My oldest preferred the diva cup better than a tampon.
Personally, as a parent I like to maintain bodily autonomy even for my children. If they feel they are ready or want to try things that are personal to their bodies they have the ultimate say. I may give helping suggestions or opinions but ultimately it’s thier choice.
It’s HER body and menstruation is UNCOMFORTABLE in itself. We don’t have many options for products. Let her experiment. I used tampons for the first time when I was 10. And the argument of “I don’t want her sticking stuff up there and this could get out of hand” is honestly kind of disgusting.
He’ll no tampons are for big people having her putting those in at such an age will hurt period. And she’s not ready I don’t see that as a good option.
Let her use what ever she’s comfortable with. Teach her the proper care when using the tampons. Out peds said its ok at a young age to use tampons.
Tampons are not a gate way to sexual things. It’s about her knowing her body and what’s comfortable for her during menstruation
I don’t trust my 11 year old to change the tampon often enough so I think the risk of TSS is higher. Also, I clearly explained to her the risks of TSS and she isn’t interested in tampons at this time.
That’s something you have to individually assess with your daughter and clearly explain the risks before you go the tampon route with a child.
I started using them at 12. The OB brand with no applicator work best for me. She’s going to have to figure out how to make them comfortable you need to tell her to put them all the way in and need to educate her on changing them often. Your little girl is not a baby anymore.
As to what type of menstrual product(s) one uses is completely up to the individual. I keep both in the house. There are 3 people in this house that use or will use these products. Just insure they know how often they need to be changed.
I never started using Tampons until I was fifteenth or there about s my daughter had pads her choice still
I have highly recommend to my daughter to use tampons when she starts. My mom didn’t let me know about them and I wish she would have.
Never had a concern about tss my whole life and I won’t entertain topics of sexual stuff. Ultimately my daughters choice tho! Bring 11/11/13 and getting your period sucks anyways.
The fact that you’re willing to allow your daughter to basically sit in her own blood pool, which in itself is uncomfortable as heck, to make YOU feel okay about her growing up is just wrong to begin with. To then sexualize her period and say that it’s a gateway to sticking things in her vagina is reprehensible. THIS, a lack of understanding & over controlling behavior, is what leads to early experimentation. Give me a freaking break. Grow up and actually TALK to your kid. Don’t just shove something in a corner because you are uncomfortable with it.
I had to use them that young (well, a year older but close enough). When I had swim in gym I couldn’t wear a pad lol
I don’t understand what the big deal is.
A lot of you guys are so rude and judgmental… I totally understand where this woman is coming from. It’s scary when your kids start getting older!! I also remember when I was around this little girls age there were girls my age shoving markers and all kinds of things up their vaginas. Given I never did any of that… but girls are weird and although it’s not sexual it can be harmful once they figure out they have a hole there lol. I truly never knew I had that hole until my mom taught me how to put a tampon in. My mom was also extremely apprehensive about allowing tampons. But she finally caved because I would leak nearly Everytime I got my period. Be kind. There is no harm in asking a question and voicing concerns. What’s worse is that there are so many of you acting like you know everything.
Get her a diva cup. Hey have the designed for teens/preteens and last 12 hours between cleanings. No worries about TSS and all the other terrifying things that come along with tampons. I didn’t start until 13 but I was very active in sports so I started using tampons within 6 months. Do your research and you’ll make the best decision for her
I personally never liked tampons. my advice would be sit down and have a long talk with her about the pros/cons of tampons & ask her why she wants to try them? And give her your concerns. Best policy to be open & honest. She may not even like them once she tries, who knows?? Good luck
Shes fine…you are way over thinking it…just let her use them…no one likes to use a bulky pad…
I order my daughter 100% cottons online. Unless she has abnormally heavy flow I think pads are better. My daughter is 14 and has to wear a super plus tampon because she just has very heavy periods and the pads are just messy and gross.
You just need communication with her
No way! I feel like that is begging for toxic shock!
My daughters all started around 12 years old. Just need to make her read the insert so she can see how to properly insert them and be aware of the risks.
