Can my relationship be saved?

Fuck that he has no reason to have those females on his Facebook and why is he entertaining it? that’s the problem right there. If he can’t delete them if they’re more important than your relationship then clearly your relationship isn’t that important to him. Im sorry you have to deal with that shit I’ve been there i know exactly how u feel.

He shouldn’t even respond to these girls and why do these girls have his number?

You are having way more date nights than I am. And I’m just saying, what if you were at work talking to desperate dudes?

If someone doesn’t understand the answer “no” then he needs to stop letting them disrespect you.

Let him know how you feel and let it go. Don’t try to “control” him. That’s what my husband says when I notice some fishy shit.

I let my husband know like hey I’m home, not working, taking care of your kid, but don’t think for a second if I am out and about that dudes don’t hit on me. I also let him know that if he doesn’t want to be played then he shouldn’t play these games either.

If a man was sending you pics of his cock, your man wouldn’t like that.

Sounds like you have trust issues he seems to have turned them all down he cant help thirsty women message him he deff should not entertain a Convo how ever after the initial point.


He isn’t stupid you are absolutely right and you know you would never do that to him honestly your in a really good position to move on and just be friends he obviously is going to be faithful for long really sorry your going threw this but their are men out their that would never do this to you and don’t play stupid and gas light you ect you best bet is to just move on with you and baby and stay where you are at least better your life get settled get a home a reliable care stay in the relationship if you want but don’t rush moving back in honestly I feel like that’s a disaster waiting to happen snd you don’t want to be completely dependent on him and Become trapped in this with no way out :disappointed: it will get easier I promise and this pain is not permanent

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set him up sis/ catfish to find out once in for all


Holy girl. You clearly have problems. Hed be best with a lot less drama. I only read your novel because my boyfriend wouldn’t believe the drama if I didn’t read it to him.


Wow he tells them all no… you have access to his phone he takes you on dates multiple a week… he is honest with you… and takes care of you and the baby… you have insecurity issues… yes he should not talk to them and shut them down completely but he has to work with these women he should actually report the. To HR for harassment but what it sounds like is he may need some more attention from you?.. and you need to put more trust in him empower him to be trusted unless you really want out you have a good man


Longest run-on sentence I’ve ever seen… :rofl:


Doesn’t sound good. If he’s not cheating he probably will eventually. If you don’t trust him and he won’t stop talking to these woman it’s time to go

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He shuts down all of them… it’s not like he’s trying to make it seem like you are nonexistent. You sound crazy lol you should do him the favor and leave because he doesn’t need to deal with your insecure self every single day of his life.


Eeeeh he’s doing right by shutting them down but after the 2nd time of them not respecting his boundaries then he should block them out of respect for you and his damn self. The fact that he can’t is a problem.

Sounds like he initially handles his response “okay” when females first proposition him. Better answer is a simple “no, thank you, I’m in a committed relationship/marriage” OR “no, thanks, I love my GF/ wife”, leaving out the “my woman wouldn’t like it” part. He makes it sound like you’re his keeper, and he’s a grown man that knows right and wrong, but prefers to throw the blame of not being able to hang out on you. However, he doesn’t need to keep responding to their pressing messages—and ignoring them would still make him a “nice guy”. Sounds like he enjoys their attention or values the relationship he has with them. And the fact he keeps the dialogue going with them is a BIG problem.
PS, girl where the heck you live with all these thirsty women coming out of nowhere? Is the gender ratio balance off kilter or something in your state? (Joking… kinda).
Anyways, maybe couple’s counseling could help. If he hasn’t physically cheated on you, although there could be some emotional cheating going on, that issue should be addressed and worked through if you two are salvageable. Good luck — and always trust your intuition.


Sounds like he needs to leave you.


You started dating him at 18 years? Do you even know yourself?

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It sounds like everytime a woman approaches him, he tells them he can’t see them and always mentions you. Seems like he does the right thing each time. :woman_shrugging:


Sounds like you are full of shit! Multiple times he has told other females “NO”. Yet you still put it all on him. Always on his case. Honestly not sure how he deals with your crap. :woozy_face::persevere::roll_eyes:

Sounds like you BOTH have some issues to work on.


