law will warrant it, or whatever and take the fathers DNA to prove that he is the father. Some psychopath claimed my dad was the father of her baby before I was born (while he was with my mom) and the court served him that he had to provide DNA, and he was so confident it was not his child that he did it right away and sure enough, not his.
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Lol why the hell would you want him on the bc? Stupid
Go through court , do dna price he is the father and get money every month from him too !!!
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Girls , what is this ?
I’m writing to the ones that are single mums under 27
… and it’s all their doing that they are in this position.
You only have one life
Why do you live it like it don’t matter?
Why do you sleep with boy with out protection when you know he will just put he’s penis in you and then go out of your life for ever .
Or why do you get married to bad boys ? You know they will not stay or you will be cheated on regularly .
Why do you make everybody’s life difficult buy getting pregnant by mistake ?
is it that boring to date someone for a year , move in get married and then have kids ?
Of course something can happen and you still can end up divorce, but you know you did your best to
Provide your children with everything they deserve.
Any way
This woman should go get paternity test dun on this guy and go to court to get money for baby .
Unless he is willing to sign over all parental rights, he should go on the birth certificate and help you financially raise that child.
Not if he isn’t there to sign paternity papers when the baby’s born… they don’t just let you put someone’s name on there without their permission unless you’re married to the person
Yea he has to be there and present to sign and have a photo id
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I think he’s shown you his true colors for sure and if he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby, I’d take him up on it! (Based on much experience of worthless “men” who don’t support their children.) won’t ever be able to get any custody or have anything to do with your baby that way and it seems like that might be a real blessing for you both?! Just my opinion!
You can’t put someone’s name without their permission
The dad has to be there with you when registering the babyx
In the UK, if a couple are not married then both mother and father must be present to be named on the Birth Certificate. No ifs, buts or exceptions.
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So you the side piece and brought an innocent life into this world…hence the cycle will continue…next you’ll scramble to find her multiple stepfather’s etc … PATHETIC
You can’t put dad on bc. He has to be present to sign and show identification. BUT you most definitely can give the child, dads last name.
You can’t do that. He has to be there to sign the papers.