Can I sue my ex wife for using my surname?

Can we sue my ex wife for using my surname? Divorce with no children and it was messy as hell. She made a big show of making sure her surname was changed to her maiden And I’ve recently been shown her using my surname still My current wife and I have children and I think it’s super disrespectful to them I’ve asked her to stop using my name but she refuses


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can I sue my ex wife for using my surname?

This is fake right :rofl::rofl: Jesus so petty


you married her so its as much her name as it is yours


Ridiculous. Who cares what name she uses. Move on.


Is this Caitlin Jenner? :thinking:


This is exactly like a ring argument, unfortunately you gave it to her…


The equivalent of “ma she’s touching meeee”


maybe ask her or have someone you both know ask her why she is continuing using your name

It’s her name as well. As long as she wants to use it. She married you.


Nope. If you were married, it is now her name even if you divorce.
I mean, if it bothers you THAT much, you should offer to pay for a nmae change


I think s lawyer would have the best answer for this question. Contact the lawyer who did your divorce


I hope this is fake because i feel like an 11 year old made this post


No you can’t because you were married and she took your name.

Lmao people can legally change their name to whatever they want
Probably not gonna win this one.


I guess if it was actually written in your divorce she goes back to her maiden name but if it wasthen no


No, suck it up buttercup

Why are you still even checking up on her? Move along. Plenty of people probably have the same surname as you. Get over it.


Change your own name :crazy_face: that is about all ya can do. :woman_shrugging:


No, and anyone can change their name to whatever they choose. This is beyond petty


Seriously…grow up :rofl::clown_face:


Ppppffffftttttt sounds like a you problem homie


You’re divorced with no kids. Therefore, no ties. Why you so obsessed with what she’s doing? Focus on your current wife and your children.


I don’t know why she would want to keep it tbh but it’s her choice :joy::nail_care:


Well, now we know why you’re divorced.


No u can’t. Unfortunately that was her last name legally. I would say pick ur battles.


Am i the only one who read that the ex made a big deal about changing back to her maiden name? It would then be fraud to use her formerly married name to get cards, accounts etc in her FMN. I would definitely wonder why on earth she was using it


I wonder why she divorced you? (No I actually do not.) :joy:


She doesn’t have to. You can literally change your last name to anything.

Change yours to your current wife’s :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:


Still have my ex husbands name lol :joy: he don’t seem to mind at all


Just wait till she has her own kids and gives them that same name :rofl: I know about a lady who did that not once but twice…


:roll_eyes: wonder if my ex and his girlfriend gets butt hurt I still go by my married name. Never changed it, the lawyer wanted more $ I didn’t think I’d ever marry again. Wanted to have my kids last name

For goodness sakes. This can’t be real. :person_facepalming: Grow up dude.


You definitely can’t :joy::joy: my mom divorced my dad 15 years later she decided to go back to her maiden but her own choice. This is definitely petty especially if you already “moved” on


If it bothers youthat much, Offer to pay for her to change her name back.


Lmao get the hell off it :rofl:

Unless your order stated she had to, there’s nothing you can do.


:joy::joy::joy: most ridiculous thing ive seen in here in a while.

Some people are soo weird lol no you gave it to her no take backs :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


This is childish … who cares what her name is? Maybe you are not over her or moved on if this bothers you. Why are you keeping tabs on her? Just a suggestion move on and when it doesn’t bother you or your wife anymore then y’all both completely moved on from your past.


Anyone can change their name to whatever they want. She could change her first name to yours too if she wanted to. Stop letting it bother you.


Move on and get over it


She is only doing it to be petty obviously or she wouldn’t of tried to get her maiden name back I’d look at it as what it is her trying to get a rise out of you I wouldn’t give it to her… If she wants to use the name of someone she isn’t even with let her just makes her look strange cause what reason other than being petty does she have to use it :joy:

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Did the divorce decree give her back her maiden name?

Lol I still use my ex husband’s last name🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a process to get it changed. That’s probably why she won’t change it. You suing her is a waste of time. Tell your wife to let it go and move on. This is ridiculous.


Lmao probably the most petty thing I’ve heard :joy:


If this isn’t the petty post of the century I don’t know what is. :joy:


You can’t ask someone to change their name back. My ex husband tried. Yea no not a thing


If the judge ordered that her name can be legally changed back, it’s weird for her to be using it. However, she may find it easier if the children’s name are the same.
Perhaps if you stopped worrying about it she wouldn’t be so petty to keep using it :rofl:
Ugh…the things that people want to get angry about.

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Haha my friends ex wife is now marrying a women and that women is taking my friends last name too!!! Hahahahhaha it’s hilarious.


If you’re divorced and had NO children with her then what is the reasoning behind caring about what she is using as her name? You have no reason to have anything to do with her much less worry about her name. I used my ex-husbands name for 5 years until I got re-married because it was easier than having to change my name on EVERYTHING.

Ignoring it. She’s looking for drama and attention

I always thought when you get a divorce, you can keep your married last name or go back to maiden. But if she is using like Mrs. Doug Phillips and she is divorced and plus you have a new wife, that she is not supposed to be including your first name anymore. But I don’t anybody that uses their ex first name in their name anyway.