(Also, I only buy the organic cotton tampons)
My 3 daughters didn’t use tampons until they were ready or discovery…sports or school activities
Whatever they are comfortable using
There was no question about other objects being used either…that is just weird and odd
Somewhat questionable why that would even be a thought ?
Let her try them a s if they work for her then let her be. Periods suck so whatever is most comfortable should be what you allow. It’s still her body. Just. Be sure to educate on the importance of changing it in a timely manner. Ps, if she wanted to put other things up there, she would/will possibly already has. Tampons will not encourage sex, as tampons do not feel “good” in any way. But if she’s menstruating then she’s clearly in puberty and with that comes hormones… its best to embrace these situations with the mindset of safety education. Remember strict parents creat sneaky kids. Good luck
I would not— I was a tampon user for many many years and finally switched to a cup.
Tampons always gave me headaches and made me feel sick. Even now if I’m out and start and have to use one. She is young and could also run the risk of leaving it in too long and getting tss. Pads are safer!!
The fact that you’re thinking about your 11 YEAR OLD “sticking things inside herself,” is just gross honestly. Pads can be messy, smelly, and uncomfortable. While tampons have their own cons, they aren’t quite as smelly nor messy. If she believes she’s ready for a tampon, then let her be ready! I started my period at 12 years old, started wearing tampons 3 days later because I just couldn’t do pads. It made me feel disgusting.
I’ve only ever used tampons and a diva cup. I hate pads, they’re crazy uncomfortable. My dad got me some of both and multiple sizes of everything, I was able to pick what I wanted for myself.
That’s what I’ll be doing with my daughter and I feel like it’s the most respectful way to handle it. Why should someone get to choose what works best for someone else’s menstrual cycle just because they’re a parent? I recommend getting pads, tampons, and a cup (or a couple because there are a lot of options now) and letting her choose for herself. Explain all the sizes and how they correlate to the flow of her period and why it’s important to choose correctly.
You can always ask her doctor my sister had asked about my niece and the doctor said that as long as you teach them well and she changes them when she has to then it’s fine but it’s up to mom if she can use them
You’re sexualizing your own daughter and her period and that’s gonna make her feel gross for using tampons. There is nothing pleasant or sexual about tampons. It’s a freaking wad of cotton used to soak up blood. Get over it.
It’s a tampon… it sounds like you’re afraid she going to use a tampon and suddenly start masturbating. Teach her now how to safely use a tampon. In fact teach her about all of the different ways she can have some control over her periods. L maybe have her get the hang of them at home before she starts using them at school. TSS has a pretty low chance of happening from tampon usage esp when used right and switched at that 8hour mark or before.
I would recommend the “teen” tampons. They are smaller and made for younger bodies. I really think it’s a personal choice for her. I would just make sure you properly educate her on the signs to change it and that it’s not something that can just stay in there. When a flow is heavy vs when it is not. I know I personally will let my daughter use them when she wants. Plus there is an security factor I feel with tampons vs pads. I always felt like everyone could see them and noticing it through my pants. I was 9 when I got my period at first. I didn’t see art using tampons until about 11 either.
I would say at the end of the day it is her choice and her body. Some people like pads some people prefer tampons. As long as she’s well educated on how to use both and how to stay clean while using them that’s what matters. My daughter is 11 and we have discussed both. She has not gotten her period yet but when she does she will decide whats more comfortable for her.
I started with tampons. Pads are gross. I’m going to try to start my girls with a cup. I don’t get the mentality that girls who have started their periods are too young to take care of it in whichever option they are comfortable using.
