this is such a crazy question, so please don’t judge. my bf is currently paying $600 a month in child support. him & his ex wife have 50/50. she also has a child with another man who doesn’t pay a penny in child support. we have a one month old together and we don’t get any assistance. we pay for everything while his other child is here and on top of everything we need for our one month old. would we be able to take her back to court so we don’t have to pay $600 a month when she’s with us half the time.
I would absolutely file a child support modification. 50/50 i feel shouldnt have child support but idk… when i had a child the courts reduced my husbands child support due to financial change… but we dont have 50/50 he pays 720/ month
Yes petition to change it
Absolutely. Many good points made here. The sooner the better.
Yeah, what Shannon said. It can always be reviewed and adjusted according to circumstances. Talk to child support agency.
You can definitely. Request a hearing to have it changed I don’t know if they will change it but they might because he now has another child and if custody has changed as well
Wouldn’t hurt to get a hearing
You can always ask for modifications of the order. Just depends on where you are located. Where I am from it does go into accountability. Since he has the second child his payments will be a little less, also if he pay’s insurance for the first child that is also a deduction from child support as well.
Having the child 50/50 doesn’t necessarily mean less child support. It depends on how your state makes that assessment. But this isn’t new news by the sounds of things, if he had a change of circumstances he should have been the one to make the necessary arrangements via the appropriate channels. I dont mean to sound cold here but I think leave it to him to sort out.
Yeah you can always go back and try and have the amount adjusted. See what they say.
In California on the child support website is a guideline calculator. You can go on there and put income and time share, as well as circumstances and see it change
Yes, they will take into account income, the fact that the child is in his care 50% time and now he also has a second child to support. Although the first child born will always have a higher percentage of income for child support than each additional child.
What you mean We… we shouldn’t be paying child support he should
In the U.K. if you have 50/50 care no child maintenance is due. Also, if you’re supporting another child you can apply for a “variation” where the amount of child maintenance you pay is reduced
He needs to file for a child support modification
Let your boyfriend decide if he wants to do that. Maybe he’s paying her alimony and not telling you because child support isn’t granted in a lot of 50/50 cases. Your personal situation with your new baby doesn’t matter either. He can try to get child support reduced but there’s a reason why he’s owing.
These comments are wild imo.
You share 50/50. It doesn’t matter who makes more. You provide at your house and she provides at hers. Why is that unfair? Neither should be paying support. It’s the right thing to do
Now, if you have really good insurance and wanna carry the kid on that, makes sense. If the child has medical expenses or something, and you have extra to help out, go for it. But a monthly $600 check going to her when the time shared is the same doesn’t make any sense to me, because you’re both putting in the same amount of effort/time for the child.
If she had the child the majority of the time, child support makes sense. Since you share an EQUAL amount of time caring for the child, you should EQUALLY not pay the other parent child support.
They usually rate it based on income my ex tried to lower his amount a couple times judge looked at his income and bills and said well you can still eat not great but you can eat so it didn’t get lowered
Get it right it’s the office
Definitely take it back to the courts
I have a 50 50 with my ex and we don’t pay anything she is 16 and we live in New Zealand
I don’t know what state you live in but if he’s paying child support usually there is a chance for the non-custodial or the custodial parent to ask for a review of income to see if it needs to be adjusted. I would start by looking up the child support department in your county/state and talk to somebody there they should be able to direct you and help with what you need to do for an income review/change in circumstances review etc to see if child support needs to be adjusted.
We share 50/50 and there is no support with my bf youngest. They rotate claiming him on taxes. We cover his insurance as my bf gets it much cheaper. If it’s even shared custody there shouldn’t be support paid.
I don’t know how it works but I remember this one guy saying that he had to pay a percentage of his income. So if he was making lots, he would have to pay lots but if he wasn’t making anything, he wouldn’t have to pay hardly anything. Butt in saying all this, I would take her to court and see if it can be changed
If it’s a true 50/50, then there shouldn’t be any support… Is the child on benefits? That makes huge difference… iam an advocate of 50/50 no support… But without knowing of the factors, idk
He could have 10 more kids. He still got to take care of that one and it’s a percentage of his income for whatever state you’re in. 
$600 a month sounds about right, it depends on how much he earns and the child support assessment, believe me it doesn’t go far, I got $20 a month and that was for 2 kids both special needs, off my ex when my boys were little, just because he’s with you doesn’t mean he gets off supporting his kids
No it goes based on his income so unless he starts making less money that’s what he has to pay and the judges don’t care if he has other children to pay for
Awesome that he’s paying… does he cover medical and dental all the other stuff 50/50??? Usually the ones that pay child support are left with very little money… did you not know he had a child by someone else??
