The daughter is possibly missing her family unit. She may need time to readjust to her dad not being present full time like he once was. Give (daughter and dad) them time to reconnect. The daughter will be well adjusted in the long term.
Go to the courts, explain what is happening,ask for a drop in child support if daughter
wont visit and mom is not helping matters. they need to call of visit early then when you leave to pick her up.
I am 99% sure that the daughter does not get to choose if she goes or not until she is 14.
If custody is 50/50, why is there child support being paid?
call before you go. or document this happinging and get a lawyer so the court can inforce visitation.
Stop paying and stop doing…the mom will come around for that money…
Back to court document every time
If the daughter chooses not to come you can’t do anything for that. If the mother is interfering and she cancels because of her own agenda then she is violating the order. Have the dad talk with the daughter to let her know that he only has limited time and would appreciate if she would work with the schedule so he can spend time with her.
Report it then take her back to court for you guys to be the primary parent