It all depends on the laws where you live… here in Florida I worked 4 hours a day and made nothing and he made all the money so we split 50/50 and he pays me. We split child care 80/20. He Carrie’s insurance on her and whoever sports is picked by they pay for it basically.
They normally Do not take in account for other children who are not apart of the case going on as they are not apart of it.
“would we be able to take her back to court?” No. Because you’re a girlfriend and you’re not a part of any of it. But he can take her to court
My fiancé had 50/50 with his ex wife and bc she didn’t work he still had to pay child support. 2 of his kids were with us was with us full time they only went to their moms in the mornings before school.
That is for a judge to decide, not Facebook.
The only one who can answer that is a family law attorney in your state.
If you have a court order of 50/50 it is automatic neither pays child support unless you had a judge that kept it in the custody arrangement.
I think you can access the actual form they use in family court. It details how deductions are calculated. You might consider going that route before having to deal with a court hearing which can be time consuming and doesn’t guarantee a certain outcome. Good luck
If it’s 50/50 yes you should be able to
Her having another child from someone does nothing to the child support she receives. Your bf is not paying for that child. Its based on his income and even if its 50/50 if the deferental is big enough a parent will still need to pay child support. A modification can happen. Keep in mind if he hasnt had a big difference in pay since it was last calculated it may not be lowered and if he takes drastic measures to lower it like quit his job and get a job that doesnt pay as much the judges are catching on to that and see his experience should give him a wage higher than what hes doing and the judge wont lower it. And may even raise it. And help can come from many places. Your child doesnt make a difference in this either. I suggest you try and get assistance with your child and check out whatever else can help.
Make sure his ex doesn’t have 1day over 50/50 first. My ex husband had to pay child support to me because I had our daughter an extra week a year.
I thought it was my understanding 50/50 was no child support?
At least that’s how it is where I live.
How about you stay out of their business & let the father make that decision.
You can ask for a modification due to your new child but they probably won’t dismiss it entirely. He’ll get a deduction.
It means he makes more than her income if they have 50/50 so they try to match it so can support when child is with her. You can also go to the court and ask for a child support modification if you believe he shouldn’t be paying that amount and they will look over calculations and go from there
I say fight it. I went through the same with my ex husband
$600 a month is like pennies when it comes to raising a child AND you knew he had a child before getting pregnant so quit whining…
I don’t know what state you live in but you can always file for a modification. They take her income vs his income. Some state take additional children into play.
Az had a calculator support system you can input the data and it will show you the amount
Absolutely! Once your family grows he should pay less
Girl, kids are expensive, we are in inflation. You are the girlfriend not the baby momma of this kid. You have no right to stick your nose in this situation at all. That baby deserves that money. Hush yourself.
I’m in Kansas and here if you have 50/50 custody then Noone pays any child support best you can do is take your chances and go back to court anytime anything changes income, address, having a child etc. It’s suppose to be turned into the court so they cam readjust child support as needed that goes for both parents not just one
You can, you may not win but I don’t see why if you both have the child 50% of the time the support is that much
Check with child support, baby mumma might have it down that you’s don’t have the child much and you need to put your bubba on it too!
You can get a recalculate now that he has another child I believe
Yes! I talked to the judge directly and explained that my children are at their dads the same amount of time they are with me and it was removed. Dad was required to pay health insurance.
Why is there even support if you have 50/50 custody??
It’s based on income and time. There is a calculator you can use, just Google child support calculator and your province/state. You put in his income and her income and it shows what they both should pay… so for example if his says pay $600 and hers says pay $400. You take the higher subtract the lower and the higher income parent pays the difference so in that example he would pay her $200 …(this is in Canada for reference LOL)
You can usually file for a reconsideration/addendum. Just be mindful that it could also go the opposite way especially if he’s had any increase in income or her a decrease as most states base the amount on a percentage of income and higher earner pays the support.
If it’s a true 50/50 arrangement then no one should be paying child support🤷🏻♀️
And you should ask for it annually as finances change for everyone
The 50/50 custody was agreed upon in court and order placed? That’s fckng wild that a judge would grant 50/50 custody and still order one parent to pay $600/monthly support.
My husband has 50/50 with my stepson… we actually have him more than her because she gives most of her days up to her mother and on court order she has legally given one of her days up to her mother as well. But we still pay $40 a month when she sees him about 5 days a month on average… system is messed up and against fathers sadly…
Varies by state but if their custody was 50/50 when the support order was set then that’s irrelevant. Only thing that can change it is if her income increases or his income decreases. Then they would have to run the numbers again
You can file but in some states you have to pay even with 50/50 . Money goes to whomever makes less.
