Can relationships be too affectionate?

This is why men feel damned if they do and damned if they don’t with women. If that man is all about you and treats you good just be happy!

My Husband and I have been married 4 months together for 7 years. He is the same way with me. In the start of our relationship he was like this too SUPER affectionate to the point it almost scared me off lol. I didn’t know love before him. He is still very attracted to me. He always strives to do what he can to make me happy. Over the years things have become more tame with us so I would just say to enjoy it now as it may become less in the future. It sounds like you got a great man!

Consider your self lucky. My “boyfriend” of 7 years wont even touch me. And thats ill ive ever asked for was affection. :pensive:

His love language is physical touch. Read about the 5 love languages. It’s how we give and receive love. It seems the way he shows his love is not the way you like to receive it and that is totally normal.

The five love languages are physical touch, acts of service, quality time, gifts and words of affirmation.

How you give love can be different how you receive. Many times people think how they receive love is also how others do. For example, someone cleaning their home for their spouse before they get home they may expect praise from that but the traveling partner may not feel loved from that. The traveling partner’s love language could be words of affirmation so they want to hear how much their cleaning spouse missed them while they were gone.

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You should feel lucky I don’t know about abusive relationships as I’ve never been in one but I do know let him love you you deserve it 100% hun

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Sounds like a perfect situation to me. You are lucky.

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Appreciate what you have

If you enjoy it then crack on! It’s completely up to you and how you feel, there’s no normal, right or wrong x

Enjoy it while it lasts. It will wear out after you’re married LOL! Just speaking the truth. You have a very good man there.

This sounds very similar to my circumstances. I was with someone for a good few years who treated me like absolute shit and because I was young at the time I was blind to it… Then I met my partner and it was and still is a completely different experience annd relationship. We also never argue and the affection is amazing. I’ve never had a man treat me with so much respect before so at first I was scared and did try and push him away because I didn’t want to get heartbroken but we’ve been together for almost 4 years and have a beautiful little girl together and are getting wed in April :heart: and still feel like we are in the honeymoon period… absolutely enjoy it hun just because it’s not what you’ve been used to in the past doesn’t mean it’s too much. I always thank my lucky stars I have a man like this cos I know many who don’t and they seem to be extremely rare in this day and age :heart:


Stop making comparisons with your relationships, you won’t be able to move on.
Yeah its normal but can get rather annoying.

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