Why don’t you try sma starter pack or cow and gate do what you feel is right for you and your baby and im sure the midwife will respect what’s your reason is x
After so much stress and years trying with my first, second time round I took the pressure off myself and took one of the sma starter kits which have 6 bottles in and after giving it one try switched to those and was the only one who enjoyed that evening on the ward with my baby. Xx
My little 1 is 9 weeks old today iv formula fed from day 1 & didnt have any pressure from anyone about it i had prepared myself to fight them but no1 questionned it or tried to change my mind at all i was asked “are you bottle feeding? Just so we know which brand to get for you” instead of “are you breastfeeding” & honestly it made me feel better that it was worded that way! Stay strong its your choice & your baby you dont need to explain your reasoning to anyone x
I bottle fed all 4 of mine and never got pressured to feel like I had to try breastfeeding. Just do what you want to do
I didn’t breastfeed. Nurses were really rude about it. My son was only formula fed other than my couple attempts at trying. My son is 11 and happy and healthy. Once your out of the hospital it doesn’t really matter what they think anyway.
They will ask u do u want 2 bottle or breast I only had a baby 6 weeks ago
The hospital usually supplies the formula. Unless you have a specific brand you want to use then you should be fine not taking any with you.
Just tell them … you don’t have to even explain yourself … stand your ground … your body, your baby, your rules,
A didn’t a jst said am using bottle and they got me one. No questions asked x
I didn’t breast feed any of my 3 and they are all happy and healthy
My 2 Children were bottle fed babies…No problems at all…
That’s the problem tday they try and enforce their ways…Well not everyone is comfortable or wish to Breastfeed.
Stand upto them and have a voice and make it quite clear…No explanation needed
Both my sons were tounge tied and so due to having the latching on problems i only ever fed formula. I found formula ( personally) alot easier after watching some ( only some) go through hell breastfeeding. Also my hubby was able to help out and it hasnt effected my kids health or anything- actually my second son had a milk intolerance ( he grew out of it after 1 yrs old) so again special formula worked for us. I have absolutely no guilt in being formula only as i think everyone is different. If breastfeeding stresses a mother out etc then there is nothing wrong with formula- happy mother happy baby. X
There are many women who, for various reasons, cannot breastfeed. It’s okay. As long as your baby is fed, that’s all that matters. Bottle fed, breast fed, tube fed. As long as little one is eating and growing then you’re doing it right. I won’t argue my opinion, so don’t even try to come at me with the “breast is best” line. FED IS BEST. Only one of my four was breast fed, the other three had formula from day one.
I didn’t breast fed as I feel the exactly the same way as the poster. My daughter was formula fed. X
I dont understand the initial question but no they won’t care as long as you want bottlefed at arrival. They will have everything you need
It is really good if you can manage it for the first week whilst it’s colostrum (or even for a couple of days). No pressure. (It’s also good for you as well). If you explain that you are phobic about it due to trauma from your first pregnancy, hopefully they will understand. My Mum didn’t produce any milk when she had me so she didn’t get a choice!
You don’t have to breastfeed. They say breast is best, but really, baby just needs to eat. I tried with both my kids and wasn’t successful. And both my kids are perfectly healthy and rarely ever sick. They are 3 and 19. Do what you want, your baby, your body, your decision. Once you tell yours drs and nurses, they should back off. And I believe the hospital will provide formula at the hospital.
I formula fed all 5 of my babies almost 6… they are all perfectly fine and growing strong and healthy so far!
The only thing I can suggest is make a birth plan with the notion that you don’t want to breastfeed or see a consultant, fed is best!
Both of my kids were formula feed from day 1
I was bedridden after my first as I had two seizures after having her and my hospital still tried to push breastfeeding and I refused, both my babies have been formula fed since day 1 and were both born early and only 4 lbs and now are both healthy and chunky monkeys. Fed is best, you do what is right for you.
I just went with the flow he wasn’t getting enough from me so I supplemented and dried up. He is still happy and healthy.