It’s just like anything she will have to learn to change them accordingly, but if she’s already used to changing out pads then it shouldn’t be hard to get the hang of it. She’s definitely old enough and she’s probably already using them at school anyways because most girls who have their period are probably bringing tampons. Also the statement about her getting used to sticking things inside herself doesn’t sit well with me because she’s coming into an age where she will be experimenting and that’s normal. No reason to shame normal behavior or sexualize tampons
Is this satire or serious? …have you yourself ever used a tampon? They’re not enjoyable or pleasurable, putting them in or taking them out, they’re simply more absorbent than pads & they don’t make that weird windbreaker sound when you walk, so some females prefer them like myself. I started wearing them at 12 & it definitely didn’t compel me to just shove things in my vagina for fun. With pads I get gross, sweaty, feel wet constantly, they smell, it’s just ew. Maybe she’s uncomfortable wearing pads? I wouldn’t be concerned about her “putting things inside her”, kids are going to explore their parts anyways, it’s natural. I’d be more worried about toxic shock syndrome & her health. If she understands hygiene & is comfortable trying tampons, let her. One, it’s her body to feel comfortable with, not yours. Maybe she’s going through something she’s uncomfortable talking to you about, because you do seem irrational… & two, if you don’t let her, she’ll just do it behind your back.
I personally hated them until 14/15 Very uncomfortable and irritating and even the smallest size was so painful it almost scared me from ever wanting to use them. I started at 10. I’ll give my daughters the options but I don’t think most 11 year olds like them anyways
I never used tampons until I was in my jr or sr year of high school and even then I didn’t use them every time. I preferred and still prefer using pads. My favorite is the Stayfree Ultra Thin Overnight with wings. They’re not bulky like a maxi pad and they honestly protect well and can hold a heavy period. I have tried using a cup, but I just can’t seem to get the hang of it at all.
My daughter is 11 and uses tampons during the day and sleeps with a pad. I told her it was up to her and what she was comfortable with since ultimately its her body. The biggest thing for her was that it was summer and she’s a big swimmer
You are sexualizing tampons. It’s a tampon. Not a dildo. Yeah, maybe some women find them uncomfortable, but that’s a decision for your daughter to make on her own. Your job, is to teach her how to do things properly, like changing her tampon regularly and proper personal hygiene. She’s gonna grow up, weather you like it or not. Believe me. I have two grown daughters.
You sound so fucking stupid tbh. “I don’t want her getting into the habit of sticking things inside herself” girl please
it’s a feminine hygiene product not a sex toy. Plenty of women find the concept of pads gross and uncomfortable, you’re literally sitting on your own blood. If she wants to use a tampon it’s HER choice.
Soooo we’re sexualizing tampons now?
Why do we as a society (but ESPECIALLY women) sexualize periods?? I started my cycle at 12 and was very uncomfortable during those times with pads until I discovered tampons at the age of 14, never looked back and I’m 22 now
My mother was uncomfortable when I showed interest in tampons, too. In my eyes, it’s completely normal to not want your daughter to want to use tampons at that young age. I didn’t show interest in them at all until I was 14 years old. And the thought of shoving anything else up there never really crossed my mind at that age because of how uncomfortable they were & shoving anything else up there when you have cramps & fatigue to deal with doesn’t really cross my mind even as an adult & mother now when changing out my tampon
I used tampons from the beginning I think. I use pads now too bc I bleed so heavily. When our daughter started she used pads for the first year, then switched to tampons due to her choice.
My daughter is 12 and only uses pads
Get her some period underwear. It’s got a pad inside and 1 pair lasts me a whole day
A grown ass man had to tell me how to use a tampon when I was like 19 bc my mom never let me use them…you know what else is embarrassing leaking through a pad for everyone to see in high school…educate properly
I would have her stay tampon free as long as possible.
It’s her body her choice. Just teach her how to use them properly
First of all,Tampons are not a gateway drug to masturbation… Second, I hated tampons, they literally terrified me and I didn’t start wearing them until I was 21. There is nothing remotely pleasurable or sexy about putting in a tampon, Instead of shaming your daughter about her burgeoning sexual hormones you should teach her how to use the tampon and be responsible and let her decide which she prefers. Eventually, she’ll need to know anyway. She may be too young right now to understand the risks but there are a lot of ways to reduce those risks, like buying organic cotton tampons. Do not shame your child about sex or you will create a terrible foundation for her to build her relationship with it when she’s older.