Seems like his pick up line is drum roll!!
"No, my girl wouldn’t like that "
Seems like that makes those chicas more interested in him. And he knows it. That’s his strategy


Next time can we get the cliffs notes version? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Why are all these girls texting him. How do they get his number? Why do they feel so comfortable texting him? He obviously is sending a certain signal. That line he uses ‘my girlfriend wouldn’t like that’ is bullshit. He should say ‘I am not interested. You’re crossing a line’. He isn’t doing that which means he likes the attention’. Put it to him this way ‘how would you feel if men were pursuing me and sending me sexy pictures? ‘.

I stopped at your man telling her they can still be friends after her clearly coming on to him. Nope. No way. Someone is threatening your relationship and he still wants to be her friend? You have a man problem. Any man who wants to stay in his relationship wouldn’t have this mess going on.


Why did the girl who wasn’t even in his department have his number in the first place? That alone says enough for me


Just in case you need some here they are :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: nice guys aren’t nice guys


I would guess that he is probably telling them something totally different when he is with them. He probably tells them, “I have to say that in text messages because my GF reads them” and “Ignore what I say in text messages”. He’s cheating. Leave him now.


Oh and 3 different women are not going to do the same thing over and over again once a man tells them he wants nothing to do with that unless he is saying something different in person.


I think you are being very very insecure and need to take a step back. Instead of punishing him, praise him. Dude is turning them down left and right. Letting them know he’s got you! Make him want to stay, but you keep acting like this? Eventually he’s going to cheat because why the hell not? You have already moved into another place, and you still accusing him when the proof is before you. Shit when random girls call me hunky with chest out and shit, I show mine, like oh you wanna compare let’s do this :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Time to let him go, any man that needs to be “friends” with that many woman has a problem, next time if a man’s parents are shitty people he’s probably no good either. Also why move out and keep seeing him?! You should want better than this for you and your son!

Anyone who finished to explain to me :hot_face:


He needs to realize that allowing them to speak to him any way they wish knowing he has a lady shows the level of morals he likes in friends.
Either he needs to make clear boundaries and STOP entertaining females in his inbox or he needs to be single and enjoy that attention. He LIKES the attention and probably more so since even YOU said no one gave him a second look before he made more money. Let him be dumb and ruin a relationship by casting doubt in your mind and heart.
It’s absolutely cheating if he entertains them constantly crossing a line.


I had to speed read this….so he should have blocked her the first time he said “my woman wouldn’t like that” but that’s usually a famous line for guys who are unfaithful. He keeps entertaining her…why?? If he’s really not interested he should have blocked her or even better not given her his number.


Nope :-1: it really sucks and I’m sorry for the whole situation but there’s more than you’re seeing, unfortunately I learned from experiencing the same thing. If he can’t respect you enough to stop talking to these women that are blatantly disrespecting you and your relationship, kick him to the curb you deserve better.


You just wrote a book, To get the answer you already knew, Walk away


You had a baby. With a boyfriend. At 20. Lol


That’s so many red flags. I would’ve been gone after the first girl.


STOP GOING THRU HIS PHONE AND YOU WONT HAVE THESE ISSUES!!! STAY OUT OF HIS PHONE LADIES :bangbang: y’all moms didn’t teach you this??? Every time one of you do it you get hurt lol causing unnecessary pain and stress.


I’m confused as to what he actually did wrong.


“Am with my woman”, “my woman wouldn’t like it” LOL. Who does he think you are. That itself says it all. Please note, he’s properly into this game and he’s not gonna change. Just move on…ignore him. You can always find a better man - at least for companionship.


Girl…LEAVE. You already know what you need to do. Best of luck to you :heart:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can my relationship be saved? - Mamas Uncut

I did not even read your whole book to know… He is a decent guy, (givin your description)… Even i can see SHE has issues. From the first part, that i did read. Maybe he just wants better for her.

If someone seen any of my daughters, going through stuff, and could help them. I hope they will.

Damn girl! I need therapy now just reading all this. You both need to sit down and talk about what you want need and exoext,and what you won’t accept from one another. OTHERWISE, give up, move on! This is all too much. Ehhhh!


He hasn’t cheated! You looked on his phone and found a girl to be flirting with him, he was saying no! He’s not interested in her…


You moved out. Bad idea. He hasn’t cheated yet. Now you’re giving those women an open door because you’re not together. He could report these women to HR. Also, super bad idea to fish off the company pier. He is putting himself in jeopardy because that woman could accuse him of sexual harassment. I’d advise counseling for the two of you together. You love each other. I’d fight for your love if he’s willing.


