First of all, breastfeeding is the best. That being said, it is your choice! You have tried in the past, so you know your feelings about it. Do not let anyone shame you or pressure you into breastfeeding. The hospital should supply the formula while you are there. The doctor or nurse should be able to advise you regarding what formula would be best for your child. Many babies have had only formula and are fine. So, just tell them you are going to formula feed. It should not be a problem. It will be ok .Be blessed
With my first, I was too embarrassed to ask for help when baby wouldn’t latch, and breastfeeding constantly seemed daunting… so we were formula fed 100% from the beginning. With my second, all the shame was gone so it was breastfeeding from the beginning. Either way you choose is 100% ok!!
Imagine wanting to give your kid trash powder knowing full well you can produce milk. Ew.
I formula fed my 3rd for the same reasons. At the hospital they had the premix bottles with sterile nipples for the baby, and they will watch the baby and feed them while you sleep which was much needed for me since I had a 2&3 yo to get back to. She’s 19 months now and healthy like her siblings. They did pressure at the hospital but understood my reasons and stopped asking.
I absolutely hated it! My first two I made myself do it the first two weeks so they could get a good start but I also did formula so it wasn’t a hard transition. My 3rd I barely made it a week. My 4th not at all! I just couldn’t do it. And it wasn’t the latching or any problem I just absolutely hated it. All my kids are happy and healthy! Do what is comfortable for you!
My first 3 i breast fed for like 2 or 3 days with formula as well then switched to formula exclusively. My 4th i strictly breastfed. Do not let the hospital make you feel guilty. Dont suggest. Tell them your bottle feeding with no room for discussion. Be strict. And straightforward. People say breast is best but honestly i know alot of kids that were formula fed and they all grew well and are all just fine! Ya know whats best. Food is best. Whatever works for you and your family. As long as your baby is eating thats all that matters! They also say breast feeding is easier. And i call bullshit. Its not easier at all in my opinion. Nothing like having a child stuck to ya all the time… no one else can feed them its exhausting! Well it was for me anyways as i had 3 other children! Best of luck with your expected bundle of joy! Dont feel bad. You do you mama!
My baby is 8 days old and she is strictly formula fed. The hospital were I delivered my husband made it clear the day we enter the hospital that he didn’t want to see a damn consultant lactation nurse. The horror stories of the pressure they put you under is ridiculous and my mom friends warned me they would. So when we walked in and had her he told them from the start of my labor and delivery… he better not see or hear of a lactation nurse coming to see cause I didn’t want to breastfeed. I have the same similar thought process as you. Even now I still don’t have a desire to even try. The hospital provided the formula and I would suggest bring a couple bottles with you but I did not even half to provide the bottles.
I Bottle fed both of mine and they grew up fine. At the time mine were Babies it was what everyone did,now it’s Breast feed it will probably change again some day.
Fed is best . But do give ur newborn colostrum before you give formula . Baby needs that for antibodies and for stomach to start working
Fornula feed your babe man. Honestly i would breastfeed just for the first day or two so they get the… cant remember the name but its the stuff that comes before the actual milk, cause that shits goooood for newborns but like. Dont breastfeed if you dont wanna…
I stopped breastfeeding after 3 weeks just cause it was fucking impossible. My milk was scarce and pumping and cleaning the pump and topping up with formula and repeat every 3 hours… i wasnt sleeping. It was killing me. So formula it was
My first 2 I didn’t even attempt breastfeeding. You just tell them formula only and they will respect your wishes. They also supply the formula there and send you home with a few days worth.
Just tell them. I never got any flack from anyone at the hospital over wanting to use formula.
I have 2 kids and formula fed both almost immediately after birth. The hospital should supply it while you’re there. And I work in a hospital now and I can tell you what most hospitals don’t want you to know… you have the right to refuse ANY type of care. This includes lactation specialists. When you do your admit paperwork just inform them you want to refuse any lactation consultations and they should put it in your chart and if a consultant comes to your room just let them know you have refused it
Both my kids had formula from the very beginning. Fed is best!
I did Not Breast Feed. Was not for me!! Its your baby an your choice!! Good Luck!!