We could maybe not sexualize an 11 year old that has her period. That’s weird honestly. “Sticking things inside her” for her period as a medical thing and “sticking things inside her” for pleasure are two ENTIRELY different things. I didnt start using tampons til HS for some of the same reasons and I bled all over my pants multiple times from 5th-8th grade because I only used pads. Teach her how to use them. Or show her how to use a cup. Stop sexualizing a period and TEACH your child.
Beyond that…she’s 11. And has her period. She’s maturing. Maybe it’s time to have the “talk”. Don’t shame her or make her uncomfortable with anything. All of this is NATURAL.
tampons does not feel like penis. lol personally, I can’t wear them because they annoy me
Ummm I’d be only worried about toxic shock syndrome. Id also let her try whatever so she’s comfortable because let’s face it periods are just absolutely uncomfortable. 2ndly it’s disgusting you think your daughter is gonna like it and start going having sexual experiences… That’s sexualizing something that is a body function and really putting her down for growing up eventually… kinda gross on your part
I highly recommend looking into period underwear. I started 2 years ago and I’ll NEVER go back to regular menstrual products.
Sexualizing her period first off. Let her use whatever sanitary products she wants
No. I’d say pads only for now.
I swear some of the questions this page posts…
If they’re comfortable trying it and using it, what’s the problem? My girls are 12 and 13 and get made fun of for wearing pads at school so they opt for tampons. They still switch between the two. I would rather have them start now and be comfortable for later in life. If you try to force something they’ll rebel. As a mother how would you feel if your mother restricted you?
I can’t believe this is even questioned.
Menstrual cups are great. I started using tampons when I was 12, with my second period.
Well for me, I think that those have chemicals in them. I can’t use them, they make my cramps worse. I’m really sensitive and recommend pads that are organic cotton, or reusable period options. Chemicals are in so much of the products we use.
This kids gonna need therapy when she gets older. This is an ignorant POV.
I have lost 2 friends to TSS and it is very real. If she does decide to do tampons please make certain you educate her to how often she should change tampons.
I think you should let her decide what feminine products to use. I got my period when I was 13. I used pads for the first year. It was embarrassing. I felt like I was wearing a diaper and my flow was so fast that it didn’t obsorb right away and fall to the side. I had incidents in school and it was embarrassing. I started using tampons and it was life changing. I just recommend L or Lola or an organic brand. Your body obsorbs everything vaginally so if you’re using cotton tampons sprayed with glyosphate, then you’re also obsorbing that as well.
I started my cycle at the age of 10, quite a ripe age, my mother gave me a tampon, those tiny ones. It’s natural and comfortable and very higenic. She will be clean. Just teach her to replace it every few hours. And to always wash her hands. %
For me personally a pad is uncomfortable and stinky. And such a pain to discard.
And a tampon is only uncomfortable if you don’t insert it properly…
But I’ve never in my life inserted a tampon thinking Oooo this is nice. There is no sexual experience linked to using a tampon.
I don’t see anything wrong with her wanting to use tampons pads arent for everybody I mean just show her how to properly use them and she’ll be fine I think it’s a pretty far stretch to think it will lead to her wanting to put other things in there she’s 11 maybe she just wants to be more comfortable but also I think you’re definitely overthinking because you see she’s growing up I personally started my period at 12 and was using tampons by 13 bc I was more comfortable woth them. It should be your daughter’s choice what she prefers not yours because you still look at her as your baby.
I’ve been wearing tampons since the moment I started my period. I always HATED the diaper feeling of pads.
This post is making something weird that’s not meant to be.
I’m not going to sit here & judge like i see a lot of women doing. I’ll just make a simple statement to answer the question. Tampons should not in any way give off any sexual pleasure so there’s nothing to really worry about there. If anything they’re uncomfortable sometimes. If you restrict her you could cause her more harm than good by not educating her on appropriate sizes for different flows causing pain and irritation. Tampons could save her a lot of embarrassment in school that pads often lead to.
Um I’m sorry but did someone just try to sexualize tampons?
Teach her how to use a tampon, they even have “juniors” work on finding ones for her flow and be sure to make it very clear she has to keep up with changing them due to Toxic Shock Syndrome. If she likes them she will continue to use them. If not she will probably want to go back to pads. If you say she is sneaky, then if you don’t teach her the proper way she may just get them from someone else and use them improperly and that is risky. I’d rather teach my daughter the right way. No child should have to sneak their monthly product of choice.