It’s your choice you don’t have to take formula to the hospital they provided at the hospital in fact they’ll even send you home with some just make sure they know when you get there that you just want to formula feed and that you would prefer not see any vacation consultants or have any pressure about it
Girl you do what works for you and you alone. I had 4 total. Two bottle from the beginning. And two only breastfed for the start. I did what worked for me at them points in my life. You do you.
Sounds like you might have D-MER
I had it with my first two. My second child was the worst. I hated breastfeeding so much we exclusively pumped. But I hated that too. It hurt my ability to bond with my daughter.
That being said, I did not have it with my last two and I loved breastfeeding. So if you wanted to try, know every baby is different.
I went into each baby thinking I would breastfeed for colostrum and through the hospital and then take it a day at a time.
That being said, if you want to formula feed from the start, just be firm.
It’s completely up to you what to do! A happy Mammy equals a happy baby. Formula fed babies are perfect. Don’t be pressured into doing anything you don’t want to do. You do what’s best for you. They should have the formula at the hospital. Congratulations mammy x
I am a foster mom so all of our babies are strictly formula fed. We picked a baby girl up at 2 days old (meth exposed) she was just 5lbs and losing weight. She was just drinking 5ml every hour. Well, she is now 8 months and 18lbs!!! Formula works just fine!!
Congratulations on your baby, good luck mama!!!
I was very confused at first because the first sentence summarizing the question is completely wrong
But anyway, yes you can absolutely strictly formula feed after baby is born. They should give you all the formula to use while at the hospital
My daughter was formula fed from the start. They did try to kinda make me breastfeed her by saying i could give her a bottle because she needed to be weight first but if she was really crying i could try breasfeeding her until the nurse came to weight her . I just said no eithee they weight her now or im giving her a bottle that simple. She is now almost 3 and zero health problems
Both my boys were/are formula fed there is nothing wrong with it and my obgyn never judged me or tried to change my mind you have to do what’s best for the baby and also what’s best for YOU if you don’t want to breastfeed then don’t. fed is best doesn’t matter if you breast-feed or formula feed
Formula fed w both of my girls, they’re both thriving. They’ll give you premade little bottles of formula at the hospital, I continued using premade because it was easier on my girls stomachs. Do what you feel is best for you and baby in your situation. Don’t listen to all that other “talk.”
I did with both of mine. You have to do what your comfortable with, with both mine I had several midwives push me to try breastfeed and I just said no each time I didn’t want too. Fed is best so do what you feel is right. No one can tell you
You don’t have to breast feed at all, not once, not even for colostrum. It’s your body and your baby and it’s ok if breast feeding isn’t right for you, they probably will try to pressure you as well as others with the breast is best and guilt but just remember that NO can be a complete sentence, you don’t have to explain yourself. Good luck Mama
I feel you! I’m 100% supportive to all who breastfeed but it wasn’t my thing. I had three babies and I told the doctor each time I wasn’t I interested and I was firm about it. Don’t stress it’s not a big deal anymore it’s 2021
Never breastfed my 2
I formula fed both my kids from the start. Noone ever fought me. And I took all the formula they would let me😅
All 4 of mine formula fed, best decision i made not only foe me but for them. Do what your comfortable doing its your body and your baby
Tell them you have no desire or interest in breastfeeding and you do not wish to discuss it. You won’t need to bring much, you’ll use 1 scoop every couple hours or so. The important thing is you are going to feed the baby. Don’t worry what others will think or say, they will always have something to say
Due to almost dying during delivery- my perfectly normal/healthy 4.5 year old was exclusively bottle fed from Day One. No one will judge or pressure you; they care about whether your child is fed not how they’re being fed.
The hospital i delivered in provided diapers and formula the entirety of our stay. (Don’t stock up too much until you know how baby will react to specific formula! )
The hospital i delivered in also asked me if I wanted to bottle or breast feed as part of their standard admittance. I never spoke with lactation consultants or even saw a breast pump.
Breast is not for everyone and most medical staffing understands that especially working in OB.
Fed is best. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do. Typically the hospital will provide formula. Ours had two different kinds if I remember correctly. I nearly died from having a baby so it was a good 48 hours before I could breast-feed. She was on formula till then.
I formula fed with my forth. That was just mainly because I didn’t want all the pain that came with breastfeeding with my 2nd and 3rd. And also I am a mother of 4 so I am extremely busy
You do you… your body, your baby!