Breastfeeding is overwhelming and I refuse to do it ever again. My second child was formula fed since day one. Told my doctor I was not attempting to breastfeed and nobody was going to change my mind. Tried to convince me otherwise, but my mind was already made up. FED IS BEST.
Yes all of my kids were bottle babies
If that is what you want to do, do it. Do not worry about what others may say or do
Its your baby and it will be fed and that is what is the most important. If I had another child I probably would not breastfeed again either.
I’m just confused on why you seem to be afraid to say I’m formula feeding its more normal than breastfeeding and all you have to do is tell them your formula feeding
Just be super honest about it. Honestly they don’t care as long as the baby’s fed
As a M/N RN, we NEVER made any mother feel bad with whatever choice they make. It’s your baby & your choice. I bottle fed both of my babies ( now 50 & 48) and they were very rarely sick. They were healthy babies, toddlers, children & adults
My son was formula fed from the very beginning (it grossed me out too plus I don’t believe I could handle the mental strain that comes with breastfeeding) and they provided it while I was there and just be very firm when you say you are not breastfeeding once I made it clear I was not breastfeeding I did not hear about it again.
Both my kids were formula fed from the minute they were born. The hospital provides the formula while you are there. They asked me “will you be breast feeding or formula feeding” I said “formula feeding” and that was it. No pressure, nothing. I never saw a lactation consultant and they never brought it up again. I hope you have the same experience!
The biggest problem for mothers that only want to nurse is that the babies are often given a bottle of sugar water or even formula before mom and baby really has a chance to get used to latching on and nursing. This happened to me with my first two babies and it was a struggle. With my 3rd I told them absolutely no bottle and the nursing started out way better.
The hospital will have the formula and just tell them your formula feeding they will respect that and answer all your questions and concerns and tell u what kind of formula they recommend
I never breastfed either of my children, I was never pressured to either. The hospital staff asked, I declined, that was it. And the hospital supplied the formula while I was there. I brought some assuming I would need it and the hospital told me to keep it for at home. As long as your baby is healthy and being fed it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Best of luck.
I have 4 kids an all 4 were formula fed. Nothing wrong with any of them. Each to their own. An you just have to say that to your nurses etc. Xx
The hospital should have formula bottles already for you when you go In to deliver
I did not breastfeed either of my babies. And they are happy and healthy. Ignore the judgers, do what works for you!
Nope I’ve felt the same way and after a month I gave it. Fed is best. Doesn’t matter how you do it weather formula or breast milk.
Remind them of two things: It is your boobs, and you are paying the bill. Offer to breastfeed if they want to foot all the bills you have until your child is weened. They usually shut up pretty fast.
My 3 children were all bottle fed and did just
I just told them I was not breastfeeding. They provided formula while at the hospital
If u do change ur mind…1 month is better than not @ all
I dont know if its different in other areas but I’ve never heard of doctors or nurses pressuring to breastfeed? I have 2 kids and when I was in the hospital they just asked if the baby will be breastfed or formula and you tell them your choice and they say ok. My hospital gives you all the formula you need for the time in the hospital in those little individual pre made bottles of similac but I guess if you want a certain formula you could bring your own.
I formula fed my oldest from day one… And she is a smart, very healthy nearly 14 year old. I got a little crap for it but while the ideal may be breast… FED IS BEST.
If you have such an aversion to breastfeeding it wouldn’t be the bonding experience feeding your baby should be. Formula feed, mama, and bond with your baby.
As an adoptive mom I had to bottle feed he grew up just fine!!!
Fed is best! I exclusively bottle fed. I told my doctor thru out my pregnancy and they marked it in my chart. You can call the maternity ward ahead of time if you’re super concerned. Don’t worry about formula unless you want a specific kind. But our hospital started with Enfamil. And they supplied us with as much as we needed. We also would take extra so they’d supply more. Take as much single use ones as possible! Same with diapers. What our pediatrician told me, she said honestly formula is a close second to breastfeeding. And she said don’t you ever feel bad about not breastfeeding. About not even trying it. Your kid is fed. And that’s all that matters. You’re going to have so many harder choices to figure out than what to feed your kid. Which felt amazing to me since everyone shamed me for not. I would TOTALLLLY suggest the baby breeza formula maker tho. It makes life a lot easier
I also strictly bottle fed my 3…im a very blunt person so I had to tell the hospital staff that no means no and it’s MY choice and that took care of that. My kids all were just fine. Grew and gained weight just as they should
I strictly formula fed my son from the day he was born. Never even wanted to breastfeed. You don’t have to bring anything to the hospital they will have formula there for the baby.