You both sound so immature. You breastfeeding a 2 year old. Come on many do that and can work and spend time with their partner. Sounds like you are your son as a excuse to not do anything. He’s wrong he could block these women but he wants attention not that he’s right. Then you move out hows that going to help your relationship. Both of you grow up and be parents to that 2 year old child.


I’d file for Child Support and build a life for myself and my child. No dating until you’ve healed from this one. Men love the Chase more than getting the woman for the most part. Hit him where it hurts in his wallet. Do Not Take Him Back. If he pays Child Support he has a right to see his Child unless he’s unfit. Get counseling for yourself to get over him. Do it for You not Him. Women get what they settle for. Don’t be that Woman. #self-respect#self-love


His actions are making you feel insecure. However it is ok for BOTH of you to have friends of the opposite sex. However when those particular female friends over step the boundaries he should delete/block them. It sounds like you both need to go to counselling.


I couldn’t even read the whole thing I’m so pissed. You can’t beat her a$$ bc you got a kid, but I’d leave him ASAP and find a way to pay her back later. :wink:


Unfortunately your man is feeling neglected because of the obligations of having a kid.
He was used to having all of your attention and all of you. Now he has a new version of what he had before.
Lifestyle changes, the breastfeeding son is coming between you. The one lady sent a boob pic as soon as he mentioned that you were still breastfeeding your 2 yr old son. BTW doesn’t he have teeth by now?
He is a man who is in constant need of having his ego stroked which is the reason he has refused to give up the attention of the other women.
Plus, some women love going after somebody else’s man because of the challenge.


Leave the little boy to play his immature games. You told him how you feel and if he was into you he would not even be talking to those girls. You value fidelity and family- those are qualities that a decent man will cherish.


He should’ve reported her to HR for continually trying to get with him-- even before sending him naked pictures after he said he isn’t interested & already happily with someone.

If she jumped in with the naked pictures then he should’ve reported her to HR that’s not appropriate for co-workers to do.

Since he didn’t & didn’t respond to her desperation, but kept her nude photo archived he is enabling her to continue-- which isn’t a nice man or respecting you.


I think you already know you can’t trust him just from the tone of your post. If he wasn’t looking around he would tell these women to stop contacting him but I would think he is keeping them on the hook for some reason, right?


He is clearly telling them NO. Tell him for the sake of your family that he needs to block them from SM. They can be friends at work but not on your time! Maybe tell him to understand that you’re feeling insecure bc your body is different after baby? (even if you aren’t)


Living withamzn, having his child and marriage plans?? Honey, you are a convenience for him. He’s milking the cow without having to buy it. Please get some counseling. You are a human being, made in God’s image, a person of dignity and great value. Treat yourself as such. Sean that child, get a job, and you make a change. If you love him, ask him to go to counseling with you. If not go by yourself. You need to respect yourself before he will respect you. A third party can help you do this. Next time around,never live with a manunless you are married. Only 17% who live together first work,out long term.


Find a real man. Yes he is saying no but he is not getting rid of them, they aren’t hanging around bc he isn’t showing them no, he is giving them just enough to keep them around while “being faithful” to you. … you deserve someone that will out you above every other female on the planet someone that you don’t have to question. Also don’t listen to the other comments about two being to old to EBF, the natural weaning age of a child is 5-7 years, Americans are just weird about itm


Pick up his phone let them know its you and tell the girls he laughs at you and we both get a good laugh out of your ridiculous messages! Send her a pic of you two cuddled up together. Then tell them bye or more and block them! Definitely get back together or you will lose the father to your baby!


First, your child is almost 2 and you’re still nursing every four hours; feed him some FOOD.
Second: if you feel the need to go through your partners phone, then you already have no trust in him.
Lastly, Communication and trust are the top things in a relationship. You each communicate what you expect, and trust the other person will respect you. But NEVER try to pick who your partner talks to or is friends with. They are your partner, not your child.


This is probably the most dysfunctional relationship I have heard about. You two need some counseling, and stop using your breastfeeding as an excuse to be with a person you want to resolve issues with. The guy is enjoying the attention he gets from other women, so he must give some signals out, and you are very insecure.