I tried to breastfeed my first but didn’t think he was getting enough so we switched to formula no problems.
With my second I told doctors I was going to formula feed and they were perfectly fine with it but once I saw how much he spit up (my oldest never spit up that much) I switched to breast.
Doctors and nurses are (in my personal experience) nothing but supportive of what I chose for my children and myself.
I formula feed from the first moment on all three of my kids .
It was my choice , just like yours chick .
You can formula feed from the very beginning. My oldest wouldn’t latch and only had the tiniest amount of breastmilk. He is almost 8 and is perfectly fine. He’s smart and healthy. Just tell the hospital you aren’t breastfeeding. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for it. Do what’s best for you and your family.
Fed is best your child, your choice.
I formula both both my kids. Your doctor should ask you if you are breast feeding or using formula, if not tell them and have them put it in your birth plan. The hospital will provide you with little bottles of pre made formula while you are there.
It is your choice. Health care providers try to force breastfeeding down your throat because it’s tailored specifically for your baby but I think most dont understand it is still the mothers choice. Take your choice of formula with you and bottles and at your last antenatal visit inform your birth team of your choice.
I 100% support your choice to formula feed. After 24 hours of breastfeeding my second baby i put him straight on formula & never looked back. I had my own reasons & so do you.
In my opinion some of the midwifes will put pressure on you & make you feel guilty but some will also be understanding. You stand your ground. A fed & loved baby is all that matters. Good luck to you & congratulations. I bought a tin of formula into the hospital & they supplied the bottles.
I only formula fed my daughter right from start. The one nurse tried ti pressure me & i literally told her to fuck off, my body my choice. I tried with my son cuz he was born premie, but i got Mastitis & ended up back in hospital so after that i switched him to formula to
I tried to breastfeed my daughter… it didn’t work out…so I exclusively formula fed her & my sons were also only formula fed… they were all healthy babies & now healthy teens
Fed is best. Does not matter how you feed your baby as long as they are full and happy.
Tell the hospital staff to back off and you don’t want to do it.
I never breastfed 2 of mine and they did wonderfully! Don’t stress yourself out you have enough going on. And to those that judge you…screw them! Doctors and nurses alike. This is YOUR journey. As long as that sweet baby is eating that’s all that matters.
This post was a breath of fresh air to read because I’ve always felt the same… it just isn’t for me. It’s nice to see that the comments are not filled with people jumping on you saying “just get over it and do it” etc etc.
You do what’s best for you and your baby, it’s all food in their bellies
I breastfed my 3 boys until they were one but it makes me so mad that doctors and nurses make you choose what you have to do with your kids like really if you want to give them formula that is your choice if you want to breastfeed them that is your choice it’s like they make you feel bad about what secesión you are making for your child
You be straight forward about it. If they try to pressure you into it make them leave. It is your baby and body. I formula fed both my girls from the beginning and they are 13 and 4 amd perfectly healthy!!! As far as the formula for the hospital, you take none they provide you with that after birth! Just remeber to stand your ground!!!
You can formula feed from the beginning, the hospital usually provides formula unless there is a specific brand you want your baby on. I formula fed my babies & they are all happy healthy babies. Do what’s best for you & baby. Also no one should be pressuring you to breastfeed, you shouldn’t be pressured either way. Congrats & good luck momma.
I formula fed from birth both my first two .but Now breastfeeding my third you do you girl … A fed baby is a happy baby x
I strictly formula fed my first two and I am currently 2 weeks into pumping and giving formula with my 3rd and final. I didn’t get pressured at all and I have not and will not latch with my newborn! I just wanted to try feeding breast milk to this one and I’m glad I am because she gets constipated without Atleast one breast milk bottle a day!
I have 4 kids and they were all 100 % formula fed. Never even attempted to try to breast feed them. My doctors, midwives or nurses never once pressured me or made me feel guilty about my decision.
I formula fed my daughter from birth and no one got funny about it. I brought 4 of the premade bottles of sma and like 6 bottles in case we had to stay awhile. I didn’t like breastfeeding either, it just wasn’t for me fed is best!
