I had an IUD placed nearly two years ago. I steadily gained 45 lbs over the course of a year after getting it. I work out regularly and eat pretty good most days. I never worked out prior to IUD. Did anyone else gain weight with IUD? Did it come back off after having IUD removed? I’ll be having a hysterectomy.
Yes with mirena … got it taken out and had a baby lol then got a copper one and have been steadily losing weight
Following. I got mirena end of july. Debating keeping it or getting the hysterectomy.
Paragard doesnt. I’m assuming hormonal birth control/IUD always has a risk of weight gain.
I only had it a short time but it made me swell and gain weight fast! Took it out and it came right off
I did very bad! Like within the few months!! It also moved out of place on me.
I have mine on for 9 years now and its copper…and never had weight gain problem…
I always have extra weight when on BC. Everytime I’m not it falls off. Its one side effect I ALWAYS have no matter the BC.
I have Mirena and same here. And having an impossible time losing weight.
I gained about 30lbs with the Mirena
Had my mirena 3 yrs now. Gained 50lbs the first year. Have finally managed to drop 15 but that’s it.
Same with Mirena. Just got it taken out and trying to get the weight off.
Yep! At least with the Mirena.
I didn’t gain weight from that… I gained weight by eating to much. I say that because I lost the weight after changing my eating habits
I had Mirena for the last 3 years and I have steadily been 180-185lbs i cant lose weight but I haven’t gained any either so I got it taken out. Im hoping that breaks the cycle and I can start losing weight
I got pregnant on paraguard due anyday now with baby boy
I lost 120lbs with it…
Don’t get Nexplanon
Unless u want anger rage and depression
Weight gain
Depo causes weight gain mawelling and depression
Mirena as well. Gained 20 lbs at least. This is some bullsh** seeing these posts. Wish I had seen them sooner.
I actually lost weight with the Mirena
I was 135 when i got it and lost 25 pounds
I went from 125 to 170 from having nexplanon… I have had 2 kids and I’ve always been small. I didn’t get it until my youngest was almost 2… Literally a year of having it and gained that much weight
I didn’t gain but I wasn’t able to lose much with it after having it put in 6 weeks after birth.
I’ve had mine for going on 4 years. No weight gain. Still my usual 120ish.
I have the copper IUD. It is hormone free. I have had it for 3 years. Not one complaint.
If your IUD has hormones then yes it is very possible to gain weight.
When I had the meriana I gained thirty pounds. Every month it felt like I was pregnant and the pms never went away. Got it out and my weight slowly went back down and I stopped feeling pregnant and having pms that kept piling on itself.
At first I lost it but after a year I gained weight
Got mine taken out two weeks ago best decision I’ve ever made finally feel like myself and the cramps are gone. Never again
Had it before baby and no weight gain. Got it placed back after baby, no weight gain.
I had the mirena and it actually made me lose weight to the point where I was 70lbs and almost hospitalized… never again!
If you don’t have health problems I would discourage you from getting a hysterectomy. After a hysterectomy people really do gain lots of weight because of hormones change. Some people gain over 100 lbs.
Mirena iud for 13 years (3 times) and no weight gain overall but I monitor weight and take measures (diet/exercise) to maintain healthy weight… I gain easily but won’t attribute it to iud…maybe reduced metabolism with age
I gained weight but then after the first year lost it, mine became dislodged a month ago and had to take it out. I feel much better without it.
Every birth control affects everyone differently. It may cause weight gain for you, but the next person may not. Just know EVERY birth control no matter if it has hormones or not.
Absolutely! I gained 50 pounds and it took a lot of effort and time to get it back off after I got the iud out.
A hormonal BC can cause weight gain.
I had a mirena for several years and gained about 60lbs with no other real life style changes. Worse for me is that I’ve struggled with the weight even after having it removed.
I never realized it but I had the copper iud and when I had it removed I lost about 40 pounds. I feel I gained wait even though it was non hormonal.
Yup! Harder to lose weight with it in too! First month I had it out and lost 9kg. Regret is ; I wish I took it out soon after getting it put in.