The fact that he is not having this happen with just one woman but 2 or 3 says that evidently he is not making it clear all the way around that he is off limits. If these women are sending nude or almost nude pictures of themselves, or they’re playing on his sympathies by asking him to come over when there won’t be anyone else around then he needs to make it clear that he’s with someone and stop talking with them completely. To leave but still be dating him doesn’t sound like the answer. She needs to lay it on the line and tell it to him straight that this behavior isn’t acceptable instead of flying off the handle and not solving the problem. From the sounds of it they both need to grow up. They probably need counseling because this behavior on both parts isn’t the answer, especially with having a child in the mix. Perhaps a doctor would have a different opinion but breastfeeding a 2 year old does seem extreme to me.


Wean your son off the boob ASAP it’s time. Find trusted day care then Get a job at the same place!!! And car pool with him,…show those home wreckers!

first of all you need to stop breast feeding a 2 yr old …I would fight for my man if you love him and work out your problems if not both go on your way before more hurt is done…


Q U I T GE T AWAY. Get legal custody papers in order & child support! You can do it— if he ever changes then maybe you can get back together — married. So u & kids will have legal rights to $$$ etc. Doubt if he changes though. You are strong & you can do what’s needed—I’d advise don’t get pregnant again by him.


Absolutely disgusting that you will judge her for breastfeeding her 2 yr old son shame on you so called women ,y’all need to grow the hell up that’s what breast were made for not to entertain your man silly women

It’s kind of frustrating reading on here that because this man is telling the women “no, I’m with someone, I don’t think she’d like that” that he’s a damn hero. No he’s not. A man who’s real about his relationship would make sure these women know that if they can’t keep things platonic and are pushing him to disrespect his woman and not respecting his relationship that he will not be their friend. If the roles were reversed would everyone be singing a different tune? Let’s not forget that he was obviously texting these women without her knowledge is shady in itself. If that happened and a guy kept on me about getting together or sending me pics of his crotch he’d be blocked. That’s out of respect for my man. This happened with 3 separate women. It’s a pattern. He can tell his woman “no” but not these others?


Enough game playing. There is no excuse for this man to be talking to these women when they’ve made it clear they don’t want to be just ‘friends’. If he was serious about not getting involved with them he’d cut them off communicating completely. He may or may not have any intention of getting with them physically, but he’s clearly getting something out of them chasing him, otherwise he wouldn’t be willing to upset you and harm your relationship by keeping in contact with these desperate and ridiculous women.

You’ve moved out, but you’ve continued the relationship, so you’re sending him mixed messages. Thus, he feels no real need to drop these women and devote himself to you and your family. He’s even started putting you down and calling you names. That’s emotional abuse and gaslighting, and it’s completely unacceptable behaviour.

I feel you know it’s time to completely walk away from the relationship. Stop seeing him for date night. Stop checking up on him. Stop trying to change him. He has made his choice, and now you must make yours.

For your health and well-being, and for the sake of your child, move on! Invest in your future by building a home with your baby, and finding out what you really want to do with your life, for both your sakes.

Waste not one more iota of time and heart on this immature drama queen of a man who will only continue to treat you like an option, when what you really want and need is someone who will value you and your child, and build a satisfying and happy life with you.

By the way, if he wanted someone to make his lunches and cook and clean for him, he might have wanted to stop chasing after bimbos and value the kind of quality woman he had in you. He has blown it big time, and you need to let him know that in no uncertain terms, by WALKING AWAY!


I’m just gonna be totally honest cause I don’t like pussy footing around lol. The entire relationship sounds very immature and very unhealthy. In my opinion, there’s no happy, healthy future for you two but if you feel compelled to continue wasting your time then just know that the moment trust is broken, something shifts, something changes, in both people and things will never be the same. :woman_shrugging:


I think you should read this statement you made many times over. You two need to grow up. The child is caught in the middle. Children can feel the tension. You haven’t worked since you were first pregnant from being sick and two more years breast-feeding. Do you really think you have given your all? Now for him. He likes the attention he’s getting. He can say No all he wants but his actions are speaking volumes. You have been together 4 years. Talk it out, work it out or move on. Life is way too short.


You both need to grow up a lot.


I feel both of you immature you need to ween your son and pay more attention to him if you want it to work and he need to stop texting those women and you need counseling and new place to live together if counseling doesn’t work then cut ties and apply for child support


You need counseling, for your sake, I hope he deletes them! Or you can always beat the stuffing out of him. But ask your self, what can I do to help him!


You both have a lot of growing up to do. Start noticing praising the good things your boyfriend does! Focus on the good. Stop reading each others text messages. Develop more trust, respect and appreciation first. Wean your child. It is time. Find a good job and rental house. Marriage?