They’ll give you formula at the hospital, I just had a baby and told them I was bottle feeding from the get go and no one pressured me. They only pressure you when you are having difficulty breastfeeding and want to give up. They are just there to encourage you because they know breast milk is the healthiest option. But there’s many reasons people bottle feed instead.
They shouldn’t judge you be rude. If they are you should push the button issue and make a formal complaint to the nurse manager of delivery and labor ,along with HR. You know what is best for your growing family don’t let a single person bully you. congratulations and good luck
I’m currently still breastfeeding a 3 year old. With my 4 year old I never even made it a month. In the end of the day. Over everything else including others judgment FED IS BEST.
You can formula feed from start. Tell your team of doctors when you get to the hospital. The hospital is the one who sends lactation consultant not your ob. I say tell hospital staff because if you are anything like me all 3 times I went into labor my ob wasnt on call and I had a completely different ob. In regards to breast feeding I’m not going to push it on you but it does seem like your views on it are very immature it might help in the future to not be so uptight about it.
You can do whatever you want to do- both are healthy for baby. Congratulations on your baby!!
I am currently breastfeeding because I want to but when my milk production slows ill move to formula… its all personal choice. My mom didn’t breastfeed me or my sister and we are both healthy and smart and turned out just fine lol. You do you!
I went straight to formula with my second. The Drs and nurses were completely supportive and didn’t try to change my mind once.
Just be upfront with your doctor. Let them know that breastfeeding is not something that is healthy for you as a mom and you have no intentions of doing so.
Hospital should provide the formula while you are there, but some hospitals are not friendly to moms who want to formula feed so if you want to take some just in case that’s fine.
Hospitals can be huge bullies about breastfeeding. I was bullied into breastfeeding my third and my depression spiraled and I didn’t properly bond with baby till she weaned off me. Be prepared to stand your ground and whoever you have with you should be prepared to back you up. It should be noted the hospital I was bullied at always waited till I was alone so just be ready.
Do what you are comfortable with .
I strictly formula feed my daughter due to her being born underweight and I was making low milk production… It made bonding time easier. My daughter is going to be 2 and she’s very healthy and active. Fed is Best. Do what is best for you and your baby.
I tried to breastfeed at the hospital and no matter what I did she wouldn’t latch. I was so frustrated and crying. The nurse asked if I wanted to try formula. I said no at first but after hours of both of us crying and getting no where I asked the nurse to bring me a bottle. She did not hesitate or judge. I was not pressured to try again. Fed is best.
I was not asked if I was breastfeeding or formula feeding until after I had my first son. I know the benefits but had no desire to want to try truthfully therefore when he was born and they asked me I said strictly formula and not one person tried to convince me otherwise. I will be doing the same with my second son when he is born as well.
It’s all in our own preference and if someone tries to talk to out of it you cut them out. If a nurse tries talking you out of it you ask them to leave and request a new nurse. I hate that a lot of women (especially other moms) that do not understand that FED IS BEST. Whether it’s formula, breastmilk, or a tube.
That baby is still getting a happy full belly and that should seriously be all that matters.
Just tell them right away in hospital what your plans are.
You walk up in that delivery room and say “I am not going to breastfeed. I do not want a lactation consult.” You are the patient and they cannot force it on you. Your baby will be fed and cared for. That is what matters. Be matter of fact and straight forward with the hospital team and stand your ground if you get a tough crowd. As far as how much to bring, most hospitals will provide formula while you are there so you may want to call and see what your specific hospital suggests. And remember you are still a great mom.
i tried to breastfeed my first , it was a total disaster , i switched to bottle feeding , i didnt even try for the second baby, i never regretted it tell them at the start of their nagging that you wont change your mind ,.be assertive , stand your ground , no breast feeding
The hospital provides formula and just tell them I’m not breastfeeding no judgment fed is best
Personnel should not try to convince you to do something you don’t want to do. Breastfeeding is not for everyone. It’s not like we dont have the means to replace breastfeeding; the baby is not going to starve if you chose not to breastfeed. Set the boundaries clearly with them if they attempt to convince you. Yes, there are benefits but it is also very taxing on mom. I did it for a year and it was one of the hardest things I ever did. One of the reason I sticked to it for so long was to “prevent ear infections “… my baby is getting tubes in her ears in 3 weeks because she keeps gettin inner ear infections so there’s that…
Good luck momma!