How the hell she get 600 a month and 50/50…you can try we tried when my husband was unemployed they didnt care still wanted the 400 a month
Me and my ex just help eachother out we can’t stop either of us to file but we just figured when it comes to her we will provide. He doesn’t come at me for My short comings and I will never for him. I don’t Bash anyone that is on it or getting it. I just feel bad when it hurts alone child
It depends on his income vs hers . Even with 50/50 child support can still be ordered. Her other children won’t really matter when it comes to and her your boyfriends child. Some times they will take it into consideration both parents having other kids as a hardship . He can submit the request but they will still ask for proof of income from both parties .
It sounds like there’s more to the court order than being mentioned. He can go back to court with a chance it being changed to lower. But if the mom deals with the big expenses like medical, childcare or sports that’s probably why she gets child support? And if you knew he was already supporting for 2 children, you should have considered that before having your own together, the first two children shouldn’t have to accommodate to meet your needs, the dad needs to accommodate to the changes of having three children to support in my opinion.
Boyfriend? Girl mind your business
Usually you can do like a case review every few months or something where they see if child support needs to be adjusted. In arkansas now they go off of both the mother and fathers incomes.
Child maintenance was designed to help the mother having said that its is now a money making institution for the government where fees and interest goes to the government and not the mother these fees and interests are taken first I know of a few of close people to me ( men) whom have taken their lives because if the weight of it so an agreement before seeing a judge is DETRIMENTAL
You can try now that he has a second child, that HE is responsible for paying for… Also remember that you got pregnant by a man with a child, paying child support, so you did sign up for the situation that you’re in… So never get bitter and take it out on the mother and child, as it was your choice.
Most states determine cost according to salary
If it’s 50/50 custody he doesn’t have to pay anything. Because they have them for the same amount of time. If she had them full-time basically and he had them weekends then he would have to pay.
You can look up the child support formula on your local court house website. Generally it’s a combination of both parents income which tells the court the type of lifestyle the child would live if parents are together. Hence rock stars paying 40 grand a month. Then they divide up and one parent who makes more pays more.
That’s the least he can do is pay the $600. It’s not about you, your baby or him. He needs to pay that because it’s his baby he made before you and your baby!
Yes you can but they could also end up raising the amount depending on your income. 600$ isn’t alot to support a child, but if it’s causing hardship you can Def ask the court to modify.
Wow he had obligations before he had a child with you that don’t go away just because another child comes along.If his income is lower maybe but that should be the only reason.
Seek professional advice and go from there. 50/50 doesnt necessarily mean no child support. Who pays for all uniforms, school trips, childcare, insurance ect there is so much more to parenting than having the kid 50/50 time. You knew the situation when you met the dad and the other dad you say dont pay anything has a completely different situation to yours and shouldnt even come into it as nothing to do with your situation. Maybe you can get your payments reduce but 50/50 visitations isnt 50/50 on everything.
Our judge told my son’s father “If you couldn’t afford the first one, you shouldn’t have had 2 more.” He was paying $300 a month. He increased it to $400 a month bc he paid $300 for 6 years before any cost of living raises were done. We didn’t have 50/50 though, and he never had any visitation Bc he didn’t want any. My son is now 31. If you have kids with someone who is already paying support of any kind…before you go and have kids with them, you should not try to punish the other parent Bc you think your s.o. pays too much. Whether you like the other parent or not, your partner chose to have kids with that person. And we ALL know, as a parent, $600 a month for ANY parent isn’t much in todays day and age. It’s not even a drop in the bucket.
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You are lucky you get anything be fucking grateful
You can go back and try but it might bite him if he makes more money than when it was set.
If he has 50/50 and still pays it’s because she doesn’t have enough money for the state to say it’s fair for him not to pay
So you can try but how will that go for their kid not to have that income and do you care?
Would it be cruel to the child? Does she rely on it for rent and food? Probably.
Will you make 2 children and their mother homeless?
Do you care what her living situation over there is and why not?
Do you think her mother isn’t important in her life?
Would she agree with you as an adult that you are more important than her mother because you also had a child with him? You want to sort out that answer now.
Do you have more adult support and childcare than she does?
Yea this has never made sense to me. If a child is with both parents equally, there should be no child support on either end.
Is this a new arrangement where placement is 50/50??? If so, then yes, he can definitely go back to court.
You can always petition the court for lower payments have you notified them your household changed due to the addition of a new baby? That may possibly help as well
I dont know where everyone is getting this “theyll lower it because he has another child”, i have never once see that happen. I’ve never met a state or judge that cared if they had another child. Only time I’ve ever seen one side lowered is because the parent had more than one child they had to pay CS on. Never because they were with someone and had another child together. And you risk paying more if either income on either side has changed. And it can likely only be modified every so many years. So think wisely.
Your husband needs to talk to a lawyer. So much depends on the laws where you live. Everyone here is either guessing or telling you their experience according to where they live. Good luck!