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You know the decision you have to make. You see all the red flags. You just want someone else to say it so your decision doesn’t feel so real . You know the answer


All he needs to do is block them or delete them. I find men seem to need their ego stroked after being in a relationship for sometime. And when they are doing wrong I like the way they turn it around on you. I think I would take a serious step back because you don’t need more children with this guy if he’s that easily straying towards other women. He likes the attention and the women doing this needs to understand it will happen to them too because if he does this with them they aren’t going to trust him either. Maybe stepping aside will make him see how important you are to him. Or he will just keep being the flirt and he probably knows your always going to be there to have dates he’s having the best of both worlds. I say take a break.


Hyst…if your not ready to leave him dont ever open his phone or read all conversation…but if your ready to leave him forever be the detective gf and please he will just continue cheating if you keep on forgiving and saying its ok fighting and then ok hyst…

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By you two deciding to live separate it gives him more opportunity to get with these ladies or hold a real conversation on the phone with them… he’s a con artist…he wants you to read the texts and he wants you to hear him say no…but he’s really laughing behind your back…he thinks you’re naive and stupid…he really think that he’s getting away with it too… that’s not love it’s a joke…and how they get his number…he needs to change it…or you need to leave him alone now… later you’ll realize why didn’t you leave sooner… he’ll get even slicker to keep from getting caught…this is my true feeling because it happened to me for 16 yrs and 4 kids by this man…but that needle (him) broke the Camel (me)back now it’s been 35years since I left him and I’ve been happy…stronger…and wiser…with no regrets…run!!


Cheating, well that depends…if he is carrying on a mental affair that cheating. If he is lusting after another body that is cheating. The fact that he doesn’t tell them to leave him alone says that he enjoys it, that is cheating. There are so many ways to cheat. You all need counseling and maybe you can get past this but whatever don’t go back until this is resolved the luck and God bless you both.


It went a little too far when the female coworker started flashing her chest in photos she sent to him. It’s clear these women want to be more than friends with her boyfriend. I would find someone who is not texting girls on the side and then not telling you about them. Then has the nerve to try and accuse you of cheating on him.

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Firstly, please use punctuation because that was just painful to read! Secondly, he’s clearly liking the attention these women are giving him but he hasn’t cheated so there’s something missing in your relationship. He should block some of these women or report them to HR because that’s actually harressment. But you are also not helping with your lack of trust. Either way, you guys need to sort your shit out and grow up. This relationship sounds exhausting!

Ok. You know your man. Is he this sweet, innocent, gullible man that it sounds like, or is he a deceptive, scheming cheater? None of the people on here know him, but you do. If he is this cheating piece of crap, by all means kick him to the curb. Is your love strong enough to fight through whatever is thrown your way? All relationships have hurdles. Cheating should never be one of them.


Honestly if a woman was coming at my man and I saw him tell her he’s got a woman and he’s not doing whatever she’s trying to do id be super proud. I trust my man though. With my whole heart, there is nothing anyone could say or do to change that.


Get out. You will live life always wondering who he is talking to. It shouldn’t be that way. When you are finally in a healthy relationship you will wonder why you were ever with this guy.

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He obviously wants something from the girl,maybe the attention? Or she’s his back up F chick . I do think if your ment to work out you will but he has to stop entertaining this girl, especially as he knows her intentions. I’ve been on this situation an I worked through it ,but my trust is not the same .

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Yeah I would deff have problems with the other girl ,like to her face problems or destroy her face problems.You do sound insecure…he is clearly telling these girls he has a woman.Honestly I would persuade him to change jobs,some might not agree.But it sounds like the issue originates from the job.If you really think he’s cheating in ur heart ,let him go.No second chances ,most men just waste them .


Dump this guy for good. He not worth your time. He cheating and keeps doing it that’s not respectful at all. Once a cheater always a cheater. File for child support and move on because he can’t be trusted.