They usually supply you with formula at the hospital. I breastfed and they still gave me formula to take home.
All three of my girls were strictly formula fed from birth. Be up front with your hospital team, lactation comes in you can send them right out.
Fed baby is happy baby (and mama) do your thing girl. Also FYI when you go to the dr ask if they have samples save a little money
When my babies were born they asked if I was planning on breastfeeding and if I was would I like a consultant to come in and help. It was all choice. Not forced. Of course my youngest is now 12.
Usually the hospital gives you enough formula to get home with. However don’t feel bad i was the same way. I couldn’t do the breastfeeding and had the same issues. I couldn’t even get help with it so I gave up and bottle feed. My daughter had issues though so my sister pump extra for me of hers until I found the right formula which ended up being what my boys had. The new formula stuff didn’t work. Anyways the doctors were happy to hear she helps. We all have a hard time and it’s not for everyone doesn’t make you a bad person.
There should be no judgement. This is your decision, your baby and your breasts! Women strictly formula feed all the time. I’m an RN in a newborn nursery and you’re right, there tends to be judgement and pressure which is just wrong. Stick to what you want, tell them no, do not give them any room to argue. This is your decision and your decision only! Good luck!
I did with my 4th, doctors were ok with it. They had formula at the hospital too
With my first I also felt pressured I tried my best but it just wasn’t working out for us… with my second I didn’t allow them to make me feel like formula was wrong! Just do what’s best for your family !!
I did with my oldest. The hospital provided what the pediatrician recommended.
Stick to your guns It’s your decision
Feed is best no matter formula or breast!! U just tell them u are going to be formula feeding. I did it with 3 children. Ur baby ur body ur choice my babies are now 10 9 and 7 years there all very healthy been healthy there whole life and was strictly formula fed
Your baby, your body, your choice. Make it known.
Yes I did
I had a horrible experience with my first and went to formula after 6 weeks. With my second formula from day 1. It was the best choice for both of us.
Title Question and story do not match…
I didnt know what I was going to do 100% so I baught the prepared bottles. A lot of formula brands sell the ready ones which is what I packed. I ended up not using them as I decided to breastfeed which I only managed 2 weeks cuz she was a hungry baby wanting feeding every hour and took an hour to feed BUT was happy I had those bottles so I had them as I didnt know hospitals provided them as I could at least choose what brand it was. Good luck! Nobody should judge, its your body. Xx
I would bring a small can of formula in your hospital bag along with a few bottles with different nipples (babies can be picky!). Talk to your OB beforehand to figure out what a good one would be. Typically the hospital will provide you with it while you’re there though. Let them know at your intake your birth plan (a printed one is awesome so it can go on your chart). Let them know you don’t plan to breastfeed from the beginning. That will make it easier when the baby comes as some moms want to breastfeed right away. That way, they can prepare before hand.
Its your body and your bubba 100% up to you!
Don’t be pushed into it if you don’t want to
I strictly formula fed both my kids. I’m pierced, I knew I didn’t want to breastfeed, and I wasn’t taking the piercings out too “just try it before you say no” for the Drs/nurses. If they keep trying to convince you to try first, just tell them you refuse, that you tried before with your first, and you already know it’s not for you. No more details needed. Be stubborn. They can not make you
I didn’t even try breastfeeding at all. He was formula fed as soon as he came out
I dont produce breast milk so I formula fed all 4 of my kids
Better fed than dead.
Do what works for you.
It’s your body, your baby, your choice don’t let anyone give you crap about HOW you feed your baby. That corny old saying applies 100%, FED IS BEST. Sign up for enfamil or similac coupons through their websites and they usually send you a sample package with a small can - take that with you. As well as get a pack of the ready made formula in the small bottles. WIC normally provides Similac, however we found with our third that Enfamil was easier on her tummy. And always remember (if this scenario applies) that food stamps, EBT, whatever you want to call it, covers formula too.