Can I put cereal in my babies bottle?

STOP PUTTING CEREAL IN BOTTLES. It even says not to do it on the container.


I always did it and I never heard not to ?? We started at about 3 or 4 months, just a quarter of teaspoon is all we did to start… it helped us with spit up.

I do it with oatmeal and it helps my daughter. Started at 4 months. Helps her sleep, gain weight, and acid reflux issues.

This is definitely a question for your pediatrician. A LOT of moms/ people in general don’t know how to just give solid advice from their own personal experience. Instead they turn it into acting as if they have a medical degree & enter into mom bashing & hating. As Mom’s & women you would think by now we would learn to build one another up, support and give advice without making you feel awful as a parent! With that being said… many people on here are commenting don’t start til baby is 6 months… however my pediatrician says 4 months… as long as baby is showing correct signs of readiness for stage 1 foods.


Ask your pediatrician

Both my boys pediatrician recommended it when they were 3 weeks old for Acid reflux, helped so much! :woman_shrugging: Rice Cereal and only a Half teaspoon to 1 teaspoon just to thicken the formula a bit.

I’m due in 3 weeks with baby number 3 and most likely will do Rice cereal in his bottle as well!

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Putting cereal in the bottle is a chocking hazard. Do not do that.


I never used cereal. Didn’t want to and it was a battle making everyone stop suggesting it. Their breast milk or formula is all they need until they start solids. (unless it’s some unique situation that I’m not aware of).


No. Feed them food before bed if you feel they need more. Please don’t put it in the bottle. This is an outdated method.


Ask your pediatrician

Formula is supposed to be complete which means you should not add anything to it!


I always did it. People say not too but oh well did it with all 4 kids and they’re fine since a month old


My daughter was about 4 months old when her doctor recommended cereal for her. She slept through the night from day 3 but her babysitter wasnt feeding her except once in the 8-9 hours she was there. So she had me give her cereal after we realized what was going on to fatten her up

I used oatmeal baby cereal mix with baby formula in a bottle just made hole larger in nipple about 4 months old oatmeal does have fiber
I have 2 grown sons 37 & 43
3 grands 21-17
One great grand 5 months
All alive and fine
U need to talk to your mom or grandma make a decision what u want to do


My ped started us at 3 weeks bc of acid reflux. We did a very small amount & it worked great for us. He took less milk & slept longer.

Don’t do it. It’s an outdated method and can be dangerous. Google has several articles on it.


Mikayla Chris this shit cracks me up. All the comments on things like this after you’ve had multiple doctors tell you TO do it :joy::woman_facepalming:t3:

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I did oatmeal, with both children at 2 months, u will need to buy nipples with a wider opening, yes it worked :slight_smile:

It may be “outdated” but yet many, many pediatricians recommend it to mothers. As for a choking hazard goes, my child was choking on formula. I added cereal to her bottles early on (it was recommended by two drs) and she didn’t choke and it helped her sleep and with her reflux. You don’t have to add a ton… So some of us do it differently than others. My daughter is fine and it helped her.


Mine survived it :woman_shrugging:

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Mine survived it :woman_shrugging:

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At 7 weeks we started to put a SMALL amount of cereal in the bedtime bottle. Whoever says it’s a choking hazard was putting too much in. A little goes a long way in a baby’s belly. And 4 to 6 hours of consecutive sleep does wonders for the Mama!


The cereal is just a filler. I was taught not to add the cereal to help sleep alright cause it’s better if baby is getting enough nutrients plus it probably depends on age of child

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You can always just buy the premixed it’s got rice milk and it’s the same kind they give you in the hospital I’ve been using it sense birth only for her night time bottle and she sleeps through the night since 2 months

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It’s worth a shot. I tried rice cereal with my son at 4 months in his bottle and he didn’t mind it. Made him sleep maybe an hour longer but if you put to much in it’s hard for them to eat out of the bottle.