Sketchy no. I think it depends on her level of maturity. Is she responsible for making sure she changes it regularly to avoid things like toxic shock? Personally I was not comfortable using tampons at that age but my sister was. If she’s comfortable and understands all of the basics and knows it’s important to make sure they’re changed and how to insert them properly I don’t really see a problem. If you explain to her like if you run out you can’t stick tp up there but you can wrap your underwear or something. I think you may be a little more stressed than you need to be over this. If she’s at the period age you also should be having the sex talk too.
Okay so I’m 27 years old. And I will tell you first and foremost when I was 10 and 11 years old starting my period I never sexualized tampons or pads. Second if she wants to use them let her use them. For real though like if she wants to go swimming you can’t really swim with a pad now can you. So let her you’re worrying too much about her growing up not saying that to be rude but I think you’re thinking more of it than she would ever. She’s cramping she doesn’t like it it’s more of just a way to make work comfortable so just let her again. I’ve been using tampons since I was 10 years old and that was back in what 2004 2005…
I can’t believe you sexualized your daughter! “Sticking things inside her” are you serious!
I’d talk to her, about the dangers of tampons, and the good of tampons. Go through everything. How to put it in, how she shouldn’t feel it while it’s in, how it shouldn’t hurt while it’s in her. Cover all you’re bases, and let her use them!
I’m with you. Mine is only 10, but pads until she’s at least a teenager and then we’ll revisit the idea if she insists.
I’ve never masturbated with a tampon.
Inserting one has never got me hot and bothered.
Your daughter doesn’t need a tampon to introduce her to a good feeling. Hormones, age and normal self exploration will do that.
Let your girl grow up.
Look at some point in time it’s better she learns than not. Do you want to take the time and work with her on it. It’s better than her going behind your back and doing it and then hang up with the problem. If you think that using a tampon is sexual in anyway you better get your mental reality checked. A girl using a tampon is not an issue you thinking that she’s going to put other things inside of riverside sampan is a problem. That being said, it’s better to Nippet now and show how to properly use things even though you’re pregnant explain to her you know what I mean it’s better that you do it then you don’t because the last thing you need is her miss using it and I think up with the problem. It’s called suck it up as a mom and you deal with things like that. If you are unsure uncomfortable, Then take her to a gynecologist like your next OB/GYN appointment. Let them explain it to her then.
Toxic shock syndrome is plenty of reason to say no for now. I think my girls were 15 before I let them switch. I personally never liked them for myself. My girls however loved them. And now my daughter says she is definitely following the guidelines set for her with her daughter .
It’s only weird when you sexualized a feminine hygiene product.
A valid concern is toxic shock. I had a friend almost die from that. You need to think about if your daughter is mature enough to remember to change her tampon every 4-6 hours.
I don’t see wat the problem is,it’s a natural
Thing if
You ask me pads are the uncomfortable
One,let her use the tampon and stop making this out to be something it’s not!Geez
I never used pads. They grossed me out!
I’m allergic to pads, I have used Tampons from period #2 (number #1 revealed the allergy talk about traumatic)
Weather it be pads,tampons, cup, free bleeding? the CHOICE (bc as women we should always have choices) should be hers and what’s she’s most comfortable with.
I didn’t know about tampons until I was 15 my parents sheltered me a lot. Then I went on a band trip to a water park and couldn’t get in cause I had a pad on
Luckily one of my friends had a tampon and also showed me how to put it on if it weren’t for her I would have just missed an entire experience…
I definitely would teach her about tampons and maybe say just to use them (for right now) when she wants to go swimming/in the water that way u know that she will not have it on for a long period of time. And also know that she knows how to use one and ur the one teaching her (a better bonding experience with a mom rather than a friend) and then let her decide later if she wants to use them full time or not
If she’s going to remember to take it out and change it then I’d let her use them.
She’s too young, I’d revisit the idea once she’s older.
What will she use if she has to swim?