I did for all five of my children was so easy and did t cost anything also had a special bond with all my children which I still have
My oldest was formula fed only. My 2nd only was breastfed for 2 months then on formula, my 3rd last 4 months breastfeeding then went to formula…nothing wrong as long as your baby is being fed and gaining appropriate weight
Formula has evolved so much thought the years. I’m not an expert and I have no kids of my own yet but I’m in the same boat as you and don’t want to breastfeed my future children, it just not for everyone and it’s hard enough as it is without someone critiquing you as a new mom. Do what you think is best. What works for someone else and their baby won’t always work for you and your baby!
I formula fed. I didn’t care what the nurses said. I told them I wasn’t doing it and honestly by the time you’re home and doing it anyways, it shouldn’t matter what anyone says, it’s your body, your child.
You tell them strictly do not want to breastfeed. Its your choice all in all
Both of mine formula until a little over 6mts then whole milk along with vitamins. Both my boys are healthy as horses. Fed is best
Always try to have an extra thing of formula in your car, and they have amazing formulas now so he’ll be fine
All three of my biological children were/are formula fed and guess what they are perfect and smart and fed the hospital ahould provide formula they did for all three of mine they even sent me home with about 8 of the premixed formula bottles and nipples honestly with my last csection (all 3 were born csection) when i finally got into the room dad was already bottle feeding our lil one
I breast fed exclusively for my two from birth until they were ready to stop breastfeeding. I was also a stay at home mom. They’re both in their early 40’s. I was fortunate to have breast fed as both had dairy allergies, unknown initially. Obvious when others shared dairy products. Both are healthy.
I formula fed my twins only & they’re perfectly healthy 14 year olds now!
Just tell them your formula feeding. They’ll ask you when you go in to deliver . No need to bring any the hospital will provide bottles and formula.( if in us I guess idk how other places work) . I’ve never been able to breastfeed and noone doc or nurse wise , well anyone really to give me a hard time about not breastfeeding. I just had my 4th child 2 and half years ago and I never seen a lc , breast pump , nothing. They asked was I breastfeeding or formula feeding and I said formula and they said ok! That was that and all was ever said about it. They’d bring in already made little bottles and when he’d get low , I’d ask for more . ( he had to stay 5days due to issues at birth)
Less stress about breastfeeding will make you a happier and mentally healthier momma.
I had a hard time with my first born… my second and third… didn’t even attempt. All up to you!
Breast is best!!! Do it for your kid
Mama’s body, mama’s baby, mama’s choice! Best of luck and congrats!!
Don’t bring any formula the hospital will have plenty
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has felt this way.
I didn’t breast feed either of mine from the start. I was fully supported with both, never pressured, never made to feel guilty. Your baby your choice
I was poorly when I gave birth so didn’t have son the first night so he was bottle fed straight away.
Hey, I felt exactly the same way as you so I didn’t even try. My little girl is a healthy 17 month old now. It’s your baby and your body. At the hospital they were fine they just left me to it whilst helping the breastfeeding mums. Do what’s best for you xxx
I ended up having to stay in hospital for a week after my first born because I listened to them about breastfeeding. My son didn’t latch well and I wasn’t producing enough milk which resulted in him loosing a dangerous amount of weight, which none of the midwives picked up on. He screamed the first 4 days almost non stop because the poor boy was hungry and as a first time mum I just thought it was normal for him to cry and thought he was getting what he needed. We would have been home and happy if I had just formula fed him. I did with my second. So do whatever you feel is best for you and baby, as others have said it’s your body and your baby.