I had mine for 7yrs and didn’t gain more than 10lbs(I never worked out either)…when I got it removed is when I gained weight. If it has hormones then you can expect the weight gain for sure.
I don’t believe so, but everyone is different.
I had it for 8 years, no issues! Covid hit and I gained a ton of weight
I would say if you have one that has hormones in it then yes… I’ve had paragard for 8 years and weight hasn’t been an issue
I have had mine for 5 years and have gained almost 20 pounds
There’s the IUS & IUD. I’m on the IUD but have lost weight
Paragard is hormone free
Yes any form of birth control can make you gain weight
Yes! I had it and gained 15lbs.
Yes got mine feb 2016 was 174 now I’m 212
I’ve gained weight after I got it
I have not yet, and mines going on 3 years the mirena!!
Any hormonal birth control can cause you to gain weight, regardless of the type.
My body completely rejected my IUD, and I ended up with a huge infection in my uterus because of it. I wasn’t even sure that I could have children after I had it removed, I’m very fortunate to have been able to get pregnant with my son and have a healthy pregnancy. IUDs are the absolute worst.
I removed mine after a month. My doctor tried to talk me out of it but the weight piled on, my hair fell out in clumps, I had constant cramping and the little strings never softened up. It was a mess.
Definitely gained weight and had horrible acne. Took it out and was able to lose a ton.
I didn’t gain weight, but my pain got worse with it and ended up having a hysterectomy. I wish I would have had the iud removed to see if it made a difference. The doctor swore it didn’t, that was in 2010, then all that crap about Mirena came out.
I have paragard iud cause this one doesnt contain hormones its made of copper. And no i havent gain weight i had it taken out to concieve and after pregnancy got paragard again. So far happy with it.
I gained weight while I had the Mirena, however, that was due to undiagnosed PCOS that I developed after having my daughter. I would maybe get checked out because I got my IUD out when we wanted to have another kid and it took over a year to finally get diagnosed and then longer to treat it enough to become pregnant.
Idk nothing about IUD however I had hysterectomy 3 months ago and I can tell you dont expect to lose weight from that because it has made me gain weight idk if it is the hormonal shift as I do still have my ovaries so I’m still waiting to see how it goes and I eat pretty clean diet working out has been struggle since this procedure. Good luck to you.
Which IUD do you have?? If you are working out regularly it very well could be muscle weight also … not sure what kind of physique you had or have … Perhaps a cellular detox to rid your body of toxins will help also!! I do at least one a month to help maintain my bodies hormones
I had the Mirena, for just under a year to try to regulate my cycle but it only made them way worse. I gained almost 40 lbs and decided to take it out. At my removal appointment I found out I was pregnant. I now have a 3 yr old…
Yeah i gained a bunch of weight. I’ve had it twice back to back. Unfortunately when I got it taken out I didn’t lose any…and then gained some more because I became pregnant two months later 🤷😂
It’s one of the most common symptoms.
They like to say it can’t cause depression too though and heaps of women experience that. Or constant bleeding… That’s never in the leaflet… not to the extent that heaps of women experience at least.
After three years with Mirena, I started having my period again and got terrible acne. I took it out as soon as I realize that it was hormonal and cleared up my face with curology. The pill sucks but I think it has the least side effects
Yes. I gain weight like crazy with no other reason. Between depo and the iud I gained close to 100 pounds over the years. I got the iud again after I had my son in January and I can see weight piling back on
I can’t get it out until my husband has his vasectomy so I’m just stuck.
I lost weight during my pregnancy and I was down an additional 40 pounds when I had my appointment to get it placed
I’ve been on Mirena about 8 years. I’ve only gained 20 pounds. Honestly I didn’t notice any weight gain with it the first time. But when I got it removed and replaced after 5 years when my first one expired that’s when I gained. So basically 20 pounds in 3 years. I’ve got 2 more years on mine and I’m getting my tubes tied
Sure it can, I gained maybe no more than 10lbs, but the most I gained was the arm implant that thing had my weight jumping up like i spent all day eating junk. Lot of weight in a short time, even if I starved myself it just wouldn’t stop climbing up.