Ugh, I don’t think she’s trying to sexualize tampons for fear she’ll find sexual pleasure. It does have to do with a certain loss of innocence that is penetration, I believe. It doesn’t seem natural for a child that age to insert anything into her vagina. Stop being judgmental haters… it’s hard when our babies grow up.
If you told her pads only for now and you had to ask her dad to pick something up at the store why did you ask him to pick up boxes of tampons instead of just asking him to get more pads?
Stop sexualizing period products. That’s disgusting
You are DEFINITELY over thinking momma. If sex comes from this it’s because it was brought to her attention by you or friends. Taking care of her hygiene while on her period is NOT sexual and shouldn’t even include the sex talk. This is about her becoming a woman.
I think if they’re responsible enough to change correctly and on time it’s fine. Also use all cotton, organic ones (I use Lola) that will reduce the risk of TSS
I started mine young at like 8, and I was a bigger kid, like real tall for my age so I looked older than 8 but I started started tampons pretty much right away. It was a bit uncomfortable at first bc I wasn’t exactly sure of placement but once I figured figured out it was so much better than pads. Pads made me feel insecure and gross bc I feel like I could always smell myself and such.
Damn she is ok for feeing this way! I understand mine hasn’t started yet but I would feel like that as well. Then I would have to let mom mode go out the door and remember when I was that age. I used tampons because I was in soccer. Just teach her to hide the string and all those other embarrassing things that can happen
I freaked out as well but that was only because I have never used a tampon in my life so Zi had to send her to a close friend to learn about how to use them. She is now 13 and handles her hygiene quite well.
I think you need to just educate her or else she’s gonna want to do it behind your back
Cassidy Hatfield what the fuck???
Teach her , make her watch YouTube videos , Tampons for beginners.
I tried to push pads for my 11yr old granddaughter who lives part time with me, everything was fine UNTIL she went back to school and they have free tampons and pads there. She brought a cardboard tampon home and asked me again. I chose to educate her because I was afraid with her having access she wouldn’t know the dangers and those cardboard kind are ruff. YouTube has many videos that help explain the dangers & how to properly wear one and about not wearingthe same one to long. Educate her yourself that way you know she has all the information.
…This is a joke right?
I think you should stop sexualizing your daughter and let HER do what she thinks is more comfortable. I would NEVER tell my daughter she couldn’t wear a tampon simply because I (and put emphasis on the I) felt uncomfortable. I can’t believe mom’s go to the extent of dictating what menstrual item their daughter can use. And in this case, you SEXUALIZED it as an excuse. It’s disgusting. I would have taken Toxic Shock Syndrome instead. If she wants to use tampons, don’t shelter your kid. Help her get into the routine of changing it anytime she feels like she has to (she may or may not bleed heavily) or help her change every 4 hours. Educate your daughter. But for goodness sake, do NOT sexualize your daughter!
My mom was old school and country and never introduced me to a tampon. I was a whole grown dang woman at 19 living on my own the first time I bought a tampon and “tried” it out in my bathroom for hours reading and re-reading the label. Looking up about TSS. There were no YouTube tutorials back then. Please teach her now. Don’t let her be the weird girl afraid of a tampon just because no one ever introduced it to you. It’s better she learn from you than some friend who may not have it all right
Using a tampon isn’t sexual:woman_facepalming:
Noway!! Shouldn’t even be a QUESTION, way to young
You don’t want her to grow up. Let her use them if she wants to.
I started using tampons in high school. It’s completely fine that you want to wait. Just don’t wait too long.
I started my period the same week of my 7th birthday. Immediately my grandmother forced me to wear a tampon because she wanted to go to the pool. It was uncomfortable at first but I tried pads afterwards and could never get used to them. I also had a very heavy flow. I knew to change myself. She’s 11, she’ll handle it well on her own. Even if she forgets, won’t be hard to remember when she goes to the bathroom and wipes or sees a bit on her underwear to remind herself. And if you’re saying she has a habit of being sneaky, why would you give her the opportunity to be sneaky and make you upset over her own body. It’s not sexual, it’s hygienic!