It depends on the state. The child support I receive went up when I became employed and listed that the dad had him a couple more days a month. I thought it would have decreased, but it was the opposite. In Oregon they add each non joint child as a credit for what they pay too. It’s confusing to say the least
Look up child support calculator for your state. Input information and it should give you amount
The ex wife having other kids with someone else is a non factor. I think you need to consider how you would feel if your boyfriend has a baby with someone else and then decided he didn’t want to pay you anymore. You want more money, you could always get a job.
The court won’t do anything.
Go through child support like a normal person. They wouldn’t make him pay more than he could afford.
Most want do child support if its 50/50 ask for a review also having another dependent even if they for some odd reason won’t stop it the new dependent decreases what he pays
Currently going to cs court and my daughters dad had concerns about funds to care for his other kids being taken and we were told there was something called a “multi child formula” or something along those lines.
Even with 50/50, one parent can still pay child support. Her child/other baby daddy non payment of child support is separate from your man’s child. I know it’s an unfair system. The current child you two have is considered, but honestly the court doesn’t care because it is assumed you guys knew about the the previous child or children.
Support is based off of income and time shared. So- it may end up hurting you if he makes more money now than before. I would check before you do anhthing.
If his income has changed going up, don’t do it
If his income hasn’t changed, don’t do it
If his income has changed going down, it might be worth it
But chances are if income has increased or remained the same, he’ll just wind up paying more not less
Call the court and ask. Best bet.
Usually 50/50 no one pays. Because the time equals out and they just assume you provide while they’re there. I’d ask for paying none if it’s 50/50 to be honest. Who holds the medical insurance? If it’s dad then 10000% no child support needs to be paid because it’s 50/50 and hes providing an extra thing 100% of the time that benefits her too.
It depends on your state. Every state has their own rules on child support. In my state even with 50/50 you pay child support. It doesn’t matter how many children I have in my home.
So $150 a week is enough for a kids food, clothes, shoes, toys, etc?
You need to discuss with a lawyer.
Yes now that you guys have a child together you can request to drop a bit off n the judge most likely will. Be careful tho if she makes less money then the first judgement or your man makes more, he might end up paying more.
You can request modification. It very well could change as he now has another child. Can also change if income of either party changes, etc.
U can. It won’t reduce it much. My step sons child support was almost 800 a month when my husband was only making 38,000/yr. We made a request to reduce child support and it was reduced 16$ per month for my two kids. And honestly, the other father of her child, who cares if he doesn’t pay anything, obviously the situations are different. I would just get over it and hope she doesn’t choose to request it to be raised every 3 years, like she can. And also if he has 50/50, why is he even paying child support, isn’t it an equal split
What state, in Ohio the answer is yes and because you have a baby together he gets credit for that too
I share 50/50 with my ex and 2 kids, I get $500.
So yes, it’s still his kid so he has to pay until the kids 18
Your allowed to review a case every 3 yrs thts ohio though. The first born child always gets more in every case of child support here but you guys have a right to get it reviewed so you can live too. I’m hoping for you they’ll reduce it a little in every case of shared parenting I know neither parent pays child support bc each has them 50% of the time.
My kids’ dad’s girlfriend would be crazy to think that just because he had another child he should pay less on child support. That has nothing to do with me.
That’s absolutely insane. I have full custody and his dad has some time in the summer and on major holidays and he only pays $230. 50/50 usually means no child support unless one parent pays all over the sports school stuff and medical. Then the parent not paying that stuff has to cover half
50/50 placement or custody? The court sees a big difference between the terms regardless of how much time the child actually spends in each home. Also, CS the man pays would be factored in if seeking public assistance and you don’t meet the requirements? That says something about the amount he’s paying for child 1 not being outrageous. In most states the Child Support Department has online calculators you can use to help calculate what’s going to be ordered. In Wisconsin, the percentage is based on each child unless there is a drastic difference in income between the parents, so one child is paid at 17% of payor gross income- doesn’t matter if he has other kids or not.
Do it I have 50:50 of my son & my ex doesn’t pay his support anyways. I say go back to court.
In NH we were told by the judge, if custody is 50/50 and dad is making more money than mom, dad will always pay child support.
Yes, he can have a modification done since you two have a child together
Looks like there’s a lot left out here. A lawyer and another job might be a good idea.
Only if his income has decrease 20% then when it was established. It’s all based on a formula of both incomes
Normally I don’t comment but this ruffled my feathers you knew what he paid for before you got with him and chose to have a child doesn’t make his first child any less deserving or your child more valuable get over yourself
So we don’t have to pay so much child support? There is no we. This is him and don’t you pay his child support. That is his responsibility. This you should have discussed and figured out before he brought another baby to the mix.
