I’m not sure what state or country you live in. But MOST of the time in Canada if custody agreements state 50/50- there is no child support. There could be other stipulations such as 50% cost of dental, sports, education, daycare etc.,
I would seek modifications to the court order or speak with legal aid, lawyer etc., and ask what your steps are. I wouldn’t mention other children that are within her home or your home. Focus solely on the child your dealing with. A judge doesn’t typically care (I would ensure that the $600 vs your partners income is correct)…again in Canada it is a table amount vs income. It could vary- but it doesn’t usually.
There’s probably a reason why he pays it. Judges rarely order child support in 50/50 cases which means mom probably shoulders more than 50% for the care of the child and hes compensating for what she pays.
2. You sound a little bitter. Why wouldn’t you want him to support his kid? His other children shouldn’t suffer just because you choose to add more kids you knew you would struggle to support. You knew he had them to right? Did he hide them from you? How are you going to tell a kid ‘I’m sorry we have a new baby now so you’re just not worth that much money anymore.’.
$600? My children’s support was 1,100-1750…he has an obligation to his children and you signed on knowing this. A child support order is based on income…it might lower a little but
Girl, grow tf up! 600 ain’t nothing! You chose to reproduce with a man who already had a child, now this is what you have to deal with. And you should feel ashamed for not wanting good for your child’s sibling. Like I said, grow tf up.
How was it calculated in the first place? With my case here in Cali I had to fight my ex for 2years just to prove he does have to help out with financially providing for our child we had together. They asked us both for all our financial info and who our child lives with while in school and all that. And that is how they calculated how much he has to pay in child support. Our child lives with me, and even with giving him the option to choose first in days he wants her he decided on every other weekend Thursday pick up and I pick her back up Sunday. She’s was with me or under my care like 85%of the time now she’s with me 98% and he gets her when he feels like it cause he feels paying child support is enough. Judge ordered we both pay/provide our child with Medical insurance and we both have legal custody so we both make educational and medical decisions together but that I have sole physical custody as she is with me most the time.
Everyone’s situation is different.
holy crap people get 600 a month?! I have full custody and don’t even get 300 a month
Some of you women are worse than the deadbeats you get involved with lol!! Gross
Can always go back and see. But just keep in mind, sometimes it doesn’t go down. Sometimes they bump it up. Just bc he had another kid doesn’t mean his older kid deserves less.
Yes, but the mother will have to agree
You need to get an amended order either to change the amount or to abate child support. Yes it can happen.
I think its a percentage of the pay pretty standard. I believe they would have to agree since it’s 50/50 they could not pay either and just spilt activities but I think agree is the heavy part of that situation
In Canada if 50/50 no support is typically awarded
You can since it’s 50/50 however it’s a formula so it may not change
This is very much a state case basis. In my state you can only have it readjusted every like 5 years. And it wildly depends on multiple circumstances of living. There needs to be a significant change in circumstance to alter the order.
I would absolutely take it to court the judge has to figure in cost of living and other expenses and take into consideration how many children the noncustodial parent has to help take care of and it’s based off of income the noncustodial parent brings in as well
You can request a modification doesn’t mean it’ll be lowered. Even with 50/50 the parent with more income usually helps cover costs. You can discuss modification and covering expenses directly such as daycare, insurance, sports fees, those kind of things if they apply! Best of luck to ya!
If it’s not shared custody through the court then you will have to get shared custody! If it’s through the courts he won’t have to pay anything in most states !
It depends on income. You can ask for a review and try to prove change in circumstances.
It depends on her income vs his… I had 50/50 custody of my boys but I had to pay my ex child support because I made way more then he did at the time… you can try and challenge it in court if you think he is making less then he use to or she is making more then she used to, but this could also back fire on you and he could have to pay more if he is making more then he did when child support started or she is making less…
In NY (not sure where you are) even with 50/50 whoever makes more pays the other unless you come up with your own agreement and both sign it.
It depends on what you consider 50/50. Is the child with each one of them a true 50/50 like 3 and a half days a week or 7 days on 7 days off? If so then no one should pay support but if the child is there only on the weekends then yes child support should be continued. Both parties have the right to revisit child support if something changes but be careful because they take both parties incomes into account and it may not go in the favor you hope. My best advice would be to sit down and talk with the other parent first and try to come up with a solution that works for both parents.
Yes if they have 50/50 that is a crazy amount and can be recalculated
My sister and her ex husband have 50/50. Since they both contribute to the boys equally, he doesn’t pay child support. It works for them. Best thing to do is talk to an attorney and see your options.
You can’t do anything. He has to. It’s also based on more than just time shared. Like his income vs her income. Back child support. Lots of things.
It depends on the State and how the law is written. In some States he could owe more. Especially if he makes substantially more than she does. I would go to the website for child support. Find the calculator and put in the numbers.
it depends on if it’s REALLY 50/50 financially. even if you guys have a 50/50 split there’s other factors. is mom doing all of the school supplies & clothes shopping? is she covering copays for dentist/drs appts? is she paying for school activities like sports or even just school lunch? lots of things come into play.
If it is 182.5 days for each of you per year the judge should change it. If 1 of you has that half day then it is not 50/50
Yes he can ask child support office or court for a review of expenses and payment once a year quote financial hardship change in circumstance
I did this but the complete opposite, I took him for more money. And it depends on how much he and how much you make. And what he makes at his job and what state your in. Hope that helps
In Oregon, you don’t go back to court right away, if it’s been 36+months since the original court decision on child support, you fill it paperwork to appeal showing life changes (less pay due to different job, other parent making more pay, or more children to support etc)
Did you use an attorney in the past? I believe when situations change that it’s possible to present situation in court . Let your attorney know the situation. Hopefully some adjustment could be done.
I can’t answer this but it’s crazy to me that he has to pay child support having 50/50 my children’s father and I have 50/50 we do week on week off in my situation and he doesn’t pay child support. Of course I don’t want child support as long as we have 50/50 and he does his part when he has them I’m just saying.
50/50 doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay, there is a formula at least in our state. Just because he made another child is not reason to lower the first child’s amount. If he couldn’t afford the second he should have not had a second. Im sorry but this seems crazy to me, you want it lowered for that reason. You may go in and find yourself with a bigger order. It’s hard out here for everyone, I feel sympathetic toward your plight, but be careful what you ask for…you may not like how it turns out.
It’s all about what is in their agreement and how much money everyone makes. You can’t just come along and demand you don’t have to pay whatever is in their agreement. Stop being salty and just do you.
It depends on where u are living,how much he makes,how long its been since he’s been paying this amount! Definitely be glad he’s not a deadbeat dad! My pays 700 a month and yes it’s hard but we make due!
He can always go back to court, who will determine if he will pay more or less. Meaning he can request to pay less, however he may get a judgment saying he has to pay more instead. Courts don’t care if she’s getting CS or not for her other child, nor your child, the only child in question is the one he has 50/50.
Most states have a calculator online where you can get a pretty accurate number based on the xo parents income, expenses, dependents etc. Google “child support calculator (your city and state). Hope this helps!
Depends on the state laws. We have 50/50 joint legal and physical custody. We cover SS on our insurance. We split all medical and extra curricular activities. And you guessed it… we still pay child support!! It’s solely based off income. Both sides have an additional child as well. Doesn’t matter.
I’m sorry if this comes across mean or rude but,unless either of their incomes changed,I doubt the judge will lesson his CS.Yes it sucks but,he will have to budget a little more.What would happen if both kids lived with you guys?It’d be a whole lot more then $600 a month.
My sister and her ex had 50/50. Neither paid support because the child was with each parent equal amount of time…which makes absolute sense. The only thing her ex had to pay was half of the cost of the child’s insurance premium and half of any medical bills, sports costs, etc since she paid the other half. I don’t understand how any state or any person finds it acceptable that one parent should have to pay more if they have equal time, equal rights, equal responsibilities?!
It’s income based as well as accounting for the amount of days you have the child.
Having another child will lower his cs.
It’s always the WE for me. If he ain’t your husband than let Him handle HIS business.
I don’t get why either would have to pay when custody is 50/50
yes depending on the last order in the state I am in its a 2.5 yr wait from the last filling. My ex and I have went back 3 times just to move things around to make life easier for the both of us
Call a attorney your first visit is free
When you had a child together they need to figure that child in so payments will drop at least it did for my husband
Child support is not allowed to take more then %50 of his income I thought. Needs a review.
Yes he can. He now has another child so that should factor in to what he pays.
50/50 doesn’t matter. They want the child to have the same advantage in both homes. Him being responsible for a second child doesn’t change his financial or legal obligations to his first.
Prayers for your boyfriend in Jesus mighty name Amene
50/50 definitely doesn’t mean no child support. Child support is used as a means to make the homes most equal for the child. However, depending on what he brings in for that type of custody it does seem maybe high unless daycare, and insurance are in that. You can always request a review in which both parties submit all financials and a judge will deem appropriate but do note you and he having a child together will have nothing to do with it. If you all split your child support could be lower than hers because the first child’s wouldn’t change it’s actually considered a deduction to his income. And always note a judge could find he owes more than he’s paying now so definitely have your ducks in a row before requesting.
I would think 50/50
Means Joint Custody
If So, then No one
Pays Child Support.
I’d Go to Court & Try
For Joint Custody.
My boyfriend is paying 600 a month and recently found out it’s not even his child and still has to pay. Plus we don’t even get to see him. We also filed a motion to get a court order DNA and the judge denied it.
So many bitter baby mamas on here y’all quick to judge the situation! He might be paying for most things with a 50/50 y’all don’t know! That girlfriend y’all dawging might be paying her money to that child s necessities as well! Y’all need to chill there is such a thing as money hungry dead beat mothers you know dam
Get protected if you’re unwilling to provide for your children.
He made it, he needs to support it. That child and child support was there before you. I assume you knew it when you started with him.
Children are expensive, and 50/50 doesn’t mean that there is no child support. Child support is ordered based on the child support calculator for your state. Pull your state’s calculator up on the web and plug the numbers in yourself to see if it can be modified.
Until he’s your husband I’d mind my business… it’s their deal …
Yeah you can go back to court and see if they agree that there is truly 50/50 times spent. They might agree. But it’s his decision not yours. Just know… that it could cause a lot more issues in the long run.
Usually goes off income
We signed a thing saying his house and income is none of my business. We split things like shoes haircuts extra curricular programs (cheer, sports) and back to school things, like important things.
Clothes and food for that house is on him. If my kids want or ask or need something I get it and send it no problem I even send stuff for little bro and sis.
Grown ups do grown up things also
I absolutely make it only about the kids
That’s it
Nothing else
I don’t get in the middle of that household unless it has to do with bodily harm or abuse, he is their dad and can run his house how he sees fit.
You can go but they will probably increase what you pay in pension. I don’t think they pay that much, when you marry people with children you have to know if you can deal with that situation, it seems like a lot to you but I’m sure it’s not enough to support a child.
50/50 shouldn’t have child support?
If my ex asked for help for the kids on top of child support I have never had an issue with unless I didn’t have the money.
Actually, yes, when you have another child outside of child A, one does get a reduction for the new child.
Has his income or hers changed since the custody agreement?
You can go back to court and see if it’s possible but unless incomes have changed since your custody agreement then more than likely no.
No and why on earth would you want to take away from his other child. You knew that responsibility and kid was there to begin with get over it.
It’s income based so you might actually end paying more. It doesn’t work that way and having a new child doesn’t reduce his responsibilities towards his older one. Chances are you can file and try and it would be denied and if her circumstances has changed you may end up paying more.
He should not be paying that if they have 50/50. I have 55/45 with my ex and he pays like $40 a month.
I would definitely go back to court. My brother went through something similar many years ago. Once custody was at 50/50 child support was stopped.
Definitely depends on the state, would she be willing to ask for a lower rate?
When my ex and I divorced it wasn’t the most amicable, I asked for less child support than the state wanted him to pay for 2 kids, but only because I really didn’t know if he would step up and still act like a father.but he has, and I don’t enforce child support. He takes care of them when he has them and has become an amazing dad. He doesn’t make as much as I do and we do ok without needing his financial support. But I also know if I need something for them I can call and discuss it and he will help. It’s about the kids and their needs. Ya know.
My husband pays child support for his kids from a previous relationship… they used to do 50/50 as well but they have lived with us full time for the last two years, she hardly sees or talks to them at all but still collects that check! And food stamps for them! We’ve been trying to fight it for the last year because they have tried to suspend his license multiple times they will make him pay, even if it is true 50/50, if he makes more than her.
If you help him reduce it and happen to need him to pay child support in the future,what do you think will happen? Let him pay the money if he can afford it please.
I have zero sympathy for you. If you don’t want to feel my wrath, stop reading now. This is one of those times when you got into something with your eyes wide open which is your BF’s child support of $600 from another child you were aware of. The court made the decision on child support. You do not know what that mom earns or is able to contribute. You do not seem to know if the custody split has changed. You do not know what it costs to raise a child. You already know the court would be the one to make any change. Just remember that the money paid in child support goes to the care, housing, and feeding of your BF’s daughter. She is an innocent victim here. Do you know how much it costs to raise a child? I can only imagine how that poor little girl feels when she is with you.
Here’s where I am coming from: I married someone with two kids from another relationship. I paid their child support out of my household expenses FIRST, on time and without fail. How can you do any less? When I had kids, those kids all played together and I still made those child support payments.
You went into this situation with your eyes wide open. You say there is no one to take care of you. The court made arrangements to see that the little girl is taken care of. Of course there are places you can go to in order to get help. There are social services available. There are food programs for children. There are food banks. Your family may be willing to help. Get off your hands. Get off your butt. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Do something besides whine and feel sorry for yourself.
If you want to know about how to reduce the child support that goes to that innocent girl, reach out to a legal aid society for help or go to the courthouse and get the papers to file yourselves. Or tell your bf to go back to whoever he used when a court support decision was made for that little girl. Just remember: that other little girl is innocent here. She’s entitled to live, too.
Purs dropped when we went to 50/50
Though $600 a month isn’t really THAT much. Having 50/50, you absolutely can go back to court for a child support modification. That’s not saying he would get one. That is up to the judge. But he can. Anyone can really go to court for modifications.
Yes, it needs to be reviewed. Especially if yall are doing 50/50 custody.
If you haven’t since the baby is born yes you can get it modified
You knowingly entered into this relationship and decided to have a child with this man. You don’t get to re arrange his before life to make it work for you. Good lands.
Yes, you can have it modified based on life changes.
Leave it be. I’m going to be the bearer of bad news it seems. Just because he had another child doesn’t mean you get to take from his other kids. He has a responsibility to ALL his kids. Not just the new baby. It is wrong to expect him to put you and one kid before the others.
So, you having another child and his ex having another child is irrelevant.
Child support is based on income. Has that changed?
If it’s true 50/50 no one should be paying support
My ex only had to pay 150 a month. And we have 60/40 with me having most days
Wow so many women up here saying he needs support downed or dropped. Wonder how you’d all feel if it was you. And it’s always about money. My question is how much time does he spend with the child? Remember money can help and buy and pay for things yes. But 1 thing money can never buy is the time memories are made with.
Yes. You can have it modified.
It was very upsetting to me when my friend who had 3 kids with her ex and he was able to get his child support cut way down because he had another kid in a different marriage less than a year after the divorce. I’m sorry but just because he had another kid it shouldn’t take away from the children before.
50/50 custody doesn’t negate support(it should in my opinion). It’s based off of their income. She obviously makes less. However, now that he has another child to support, he can potentially ask for a modification and get it lowered. Start by calling support enforcement and talk to the case manager. That’s how you do it in my state anyway.
“we” don’t pay child support. He does. Y’all ain’t married. I kinda feel as if your inserting yourself into a situation you have no business in bc let’s get real…if y’all split and he gets a new woman you would not be okay with her going to fb and talking to people about business that ain’t theirs and trying to get your child’s money lowered. You’d be salty af.
For others commenting…50/50 does not mean they have equal time and honestly this girl is probably just saying that to get advice on how to screw another momma and kid. Sounds like they have joint(50/50) but mom has physical.
If he couldn’t afford the child he had he SHOULD NOT OF HAVE ANOTHER ONE. tbh YOU and him need to figure out how to support y’all’s child without taking from his child. I guarantee whoever posted this does not have a job and could get one to better accommodate the family she is creating instead of taking from a child. If 150 a week for a child is hurting y’all…you shouldn’t have had another child. Period!
Depends on the state (if in USA) and the child support laws. In my state they go off income not time, so 50/50 doesn’t matter, and in fact custodial parent could end up paying child support to ncp. In other states they factor in time and income. And some places just go off of fathers income. You’ll want to check out you states laws regarding cs.
I feel for him there out to get men
My ex and I had 50/50 and I was still awarded support due to a large income gap.
Yes every two yrs you can have a re evaluation
Yes you can put in a motion to modify child support.
Before my husband and I got married we had kids he also had kids with his ex the judge flat out said our kids together didn’t count unless we were married once we got married (years later) the judge adjusted child support and also told ex to get over herself I wasn’t going anywhere
I only recently started hearing about child support being paid on 50/50 custody agreements… this was never a thing before. I would definitely go back to court
He can request a modification to factor in his new child. Not sure how old the first order is but if he has had pay increases then it really might now make a difference unless both parties are willing to negotiate
You can have it modified depending on how long it’s been. I think it has to be 2 or 3 years. But they’ll look at how much he makes and how much bio mom makes.
When we went to court for CS, they went by our income and not by custody. They will tell you they are two separate things. Depending on your state, if he makes more than when the CS started, he could possibly pay more. It just depends.
That’s not a bad price for 50/50. If you go to court it could go up if circumstances have changed since y’all went.
I’m sorry but he has to pay child support. I’ve never heard of a court system granting the father pays less child support.
Yes he can file modification and make sure you have receipts to show that you have everything at the house for his child and any other documents that might show proof