I used my ex-husband’s surname for 6 years after we divorced (no children together). I only changed it when I remarried. It’s not being disrespectful and you need to let it go!


U still care entirely too much about what a person… That literally has nothing to do with u anymore… Is doing. Move on :roll_eyes: if I was ur current wife I’d be pissed u aren’t letting go… Her last name has nothing to do with anyone else with the same last name lmao

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On one hand. Who cares. She can do with it as she wants legally speaking… But shes still weird for willingly wanting to keep it when yall have no kids or legit reason since it was messy. Its creepy :rofl::rofl:

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Big deal…get over it!!! Live your life and teach your kids to respect her no matter what last name she has unless she abysses them. Which I highly doubt!

Well, you cared enough at one time to give it to her. Now you are up the creek without a paddle.
The more you show you care the longer she will use it.

Good luck! Her choice.

I don’t think you can make her change it.

She doesn’t have to do fk all :rofl:


She can have as many kids as she wants in the future with as many people as she wants and every one of those kids can have your surname
It is definitely not disrespectful
She was your wife first. She can use that name until she remarries or dies


Clearly the ex wife aint over him either :rofl::rofl:

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I don’t think he can sue her……but it does say she made sure her surname was changed to her maiden name. Therefor she is using an alias by using his last name still.

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Maybe if you show it doesn’t bother you she’ll stop. Sounds like you’re hanging onto her a bit…if there are no kids involved, wipe your hands of the whole thing

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Do u know how much work it takes for us to change our last names after we get married? I’ve always told my husband if we divorce I’m keeping his last name I ain’t going through all that again


If she’s your EX wife and you have no kids…stop stalking her! Stop paying attention to what she does and focus solely on your family!


She’s looking for attention. Simply give her none.


That’s the downfall of marrying someone they don’t have to stop using the name given with marriage :woman_shrugging:

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My partner’s ex-wife kept his name too. Also no kids, no combined assets even.
Married less than 3 months. Unfortunately I’d say pick your battles.

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Who is really mad about this, you or your new wife?


Most women I know keep their married names even after a divorce.


I would be concerned that she might be running up bills with me as the responsible party.


I wasn’t aware we owned our last names :thinking:

I don’t know why she would want to . That’s pathetic on her part .


How about just don’t give her attention…


This guy. This guy needs to fuck off.

If she legally changed it :grin: let her be :joy:

You can’t. My ex husband tried to request that in our divorce. I think it’s petty. There’s a lot of dumb paperwork and shit to get it changed. Let it go, it isn’t a big deal and it surely doesn’t affect you, your wife, or your kids whatsoever

But no sweet thang you can not sue your ex wife for this :joy:

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Of course! You can sue anyone for any reason but the thing is why waste money on something you won’t win? It’s foolish to even be this angry about something so small.


Unless she has petitioned the court to get her name legally changed back to using your surname, then she has to sign legal documents using her legal name-using her maiden name-if that was granted in the divorce. If she is not signing legal documents, I think she would have to be committing some kind of fraud using your surname to get into trouble.

My sister still uses her old married name

Honestly shes doing it for a reaction if u do not give it to her she will eventually stop and move on but obviously u both are still checking each others accounts or atleast seeing the reaction of the other person. If u have a new wife n kids focus ur energy on that and she will eventually just stop my opinion ne ways

I am divorced and still have my married name. I don’t think it’s disrespectful. I’ll change it someday. There’s a lot of work that goes into changing it - social security, passport issues, DL, bank accounts. It isn’t something that you can change in a day. Maybe keep that in mind. Emphasis on the passport because it’s insane what you go through w a name change and a new

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I got divorced and remarried and still have my ex’s name on almost everything because I haven’t gotten it changed on my legal stuff yet. Covïd🙄

You can sue her, but you won’t win :joy:


Doesn’t seem as if you guys have any ties to one another. Let it go and move on.

You sound like you’re still bitter.

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These comments are gold :rofl:

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Does it really matter? I mean a ton of people have same last name and they aren’t related :woman_shrugging:


not sure since she wanted to go back to her surname but i think since she did that legally she could not switch it back to your name sounds like shes trying to leave bills behind in her name

Anyone can use any name they want.

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Please tell me you’re joking :woman_facepalming:


She can use your name nothing in the law


You bitter bro, also it’s a name you don’t own it. You married her and gave it to her. So she is allowed to keep it. Most married woman who get divorced keep their married name. I was smart and didn’t take his last name


This just sounds so petty and childish! You GAVE her the last name. It’s now her name! You can’t sue to get it back. Lmao.
If she chooses to use the name you gave her or the name her parents gave her, it’s her choice.


No it’s legally her name there’s no law she has to change it after divorce

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She sounds like a bitter, angry and spiteful woman. As long as she knows it bothers you, she will keep it. Quit asking. Maybe once she realizes you no longer care she will change it. Have you offered to pay for the name change?


Grow up lmfao. Get over it. You liked her at one point, deal with it