Get a lawyers advice. Also its not while his other child is here. You should accept that child.
As a paralegal I cannot give legal advice… He can always go to court and ask for a modification, but keep in mind the fact that the other baby daddy is not paying any child support has nothing to do with the amount of child support that your boyfriend is paying for his child. Also, keep in mind just because you go to court and ask for a downward modification does not necessarily mean that the judge is going to grant a lesser amount, the judge can make adjustments, according to his income and her income or expenses, and the child support might even go up.  
Yes when you have a child your other supports can go down in most cases just petition and ask
He can go back and file for an adjustment since he has more kids. And to see if her income is any different but that doesn’t mean he may end up paying more or less. Every case is different and you can’t base it off what another individual gets for child support. 1 child’s parent could 1100+ a month for 1 child to where in another case someone might get 400 for 3 kids. It varies
Was your 1 month old alive when his current child support was ordered? If not, then yes, you can file that his circumstances has changed and he is providing for another child (in my state, it brings the % of income withheld for child support down). For example, he’s paying 20% if he only has 1 child but when he had another one, it bring child support down to 17 or 16% of his income
It can be adjusted especially since now he has another child. I would talk to a lawyer cause it’s all based on state to state there can also be reductions if he pays for health/dental insurance… Sports/activities like music lessons etc
50/ 50 is based on both parents income. The child has the right to live the same standard of living at both houses. If your husbands income has changed then absolutely u can get it modified but they won’t modify for a new child
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50/50 custody I’d like to know how anybody wound up paying child support but I will say I almost wind up having to pay child support on two children that did not belong to me because my ex lied in court and stated that he had our daughter longer than he did and apparently had her 50% of the year when he had only had her for a visit 2 weeks before court and he was only with her for 5 hours and they would not hear me over that so it really takes a good lawyer
Since most people don’t understand… 50/50 is not exactly 50/50, one parent will have residential custody. The parent with residential custody is the one who gets child support, usually because their income is lower than the non custodial parent. It also takes into effect things like health insurance-who pays for that & copays, medication, any out of pocket health expenses. Who pays for extra curricular activities, enrollment fees, school supplies, ect. The non custodial parent (does not have residential custody) is generally the one held responsible for child support because although it’s “50/50” one parent will still have residential custody-the child’s primary address is the residential parents home.
You having another child should not & in most cases will not matter to a judge. Good luck walking into court & saying “we had another baby & want child support lowered” because you’re probably just going to piss off the judge
Things that CAN get child support lowered-the non custodial parent has a decrease in income. That’s about it. If your bf is making less money, he can push for modifications. You can try to get a court date, but will most likely need an attorney which will cost you more in the long run.
I think your bf needs to stick to his obligations to his child. If you’re unhappy with the amount, that sucks. Kids are expensive. Maybe you should pick up a second job if you’re struggling.
Don’t have kids if you don’t have money
I pay 500 a month for a daughter I was alienated from. My now husband pays 1000 a month for his child from a prior marriage. It’s possible to pay less if you have more dependants at home. It can get reduced. You will most likely need to pay a lawyer tho
One time when my daughter was little I was going to Try to file for child support. And the child support office told me that I could end up having to pay him if my husband made more money than him even though my ex had nothing to do with my daughter at all. He even told the child support office that if they tried to make him pay child support he would just keep quitting his jobs.
Ummm EXCUSE me, How is this YOUR Business? Your BOYFRIEND has financial obligations to his oldest child ,Which Im SURE you were aware of BEFORE getting Pregnant. Are YOU working? Are YOU contributing Financially to the child YOU made? If the ONLY solution to your Money problems are to take away from your BOYFRIENDS first Born , HE Dosent need a CS modification, YOU need to get a JOB! I Guarantee that would be the better solution to your financial situation!
You knew this before you got with him and made him your man. No sympathy
Child support is so the btw the two houses there isn’t a massive difference in life style for the child comparing to when the parents are together. So if the moms income is less than dads and it’s 50/50 she will get child support. It’s not about either parent it’s about the child. If the father has more kids that’s is a additional financial responsibility completely outside his agreement with his first kid. That’s also why the mothers first child with a separate man has nothing to do with your partners agreement with her as well.
I see this both ways because I have been on both ends… it costs a lot to raise a child and all that. Men need to help but I wish more men would help with clothes and things on their own and really step up. Aside from responsiblety I find it crazy that some men get charged so much child support they can barely live. Some moms can barely provide but the dad can’t support another family if he chooses to move on. My husband has been boxed out of his kids lives and can’t get a break on the crazy amount he pays. I also think guys that have 50/50 custody shouldnt have to pay. You can try to get it reduced but they usually won’t do it.