I used formula from birth for both my children. There is pressure to breast feed and in all honesty it’s your body you do what you want too don’t let them pressure you. My babies are healthy and strong just as they would be being breast fed. I took the mini bottles of SMA formula that come with the teats xx
Your body, your choice! Stick to your guns. Formula has progressed so much over the years it’s no big deal if that’s what you choose. C
Got a 5 year old and a 8 month old formula fed straight from birth as It just wasn’t for me everyone to ther own as long as baby is fed it doesn’t matter how they get ther food xx
It’s your choice no1 else’s and no1 should judge you for whatever u decide. They have gone much more pushy towards breastfeeding but you tried it didn’t like it so formula suits you best and that’s your decision.
I never breastfeed and personally didn’t want to, I felt that I could keep an eye on what she was eating by bottle, the hospital didn’t say anything to me about breastfeeding at all! I had 2 boxes of the starter bottles and I came home with 1 spare, do what you think is best for you and your baby, fu*k what other people think
They will have formula and can give you a shot to dry up your milk if need be. It’s completely your choice. I couldn’t because of medication and I got a lot of negative remarks about doing my baby unjust by not giving her what she “needed”. Your baby needs to be fed. End of story. your body your baby your choice.
I had my son 7 months ago.
Thought I tried my hardest to breast feed him longer then I did my daughter I made it 2 extra months haha.
But they asked if he would be breast or formula. And said that if I was to go formula to bring my own formula (if I had formula fed from the start I would of just taken a whole tin with me (because you never know how long your going to be there for)
While midwifes will recommend and highly suggest breastfeeding they can’t force you. Its your choice.
Iv had some horrible midwives that refused to believe that formula can be just as good as breast milk. While others have been amazing and agreed that I was doing what was best for me and my baby.
Fed is best.
As someone that’s milks quality was absolutely crap with my first child to the point she wasn’t gaining weight I was fully prepared to formula feed my son from the start but thankfully for me my body was a bit better this time round and I got to 3 months of breastfeeding/expressing before my body couldn’t keep up with my greedy little man
Yes you can straight away
They can be very anal about the first few feeds just tell them straight. First be polite if they still are trying to tell you what to do and how to feel… Don’t be so polite.
Your boobs, your baby, your body, your choice.
I’ve EBF all three of mine and I still had a nurse trying to tell me how to do it ‘properly’ on my last baby. Soon shut her mouth when I told her that I knew what I was doing and revealed to her he was my 3rd breastfed child. Not that they are all the same but some are very patronising and pushy some do try to almost bully you into it. And they are suppose to be there to support you. Just stand your ground.
I don’t know about the milk situation but I’d imagine you’d have to bring in your own milk?.
Any way good luck.
fedisbest mumknowsbest
Well done T my first got 6 weeks my second got none. They seem to be fairly normal xxxxxx
I only formula fed. I feel the same as you breastfeeding… Seeing other women do it doesn’t faze me I think it’s wonderful but I can’t stand the thought of myself doing it xx
I’m adopted so I was bottle fed from birth.
I didn’t breastfeed exclusively ever. I had twins and feeding them both was hell so I went to bottles straight away. With my last one I didn’t breastfeed at all. It just wasn’t my thing.
Bring a can of your preferred formula. The hospital will provide samples of others in case your preferred isn’t tolerated
Jist tell them you don’t want to breastfeed, you don’t have to explain yourself and they sure as hell shouldn’t pressure you and they should respect you
From the start I chose to exclusively formula feed, I gave my baby the colostrum in the beginning but after that, that was it for me.
I have autoimmune disease and I knew i could have a possible flare as soon as I gave birth and all my hormones were all out of wack!
So many people fought me on it but I literally didn’t care. No doctors or nurses pressured me and I can assure you, if they tried I would tell them how I feel.
A fed baby is best. Good luck mama and don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad. I also tried breast feeding with my first, 10 years ago and it just wasn’t happening and I found it more stressful, so I stopped after 4 days with him.
3/3 babies all bottle fed.
My babies, my body my choice!
I found it a really good cause if dad or brothers or other family wanted to feed they could. Great while cooking tea someone else can feed.
Best decision for myself.
My boys are now 19,11,18m.
Fed babies are best. You do what is best for you and for your baby. Remember, YOU are paying the hospital, so be clear about your wishes.