Starving your baby of proper nutrition. Bad choice


They say not to, but it worked with both of mine :woman_shrugging:

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Nope he still woke up

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To each their own, but personally I wouldn’t do it…if they aren’t old enough to eat it from a spoon, their tummies aren’t ready for it yet. If they are then just spoon feed it to them. But before 4 months nothing but formula/breast milk, even at that age it’s a little early


Yes, oatmeal 4 months just a little.

Each child is different
As long as there is no other problems and formula is not satisfying them enough,
Two tablespoons in the evening bottle will help them sleep through the night!
It doesn’t hurt them !

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Don’t listen to google or any of these girls saying negative things. Ask your doctor

I did at 3 months on every bottle. But that was because my son had severe stomach issues and was constantly puking and he was under weight his dr told me to do that to thicken it so it would be easier to keep down. Which worked he gained weight. But it was the oatmeal baby cereal! Dr told me not to use rice because it was bad for babies that little and could cause other issues on their own.

It works great. Just watch them when they’re eating it the first couple times. Talk to their doctor. It’s all good momma don’t let anyone shame you.

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Baby cereal does not go in bottles. It’s dangerous and can cause a choking hazard. And it is also not used to make them sleep longer.


I didn’t put it in his bottle however I did give him a bowl of it at night before bed mixed with his milk. He was 4 months when I started doing it. He now sleeps up to 9 hours at night

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Do not put cereal in baby’s bottle! Formula or breastmilk only until 6 months, then start baby food/cereal. Breastmilk or formula should be the primary nutrition for a year. Babies wake up throughout the night. Adults wake up throughout the night to go to the bathroom, get a drink/food, because they are to cold/hot, lots of reasons. Why to people expect babies to just sleep through the night? Take turns getting up with the baby with the father (if possible).


I did with both of mine and everyone in my family has as well with no issues and I started at 1 month but only a few teaspoons cant be really thick. My doc said it was okay but he was old school who also believed they should be eating 3 times a day by 6 months plus bottles. They still woke up but slept better threw the night.

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Both my girls were 9 weeks.


I’d talk to your pediatrician about it first.

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WIC, and my dr.said no but I did it anyways at around 3 months,baby wasn’t getting enough from me and the bottle so yea ,put cereal and juice in nighttime bottle, worked like a charm filled him up till morning,so I say do it it ain’t going to hurt at all


Didn’t work for me…I have 3 of my own kids and 2 nephews… Good luck tho!

Doesn’t work. Can hurt baby’s tummy. Clogs nipples, makes nipples gross, harder to clean bottles.

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I did it with both of mine and they are both healthy… Just ask your Dr…


Rice cereal about a tsp. Rice dissolves best. Add a drop of clear Karo syrup so no constipation

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Every child is different. But I put cereal in my kids formula around 4 months old. It helps them sleep better. Because their tummy stays full longer.

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It works. I put a teaspoon in both my girls bottles at 2 weeks old bc both wouldn’t get full on just formula. Went from waking every thirty minutes to sleeping 4 hours at a time.


I did 2ith my son at 4 mo ths due to doctor recommending it. It helps but he didnt like the taste at first

Spoon feed. Do not put it in a bottle. My cousins kid aspirated the cereal and most died from pneumonia and infection. Spoon feed! You can make it super thin and only a tiny bit at a time

Crap never worked for me. None of my children loved me enough to sleep.


Never started it. I would rather have my baby wake me up because he’s hungry and feed him the proper nutrition than give him a filler. My youngest was a horrible sleeper, too and I never once ever thought to put cereal in his bottle. I just sucked it up and took care of him.


Cereal in the bottle??? No

This is your decision but I personally wont put it in the bottle spoon feed them it gets them to practice using a spoon putting it in a bottle just makes me nervous bc if you forget that a certain nipple is cut and just give the milk they could choke bc the flow would be wayyy to fast

Hunger is the body’s way of asking for necessary nutrition. Filling it with a substance that has no nutritional value for a period of time when it initiates the hunger response is not healthy. If you feel you need to give your child a filler so you can sleep through the night, there’s likely no talking you out of it. So, I suggest putting oatmeal in the bottle instead. It’s fortified with iron and has more nutritional value than cereal. Keep in mind extra iron can lead to constipation.