Boyfriend? Sounds like you need to mind your business. “We”… you’re name isn’t on the order. Just because you squeezed one out doesn’t mean he should take less care of his other child. Ffs
Depends your state. Here, child support and visitation are completely different. Child support is determined by each income. Each parent has a percent they have of total support based on their income. The parent who earn less is expected to provide less support because that’s what it would be if the child still had both parents in the house. Unfortunately, that’s how it is if you are with someone who has a child. Its in the child’s best interest that their financial situation doesn’t suffer. However, if a parent has another child, the amount they provide drops because they now have another child. If the baby hasn’t been reported, then I’d start with that. What he has to contribute to all kids hopefully will be considered.
Child support is based off of more than just custody, it’s also based off of each parent’s income. And, not to be hateful, but her other child is none of your business. You guys also knew that this child existed, before making another one, and that your financial situation would be different. You can always take her back to court, but if her situation, nor finances have changed, it’s very unlikely that they will change the order.
I know u put 50/50 but do u have the child 26 wks out of the yr and if u do I don’t believe u should pay child support but I do believe your partner should pay 50% of medical insurance, after school activities and stuff like that. Don’t mean to sound horrible but u chose to have a baby with a man that is already a father and had financial responsibilities too that child and now u have your child why should the first child suffer financially
You can try. But remember that it can be denied or even be made to pay more.
you can always go back to court to see if the support can be lowed, but I will say, most likely not, But still worth a try
You can try, we did but got denied. I’ll never understand why we need to pay anything when we’re 50/50 split.
Did you got to court & officially add the fact that you have a new baby to the case? That should adjust it but it also might backfire.
Who pays for the benefits and all co-pays, school costs, extra circulars?
I’ve personally seen men go in to lower child support after having more children and the judge ended up raising it based upon income and cost of living ~ the judge looked at him and laughed and said basically, you knew you had this financial commitment when you chose to have more children
I find it crazy that either parent has to pay child support when it’s 50/50.
Child support is based on the income of the mother and the father of the child, it does not matter if either have other children with other people. So even if it’s 50/50, unless she agrees to no child support, or lower child support, that amount will not change. Honestly $150 weekly, even half the time is not much compared to the ridiculous price of things.
I don’t mean this in a rude way at all, but he had a child before you had a kid with him- his other child shouldn’t go without at their mom’s just bc you want more of that income to go towards your baby. Idk if you meant it that way, but that’s how it reads.
Tell him to ask for a review. You had a new baby so that itself will get him reduced. He definitely needs to ask why he’s paying it though if they have 50/50. My ex’s ex tried to get child support from him when they had 50/50, the judge laughed in her face and said ‘why should he support her on your time when it’s split even?’ Which is VERY true. Yes his mom has bills to pay & paying for his stuff, food, etc. but so do you guys. I’d take her back to court and get a reassessment
Everyone’s on here arguing about the state laws:rofl: and yall aren’t bit perplexed as to why $600 for 1 child is too much? If you can’t afford that, why on earth are you having more kids? If you have to adjust it at all, it’s on YOU
When you have a man with a baby momma just get used to it for the next 18 plus years. And expect a increase in child support. Just being honest. Just like you would want him to take care of yours if you split up. Baby daddy needs another job and to be responsible for the child he helped create.
You can…BUT it can also come back to bite you in the a$$. If he’s had any raises or anything since child support was established, then it can raise the monthly amount owed.
Is there an actual custody agreement? That can play a major role in all of this. Honestly, it sounds like she is the custodial parent but they split visitation 50/50 and that’s an entirely different ball game.
Every state is different on how they handle child support alone, child support based on income of both parents and child support with parenting time adjustments.
Just adding another child on his part won’t make any difference in the eyes of the court though.
Yes, but only because you have another child, was the 50/50set by the court, if not she could owe him!
They will lower it, if he has another biological child , he supports.
They go based on income, the courts will say the oldest child existed before the one y’all had together but it depends on the state too
He going to do the same thing to you when he moves on. He at least married that woman. Karma
You can try. But you have to prove that it’s effecting your life. If you had a baby with him they may reduce child support as he is providing for 2 kids not one
Child support is a joke in most states. My daughter’s donor hasn’t paid a penny in 18 months. He’s had a bench warrant for the last 14 months, but nothing will come of it. My husband however has to pay $900/mth for 1 child whom we have almost half of the year, even after legally adopting my oldest daughter and us having another daughter together. We also still have to send food, pillows, and essentials as his support doesn’t get spent on his son. We also provide all of his insurance and pay his cell phone bill. The system is MESSED up!
Depends. Florida recently changed custody and support laws and I’m seeing more and more people paying child support based on income regardless of percentage of child share times.
50/50 should equal no child support.
Obviously he makes more than she does and believe me I understand your situation but what do you think 600 a month covers for that child. Even 50/50 it doesn’t cover all half of what it cost for that child.
Just because you have 50/50 custody doesn’t mean that one parent or the other is not responsible for child support. If there’s a substantial difference in incomes the one who makes more generally pays child support regardless of the custodial time
Lots of holes in this story…
I don’t get why anyone has to pay child support if yea have the child 50 50. If both sides are working then why? Sure when the child needs back to school or set up a college fund or needs anything maybe both set up a fund to cover needs which both parents pay jnto. It’s the responsibility of both parents if the have 50:50 custody. These laws are outdated.
mind ur business hun there are his kids he needs to pay for them
You sure can. Matter of fact if you have 50/50 you are able to take her for child support when you have the child
The amount of child support paid is state statutory set based upon the fathers income. The amount of his child support is not based upon dads other living expenses. You are not considered in that amount paid so there is no “we”. Only the he.
They have a 50/50 custody arrangement that he agreed to in court. The fact that dad has to pay for his own child when with dad is called parental responsibility.
It basically goes based off income my husband just went back to court for my stepson and his ex girlfriend makes $10 and she got her support increased from $160 to $350 but they did do a deductible for her since she has other kids not shared with him but we have full custody but even with 50/50 it’s basically income they look at mostly along with who covers insurance that can be factored in as well best of luck
Lol everyone saying 50/50 means no support. No that’s not how they do things anymore. Child support is based off who makes more too. So let’s say there is 50/50, and mom is making more than dad, mom will pay dad child support still. Also, you as the girlfriend, have no rights to file literally anything. There is no “we” when it comes to his children with his ex wife in regards to you. You get zero say in any of it. Yes HE could take her back to court, however depending on how long that orders been in place, the judge will likely either throw it out or possibly even raise his support. Also girlfriend… you got with him knowing he had kids and obligations to those kids. Don’t think that you popping out his baby somehow makes you and that baby take priority. You knew about those obligations when you got with him and you still chose to get with him and have another kid with him. That’s on you. You think y’all don’t have enough money for your child then maybe you should get some income going too for your child. I’ve went back to work DAYS after giving birth to support my kids… you’ve had a whole month…. Get to it and stop complaining. You knew what you signed up for, now you can figure out how to make things work for everyone.
Do you guys ever have the child on any of the mothers days? If you can prove that you have the child any amount of time more than 50/50 then DOCUMENT IT. and eventually yes you can get CS dismissed. At least in my state I’ve seen it happen. You have to play the long game. This particular instance also had a court ordered parenting plan so im not exactly sure if that would work without one. Also he may be required to pay that much to keep the house holds “equal” so… she can keep a low income job or no job at all and it will affect how much he has to pay in order to keep the house holds quote unquote equal
I dunno what state your in but, even with 50/50 they base it off who earns the most income pretty much so the child doesn’t miss out while at the other home if that parent doesn’t get as much income. they could possibly reduce it but if he earns more than she does then he will still have to pay child support.
Be lucky 600 for 1 kid… I’m on the other end of this. A kid at any age costs well beyond double that monthly… hell I got 40 a week for 8 years , if or when paid. State raised it to 450 a month this last year… I was shocked. And that’s super iffy… but, Still money also does not buy love. Time and attention does… in the end the kids grow up either way
I’m sure the ex wife pays alot more per month in rent , food, water , gas etc….
I’m also sure if your boyfriend and his ex mrs was together still he would be paying more to provide for said child in daily living costs.
Stop complaining and pay what it costs to raise a child.
You’re lucky you’re not in Australia … a lot of men get away with not paying at all
Consult a lawyer you could end up paying more
So wait let me get this straight yall get said child half the time right but he has to pay child support and yet she don’t even tho 50/50 shared parenting how that even make since so if he has said child she should pay child support just as much as he has to on her days if that makes sense this whole situation dont make sense take this crap back to court if she cant provide her and his said child than she dont need to have said child all this is is the father supporting said child at her home not to mention the other child pretty much too go back to court get a lawywr if he has to pay she has to as well if not dont pay on either party just pay for child on yalls days which u do that too plus 600 smh
Remodify case they will consider your new child and he will pay less.
It doesn’t matter you play you pay if not go to jail mother fu##er pussies
In NC if you have 50/50 you don’t pay child support
My daughters father is suppose to pay tripple that
Goes on his income sorry.
In my divorce we did 50/50 for a while and there was no child support.
My son’s father was supposed to pay $350 in child support, he took me back to court and only pays $180.
Depends in what state your in, but in Texas… your boyfriend having an added dependent makes a difference but child support can inly be adjusted every 2-years… my advice to anyone, irregardless of location, gender or situation is to find a competent attorney familiar with local law & pay the consultation fee so you know your rights.