They say that it doesn’t, but I gained weight with mine too. Barely had it for 6mo and I decided to remove it.
I’ve always been small even after 4 kids. 2 years with iud and I’ve gained 30 pounds and feel like I’m going through menopause. Hotflashes
Yes it messes with your hormones. Also I’ve heard many horror stories with these from people i personally know… im acared to get one
I’ve had mine for 2 years with zero issues. I have lighter and shorter periods but beyond that I haven’t had any negative side effects.
Sorry im I’m 84 and thought you meant IVF so thought with any luck you will gain weight, this isnt isn’t a joke for a moment got my IUD ang ant IVF mixed up , but funny anyway.
My doctor swore it would not make me gain weight and I definitely did over a course of two years. I had it removed about a month ago and let me tell you there’s a difference. Not only in weight but in my mood too. I’m not so angry anymore.
I feel like I can’t lose weight because of my IUD. When I wasn’t on BC I could lose weight without much effort, now I struggle!!
I have been on mirena for 2 years and gained weight like crazy! My OB said you doesn’t cause weight gain, headaches, pimples, etc., but I have since ive been on it. I try to lose weight, but my body just doesn’t want to
It depends the copper one (no hormones) doesn’t cause weight gain. But the Mirena (with hormones) can cause weight gain! I had to copper one for 10 yrs and loved it! I’m sorry your having trouble with it
Yes. My sister has gained a lot of weight from her birth control. I did not gain anything though. It just depends on how your body texts to it
I got the Mirena and gained about 20 lbs right away. No more since. But I also still have a monthly period with it as well.
Yes I’ve gained about 50lbs with it. I’ve had it removed almost a year now and lost a few pounds but not anywhere near the 50lbs.
I gained 40+ lbs and couldn’t lose an ounce until I had it removed!!! Mirena was absolutely horrible!
Yes I gain weight with iud, had it taken out and lost some weight, but still need to loose more.
I gained a ton of weight with mine but I was also in a lot of pain constantly from mine for the 2 yrs I had it in. So I wasn’t very active.
Yes i gained about 30 pounds when I had it in. Once it was gone I was able to lose the weight.
I had the mirena for 5 years everything was perfect until I had it taken out. I gained alot after having it out
Yes unfortunately it does and so did Depo…mirena also caused me to get very large ovarian cysts took it out haven’t had one since
Uh hellllll ya it can any birth control regardless of how it’s taken or placed can affect your hormones and make u gain weight
Yes!! Couldn’t lose weight after having bub, messed with my hormones, Dr said I had depression, hair loss, you name it. All changed the second I had it removed. It’s bad !!
I had Mirena for 5 years and never gained weight. It all depends on which you got, and how your body responds to it. I’d talk to my doctor.
Loved my mirena, no period for almost 5 years and maintained my weight, as soon as it was taken out I gained so much weight. I did gain a lot of weight on the shot though. Had stretch marks going down my legs and arms because I gained weight to fast
Yes, it does!! I had it for 5 years recently just got it removed and when I had it I gain about 80lbs
I’ve had the paraguard for almost 10 years, its amazing! Its time for a new one
I picked the one with the least hormones. I have been on it for 9months and haven’t had any issues with my weight over it
Absolutely, it messed with my hormones badly.
Ive been wondering the same thing. Ive gained about 50 lbs and got mine put in a yr ago
Any form of BC is awful for a woman’s body as she ages. Yes IUD messes with your hormones and causes weight gain. Do your research !!
Mine did then I found out the reason why I was gaining so much weight is because I was pregnant
I think it depends on the 5 year (with hormones) or the 10 year copper one
Pretty sure any b.c. will cause at least some weight gain.
About to get my 2nd one replaced and I have lost 142 lbs and kept it off for 10 years.
I gained weight from it and got acne that I never had before
My iud didn’t but everyone is different and every birth control can affect people differently
Yes, any family planning that is hormonal can give such side effects