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1st of all- most states go on income not time. There’s usually a carve out that stipulates that one parent has full physical custody (living rights, etc) but 50/50 parenting time. 2nd of all in the grand scheme of things 600.00 a month isn’t a lot considering the amount of money it costs to raise a child. 3rd of all- in some states, if the person who pays child support gets married to another person and complete income taxes together- the payments can increase and the married couple are now paying child support together-not just the responsible party. Lastly, going to court for less CS payments can actually bite the father in the butt and he may have to pay more money. Becareful….
Not if she doesn’t agree. The child support court officials calculate the rate and as long as he is left w enough to pay his bills that is all they care about. It can’t be modified I’m almost positive unless she agrees so a lesser amount
Lawyer up. They don’t like lowering anything at the child support office. I even tried to lower the amount for my ex (which was only ever like $100 a month) and they told me don’t waste my time it won’t happen he’s paying bare minimum if anything they’d probably force him to pay more despite my opinion because we are on assistance. Also, the courts (in PA at least) don’t care about additional children outside the system. if you aren’t paying support for them through the court then they don’t count as additional finances, the only way they’d care about those kids getting their money is if you left him and took him for child support too, that’s the system for you…
Your whole attitude is trash!
You worried about what the other baby daddy ain’t doing because you want to keep his money for your kid. Remember this is your boy friend.
You will be needing CS one day.
His future girlfriend will deal with you.
If you want me to be honest you’ll probably pay even more in lawyer and court fees… it’s all based off of income, you’ll want to ensure his ex has a new larger stream of income. I just went through this, the courts don’t care where the money is coming from they just wanna ensure the child is being provided for…
Who pays for health ins and dental ins who pays the co pay at the doctors office there is a lot to consider and health ins is not cheap
If he couldn’t afford to have another child he should have thought about that
My arrangement is 50/50 and neither of us pay child support. Modify the settlement. Besides just 50/50, he have to agree to pay half of all uncovered expenses from health insurance to school sports and then nobody should pay support. 50/50 doesnt decide, its the other financial stuff that decides.
This post makes me cringe. I have 3 children and receive nada. Full time working mom no helping hands and I earn every penny and support and care for them on my own. It’s a struggle! Children have to eat, it’s expensive, children need a roof over their head, it’s expensive, children grow rapidly, it’s expensive, doctor’s visits and co-pays, it’s expensive, transportation, it’s expensive, school necessities, it’s expensive, basic needs and hygiene, it’s expensive…you get the gist. Never diminish what is going out fundamentally for a person who created another human with another person. I’m sure the other parent does more for that child on her own worth beyond that $600. That child & parent deserves more than $600. Who cares if the other parent has other children with someone else. Doesn’t apply to this child and the parent you’re with. Count your blessings & stay in your lane. Instead be grateful for being blessed with having the opportunity to be part of that child’s life.
In my opinion if y’all have 50/50 child support shouldn’t exist…I’d file a modification
You are getting a lot of inaccurate information here from people. If you went to court prior you would know even 50/50 the person with the higher income pays the other parent. Although you have another child it might get a reduction maayyybe but it goes based off his income and how many kids he needs to pay for on that situation. You are going to pay a lot of court fees and lawyer fees with not much of a difference anyways.
50/50 usually means just that. Questions: do you guys have his child 50% of the time? Does bio mom make excuses why you can’t (& have proof)? Is he willing to pay for 50% of all his child’s extracurriculars, clothes, school supplies? Have you guys been paying for these things and have receipts for proof? Basically you guys need to look at the laws to where you live and have proof before you even step foot in front of a judge. Because if you don’t the judge can screw you guys even worse.
Every man or woman should want to take care of there kids the court shouldn’t have to make them that’s my take on the subject I’m been down that road too.
Mine is like 70/30 and he only pays $380 and I have her 70% of the time. That’s crazy. I would definitely file a modification.
Boyfriend??? I think you are out of bounds to make judgment.
This child’s welfare is more important than that.
It should be less since you have another child as well
If u have 50/50. U shouldnt have to pay child support…its sad how they make the dads pay but not the moms …take her to court
It depends on your state. But he should be able to file a modification request. If your child is a month old, that means that he didn’t have another child to support when child support was established.
It goes by a formula and how much he makes and she makes. It’s not a made up number
I’m sure when he is your ex you would appreciate $600 a month to support your child. But maybe his new baby momma will try and change that for you.
Children deserve to be supported.
Stop being greedy… u having a child together not take away from financial responsibilities with hes other child…50/50 means nothing courts still feel he should pay so he pays…