Yes and 2weeks old…


I did it with my son around 8/9 months with consent of his pediatrician. Helped him stay full during the night

A small amount will truly help.

Doctors specifically say “don’t put it in a bottle, feed it to them on a spoon” when they suggest you give them baby cereal. They don’t say this for no reason. The only thing meant to go in a baby bottle is milk or formula. Use a spoon to feed very thin baby cereal to your baby. Keep it out of baby’s bottle.

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You could just feed him cereal from a bowl at night.

I did try and it and it made my daughter super gassy. So just incase be prepared for that!! But a few friends have tried it and they said it worked perfectly.!! Good luck

You don’t. There’s no nutritional value in baby cereal. Also, no solids should be given until 4-6 months at the least.

:rotating_light:choking hazard :rotating_light:
Don’t put cereal in a bottle! If you want to introduce any solids, use a spoon when they are developmentally ready around 6 months. There is no unicorn baby… they will not be ready to digest any solids before that age and if you do so before then, you risk causing damage to their digestive tract and setting them up for an abundance of health issues like obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, food allergies etc. This has been proven through studies on thousands of babies, not just the few on this thread that “turned out fine”. Basing your decisions on being fine as opposed to scientific facts, is like not using a seatbelt because you haven’t experienced flying through a windshield before, and then not putting a seatbelt on your child either. The seatbelts are there for a reason. The AAP, the CDC, Dietitians, etc are all saying this for a reason.
Acid reflux is normal. Not sleeping through the night is normal because it gives the baby a chance to receive more of the required nutrition for their development and it prevents SIDS. Making it socially acceptable to starve your baby and raise the risk of mortality just so you can get a couple extra hours of sleep, is not normal.

Talk to your doctor then decide if you’ll listen or not to what they say. I gave it to my son in a bottle around 4 months after I was told they don’t like them to have it that early only because he never got full! He cried constantly like he was starving even after drinking an entire bottle then could drink another full one a hour or two later! I put just a little in every bottle he had but made sure the hole wasn’t to big and never gave it to him when I wasn’t watching him. It was the only thing that got him full and worked great for his acid reflux too.

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I gave my kids cereal in a bowl at 5 months old no issues i never did bottle too afraid they choke

Yes, our pediatrician recommended the rice cereal but it was not for helping sleep through the night. My son got sick at 2 months and lost a lot of weight and it was to help him gain back the weight. ( so 3 to 4 months he was drinking bottles with cereal.) They warned it had little to no nutritional value, and to make sure he was still getting just formula and or breast milk ( I was unable to breast feed.) He seemed to sleep through the night better after we stopped him on the cereal. But he slept through the night from birth also…

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Rice cereal. I started it at 8 weeks.
But my kids were eating 4-6ozs every 90 mins. I used 1-2 tsp per bottle. I used 2-3 at night.
By 4 months, I started using it on a spoon a few times a day.
This is up to you. I did it. My mom did it. Both my grandma’s told me to do it, and…my Dr said it was ok but to keep it thin until they could handle it a little bit thicker.

Few days under 3 months my aunt told me about that trick and it worked

Always did it with my daughter

Yep, I did it around 7 months. My little boy loves food and loved breastmilk. Another mom told me she had a hungry boy too, she threw rice cereal in his bottle to make it go farther. I was skeptical but they actually have nutrition so that’s good and it helps them grow and supports iron intake. Definitely made all the bottles go further for him, and he is now almost a year when they recommend they don’t need the cereal anymore and he sleeps well thru the night now

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The cerelac rice cereal for babies can be put in the bottle
There is instructions on the back on how to do it
It’s basically 1 teaspoon in 150ml of milk which helps to fill the baby up

I put in bottle for my son then my grandkids, dr recommended. Son was 3 months grandkids were 4 months

Only when your child has acid reflux is rice cereal okay. And technically solids at all before 5to6mths is a no. But every baby is different as is every parent. Also some drs okay it some drs dont so we cant really tell you what to do. If your just doing it so you can sleep maybe you should have thought about sleep before you decided to have a child