I fell like he should talk to HR if he’s constantly telling them no, I’m not sure what the pay has to do with anything at all. But if he’s constantly telling them no and they still call and text him it’s harassment. He could drive himself he doesn’t need to carpool with her

1st stop breast feeding bad for all of you n 2 year old can eat 3 meals a day like you not every 4 hors that will help all of more them you can imagine

He is craving that attention. Not to excuse his behavior but have you tried maybe being the one to be nice and make him feel wanted and appreciated? If you try that and he no longer talks to these girls problem solved. Maybe cook something he loves, start leaving cute notes in his lunches, send him cute selfies while he’s at work, men have emotional needs also and if he was a Mama’s boy especially he’s used to all that attention. Idk. Put on something cute before he gets home and a back rub and tell him how much you appreciate all he does for the family? This seeking out attention from women could still turn into cheating later on down the road. Otherwise if it bothers you that much and you’ve explained how much it hurts you to him and he would rather be “nice” and put a random woman’s feeling ahead of his wife and you want to leave then leave. You deserve to be happy and you seem the type of girl who can’t share her man’s attention with anyone so if he can’t do it after you give him your attention then you deserve someone who will make you feel loved and not question their actions.

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First of all, breastfeeding for over 2 years is a little long. Wean the kid, get a job, stand on your own feet. You will be more desirable to him with your independence!

He should have just blocked their numbers.


Wow!! I’m so sorry you are going through this on top of having his son. You and he will be connected through your son for the rest of your lives. Ok, l had a situation pretty close to yours. I was jealous of the girls my husband knew, whether through work, friends before l came along and sometimes women he didn’t even know. We didn’t children before we got married so l didn’t have to deal with a child. But still l was jealous!! One day l turned the tables on him, l started point out girls and say to him “oh , my God, look at that girl” then l pointed out the best part of this poor innocent girl and l’d say “look” at her boobs, butt, legs or what ever stood out on her. These were beautiful women and I was pointing out girls before he had a chance and pretty soon, l became very secure in my self and l wasn’t jealous of anyone! It takes a lot of guts to take charge of how you feel. Jealousy is one of the hardest things to deal with. I don’t know if it would work for you but, we’ve been married 45 years and have two adult children and three precious grandchildren, we’ve been blessed. You can never change him, but you can control your feelings to prevent going crazy! Take a breath and take care of yourself and stay calm, it will be what it’s suppose to be. And, if he’s not the man for you, start having fun and you just meet the right man❤️

Everybody needs to grow up. Especially your son. So y’all get your big panties on and stop this drama right now. Change his phone number. Tell him not to give it out to anybody else.

He shouldn’t be entertaining these girls at all knowing their intentions

Cut him loose!!! Move on. No girl can flirt if they have no number !!!

Well he seems to be faithfull to you T the minute,tell him to delete and block all of them if he’s serious! There are lots of homeworkers around, can’t get a steady relationship they Re just slags! Delete and block .

Oh my, longest run on sentence ever.Ok, I know grammar isn’t the issue here ( sorry) I hope that you are able to do whatever it is to make yourself happy. You deserve better, and my suggestion would be to get out now, and find someone that treats you with respect. You need to take care of yourself first. Jmo, but I would have been long gone. Good luck…


Good God!..stop breast feeding already!! Time to get back to being a wife… you are insecure


Only one word of advice: punctuation.


What a royal mess!!! You need to move on and give him space. You need it too.


Ok, so here’s what I got from your story. He has women flirting, face timing, texting and probably calling him all the time. He tells them he’s with you, not interested, but they won’t take no for an answer and just keep on going. He’s too much of a wimp to get nasty with them and tell them off, which needs to be done. He makes great money. This didn’t happen before he started making all that money. So yup, you have the gold-digging club knocking on his door. Now, I totally understand where you’re coming from. His ass needs to block these women. If he wants to be with you, and have a life with you, then these women need to go. He may not have actually cheated…yet. However, it’s not fair to you for him to be face-timing women who have their boobs hanging out. Pretty sure he wouldn’t like some guy to be showing you his junk while flirting with you. Give him the ultimatum. Either tell them to F*** off, and block them, because they obviously won’t take no for an answer, or you’re gone. That’s it. You cannot have a relationship where you have to constantly babysit your boyfriend and everyone he talks to. And to those calling you insecure…I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want their husbands or boyfriends to be chatting with women the way yours is. So that’s my advice, he can block them, or you walk. And that’s being nice even giving him the choice. Because if it were me, I would have called him a spineless coward and walked already. This chick doesn’t play these childish head games.


For real…Im sorry but this is a clear example of two people who don’t know how to communicate!

I’ve lost brain cells reading this! My brain hurts. Ditch Mr. I’m telling them no, but Not to go!!! Good luck! I need a drink! :clinking_glasses: