Can I strictly breastfeed after baby is born?

Not their baby…not their choice. Do whats right for you.

Just say no. Judgement will happen but hell… You’ll get judged for anything and everything as a mom anyway. Might as well do what you’re gonna do as long as your babies are healthy and happy and safe

My first born was strictly formula, I felt the way you feel. My 2nd is breastfed, I just thought with everything happening in the world, it would be best for her. But it’s every mother’s choice how to raise baby. No judgement whatsoever. :blush:

Both of my children were formula feed,they are grown now. It is your choice, make it clear from the beginning that you have no interest in breast feeding and dont let them guilt you. I have respect for all mothers no matter their choice.

Fed is best!
Formula fed all 3 of my kids from birth. Tried to breastfeed the first one; didn’t work out too well. 2nd one I tried to pump; didn’t lactate at all. 3rd one I went right to formula.
In reality, who gives a fuck how a mother decides to feed their baby as long as that baby is fed! :heart:

Hospitals (depending on where you are at) should have formula. And just tell them. I straight have told them I wasn’t breastfeeding and I didn’t want any lactation consultants anywhere near me or my babies. Start talking to your doctor/midwife about it now and make sure it’s very well
Known and documented that you don’t want to breastfeed and want formula at the hospital.

Just tell them straight up that breastfeeding isn’t for you. This is your choice. Don’t ever let anyone pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.

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Breastfeeding builds your baby’s immune system.Among other things.

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I think you’ll still feel drained and like a cow trying ty be milked but as long is baby is sleeping and fed that’s all that matters so go ahead and try!

It wasn’t for me either. I pumped for 7 months after my daughter was born to try and give get the boost that breastfeeding gives. She never latched on even with helpful consultants. I hated pumping. I had one of those hand pumps. (Couldn’t afford the electric) it sucked. But honestly as long as they are fed that’s all that matters. My daughter was a big baby and I had to start her early on rice and oatmeal cause she just wasn’t getting enough though breast milk or formula. Every baby, mother and situation is different.

Why are there still people on this post suggesting pumping Brest milk or criticizing her choice? That’s not what she’s asking. Why is this still a thing? Stop telling moms how to feed their babies or what is best.


Tell them from the get go that it will be formula fed due to previous complications your first time. Stand your ground.

Yes both my kids was just in Formula

I too tried with my daughter and it to freaked me out, the whole feeding thing, so I formula fed her, and I just gave brith to my son and he has been on formula since coming out he is just fine, it is up to u, and yes some of the nurses looked at me like I crazy for not even trying to breastfeed but others where understanding

Mum of 3 bottle fed kids the eldest being 12 and the youngest 17 months.
Be upfront tell them you are bottle feeding as breast feeding isn’t for you.
Not sure about how much formula you need to bring as in the U.K. they provide it in the hospitals.

Just tell them you plan on bottle feeding with formula.

The hospital will supply you with formal and diapers while your there and They’ll send some home with you

I used formula for both my babies they are both perfectly healthy x

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Just Tell them straight!! If you’re not direct with them about your decision they may see room to change your mind?
It’s Your body, Your choice!
just take the tin of formula, maybe a microwave steriliser, bottles, your own dishwashing liquid & brush and ask where the kitchen is where you can clean them. :+1:t2:

They should provide the formula at the hospital and just be honest with the nurses and doctors and tell them you don’t want to breastfeed. If they’re good they’ll listen to your wishes. Tell them you don’t want to see a lactation specialist because they made you feel really uncomfortable last time.

4 children and all have been formula fed. and all have been pretty healthy… no problem. I felt the same.

Definitely stand your ground. Your body, your choice. I did breastfeed but everyone has their preference. And if formula is what you want to do by all means go for it. They will at the end of the day still be fed and still get all of the nutrients that they need. No need to do something that’s going to make you feel uncomfortable. You definitely have my support. Do what makes you feel most comfortable. The baby will still get everything that they need from the formula.

Both my boys were formula babies. Hospital supplied the formula while we were there.

I believe that’s totally your choice to do so there is nothing wrong with formula

You 100% can formula feed if that’s your choice. Just be careful of bub’s sucking reflex - don’t want to overfeed.

I know the expression used to be “breast is best”… but honestly, it should have always been “fed is best”

Stand your ground. Your baby, your body, your choice. Tell everyone else to go fuck themselves :joy:

Plenty of babies are formula fed from the beginning and are perfectly healthy & intelligent.

The hospital will have formula available for you. Make it clear in your birthing plan that you do not wish to breastfeed. Staff will encourage you to breastfeed but you don’t have to.

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Its your baby, you feed them however you feel comfortable. Im a nicu nurse and we have to tell you the pros and cons but ultimately its your decision and we cant force you to do anything. Fed is best, not breast is best :heart:

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The hospital will provide you with formula, neither of my 2 children were breast fed and both of them are perfectly healthy :heartpulse::blue_heart:

I did with both my kids! I told the nurse right after I had my son and she was trying to push him on my breasts that I was formula feeding. Later the nurse was super understanding and even told me she admired my decision. She said that a lot of mother pressure them self into breast feeding and she thinks we should be pushing to do more of what we want and what makes comfortable.
Both my boys are healthy and happy.
And the hospital provided formula while I was there and sent me home it’s a lot of free samples

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Tell them straight up that you choose to bottle feed and make no apologies.
You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Should have told them the minute you found out you were pregnant. Just be firm about no breastfeeding and always decline any offers for a pump or consultant. If they get a consultant sent to you without asking you first, turn the consultant away. Take your own tin of formula to hospital to show how serious you are about no breastfeeding. And if the midwives try to help with the breastfeeding/latching, turn them away. Say you only want to exclusively bottle/formula feed YOUR baby. Just be firm and it should be ok

i formula fed both of mine and once i told the nurses, they never tried to pressure me or make me feel bad they were really great about it because fed is best.

My 4 year old daughter and my 8 week old son, both formula fed both perfect in every way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My hospital pushed formula and wouldn’t help me with breastfeeding. It’ll be okay, and nobody will care.

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I told them at every single appointment I would be bringing formula, bottles and my sterilizer when I had my second. I struggled feeding my first as I didn’t have enough milk and had to top up with formula at every feed. It was awful for me and for my baby he was so hungry and they keep telling you your milk will come in, but I never had enough. There is so much pressure put on women to breastfeed. At the end of the day fed is fed, it shouldn’t matter where the milk comes from.

Fed is best! Many can’t for various reasons and there’s no shame in that. Get some ready made cartons or bottles and just put a few in as if you need more, the hospital will have some until you go home or someone can bring more in for you. Call the maternity unit to see what’s brand they use so you can start baby on the same. It is known that mixing brands can upset tummies

Hold your ground, it’s your body, and so long as you’re relaxed bub will be too. Neither need the stress. Congratulations on your new bub

Totally your choice…But I feel sorry for you that you feel this way. Breastfeeding my babies was so rewarding. All the best to you and your little family.


A fed baby is the best baby. Don’t worry about what anyone says. It is your body and your choice.

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I was straight forward with mine. The issues i had with my first breast feeding, I didn’t want to put myself through the mental strain and ppd bc i was unable to, so i was straight up. They asked i said a stern no, and wasn’t asked again.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can I strictly breastfeed after baby is born?

Screw them. They tried to guilt me into breastfeeding and my baby wasn’t getting any nutrients or food from my milk and was literally starving. The first time I gave him formula he was happy and passed out for 9 hours from being so exhausted and finally having a full stomach. Tell them off because it’s your baby and you know what’s best

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It’s your decision on what you wanna do. Fed is best momma and that’s what matters at the end of the day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Neither of my kids were breast fed and they are smart healthy and happy.

Ive never breaatfed eithwr one of my boys.i was strong from thw beginning to the doctor that I wudnt do breast feeding.and thanfully I cudnt anyway I never got milk

Fed is best! I hate the breast is best crap i see, I strictly bottle fed my third baby more so cause my milk didn’t come in (implants) but hey I was fine with that! And I got to skip the pain of stopping the milk lol… that was hell with my first two! Happy mom equals happy baby.


FED is best. No matter what way it is done. You do what you think is best momma.

I bottle fed my son from the hospital and I was very clear I didn’t want to breast feed. I tried breast feeding with my first child but I ended up feeling the same way you are now. My second child came 8 years later and being more mature I thought it would be a different experience. :upside_down_face:I was wrong I did it for 1 week and stopped. My third child, my son, I refused and told them formula from the get go. They provide formula for you in the hospital.

I just told them that I was gonna bottle feed N that was that it’s ur choice sweetie

I formula fed from the get go with 2 of mine. No regrets no shame. I breastfed and supplemented with another bc I didn’t produce enough for her to gain enough weight. She did fine with breast and bottle. And another refused to latch and had reflux so I pumped and supplemented so she could have breast milk for the first few months until like you said I felt like I was hooked to a machine and said no more and went to just formula.

I formula feed my second and it’s best like that for my mental health. Breast fed my first and it was so hard on me emotionally. It was hard at first for the formula fed because of how colicky she was but she’s getting the hang of it!

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It’s not for everyone. Breastfeeding is no joke it’s a full time commitment. It takes work.
But ultimately you have to remember that fed is best.
If breastfeeding is not something you want to do don’t worry one second what anyone else thinks.

I never had the desire to breastfeed it’s fine for those who want to but wasn’t for me

You are the mom, it’s your decision! Yes they may try to make you feel bad about it in the hospital but DO NOT let that discourage you from what you want to do. Breastfeeding is not for everyone and that’s okay as long as your baby is fed

Ask your doctor if they know what kind of formula the hospital provides and you might not have to bring any formula with you to the hospital unless you want to use something different than what the hospital will provide. (I’m not sure if every hospital provides formula, but I would think they would).

As far as telling your nurse team, in my two experiences with labor and delivery units they asked me whether I wanted to breastfeed or bottle feed but if they don’t ask you, just tell them

I formula fed right from the beginning with both boys. I was never pressured or asked twice.

I exclusively bottlefed both my sons (cow&gate) thankfully never had any issues with either with colic etc & now 4 weeks from #3 plan to do same, best of luck ur d boss of u :ok_hand:

all 3 of mine were bottle fed, no way was i doing it all on my own, i didnt put them there on there own so no way was i looking after them on there own :wink:, but anyway as long as there getting fed does it really matter, wish i could have but the thought of it was a no go

Do whats right for you. There wouldn’t be formula if it wasn’t mean to be giving to babies :woman_shrugging:


Sounds like the question is actually “can I exclusively formula feed?”

I did strictly formula fed my kids since I can’t produce enough for some reason fed is bet

I exclusively bottle fed all of mine because I just didn’t want to breastfeed. I told the nurses I didn’t plan to try and they said ok and didn’t try to guilt me. If they do, put your foot down and just say no that it’s not for you.


It’s your baby and your body. What you do is your business not their’s. Not everyone can breastfeed and formula was developed for this reason. Just tell them that you are NOT breastfeeding and don’t take any shit.

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You’ve made your decision, and when they do try to pressure you that’s what you tell them- I’ve made my decision, we are choosing formula. Said firmly. Your boobs are gunna hurt though and leak anyway but they’ll dry up quick enough

It is your decision, do what you are comfortable doing.

I’m sorry for all the negativity that some people will say to you.

Tell your doctor so it is written in your chart, so all the medical staff will know.

He can give you a shot after you give birth to help dry up your milk.

Breast milk is definitely a “supply and demand” situation, so if you don’t nurse your baby, your body will stop making milk in a few days.

Tell them it’s not good for your mental health they’ll leave you alone.


My nurses pushed formula feeding honestly… I expected the opposite. I’m with the FED is best. It’s your body :heart:

I breastfed my children, but will say - FED IS BEST. Yes, you can offer formula immediately, because as long as baby is fed, that’s all that matters. Don’t let anyone pressure you otherwise if you’re set on formula feeding.


if you don’t want to breastfeed then don’t …

Yes. Don’t let doctor’s or pediatricians bully you into supplementing with formula, or anybody tell you anything different. Seriously. You can do it. I EBF all 6 of my kids, and will with my 7th after she is born

You don’t have to bring formula with you…hospital provides!
It’s your baby, your body, your choice!

i tried to pump with my first. i didnt want a baby attached to me nonstop. i was 18. by the time i started producing enough, he was on formula so i kept it like that. i formula fed my other 2 from the beginning. all 3 are great kids, healthy. fed is best. it doesn’t matter how they are fed.

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I’ve thought about just formula feeding from the beginning. Bf drained my mental health last time

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can I strictly breastfeed after baby is born?

Not a mom- but I was formula fed from the beginning. I think it actually worked out great :slightly_smiling_face:

Both mine were formula fed. I tried to latch on my son but wasn’t working so bottle fed him xx your body your choice

I didn’t breast feed at all. The nurses at the hospital were very good and didn’t even question it. My midwife through out was rubbish and kept pestering me to at least try to which I said no every time. My baby is happy healthy and sleeps :slightly_smiling_face:

I never breast fed either of mine. The thought makes me want to heave! Just be strong and stick to your guns. Make it quite clear when anyone approaches you.

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Fed it best. I formula fed mine and she’s just fine. It’s your choice no one elses xx

I was the same. Never ever fancied trying to breast feed. Iv formula fed all 3 of myne from day 1. They are all healthy and amazing. Go for it! Just tell the nurses and whoever no. X

I went through the exact same thing with my first child and exclusively formula fed my next two kids. It was perfectly fine.

Your baby your choice.

Your mental health is far more important than where baby gets fed from :heart:

I pumped until my colostrum stopped but that was because my baby came a little early. We supplemented with formula until I was dried up and then he was full on formula. 8 months old now and just as happy and healthy as any other baby.

Hiya I didn’t breastfeed either of my boys and when I made it very clear I had no intention of breastfeeding the midwives didn’t question it I was very lucky, u do what’s best for u and that in turn is best for ur child

I had 3 never breast fed all grown up ok with kiddies :baby:

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The hospital provides formula while baby is there ,they will tell you what type and had given me some to bring home with me.You should be comfortable to tell your Dr about your decision.You just say no ty.its your choice

Tell them straight its your decision. I breastfed my first and I just couldn’t get enough milk out for her so ended going on formula. With the others I just did formula from beginning.
At the end of the day its your body and your baby. They can advise you but can’t tell u what to do.
Good luck!!

My son was born at 29 weeks and started with formula right away. I tried to breastfeed but since my body wasn’t aware that I had given birth I was forcing my body to produce milk. Not fun very frustrating… eventually I was able to produce but it was never enough. So we stuck to formula. Just keep reminding them that you do not want to breastfeed… and let them know that you do not want to see a lactation consultant. The way you said it here you tell them the same way.

I didn’t breast feed at all, no desire too. It wasn’t for me.
You can get premade formula in handle little bottles to take to the hospital, I think they come in a pack of 6, so maybe packs a few ! X

I didn’t breastfeed at all, my son was on formula from day one.
I took the ready made travel pack with me to the hospital.
You don’t need to explain to the hospital staff or midwife about how you feed your baby, that’s up to you not them.
I had no problem with mine, yes they said all the benefits etc but I had my reasons and I stuck to them.
Nothing wrong with formula milk.
I will be doing the same with my next, I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant and I’ll be using formula again.

I like you felt the same about breastfeeding I had my first child in January and I said from day 1 that I would formula feed her, when doing my birthing plan with my midwife I stated it then and asked her to put on the plan that no pressure/conversation was to be had about this My mind was made up and wasn’t going to be changed.
I brought the formula I was planning on using, you do need to buy the starter packs which include disposable bottle and teats that are already sterilised as most hospital do not have sterilisers and as for how much you need buy double what you think, I found as it was the ready made stuff there was a lot of wastage as once it was open it was only ok for 2 hours, we had no problems transitioning to the powdered formula when we got home. I took it with me to the hospital all the midwifes and doctors were brilliant no one challenged me.

I support women who want to breastfeed and feel they should be able to feed their baby anywhere! I personally never had would have the confidence to do it I am a shy person and would never feel comfortable breastfeeding in front of family let alone public.

Do what is right for you and your baby, there will be enough going on without added additional pressure and stress to breastfeed

Your body, your decision. I found that they were awfully pushy with both my girls and I didn’t end up breastfeeding until they were about a week old. With my eldest I literally had one nurse squeezing and pumping me trying to get me going. Needless to say I lost my s#t and told her where to go. Maybe find out before hand if they provide milk. I only took a starter pack with me as the hospital provided formula. Good luck x

My sister in law tried breast feeding at the start with her first and it didn’t work. Going forward with her other 3 she bottle fed from the start and I don’t think she had any issues. The one thing I think they said though is that babies sometimes put on weight quicker with formula over the boob, but they are healthy both ways. You have to do what’s right for you and your baby. No point in getting stressed out every 3 hours because you have to breast feed. Not good for you or baby if that’s the case!

I didnt breast feed any of mine. It wasnt for me either. Both my boys are thriving. I took 2 starter packs of milk to the hospital just incase xx

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I never breast feed wasn’t for me , I think they go into a better routine on a bottle you know exactly what your doing how much they take etc x

How you decide to feed your baby is up to you honey. Yea there are benefits of breastfeeding, but if you want to formula feed that is completely your choice! I bought the aptamil ready sterilised first infant ready made bottles in my hospital bag, was a lifesaver while I was establishing the latch and getting her used to it. :blush:

Formula feed if that’s your thing but thinking your breast are disgusting because they produce milk for your baby is silly. That’s literally their only purpose

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I didn’t breastfeed any of 3 kids. Just be firm with them from the start and tell them you are formula feeding. Your body, your child, your choice. They have no right to pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do. Remember a stressed out mum is no good for a baby either.

Just tell them you have decided you want to use baby milk your child your desion I wanted to breast feed my daughter yet they put her straight on a bottle and she’s 14 now and all is good